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Relative to traditional professions like psychotherapy, organizational consulting includes more diverse practitioners and practices but far fewer formal requirements for entry or standards for practice. To define better boundaries around and within the field, I highlight the importance in Kenneth Eisold's and Marc Maltz's case material of distinguishing between organizational consultants and psychoanalysts and between different types of consultants in terms of their professional roles, services provided, and associated skills and knowledge. I underscore the value consultants bring to their clients when they are able to help diagnose and address performance issues that are at once social and operational, interpersonal and organizational, and unconscious and conscious.  相似文献   

Contemporary models for athlete development and performance preparation in sport have advocated a role re-conceptualisation for coaches grounded as learning environment designers. Within this re-conceptualisation, expert practitioners are encouraged to draw upon their experiential knowledge to design representative and meaningful learning activities that place the performer-environment interaction at its core. However, we propose that, currently, a critical source of experiential knowledge is often overlooked within the process of learning design – that of performers. Specifically, practitioner-performer interactions could enrich the design of learning environments by promoting the utilisation of soliciting affordances and encouraging the psychological engagement of performers. This paper introduces the concept of representative co-design – a notion which builds on existing research by framing how the insights and experiences of performers can be negotiated within the design of practice tasks that seek to faithfully simulate interacting constraints of competition to enrich learning environments. We frame the notion of representative co-design, and contend its importance within more contemporary athlete development and performance preparation models, at two levels: (i) that of enriching physical education curricula to develop thought provoking, ‘intelligent’ child/adolescent learners, and (ii) that of enriching contemporary athlete preparation models in high-performance sport to enhance learning and engagement, and to develop ‘next generation’ coaches within current athletes. To bring this conceptualisation to life, we present two exemplars demonstrating the notion of representative co-design, while concurrently highlighting areas for future research.  相似文献   


This article presents a pilot project in which reminiscence group members read mystics from several religious traditions to select imagery about the mystical theme of an unconditionally accepted “Core Self.” The perspective from “Core Self,” in turn, reframes unforgiving judgments some members have made about their personal history, ameliorates meager levels of self-esteem through which they have reviewed their life, and draws from their reminiscences more functional ways of managing current issues. The article concludes with examples of members offering additional insights into the life review of three colleagues that enhance the benefits of the project.  相似文献   


Since Freud's Dream Interpretation and his additional writings on the analysis of dreams, the technique of handling a dream report within the analytic session has remained nearly unchanged. It is characterised by dream-centred associations and their interpretation in regard to dream content and to transference. This approach constitutes an alien element within contemporary interactional psychoanalytic technique and tends to provoke resistances in the analytic dialogue. This article stresses the function of dream reporting during the session with respect to the interactional process. It is concluded that sufficient attention should be given to interactional analysis of dream reporting in accordance with the questions: Why does the patient at this point of the process tell a dream, and why does he tell this very dream instead of another?  相似文献   

In three experiments, we found that after a subtle suggestion, subjects falsely recognized words from their own dreams and thought they had been presented during the waking state. The procedure used in these studies involved three phases. Subjects studied a list of words on Day 1. On Day 2, they received a false suggestion that some words from their previously reported dreams had been presented on the list. On Day 3, they tried to recall only what had occurred on the initial list. Subjects falsely recognized their dream words at a very high rate—sometimes as often as they accurately recognized true words. They reported that they genuinely “remembered” the dream words, as opposed to simply “knowing” that they had been previously presented. These findings, which suggest that dreams can sometimes be mistaken for reality, have significant implications for the practice of psychotherapy.  相似文献   


In 2015, a duty came into effect requiring all public bodies, including schools, to engage with the UK Government’s Prevent counter-terrorism strategy. This article presents two case studies from mid-size English cities, exploring the moral prototypes and institutional identities of professional mediators who made schools aware of their duties under Prevent. Mediators in each case included serving and former police, teachers and policy advisers, the majority of whom are now private consultants or operating small 3rd sector agencies. Drawing from in-depth interviews with 14 professionals, the article details the ways in which participants constructed their relationship to normative, deliberative and legal obligations. The article focuses on the recurrence of a high profile critical media incident in which a young child was allegedly subject to a referral for writing about living in a ‘terrorist’ (rather than ‘terraced’) house. Reaction to this incident was archetypal of the fear of media moral panic in reconstituting mediators’ identities as Prevent professionals, illustrating how the enframing of events shifts professional moral codes, policy interpretation and implementation.  相似文献   


Dreams are associated with those issues of our waking life which preoccupy us emotionally. According to our Daseinsanalytic view, however, the issue that concerns us while dreaming is actually not the concrete worrying matter itself, but its existential dimension. This view is based on Martin Heidegger's concept of human being as that being to which its own being is an issue. It means that all feeling and understanding dealing with concrete issues concurrently refer to fundamental issues of our existence. Dreaming though, we are focused entirely on the fundamental aspects. Dreams show the very individual and specific struggle of the dreamer with certain conditions of human life, which he or she is unable or unwilling to accept because they seem too difficult to endure. I want to demonstrate this method of interpretation on a dream of a depressive patient. The example illustrates that the concerns of dreaming are rooted in and refer to an existential dilemma that is hidden in the concrete difficulties of waking life and represented in the concrete dream events. In addition, it gives us the opportunity to inquire into the specificity of the fundamental dilemma of a personality with a “depressive view” of the world.  相似文献   

ObjectivesA multi-action plan (MAP) intervention model has been applied to the Italian shooting team in preparation for the London 2012 Olympics to help athletes improve, stabilise, and optimise their performances during practice and competition.DesignA longitudinal design was adopted to assess the intervention effects over two years.MethodsFifteen participants, two female and three male carbine shooters, and five female and five male pistol shooters, took part in the study. First, shooters were requested to accurately and extensively describe their usually optimal sequence of actions for the execution of a single shot from start to follow-through. Second, shooters were asked to identify a small number of the most important core components (three or four) deemed fundamental to optimal performance. Third, performers were engaged in several shooting sessions and asked to assess themselves by rating the quality of each core component. Finally, the most influential core components were further assessed under conditions of increased distress and simulated competition.ResultsCore component ratings were linked to shooting scores classified as optimal or suboptimal. The probability levels of optimal/suboptimal performance associated with the core component ratings were derived using logistical ordinal regression analysis. The full links among core component scores and the full range of shooting scores were also examined through path analysis.ConclusionsFindings highlighted the benefits of using the MAP intervention model in the preparation of elite level shooters.  相似文献   

In this article the author recounts a Chinese folktale from the viewpoint of the traveling dream soul, which, according to ancient Chinese understanding, may enter all forms of life. This narrative aims to restore and honor the folktale's ancient roots in the Han dynasty classical Chinese medical model, which included storytelling. Accordingly, the story transmits the psychological and spiritual facets of Chinese medical practice that Chairman Mao had censored. Reconnected with these roots, as shown by the commentary that follows the retelling, this story of a pure-hearted boy's dream offers a physiological and psychological treatment of addiction and accompanying oppressions through a detailed creative movement of compassion that follows the life force.  相似文献   

How do expert performers practice as they develop creatively? This study investigated the processes involved in the practice of new skills by expert breakdancers. A great deal of evidence supports the theory of “deliberate practice” (Ericsson, Krampe, & Tesch‐Römer, 1993, Psychological Review, 100, 363) in skill acquisition; however, expert creative performers may emphasize other forms of practice for skill development. Four case studies collected through fieldwork and laboratory observation were analyzed to evaluate expert dancers’ practice processes as they developed proficiency in new, specific skills. We focused on three aspects of learning: the degree of skill acquisition, the content of skills included in practice, and dancers’ stated purposes for practicing. The results showed that dancers’ practice improved skills (as suggested by deliberate practice) and engaged the exploration of new, original skills, along with coordinating skills within performance. In their practice, these dance experts went beyond deliberative practice to highly exploratory processes for skill development.  相似文献   


From 1993 until 1999 the author undertook a qualitative doctoral research project into the transition of New Zealand social workers from salaried agency employment to private practice (van Heugten, 1999). This private practice was almost exclusively in psychotherapy and coun seling. During semi-structured interviews in which a range of topics was covered, respondents were asked what part they thought their life history had played in their decision to become social workers and to become pri vate practitioners. Respondents talked about their parents' political per spectives, their own educational experiences, religion and spirituality, and immigrant status. Many respondents disclosed traumatic early life experi ences. Analysis of narratives revealed the prevalence of a perception of be ing outsiders; of viewing and responding to significant situations differently from other people. Whilst respondents struggled with a perva sive sense of personal and occupational marginalization, they also recognized that their capacity to adopt an outsider perspective made a positive contribution to their practice as social workers and as psychotherapists or counselors.  相似文献   


This article presents a model in which facilitators of life review groups can enhance the self-acceptance of members troubled by memories that seem to confirm their self-as-failed. By incorporating into the group's agenda discussions based on readings from religious mystical traditions East and West, the themes of True-Self, Mystical Night, and Engaged Detachment can move reviewers to own their past, celebrate it as gift, and feel purposeful about their future.  相似文献   


Public school districts frequently seek professional consultation to improve educational services. This article is an overview of the focus, scope, and practice of behavioral consultation to public schools. A four-stage process of consultation is described, followed by a discussion on the expanding role of behavior support intervention. Next, the involvement of consultants in the design of individual-student, classroom-wide, and whole-school programs is considered. Contemporary approaches to consultation are presented such as positive behavior support, functional behavioral assessment, and efficacy evaluation that targets natural data sources. A concluding section sets forth recommendations for the successful practice of public school behavioral consultation.  相似文献   


The article gives an overview of what Freud and Ferenczi had to say in their correspondence about their own relationship, and how they dealt with problems that arose between them. It includes a list of short selected quotes from the correspondence.  相似文献   


This article describes the essential aspects of a creative, experiential course in dream interpretation for psychology and counseling students. Such a course offers counselor educators an opportunity to develop basic interviewing and advanced processing techniques in their students while facilitating greater self-exploration and improved relational functioning. The authors measured students' self-reported change in their overall functioning and satisfaction with self, others, and their future. Finally, practicing counselors may find the techniques outlined in this article useful in their own work with clients.  相似文献   


Data from life review interviews with elder Catholic women religious show that through prayer they are able to experience solitude and to feel connected with others. Their experience is not completely explained by either the disengagement theory nor by the newer theory of gerotranscendence. Because prayer connects them to others, they do not experience complete social withdrawal; rather, prayer functions as a modified social activity connecting them to their past, to God, to the community in which they live, as well as to the wider world. They also do not develop a new transcendent meta-perspective, but deepen into cherished life beliefs and practices, accepting and becoming more fully who they are as individuals and as older women.  相似文献   

Recent cases of sexual abuse of athletes have drawn significant concern amongst stakeholders in sport and the public at-large. The fact that the perpetrators in many cases of athlete abuse had numerous victims over the span of several years raises questions of who might have known or suspected that athletes were being harmed. Sexual abuse cases should serve as an impetus for all of us in sport psychology to interrogate our roles and responsibilities as consultants and researchers in the protection of athletes. We propose that future research in applied sport psychology and education of consultants address maltreatment and safeguarding.

Lay Summary: In the following article, we propose that more attention in the research and practice of sport psychology should be devoted to understanding maltreatment of athletes and ways to protect athletes from harm.  相似文献   

In this article I describe the sources of my indigenous theology out of my own experiences, my worldview, and as a woman. In the first part, I mention our struggles of resistance as the source from which we draw our strength and hopes to resist oppression and dream of a different society, as our ancestors dreamed and acted. I then speak of our living for the day as an act of ideological resistance. It is possible that many readers do not yet understand it, but this involves a worldview different from that of Western capitalism. Some communities in the Amazon still practise this other worldview and take it as their guide. They live day by day, concerned not for the morrow but for the present day; they attempt to live a life of quality, justice and honesty, as if it were the last day of their lives. The source from which our theological enterprise springs is also our wise men and women, who still survive in our communities. They are the guardians of our ancestral wisdom on life, the cosmos and our relations with the created world and its creatures. Moreover, our lifestyle is based on caring for and protecting Pachamama as one of the joint creators with God, who offers us life and enables us to live in the world as brothers and sisters, because we come into being in Pachamama and return to her.  相似文献   


Given a heightened focus within the mental health profession on creative, complementary, and alternative practices, the authors surveyed CACREP programs with respect to their inclusion of such approaches in counselor training. For the purpose of this study, these approaches were designated as complementary and alternative methods (CAM) and defined as those therapeutic practices that fall outside of the established traditional realm of medical, psychiatric, and psychological practice (hypnotherapy, breath work, meditation, Qigong, Reiki, Thought Field Therapy, etc.). Sixty-two programs responded. Over half (54%) stated that they currently include these approaches in course offerings. This article includes a discussion of creativity, expressive arts, and energy psychology as they relate to complementary and alternative therapies in mental health and medicine.  相似文献   

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