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屠春友 《哲学动态》2006,4(7):30-33
当今时代,随着信息网络技术和虚拟现实技术的发展,虚拟实践正崛起为一种新的实践方式。随着实践形态的变化,主体的思维方式也从现实性的思维转向虚拟性的思维。深入探讨虚拟实践所引发的思维方式转换,揭示虚拟思维的新特点及其社会功能,既是当代社会发展实践诉求的反映,也是进一步深化马克思主义哲学研究的需要。一虚拟实践对思维主体的影响虚拟是表征主体超越现实性的哲学范畴。“虚拟”本身有以下两层含义:一是对现实的模拟,强调对现实的仿真效果;二是对现实事物的超越。虚拟并不是虚幻和真“无”,而是借助现代科技的现实创造。虚拟作为一…  相似文献   

Steven Engler 《Religion》2013,43(4):609-616
This contribution to a symposium on Manuel A. Vásquez’ More Than Belief: A Materialist Theory of Religion (2011) looks at the role of genealogy in the book. Vásquez reviews a range of authors (from Plato to Tweed) to contextualize his view that the study of religion should place greater emphasis on embodiment, practices, and emplacement. The resulting sequence of paraphrases is highly dichotomized; some illustrate the 'dominant canon' that he critiques and some the view that he champions. This is used to illustrate two very broad 'epistemologies.' (In this light, the book champions a very general meta-theoretical stance, not a specific theory.) I suggest that this approach does not offer an argument, i.e., independent rational support, for Vásquez' view. However, it does tell a story that could be very persuasive in the study of religion, given that the use of theory in the discipline tends to be a matter of applying precedents and concepts from an accepted body of literature.  相似文献   

In response to the challenges posed by Steven Engler, Martha Finch, Mark Gardiner, Laura Harrington, Paul Johnson, and Michael Stausberg, this essay fleshes out key terms in More than Belief (2011), including genealogy, materialism, non-reductionism, and networks, showing their value in researching and theorizing about religion.  相似文献   

Contrary to egalitarian readings of both Marx's critique of capitalist society and its replacement by communist society, his lack of commitment to the idea of equality has been emphasized. I argue that Marx's statements concerning the idea of equality, and especially how it would represent an inappropriate norm for genuine communist society, are ultimately to be explained in terms of its relation to the exchange value that governs acts of commodity exchange. Marx wants to show how general recognition of the idea of equality and the legal and political forms that it assumes have their origin in the way in which exchange value has come to dominate social relations, leading human beings to develop an abstract conception of themselves, others and how the world ought to be that is incompatible with the goals of communist society.  相似文献   

This genealogy of the ADHD subject will demonstrate that over the course of the twentieth century a new relation between power, knowledge, the body, and ethical practices of self-formation emerged around the ADHD-type in ways that are not captured by the received critical perspective. By examining the history of knowledge and practices surrounding the ADHD-type, this work will argue that the deviant subject that was located relative to external institutional moral/juridical values or standards is replaced over the course of the century by a new intelligibility of rational self-management. A further analysis of this emergent intelligibility attempts to advance the critical understanding of the increasingly prevalent ADHD phenomenon by showing how novel drug and brain imaging technologies work to link behaviors to identity, establishing new relations of power to the subject not captured by the received medicalization perspective. This work will be of interest to anybody interested in the relations among knowledge, drugs, power, and the ADHD subject.  相似文献   

R.迈  林丹 《世界哲学》2004,75(2):91-97
1 现在我们就海德格尔的另一个关键术语--即"道说"(Sage)①--来追问道家思想对于海德格尔的影响的问题.  相似文献   

Anna S. King 《Religion》1996,26(4):343-351
Spirituality has increasingly featured in writings about religion. This article explores the diverse and often contradictory ways in which this term is now being employed, it questions the reasons for its present popularity, and asks to what extent it can serve the purposes to which it is being put. Finally, by using the insights of contemporary anthropology and especially the work of Michael Carrithers, it suggests a more satisfactory way in which the ideas associated with spirituality might be investigated.  相似文献   

This paper will explore parallels between Eucharistic and psychoanalytic transformation. Its objective will, in part, challenge the assumption that Eucharist constitutes a concrete and material reality, insular and devoid of symbolism; indeed, offering similarities to the psychoanalytic concept symbolic equation. It will be argued that Eucharist must be understood in context to its transformation within the community of believers, a relationship that offers accord to the transformation within the psychoanalytic relationship. Moreover, parallels between ultimate truth and divine mystery will be examined using the Bionian concept O.  相似文献   

This address to the Ecumenical Kirchentag in Germany in 2003 takes as its starting point the symbol of the church as the people of God on the way together to describe the ecumenical movement. This is a path that leads out of the security of structures, relying on the promise of God as a response to the call of the gospel to faith and the path of discipleship – the way of pilgrimage as it was described by the World Conference on Faith and Order in 1993 in Santiago de Compostela. After looking back at the milestones on the ecumenical journey toward communion in life, faith, and witness, the address highlights the significance of a mutual recognition of baptism by churches as representing a “Copernican revolution” in ecumenical dialogue, in which churches would commit themselves to mutual accountability in matters of faith and church order.  相似文献   

近代以来,中国文学进入大变革时代,因地理位置的偏离、人才的匮乏和内驱性的不足,白话文学在澳门几无自发产生的可能。同时,文化上与内地同根同源,文学发展与内地息息相通,又构成澳门白话文学产生的必然性。陈子褒在澳门倡导白话文、编写白话启蒙读本、推动启蒙教育,是晚清白话文运动在澳门的响应,为澳门白话文学的兴起奠定了基础。1920年雪社成员冯秋雪发表澳门第一首新诗。20世纪30年代是澳门白话文学的初创期,澳门本土有白话诗、文、戏剧和小说的发表,20世纪30年代末到40年代,澳门白话文学全面兴起。澳门白话文学产生在澳门文学转型的大背景下,转型体现在作家主体的转型、文学观念与作品形态的变化及文化下移与文体变革等方面。知识分子的流动和市民对新思想的接受,对澳门新文学的产生起到了重要推动作用,相比同时期的内地和台港,澳门新文学的产生有其特殊性。  相似文献   

荀子的“类推思维”论   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
荀子作为集原始儒、道、墨和名家的类推思想之大成者 ,强化并建构了儒家的伦理思维方式 ,坚持了中国古代逻辑思维的人文面向 ,改变了墨家、名家类推之事实面向的“逆转” ,从而将类推转化为“类比推衍” ,由事实性的推理转向情感、价值和审美的意义的语用类推。因此以荀子为代表的中国传统的类推思维方式 ,进一步地将类推“衍化”为将心比心、设身处地、推己及人、设譬求喻、攀缘比附、比兴与隐喻、象征等多种多样的类推思维形式 ,从而使它能够成为服务于中国传统的人文价值论证、道德情感价值的证成和审美意境的达成 ,成为代表和服务于中国传统人文思维的主导推理类型。因此 ,对它的现代阐释 ,也更可以作为我们建构现代“人文思维逻辑”的传统资源。  相似文献   

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