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勾稽沉湮的历史,我们发现,谢氏家族有较为严重的遗传病史。为此,谢家采用三种方式应对:即归诚道门、重视草药疗效与纵情丘壑。这中间,最重要的是乞灵于五斗米教——与钱塘杜子恭交往。然而,这种信仰因孙恩起义而被强行中断,谢家只保留了东山养病的远祖遗风。这对于我们深入理解谢家“东山”遗风,以及谢家在山水文学中的突出贡献,都不无裨益。  相似文献   

<正>这是一个已咨询20多次的个案。咨询师是个新手。最近她中断了一个月的督导,督导师主动联系她做一次督导。咨询师突然中断咨询被督:“我们已经有一个月没有联系了。一个月前我也只是收到你的短信通知,说你临时有事需要暂停督导一段时间。不知道你发生了什么事情,我非常担心,一直等着你联系我。但一个月过去了,我还没有收到你的信息。所以我主动约你谈一次,能说一下发生了什么吗?”  相似文献   

莱布尼茨不允许主动的力参与到物质的创建中并成为其构成性的要素,这造成了其单子论体系的第一个逻辑中断;而从有机的自然直接跳跃到力学与几何学的自然,则构成了其体系的第二个逻辑中断。胡塞尔通过意向性理论和类型学概念,很大程度上避免了莱布尼茨式的两次中断;但在讨论"原自我"和"原非我"间类似于呼吸的关系时,却依然陷入了逻辑中断。本文认为,通过现象学重建,朱熹的理气论可以很好地弥合以莱布尼兹和胡塞尔为代表的西方单子论体系中的逻辑中断;并由此提出,建立一门气的现象学,不仅在学理上是必要的,而且完全有可能成立。  相似文献   

张存道 《天风》1994,(2):29-30
尽管他们职业卑微。寄居异境 但他们一样能为主作出美好的见证。  相似文献   

颜福庆 《天风》2008,(1):33-33
颜氏家族,在20世纪中国现代化初期的宗教界、教育界、医务界有重大影响,为推进中美两大国的文化合作与友谊作出了不可磨灭的贡献.家族中声名显赫的有:上海圣约翰大学学监(校长)颜永京、杰出外交家颜惠庆、医学教育家颜福庆、铁路工程师颜德庆等等.在颜福庆那一代,颜家人才辈出,盛极一时.颜福庆6岁丧父,此后一直寄居在伯父颜永京家.  相似文献   

陶渊明与谢灵运是我国魏晋南北朝时期两位著名的诗人,陶渊明是田园诗的开创者,谢灵运是山水诗的开创者。田因诗与山水诗都是写景之作,但是二人在诗歌审美追求、语言风格、意境上都有不同。从陶渊明到谢灵运的转变,反映了两代诗风的嬗变,也对我国后世文学产生了深远影响。  相似文献   

这篇文章试图追溯我们已知的中国最富有的私营企业家的社会起源,尤其是政治背景、家族纽带以及文化资本在富豪形塑过程中的作用.通过对“胡润”和“福布斯”这两份中国大陆富豪榜的重建,本研究建立了一个关于榜单富豪的数据库.作者发现,并没有证据支持“强政治资本主义理论”,亦即政治官员直接转变成为大规模私有财产的所有者.大多数从“体制内”下海的,都是中低级官员或者专业技术人员.“被中断的资产阶级化理论”得到了部分地支持,1949年之前的商人家庭背景或者海外纽带在一些富豪那里扮演了重要角色.但超过一半的富豪还是出身在城乡中等和低层家庭.此外,大学教育尽管在理工类的创业部门中作用显著,但大学文凭还扮演着进入公立部门入场券的角色.  相似文献   

“杜明师”其人谢灵运最早接触并曾长期相处的方外之人是“杜明师”。钟嵘《诗品》曰:“初,钱塘杜明师夜梦东南有人来入其馆,是夕,即灵运生于会稽。旬日而谢玄亡。其家以子孙难得,送灵运于杜治养之。十五方还都,故名‘客儿’。”钟氏此语,出自南朝宋刘敬叔《异苑》。据《云笈七  相似文献   

晨风 《思维与智慧》2005,(11):54-56
初生的婴儿十分脆弱,需要母亲的庇护、刚开始创业的小投资者也很脆弱,却难得有人来替他们遮风挡雨,所以他们需要自己想办法。向寄居蟹学习,寻找保护伞是一个好办法。寄居蟹身单力薄,但行动灵活,正和初创业的小投资者差不多。寄居蟹聪明地找一个厚“螺蛳壳”寄居进去.就完全遮饰了自己身单力薄的缺点,而突出了自己行动灵活的优势。聪明的刚踏上创业之路的小投资者,也要懂得去寻找这样一个属于自己的“螺蛳壳”,  相似文献   

岳清华 《天风》2018,(11):11-13
<正>发挥宗教信仰优势,在服务中体现爱心、宽容、忍耐和奉献精神,打造亮点,体现特色。宗教是慈善之母。宗教与慈善可以说是一个钱币的两面,健康的教会自然会参与慈善事业,为慈善事业添砖加瓦。圣经记载了大量关于慈善的教导,而这些教导成为了基督徒日常生活的信仰准则,直接指导着我们的行为规范。"不可摘尽葡萄园的果子,也不可拾取葡萄园所掉的果子,要留给穷人和寄居的。"(参利19:10)"不可欺压寡妇、孤儿、寄居的和贫穷人,谁都不可心里谋害弟兄。"  相似文献   

Freud's reaction to the death of his mother as he reported it in letters to Ernest Jones and Sandor Ferenczi is discussed. The sense of liberation and the absence of grief which he emphasized is given some analytic consideration. An attempt is then made to gain an understanding of Freud's somewhat cryptic remark that a change in the "values of life" in the "deeper layers" will have occurred following his mother's death. His discussion of these concepts in Civilization and Its Discontents, which was published just before her death, is utilized. The question is raised of whether the death of his mother may have been related to the change in Freud's view of the significance of the preoedipal mother which he presented in "Female Sexuality," the first paper he wrote after her death.  相似文献   

Attempting family therapy in the context of a family-clinician system poses extreme difficulties for the therapist. He cannot be effective if he diagnoses only the family system. He must broaden his analysis to include other clinicians' transactions with the family. Once he accomplishes this perceptual leap, he can intervene in the family-clinician system most effectively with paradoxical methods. He may find that a change in his own contribution to the system solves the family's problem.  相似文献   

The life and professional contributions of Rene A. Ruiz are remembered by family, friends, and colleagues. Ruiz's trailblazing work on Hispanic issues in counseling and psychology places him among the ranks of the true pioneers in the field. His career as a counselor, teacher, writer, and researcher spanned three decades prior to his untimely death in 1982. On December 13, 1982, a heart attack claimed the life of Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences Book Review Editor Rene A. Ruiz at the young age of 53. His death was unexpected as he was in good health. With his death, his friends have lost a witty and charming man of high ideals and moral integrity. (Padilla, 1983, p. 137)  相似文献   

In this article, the author, an eminent psychiatrist, psychotherapist, and writer, presents a brief introduction to the problem of human mortality as one of the givens of human existence, locating the problem squarely in the domain of self- awareness or human consciousness. He names the problem as death anxiety, a fear that can erupt into terror depriving an individual of happiness and fulfillment. Having identified the problem of death anxiety, the author then goes on, through a personal memoir, to disclose his personal ideas about death, their autobiographical sources, and how they have affected his life, as well as his coming to terms with the necessity of his own death. Within this autobiographical essay, he touches on experiences of death and dying from his youth, adolescence, and adulthood as well as his experience of the death of three of his most prized mentors: Jerome Frank, John Whitehorn, and Rollo May.  相似文献   

This art of psychoanalysis   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
It is the art of psychoanalysis in the making, a process inventing itself as it goes, that is the subject of this paper. The author articulates succinctly how he conceives of psychoanalysis, and offers a detailed clinical illustration. He suggests that each analysand unconsciously (and ambivalently) is seeking help in dreaming his 'night terrors' (his undreamt and undreamable dreams) and his 'nightmares' (his dreams that are interrupted when the pain of the emotional experience being dreamt exceeds his capacity for dreaming). Undreamable dreams are understood as manifestations of psychotic and psychically foreclosed aspects of the personality; interrupted dreams are viewed as reflections of neurotic and other non-psychotic parts of the personality. The analyst's task is to generate conditions that may allow the analysand-with the analyst's participation-to dream the patient's previously undreamable and interrupted dreams. A significant part of the analyst's participation in the patient's dreaming takes the form of the analyst's reverie experience. In the course of this conjoint work of dreaming in the analytic setting, the analyst may get to know the analysand sufficiently well for the analyst to be able to say something that is true to what is occurring at an unconscious level in the analytic relationship. The analyst's use of language contributes significantly to the possibility that the patient will be able to make use of what the analyst has said for purposes of dreaming his own experience, thereby dreaming himself more fully into existence.  相似文献   

Edward Gibbon, the author of The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, has been widely recognized as a master of irony. The historian's early life with parents he found self-serving and unreliable, his reaction to the events surrounding the death of his mother at the age of 9 and the decline of his father, left an impact on his personality and played a role in determining his choice of his life work. Irony has been approached from a psychoanalytic perspective as a mode of communication, as a stylistic device, as a modality through which one might view reality and as a way of uncovering the linkage between pretense and aspiration, between the apparent and the real. Gibbon's ironic detachment can be understood as rooted in his life history. He felt detached from his family of origin, in need of a protective device which would enable him to deal with passion. Sexual and aggressive impulses mobilized defensive postures that were later transformed into an attitude of skepticism and an interest in undercutting false beliefs and irrational authority, positions he attributes to religious ideation which served to instigate historical decline.  相似文献   

This tribute adapts words originally written to honor Don S. Browning, one of the foremost pastoral and practical theologians and ethicists of his time, on the occasion of his death on June 3, 2010. The tribute appeared in the funeral worship bulletin on June 10, 2010 at Hyde Park Union Church in Chicago and was revised for a newsletter of a major educational institution with which he had many significant relationships and responsibilities (The Disciples Divinity House of the University of Chicago Bulletin 80, no. 1 (Spring/Summer 2010); used with permission). Although we embellished the tribute slightly, we did not change its main intent: It captures the remarkable depth and breath of Browning’s scholarly achievement, the mark he made on public and academic discussion, and the extent to which he is missed by his colleagues, friends, and family.  相似文献   


This article investigates the clinical material from the analysis of a young adolescent who was conceived using artificial reproduction techniques (ART). After reviewing the scant literature regarding how a child is conceived through the use of ART, the use of the term birth other is employed to understand this child’s longstanding sadness and sense of isolation. The material from his analysis demonstrates that the meaning of birth other as Eherensaft suggested (2005, 2007) is not the only meaning that an individual can assign to his experience. This child created a fantasy of a family from which he felt excluded because his parents had birth other families within which they were conceived. The material indicated that his attempt at mourning his lack of a genetically based family in a way that not even adopted children often mourn, occurred only in an unconscious manner, inhibiting him from focusing on more age-appropriate concerns. The psychological issues that he brought to his analysis clearly reflected the complexity of the circumstances of his birth and that he felt he existed outside of a family that he could identify with.  相似文献   

From his obituary of Samuel Hammerschlag, we know of Freud's great veneration for his teacher of Jewish religion. However, not only Hammerschlag himself but his whole family had a formative influence on young Freud, who was deeply impressed by their humanity. This paper describes Freud's relationships with all the family members. In particular, it shows how warmly he felt towards the only daughter, Anna Hammerschlag, who was his patient for a while and whom he chose as a godmother for his youngest daughter Anna. By virtue of the crucial role she played in Freud's 'specimen dream' of July 1895 ('Irma's injection'), she also became as it were the godmother of Freud's magnum opus, The Interpretation of Dreams. All the known extant letters from Freud to members of the Hammerschlag family are published here for the first time in English translation.  相似文献   

Osmund Lewry died, surrounded by his fellow-Dominicans, on Easter Thursday, 23 April. He was 57. Although he had continued to be a member of the Oxford Dominican house, and died there, since 1979 he had been on the staff of the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies in Toronto. He was becoming an internationally respected authority on mediaeval thought; as The Times obituary notice said, he died 'at the height of his powers and at the beginning of a richly-promising scholarly career'. His death is a severe loss, but the remarkably serene way in which he faced that death was an inspiration to many people. In place of a conventional obituary we are publishing here an article which he completed for us only ten days before he died. It traces how his fellow-Dominicans, in the span of almost a life-time, contributed to his spiritual development. We believe it has something to say not only to Dominicans.  相似文献   

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