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From an operational perspective, attention is a matter of organizing multiple brain centres to act in concert on the task at hand. Taking focal visual attention as an example, recent anatomical findings suggest that the pulvinar might act as a remote hub for coordinating spatial activity within multiple cortical visual maps. The pulvinar can, in turn, be influenced by signals originating in the frontal and parietal eye fields, using common visuomotor neural circuitry, with the superior colliculus acting as an important link. By identifying a complex, real neural architecture ('RNA') model for attention, it is possible to integrate several different modes of operation - such as parallel or serial, bottom-up or top-down, preattentive or attentive - that characterize conflicting cognitive models of attention in visual search paradigms.  相似文献   

Change blindness illustrates a remarkable limitation in visual processing by demonstrating that substantial changes in a visual scene can go undetected. Because these changes can ultimately be detected using top-down driven search processes, many theories assign a central role to spatial attention in overcoming change blindness. Surprisingly, it has been reported that change blindness can occur during blink-contingent changes even when observers fixate the changing location [O'Regan, J. K., Deubel, H., Clark, J. J., & Rensink, R. A. (2000). Picture changes during blinks: Looking without seeing and seeing without looking. Visual Cognition, 7, 191-212]. However, eye blinks produce a transient disruption of vision that is independent of any associated changes in the retinal image. We determined whether these 'attentive blank stares' could occur in the absence of blink-mediated visual suppression. Using a flicker change-blindness paradigm we confirm that despite direct attentive fixations, obvious scene changes often remain undetected. We conclude that change detection involves object or feature based attentional mechanisms, which can be 'misdirected' despite the allocation of spatial attention to the position of the change.  相似文献   

It has been claimed that the detection of a feature singleton can be based on activity in a feature map that allows coarse coding that something unique is present in the visual field. In the present study, participants detected the presence or absence of a color singleton. Even though the letter form of the color singleton was task-irrelevant, we showed that repeating the letter form of the singleton resulted in repetition priming on the next trial. Such repetition priming was not found when a nonsingleton letter was repeated as the singleton. Since the letter form of the color singleton could only be picked up by focal attention, the repetition priming effect indicates that focal attention is allocated to the feature singleton even in the simplest present-absent feature detection tasks. We showed that this effect is equally strong in conditions of low and high perceptual load. These results are inconsistent with theories that it is possible to detect a feature singleton without directing some form of attention to its location.  相似文献   

Seventy-five left and right brain-damaged patients, with or without hemispatial neglect, and 40 age-matched control subjects were tested on cancellation tasks with two different visual textures modeled after Julesz (1981). In one condition (“preattentive”), target elements segregated easily from background elements and were perceived effortlessly. In the other (“attentive”), target elements did not segregate easily and could be detected only after prolonged focal scrutiny. Both controls and patients were more accurate and faster on the preattentive than attentive texture. However, only neglect patients were disproportionately impaired on the attentive texture, thus suggesting that unilateral neglect is exacerbated by the low visual salience of the stimuli and a higher engagement of focal attention. Thus, a simple bedside test may help to tell apart the level of visual information processing maximally impaired in neglect patients.  相似文献   

采用多目标追踪任务(MOT)对追踪过程中被试(16名)的眼动进行记录,探讨目标特征变化对视觉追踪的影响。结果表明:视觉追踪机制能够对物体的特征属性进行编码加工,但加工程度受制于目标物与分心物之间的特征竞争关系;追踪过程中,视觉系统采用知觉组织加工策略,以被追踪目标构成的多边形中心为注意中心;物体大小特征没有引起较多的外源性注意,在物体大小特征的变化条件下,视觉追踪主要是内源性的注意控制加工过程。  相似文献   

Recent research suggests that information held in working memory can facilitate subsequent attentional processing. Here, we explore the negative corollary of this conception: Under which circumstances does information in working memory disrupt subsequent processing? Seventy participants performed visual discriminations in a dual-task paradigm. They were asked to judge colors or shapes in an online attention task under three different working-memory conditions: Same, Switch, or Unknown. In the Same condition, participants selectively maintained one visual feature in working memory, from the same dimension as in the online attention task. In the Switch condition, participants selectively maintained one visual feature in working memory, but had to focus on another visual dimension in the online attention task. In the Unknown condition, participants could not predict which visual feature would be relevant for the working-memory task. We found that irrelevant features in the online attention task were particularly difficult to ignore in the Switch condition, that is, when the irrelevant features belong to a visual dimension that is simultaneously prioritized in selective working memory. The findings are consistent with accounts in terms of neural overlap between working-memory and attention circuits, and suggest that mechanisms of selection, rather than resource limitations, critically determine the extent of visual interference.  相似文献   

注意在视觉特征捆绑中的作用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过两项视觉特征捆绑实验,探讨注意的作用及机制。实验1采用双任务范式,考察不同注意分散水平下的错觉性结合(IC)差异。实验2采用空间提示范式,考察集中注意和分散注意条件下的IC差异。两个实验结果都表明,注意在视觉特征捆绑中起重要作用,集中注意能有效地减少IC的出现。同时,注意对特征捆绑的调节作用表现出距离效应,即近距离比远距离的IC错误多,提示注意的作用机制可能与空间距离信息有关。  相似文献   

In working memory (WM) tasks, performance can be boosted by directing attention to one memory object: When a retro-cue in the retention interval indicates which object will be tested, responding is faster and more accurate (the retro-cue benefit). We tested whether the retro-cue benefit in WM depends on sustained attention to the cued object by inserting an attention-demanding interruption task between the retro-cue and the memory test. In the first experiment, the interruption task required participants to shift their visual attention away from the cued representation and to a visual classification task on colors. In the second and third experiments, the interruption task required participants to shift their focal attention within WM: Attention was directed away from the cued representation by probing another representation from the memory array prior to probing the cued object. The retro-cue benefit was not attenuated by shifts of perceptual attention or by shifts of attention within WM. We concluded that sustained attention is not needed to maintain the cued representation in a state of heightened accessibility.  相似文献   

Previous research has indicated that conditioning depends on contingency awareness (CA). However, we argue that these studies have examined this issue under methodological conditions that might be insensitive to associative learning without CA. In the present study we examined the effect of an experimental manipulation of CA on attentive processing of classically conditioned stimuli, which is sensitive to associative learning with and without CA. We found that aversive conditioning with additional contingency instructions modulated visual attention, in the sense that the conditioned cues captured and held attention more strongly than the non-conditioned cues. Surprisingly, conditioning under conditions of restricted CA yielded a response pattern that was different from that under full CA. These findings suggest that conditioning with full and restricted CA can lead to qualitatively different effects on attention.  相似文献   

采用变化觉察范式,在工作记忆保持阶段插入客体特征辨别或视觉搜索次任务,探讨基于客体的注意和基于空间的注意对视觉工作记忆外部特征绑定表征的影响。结果发现,与单特征相比,两类次任务均对外部特征绑定的记忆成绩损耗更大。这表明视觉工作记忆中外部特征绑定的表征比单特征消耗更多基于客体的注意和更多基于空间的注意。  相似文献   

We propose a system of interconnected modules consisting of populations of neurons for modelling the underlying mechanisms involved in selective visual attention. We demonstrate that it is plausible to build a neural system for visual search, which works across the visual field in parallel, but, due to the intrinsic dynamics of the system, resembles apparent modes of visual attention, namely the serial focal and the parallel spread over the space mode. Thus, neither explicit serial focal search nor saliency maps need to be assumed. A focal attentional spotlight is not included in the system but rather focal attention emerges due to the convergence of the dynamic behaviour of the neural networks. The dynamics of the system can be interpreted as a mechanism for routing information from the sensory input.  相似文献   

Outcomes of actions, in the form of rewards and punishments, are known to shape behavior. For example, an action followed by reward will be more readily elicited on subsequent encounters with the same stimuli and context -- a phenomenon known as the law of effect. These consequences of rewards (and punishments) are important because they reinforce adaptive behaviors at the expense of competing ones, thus increasing fitness of the organism in its environment. However, it is unknown whether similar influences regulate covert mental processes, such as visual selective attention. Visual selective attention allows privileged processing of task-relevant information, while inhibiting distracting contextual elements. Using variable monetary rewards as arbitrary feedback on performance, we tested whether acts of attentional selection, and in particular the resulting aftereffects, can be modulated by their consequences. Results show that the efficacy of visual selective attention can be sensibly adjusted by external feedback. Specifically, although lingering inhibition of distractors is robust after highly rewarded selections, it is eliminated after poorly rewarded selections. This powerful feature of visual selective attention provides attentive processes with both flexibility and self-regulation properties.  相似文献   

Mainstream theories of visual perception assume that visual working memory (VWM) is critical for integrating online perceptual information and constructing coherent visual experiences in changing environments. Given the dynamic interaction between online perception and VWM, we propose that how visual information is processed during visual perception can directly determine how the information is going to be selected, consolidated, and maintained in VWM. We demonstrate the validity of this hypothesis by investigating what kinds of perceptual information can be stored as integrated objects in VWM. Three criteria for object-based storage are introduced: (a) automatic selection of task-irrelevant features, (b) synchronous consolidation of multiple features, and (c) stable maintenance of feature conjunctions. The results show that the outputs of parallel perception meet all three criteria, as opposed to the outputs of serial attentive processing, which fail all three criteria. These results indicate that (a) perception and VWM are not two sequential processes, but are dynamically intertwined; (b) there are dissociated mechanisms in VWM for storing information identified at different stages of perception; and (c) the integrated object representations in VWM originate from the "preattentive" or "proto" objects created by parallel perception. These results suggest how visual perception, attention, and VWM can be explained by a unified framework.  相似文献   

Are integrated objects the unit of capacity of visual working memory, or is continued attention needed to maintain bindings between independently stored features? In a delayed recall task, participants reported the color and shape of a probed item from a memory array. During the delay, attention was manipulated with an exogenous cue. Recall was elevated at validly cued positions, indicating that the cue affected item memory. On invalid trials, participants most frequently recalled either both features (perfect object memory) or neither of the two features (no object memory); the frequency with which only one feature was recalled was significantly lower than predicted by feature independence as determined in a single-feature recall task. These data do not support the view that features are remembered independently when attention is withdrawn. Instead, integrated objects are stored in visual working memory without need for continued attention.  相似文献   

Is visual attention required for visual consciousness? In the past decade, many researchers have claimed that awareness can arise in the absence of attention. This claim is largely based on the notion that natural scene (or "gist") perception occurs without attention. This article presents evidence against this idea. We show that when observers perform a variety of demanding, sustained-attention tasks, inattentional blindness occurs for natural scenes. In addition, scene perception is impaired under dual-task conditions, but only when the primary task is sufficiently demanding. This finding suggests that previous studies that have been interpreted as demonstrating scene perception without attention failed to fully engage attention and that natural-scene perception does indeed require attention. Thus, natural-scene perception is not a preattentive process and cannot be used to support the idea of awareness without attention.  相似文献   

In three experiments, I examined whether prior knowledge of a target feature dimension is useful for guiding spatial attention to the target in a variety of tasks: visual search (Experiments 1A and 1B), texture segregation (Experiment 2), and visual enumeration (Experiment 3). Experiment 1A used a simple search task and found that reaction times for blocks in which a target was defined within a single feature dimension were shorter than those for blocks in which a target was defined across dimensions (within-dimension facilitation: WDF). Intertrial facilitation (ITF; Müller, Heller, & Ziegler, 1995), a dimension-based priming effect from one trial to the immediately following one, was also observed. Both WDF and ITF disappeared when the same stimuli were used under a compound search task (Experiment 1B), in which participants responded to an attribute of the target in a feature dimension different from its defining dimensions. Experiments 2 and 3 showed that WDF and ITF are not necessarily contingent upon each other: In a texture discrimination task, only WDF was found; in an enumeration task for six or seven targets, only ITF was found. These results show that the two forms of dimension weighting, WDF and ITF, are mediated by different mechanisms. WDF was eliminated when focal attention to targets was required, suggesting that feature-based modulation is limited as a source for controlling spatial attention (Kumada, 1999). ITF was correlated with type of response, suggesting dimension-specific response mechanisms (Cohen & Shoup, 1997).  相似文献   

In three experiments, I examined whether prior knowledge of a target feature dimension is useful for guiding spatial attention to the target in a variety of tasks: visual search (Experiments 1A and 1B), texture segregation (Experiment 2), and visual enumeration (Experiment 3). Experiment 1A used a simple search task and found that reaction times for blocks in which a target was defined within a single feature dimension were shorter than those for blocks in which a target was defined across dimensions (within-dimension facilitation; WDF). Intertrial facilitation (ITF; Müller, Heller, & Ziegler, 1995), a dimension-based priming effect from one trial to the immediately following one, was also observed. Both WDF and ITF disappeared when the same stimuli were used under a compound search task (Experiment 1B), in which participants responded to an attribute of the target in a feature dimension different from its defining dimensions. Experiments 2 and 3 showed that WDF and ITF are not necessarily contingent upon each other: In a texture discrimination task, only WDF was found; in an enumeration task for six or seven targets, only ITF was found. These results show that the two forms of dimension weighting, WDF and ITF, are mediated by different mechanisms. WDF was eliminated when focal attention to targets was required, suggesting that feature-based modulation is limited as a source for controlling spatial attention (Kumada, 1999). ITF was correlated with type of response, suggesting dimension-specific response mechanisms (Cohen & Shoup, 1997).  相似文献   

This study tested the hypothesis that even the simplest cognitive tasks require the storage of information in working memory (WM), distorting any information that was previously stored in WM. Experiment 1 tested this hypothesis by requiring observers to perform a simple letter discrimination task while they were holding a single orientation in WM. We predicted that performing the task on the interposed letter stimulus would cause the orientation memory to become less precise and more categorical compared to when the letter was absent or when it was present but could be ignored. This prediction was confirmed. Experiment 2 tested the modality specificity of this effect by replacing the visual letter discrimination task with an auditory pitch discrimination task. Unlike the interposed visual stimulus, the interposed auditory stimulus produced little or no disruption of WM, consistent with the use of modality‐specific representations. Thus, performing a simple visual discrimination task, but not a simple auditory discrimination task, distorts information about a single feature being maintained in visual WM. We suggest that the interposed task eliminates information stored within the focus of attention, leaving behind a WM representation outside the focus of attention that is relatively imprecise and categorical.  相似文献   

Previous human implicit learning studies have mostly investigated implicit associations between two consecutive stimuli or between a stimulus and the subsequent response (e.g., Cleeremans, Destrebecqz, & Boyer, Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 2(10), 406–416, 1998). In the present study, participants’ response speed was used as a cue to predict an upcoming target feature. We called this new type of cueing, “cueing-by-response” (CBR). We investigated whether CBR could be learned implicitly. Participants performed two tasks: participants quickly responded to a target in the simple detection task and determined the orientation of a new target in the consecutive visual search task. We applied a contingency that the target location in the visual search task was determined by the participant’s response speed in the preceding simple detection task. The results demonstrated that participants learned the contingency without conscious awareness; they searched for the target more efficiently in the visual search task as the experiment progressed. But when the target appeared in a random location, this efficiency disappeared. Moreover, the experimental group exhibited faster response speeds to the target in the visual search task compared with the control groups, which had no contingency. These results suggest that individuals may use the relative speed of their own response as a predictive cue to guide spatial attention toward upcoming target locations, and CBR can be implicitly learned.  相似文献   

This study examined the role of attention in maintaining feature bindings in visual short-term memory. In a change-detection paradigm, participants attempted to detect changes in the colors and orientations of multiple objects; the changes consisted of new feature values in a feature-memory condition and changes in how existing feature values were combined in a binding-memory condition. In the critical experiment, a demanding visual search task requiring sequential shifts of spatial attention was interposed during the delay interval of the change-detection task. If attention is more important for the maintenance of feature bindings than for the maintenance of unbound feature values, the attention-requiring search task should specifically disrupt performance in the binding-memory task. Contrary to this proposal, it was found that memory for bindings and memory for features were equally impaired by the search task.  相似文献   

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