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Although researchers have identified a multitude of factors that contribute to family participation in mental health services, few studies have examined them specifically for Latino youth and their families in the U.S., a population that continues to experience significant disparities related to the availability, accessibility, and quality of mental health services. Latino youth and their families are at greater risk of dropping out of treatment prematurely and demonstrating poor treatment engagement, both of which have subsequent negative effects on treatment response outcomes. In order to help to guide efforts to improve the accessibility and quality of mental health services for Latino youth and their families, the current paper integrates modern conceptualization of family participation in youth mental health services and provides a summary of contextual factors within an ecological framework (Bronfenbrenner in The ecology of human development: experiments by nature and design, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1979). The current review aims to integrate empirical research on the impact of various contextual factors across multiple levels (i.e., culture, community, mental health system, family, parent/caregiver, and child/adolescent) on Latino family participation in youth mental health services, including treatment retention, engagement, and response. Clinical implications will be discussed, and an integrated, conceptual model will be presented. Not only does this model help to demonstrate the way in which existing literature is conceptually linked, but it also helps to highlight factors and underlying processes that health care providers, administrators, and policy makers must consider in working to improve mental health services for Latino youth and their families living in the U.S.  相似文献   

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health conditions in children, with approximately 13% of kids struggling with excessive anxiety. The vast majority do not have access to effective treatments and there continues to be a disjunction between treatments that are empirically supported and those that are available in the community. Digital mental health interventions (DMHI) can increase efficiency, reach, and standardization as well as reduce costs of providing of mental health care. Here we review the extant research on DMHI, including web- or cloud-based programs, mobile applications (apps), virtual reality (VR), and digital assessment methods such as ecological momentary assessment (EMA) for the delivery and/or support of evidence-based care in child anxiety. Preliminary research is promising for these tools to improve access and efficiency of evidence-based practice. However, ethics and practice guidelines are needed and questions remain regarding what level and quality of therapeutic involvement is needed to maximize treatment completion and outcomes in youth and whether DMHIs are contraindicated for certain populations or whether they are similarly effective with those with comorbid conditions is unclear.  相似文献   

Parents play an integral role in the mental health service provision of children and adolescents, and they can have significant effects on the outcomes of youth. A growing body of research has linked parents’ own mental health status to numerous outcomes for their children, and recent guidelines have emerged recommending the assessment of parent psychopathology when treating child patients. However, these recommendations present a range of ethical considerations. Mental health professionals must determine if the assessment of a parent is empirically supported and that an assessment procedure appropriate for parents can be feasibly implemented. They must also respect the autonomy and confidentiality of parents while ensuring that assessment findings can be translated to meaningful benefits for child patients. This article details and discusses each of these concerns within the context of the relevant principles and standards of the 2016 American Psychological Association’s Code of Ethics. Further, it provides guidelines, relevant clinical examples, and an applied model for mental health professionals to consider the ethical implications of assessing parent mental health when serving child patients.  相似文献   

This article is based on a doctoral research project aiming to identify a comprehensive and detailed outline of the systemic therapist competences in child and adolescent mental health care in Norway. Because of the growing demands to offer specialized services within child and adolescent mental health care, I intended the identified competences to target the psychosocial difficulties that are categorized as associated abnormal psychosocial situations (axis 5) in the multiaxial diagnostic system (WHO, Multiaxial classification of child and adolescent psychiatric disorders. The ICD-10 classification of mental and behavioural disorders in children and adolescents. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1996). The project is based on twelve qualitative in-depth interviews with six experienced systemic family therapists, and fieldwork observations of the therapists (participants) in practice. The qualitative methodology is based on Grounded Theory and five overarching categories were identified through the analysis: (1): the importance of ethical and contextual awareness in systemic therapy; (2) the systemic therapist’s stance; (3) therapeutic processes; (4) therapeutic practices; and (5) session-specific features. Challenges, such as limiting the systemic approach to five overarching competences, are discussed alongside this strengths and limitations of the study. The detailed outline of systemic therapist competences is intended to offer a framework for delivering flexible, yet specialized systemic therapy in the context of child and adolescent mental health care. This research may therefore facilitate a “bridge-building process” between mental health’s biomedical focus and postmodern systemic ideas.  相似文献   

Research on the mental health correlates of discrimination traditionally has been intra-individual, focusing exclusively on the individual directly experiencing discrimination. A small number of studies have begun to consider the links between parental experiences of discrimination and child mental health, but little is known about potential underlying mechanisms. The present study tested the independent mediating effects of parent mental health and household socioeconomic status on the associations between parental experiences of discrimination (past-year perceived discrimination and perceptions of being unaccepted culturally) and child mental health (internalizing and externalizing symptoms) using a bootstrapping analytic approach. Data were drawn from racial/ethnic minority (n = 383) and White (n = 574) samples surveyed in an urban Midwestern county. For all measures of discrimination and child mental health, findings supported an association between parental experiences of discrimination and child mental health. Whereas parent mental health served as a significant mediator in all analyses, socioeconomic status did not. Mediation findings held for both the White and racial/ethnic minority samples. Results suggest that parental experiences of discrimination and mental health may contribute to child mental health concerns, thus highlighting the role of family contexts in shaping child development.  相似文献   

Mental health systems need scalable solutions that can reduce the efficacy–effectiveness gap and improve mental health outcomes in community mental health service settings. Two major challenges to delivery of high-quality care are providers’ fidelity to evidence-based treatment models and children’s and caregivers’ engagement in the treatment process. We developed a novel, tablet-based application designed to enhance via technology the quality of delivery of trauma-focused cognitive-behavioral therapy (TF-CBT). We piloted its use in four community mental health service organizations using a blocked randomized controlled trial to examine the feasibility of implementing tablet-facilitated TF-CBT versus standard TF-CBT with 13 providers and 27 families. Provider fidelity and child engagement in treatment were observationally measured via session audio recording. Parent and child perceptions of the tablet application were assessed using structured interviews and mixed-method analyses. Providers actively and appropriately used tablet TF-CBT to facilitate treatment activities. Providers and families expressed high satisfaction with its use, demonstrating acceptability of this approach. Youth and caregivers in both conditions reported high alliance with their providers. Overall, we found that tablet-facilitated treatment is accepted by providers and families and may be integrated into mental health treatment with minimal training. Further study is needed to examine the extent to which technology-based applications may enhance the reach, quality, and clinical outcomes of mental health treatment delivered to children and families.  相似文献   

An increasing number of culturally adapted family-level interventions address mental health disparities with marginalized populations in the United States. However, with these developments many barriers have arisen, such as challenges with degree of cultural fit, engagement, and sustainability. We conducted 12 elite phenomenological interviews with mental health scholars involved in prevention and intervention family research with various Latinx communities within and outside of the United States. These scholars discussed their experiences of overcoming barriers in their research. We used thematic analysis to code and analyze participant responses, and our findings support the gaps in previous literature and highlight potential pathways to overcoming barriers in cultural adaptation research. Themes included the need for: (a) better understanding of the intersection between culture and context; (b) community-centered approaches to addressing implementation challenges; and (c) structural changes within institutional, governmental, and political levels. We discuss implications for researchers and practitioners working with Latinx families.  相似文献   

The role of the therapist as a person rather than only as a technician has become increasingly important in family therapy since the post-modern turn. Despite this there is a paucity of research exploring supervision models that focus on self-reflection, as opposed to clinical competence. This study documents the experience of a Family of Origin Coaching group, conducted with six clinicians and one supervisor working in a child and adolescent mental health service. A participatory action framework was used, with data analysed using grounded theory. A variety of benefits were reported, including personal development, an enhanced empathy towards clients and an ability to better cope with stressful team dynamics. Family of Origin coaching has the potential to yield benefits for clinicians as a compliment to traditional supervision. Issues of confidentiality and safety need to be addressed carefully, especially during times of organisational change or stress.  相似文献   

Adequate access to child and adolescent mental health services for young people in high need populations is an important concern of service systems researchers and program evaluators. We present results of a statewide study of access to community mental health services for eight populations of special concern. The analysis relied exclusively on existing databases in conjunction with innovative statistical techniques to provide comprehensive measures of access to care. Our findings indicate that access to care varied substantially across special populations, although children and adolescents in each of our eight “special populations” had greater access to public mental health services than members of the general population of the state. The interpretation of the findings and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

This review systematically explored research examining the relation between parent-professional alliance and outcomes of psychosocial treatments provided to children, and their parents and families. Study findings and methodological characteristics were reviewed to investigate the evidence linking the alliance between parents and professionals to outcomes of child, parent, and family treatment as well as to identify factors that may influence the alliance-outcome association. A systematic review of the literature was conducted that included a search of three electronic databases using specified search terms, followed by a hand search to identify relevant studies. A total of 46 studies (37 published articles and 9 unpublished dissertations) met inclusion criteria. Overall, the findings indicated that higher levels of parent-professional alliance were significantly associated with improved clinical outcomes and stronger treatment engagement. However, some studies found that the parent-professional alliance was not significantly related to clinical outcomes or treatment engagement, and a few studies showed that higher levels of alliance were related to less positive clinical outcomes and lower levels of treatment engagement. Several theoretical (problem type, child age, parent sex) and methodological (source and timing of alliance measurement, alliance-outcome informants, outcome domain, timing of outcome measurement) factors were identified that could influence the alliance-outcome association. Together, our findings emphasize the importance of alliance awareness when working with parents as well as a need for future studies to investigate factors influencing the quality of the parent-professional alliance and alliance-outcome association in child, parent, and family treatment.  相似文献   

A growing body of literature sheds light on occupational therapy (OT) interventions and outcomes in adult mental health. Although this research has not developed to the point where a systematic review is warranted, a synthesis of these findings is needed. This article provides an overview of OT interventions in adult mental health and their documented outcomes. Fifty peer-reviewed intervention studies targeting adults with mental illness were reviewed. Seven categories of interventions emerged: employment/education; psychoeducation; creative occupations/activity; time use/occupational balance; skills/habit development; group/family approaches; and animal-assisted therapy. Further research involving rigorous designs is needed to establish a solid evidence base for OT interventions in adult mental health.  相似文献   

Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) think tank was to bring together thought leaders in the study of digital mental health to consider ways in which the field can be advanced, as well as find methods to facilitate ABCT members’ knowledge of Digital Mental Health Interventions (DMHI).As part of this effort, we proposed this Special Series to provide C & BP readers with an update on the field of digital mental health interventions and clinical resources.The articles that follow will provide an introduction and overview of the progress that has been made in the field of CBT digital mental health interventions, discuss the limitations, risks, and considerations when using DMHI, and consider directions for future research and development.It is our hope that they can help researchers, clinicians, administrators and educators feel informed and equipped to make clinical and programmatic choices involving digital mental health tools and programs in their own settings.  相似文献   

Used meta-analysis to review 177 primary prevention programs designed to prevent behavioral and social problems in children and adolescents. Findings provide empirical support for further research and practice in primary prevention. Most categories of programs produced outcomes similar to or higher in magnitude than those obtained by many other established preventive and treatment interventions in the social sciences and medicine. Programs modifying the school environment, individually focused mental health promotion efforts, and attempts to help children negotiate stressful transitions yield significant mean effects ranging from 0.24 to 0.93. In practical terms, the average participant in a primary prevention program surpasses the performance of between 59% to 82% of those in a control group, and outcomes reflect an 8% to 46% difference in success rates favoring prevention groups. Most categories of programs had the dual benefit of significantly reducing problems and significantly increasing competencies. Priorities for future research include clearer specification of intervention procedures and program goals, assessment of program implementation, more follow-up studies, and determining how characteristics of the intervention and participants relate to different outcomes.  相似文献   

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