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Howe  Leroy T. 《Pastoral Psychology》1998,46(5):347-362
This article examines the concept of self-differentiation in family systems theory and therapy from an explicitly theological perspective and seeks to advance the discussion of its pastoral applications begun by the late and revered Edwin Friedman.  相似文献   

高凌霞 《现代哲学》2005,(4):113-122,128
根据祁尔松(Etienne Gilson)的说法,中世纪哲学,尤其是十三世纪的思想,是基督宗教哲学。本文按其在台湾发展时所袭用的名词,称之为士林哲学。士林哲学之传入中国,虽然早在利玛窦时期(1550—1610)已经开始,但真正成为学术思想之主流之一,是最近五十年来在台湾地区的发展。20世纪初士林哲学初传入台湾时,当时的思想环境,对基督宗教哲学并不十分友善,这种种情况,与中世纪的思想家,面对信仰与神学之挑战相似。当时的思想家,融合各种不同的思想派系,对柏拉图与亚理斯多德的观念,重新诠释与批判,批判与诠释是创新的基础。所以,中世纪可说是哲学的第二春,而中世纪哲学之精华,即全盛期的士林哲学。十四世纪唯名论之后,士林哲学逐步式微,于十九世纪末再兴。本文认为,士林哲学在台湾发展之过程,与其在中世纪之盛行,及十九世纪末之再兴,背景虽异但有不少相似之处,而这些相似之处,正是士林哲学之基本思想与立场。本文对台湾士林哲学之发展,从四方面探讨:(1)回到形上学之根以面对新的挑战;(2)形上学基本立场与概念之说明;(3)反思与批判;(4)未来发展之方向。本文所参考之资料,一是已发表之学术文献;其二是与学者们之正式交谈——如学术演讲、座谈会等,及非正式之谈话、访问等。  相似文献   

A Gender-role Perspective of Coping and Burnout   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cette étude explore la relation entre la dépression, le stress professionnel et les réactions positives chez du personnel scolaire des deux sexes. Les résultats indiquent que les hommes présentent un score significativement plus élevé que celui des femmes à l'échelle de dépersonnalisation du "Mas-lach Burnout Inventory". Alors que les hommes sont plus que les femmes victimes de stress au travail et cela de façon significative, ils ont aussi une plus faible probabilité de faire appel à des techniques de compensation en particulier dans la qualité de Ieur vie quotidienne (les investissements dans les relations amicales et les activités culturelles). D'autres données suggèrent que les femmes sont plus que les hommes capables d'utiliser des stratégies susceptibles de contrecarrer l'effondrement. Chez les hommes, la dépression reléve à la fois du stress professionnel et des enfants: la présence d'enfants élève significativement le niveau de dépression d'un homme.
This study examines the relationship between burnout, work stress, and coping in female and male school personnel. Results indicated that men, compared to women, scored significantly higher on depersonalisation, one of the subscales of the Maslach Burnout Inventory. Men were experiencing significantly greater work stress than women, but were less likely than their female counterparts to employ coping techniques, particularly with regard to their quality of daily life, investment in friends, and cultural activities. Further results suggested that women were better able to use coping strategies to reduce burnout than men. In men, burnout appeared to be a joint function of work stress and children, with the presence of children significantly raising a man's level of burnout.  相似文献   

Discipleship and Spirituality from a Christian Perspective   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Spirituality is an important aspect of being a human. One may approach this topic from a purely psychological or religious perspective. In this paper, it is argued that spirituality as defined from a purely psychological perspective is inadequate to capture the depth of this human experience because it misses the core of spirituality—discipleship. Following Foster’s (1998) Streams of Living Water, it will be argued that discipleship is the core of Christian spirituality, and each of these streams provides an important context for fostering one’s relationship to the transcendent.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to provide a conceptual framework for understanding the topic of public aid to Christian schools in a Reformed Christian perspective. To do so, I need to clarify a Reformed Christian approach in regard to this topic and then review the studies of the issue in legal and educational aspects in the light of the Reformed perspective. Through reviewing legal and educational discussions, I argue that Christian schools are necessary for people to exercise their religious freedom and make a society more moral and spiritual and thus deserve receiving public aid. Nevertheless, public aid to religious schools needs to be carried out in a careful, restricted way.  相似文献   

Using the theoretical lens of self-determination theory, we examined correlates of burnout among high school athletic directors (N = 477, M = 45.8 years of age). Structural equation modeling of data from this cross-sectional study indicated that autonomy support from supervisors was positively associated with satisfaction of the three psychological needs (i.e., autonomy, competence, relatedness), whereas controlling behavior from supervisors was negatively correlated with psychological needs satisfaction. Competence was positively correlated with self-determination (autonomy and relatedness were not), which in turn was strongly associated with three dimensions of burnout.  相似文献   

We all long for relationships with others, because only in connecting with others can we develop our intrapsychic structure and become functional adults. We are psychologically predisposed to have a constant connection with others and are driven toward relationships with others. Our deepest yearnings are therefore devoted to building solid dialogue as the means of becoming fully human. We, therefore, consciously or unconsciously, long for a relationship where we can experience happiness, satisfaction and, above all, redemption or salvation from our dreads, miseries and unhappiness. In this article we presuppose that a therapeutic relationship, demonstrated in a psychoanalytic setting, namely in relational family therapy, can contain redemptive dimensions in which the inextinguishable longing for salvation is always present.
Christian GostecnikEmail:

运用问卷调查法从归因视角对企业员工工作倦怠进行探讨,结果表明:(1)采用安戈夫(Angof)f方法得到倦怠标准的界定分数,其中情绪耗竭维度为21分,玩世不恭维度为14分,成就感低落维度为19分;(2)归因的物质环境、人际关系与价值感因子均与情绪耗竭、玩世不恭呈显著正相关,与成就感低落呈显著负相关,而归因的生活态度因子仅与个人成就感低落呈显著负相关;(3)人际关系与价值感因子对情绪耗竭有显著的正向预测作用;价值感因子对玩世不恭有显著的正向预测作用;物质环境与生活态度因子对成就感低落有显著的负向预测作用。  相似文献   

本文对基督教传统的人性观进行了概括,简要梳理了现代基督教人观的发展。本文中名为"奥古斯丁—阿奎那传统"的传统人观强调人内在与外在的区别,认为"上帝的形象"体现在无性别的单一灵魂或者理性中,这种实在的理性将人与万物区别开来。与这种实体性的人观相反,现代基督教人观更强调人存在于与某种超越的终极实在的关系之中,以及人作为男性或女性与其他人形成的关系之中。人格的人是每个人发展这两个方面位格关系所有的结果。成为人首先意味着成为一个男人或者女人,以此差别为基础反映了三位一体上帝的形象。现代基督教人观打破了自启蒙以来把人理解为"理性人"的抽象观念。  相似文献   

Comment on Confucian Family Love from a Christian Perspective   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Sidney Callahan 《Dao》2008,7(2):145-149

Journal of Religion and Health - The aim of this study was to explore the suitability of a Christian 12-step program based on a biblical perspective for smartphone-addicted adolescents. The study...  相似文献   

文献研究表明,国内护士职业倦怠现象相当普遍,其重要症结是制度非正义.这种制度非正义表现在三个方面,即护士的社会地位低;护士的劳动报酬低;护士的个人发展空间受限.因此,预防和消除护士职业倦怠现象应该从以下三个方面入手:尊重护士,提高其社会地位;提高劳动报酬,让护士生活得有尊严;拓展护士个人发展空间.  相似文献   

Canada receives roughly 250,000 immigrants each year, and the government spends considerable resources on assisting them to settle and integrate into Canadian society through the agencies they support. Most of these new immigrants settle in Canada’s largest cities, where churches meet specific needs that extend beyond the capacities of government agencies. In smaller centers, churches cover a wide range of services because few government supports are available. Little is known about the work of churches in Canada in spite of their importance to immigrant settlement and integration. In this study, we examine the services offered to immigrants by Canadian Christian churches. We show how the service provision of Christian churches is constrained by other organizations and groups in their environment, in ways consonant with the organizational ecology framework. Specifically, churches service the needs of immigrants by adapting to specific niche needs and by filling in gaps left by other service providers.  相似文献   

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