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张积家  刘红艳 《心理学报》2009,41(7):580-593
个体量词是汉语的特色词类,是名词的限定词。关于个体量词的通达,目前主要有两种假说:直接选择假说和间接选择假说。实验1和实验2采用图词干扰范式考察了名词短语和简单名词产生中个体量词的通达。实验3采用启动范式考察了言语理解中个体量词的通达。结果表明,无论是在言语产生中,还是在言语理解中,都存在量词一致性效应:当启动词和目标词量词一致时反应时短,错误率亦低。整个研究表明,个体量词的通达涉及个体名词系统和个体量词系统,涉及双向选择的组合网络。个体量词的通达是直接选择和间接选择的有机结合。个体量词在名词短语产生的早期就得到了通达。  相似文献   

个体量词是汉藏语系的特色词类, 它一般不能单独充当句子成分, 只有与名词组合在一起构成计数名词短语以后, 才能够灵活地使用。个体量词的存在顺应了汉语语音、语法的发展要求, 体现了汉民族具象思维发达的思维特点。它按照一定的规律有选择地搭配名词, 并且在认知加工中对名词发挥着重要的选择与限制作用。研究个体量词的存在价值、个体量词在认知加工中的作用、个体量词与名词之间相互关联的实质, 对个体量词的理解和学习具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

目前,语言产生领域的多数研究都集中在口语词语产生方面,许多研究者针对不同的语言系统的特色,对功能词进行了大量跨语言的研究。汉语量词是汉藏语系独有的功能词,本研究采用词图干扰范式,以名词短语和简单名词两种不同的图片命名任务,探讨了汉语量词的产生过程。实验结果发现,在名词短语命名任务下,存在量词的一致性效应;在名词命名的任务下,则不存在这种一致性效应。研究还发现语义干扰效应在两种不同命名任务下出现了分离。语义干扰效应只在命名名词的任务下出现,在命名名词短语的任务下未被发现。  相似文献   

古典对当方阵可同溯到亚里士多德逻辑,并且自此后就一直被广泛地讨论,特别是在中世纪和现代。它刻画了所有、没有、并非所有和某些这四个量词之间的特定逻辑关系,即对当关系。亚里十多德和传统逻辑学家,以及人多数当代语言学家,都把“所有”看作具有存在预设,也即“所有A是B”可以推山“存在A”,而现代逻辑则放弃了这一假定。用现代逻辑对“所有”的解释来代替亚里十多德的解释(对“并非所有”也可以作类似处理),就产生了现代版本的对当方阵。近年来有许多争论,探讨这两个方阵中哪一个是正确的。本文中我的主要观点是,这个问题不是,或者不应该主要是关于存在预设的,毋宁说它是关于否定的模式的。我认为现代方阵表述了自然语言中否定的一般模式,而传统方阵则没有做到这一点。明乎此,不仅需要把对当方阵应用于四个亚里士多德量词,还需要把它应用到这一类型的广义量词上。现代方阵上的任一量词所展示的否定的模式,常常不是在传统方阵中发现的对当关系。本文提供了一些技术性结果和工具,阐述了解释各种英语限定词的量词方阵的若干例子。本文最后一个例子引入了否定的第二模式。它伴随特定复杂量词出现,也能够在方阵中被表达。  相似文献   

隋雪  毕鸿燕 《心理科学》2007,30(5):1065-1067
采用眼动记录技术探讨被试阅读不同汉语量词的即时加工过程。考查名量词和动量词,以及名量词内部的差异。结果发现:(1)被试在阅读理解过程中对名量词和动量词的眼动特点存在显著差异,名量词获得更多的加工;(2)被试在阅读理解过程中对不同名量词的眼动特点也存在显著差异,个体量词比集合量词和临时量词获得更少的加工。由此可知,不同量词在阅读理解中的信息加工难度是不同的,对于篇章理解而言,其信息含量和信息的重要性也是不同的。  相似文献   

陈栩茜  张积家 《心理学报》2011,43(8):863-877
通过三个实验, 考察了时间隐喻在汉语时间量词语义加工中的作用。实验1表明, 当时间量词的水平方向隐喻(“长–短”)与字词的空间长度特征(“长–短”或“宽–窄”)不一致时, 语义加工受到了干扰; 实验2表明, 虽然“高–矮”亦为字词的空间特征, 但对时间量词的语义加工没有显著的影响, 证明时间的空间隐喻受讲话者的语言使用习惯影响; 实验3表明, 通过使用不同长度的背景降低了字形变化对于语义加工的影响之后, 与字形一致、隐喻不一致的条件比, 字形和隐喻皆不一致的条件引起了更大的干扰。整个研究表明, 汉语讲话者的时间隐喻只受空间的水平方向特征(“长–短”或“宽–窄”)影响, 不受空间的竖直方向特征(“高–矮”)影响。时间概念以空间长度特征为中介, 在长时记忆中与知觉符号同时储存。  相似文献   

汉语句子可继续性对句子理解加工的即时影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过操纵动词与后接词的关系,来产生搭配异常并控制句子的可继续性,研究汉语词汇信息在句子加工中的即时作用。实验一利用跨通道技术,发现动一名词搭配异常对目标名词的加工有即时影响,形容词条件下可继续性对目标形容词的加工有即时影响;实验二采用眼动技术,发现名词条件和形容词条件下可继续性均有显著的即时影响。结果显示,语义等多种词汇信息被通达后立即共同参与了汉语句子加工。  相似文献   

张积家  孙配贞 《心理学报》2010,42(9):909-919
使用句子补全任务, 通过3个实验, 考察了汉语言语产生中先行关联词的隐含数倾向对代词选择的影响, 证实在汉语言语产生中也存在着数一致和数吸引现象。实验1和实验2分别考察了汉语双字动词和双字名词的隐含数倾向对代词选择的影响。实验3进一步探查了在汉语言语产生中的数吸引现象。结果发现, 在汉语言语产生中, 不仅存在着“主语-动词数一致”和“名词-代词数一致”, 还存在着对称的数吸引。研究结果部分支持了特征渗透模型和激活框架理论。  相似文献   

广义量词理论对英语中一些特定的量词句进行分析,把其中两个单态式量词合并成一个多态式量词。Keenan证明了这个多态式量词的意义不能化归为两个单态式量词的意义,即多态式量词的意义不能从两个单态式量词的标准意义推演出来。Keenan的研究是很有价值的,但本文尝试从另外的角度思考,对汉语类似的多态式量化句进行个案处理,采纳组合范畴语法针对自然语言表层结构的词汇主义方法,遵循部分表达式的意义决定整体表达式意义的组合原则,从两个单态式量词的非标准意义推演出整个多态式量词句的量化意义。  相似文献   

基于Barwise、Cooper、Keenan、Peters、Westerstahl和vanEijck等人的研究成果,作者提出并证明了若干事实和推论。这些事实和推论表明:(1)不同三段论之间的可化归性本质上反映了广义量词的单调性、对称性等语义性质之间的可转换性,因此,我们可以根据四个亚氏量词的语义性质之间的转换关系来验证亚氏三段论的可化归性;(2)利用广义量词的语义性质可以验证扩展三段论的不同推理模式之间的可化归关系。由于广义量词在自然语言中普遍存在,因此,本文的研究对广义量词理论的发展和自然语言的信息处理都具有积极意义。  相似文献   

The interface between the conceptual and lexical systems was investigated in a word production setting. We tested the effects of two conceptual dimensions – semantic category and visual shape – on the selection of Chinese nouns and classifiers. Participants named pictures with nouns (“rope”) or classifier–noun phrases (“one-classifier–rope”) in three blocked picture naming experiments. In Experiment 1, we observed larger semantic category interference with phrases than with nouns, suggesting comparable semantic categorical effects on classifier and noun selection. In Experiments 2 and 3, items with similar shapes produced an interference effect when they were named with classifier–noun phrases, but not with bare nouns. This indicates that object shape modulates classifier (but not noun) selection. We conclude that object shape properties can by themselves influence word selection processes just as semantic relationships (captured by semantic category) do. The factors operating during word selection may be more diverse than has been previously thought.  相似文献   

Classifiers are like nouns in that they classify entities in the world into lexical categories. However, the lexical nature of the classifier system is very different from that of nouns. We discuss how Japanese and Chinese children learn the meanings of classifiers. We focus on two specific questions: How classifier acquisition is different from noun acquisition; and what the prerequisites are for spontaneously extracting the meanings of classifiers. It is shown that children are very conservative in assigning meaning to classifiers. The pace of learning largely depends on semantic complexity, across languages and within each language. Furthermore, we suspect that learning the meanings of classifiers requires a certain cognitive ability – an ability to synthesize pieces of partial knowledge and form them into a cohesive whole. It may be only when children have developed such an ability that they are able to extract the complex semantic rules of classifiers on their own. We conclude that children take very different routes in learning nouns and classifiers: Unlike noun acquisition, classifier acquisition is guided by a slow, bottom-up process.  相似文献   

This paper presents an interpretation of Gongsun Long's white horse paradox. The Chinese sentence he uses to state his main thesis (Bai ma fei ma) has two potential readings: (a) The white horses are not horses. (b) The white horses are not the horses Although (a) gives the usual and correct reading of the sentence, according to the interpretation, Gongsun Long takes it to state (b). He gives good arguments for (b) while taking them to establish (a) as well, for he fails to distinguish between the two different theses. In presenting this interpretation, the paper gives an account of the function of numeral classifiers and discusses the semantics of count nouns in languages with no grammatical number system, including classical Chinese and classifier languages (e.g., contemporary Chinese).  相似文献   

动、名词损伤的脑功能性定位   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
动词与名词之间的差异近年来已引起认知心理学家、心理语言学家和神经语言学家的广泛兴趣。本文从神经语言学角度出发,以Levelt的语言产生模型为框架,对词语加工哪一水平上的损伤会导致动词和名词分离的研究进行了综述和评价。  相似文献   

The study investigates the lexical representation of Italian noun/verb homographs, introducing a factor which has been analysed in production studies: the specific-word frequency (SWF). The SWF parameter allows to understand whether the grammatical class information is specified within the lexical knowledge or it is selected during post-lexical stages. We ran six lexical decision tasks employing the priming paradigm and a grammatical decision task to investigate the lexical representation of noun/verb homographs. In addition, we sought to determine the role played by the frequency of representations and the temporal activation of the grammatical class information. Our findings support the claim that these forms have independent representations for each syntactic role they can play. We interpreted these findings in the light of what we call the “Nominal Dominance” effect, which affects the lexical access of noun/verb homographs. We also discuss the relation between nominal dominance and lexical frequency.  相似文献   

动、名词词类特异性损伤的研究现状   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
词汇的各类知识信息(如,语法信息)在人脑中的表征和加工方式是当前学者们研究的热点之一,以患者为研究对象已成为了其中一种重要的研究手段。期间,人们发现脑损伤使得一些患者对动词或名词表现出选择性认知加工障碍,即出现了动、名词词类特异性损伤。通过探讨这一现象发生的机理,将为揭示词类的语法信息在人脑中的表征和加工方式提供了契机。文章介绍了这一现象的表现形式,即一些脑损伤患者对有关动词的知识比有关名词的知识丧失得更严重,而有些患者的损伤模式却与其恰好相反。另外,文中也阐述了对该现象的3种理论解释:语法解释、语义-概念解释和词典解释。  相似文献   

Grammatical categories represent implicit knowledge, and it is not known if such abstract linguistic knowledge can be continuously grounded in real‐life experiences, nor is it known what types of mental states can be simulated. A former study showed that attention bias in peripersonal space (PPS) affects reaction times in grammatical congruency judgments of nominal classifiers, suggesting that simulated semantics may include reenactment of attention. In this study, we contrasted a Chinese nominal classifier used with nouns denoting pinch grip objects with a classifier for nouns with big object referents in a pupil dilation experiment. Twenty Chinese native speakers read grammatical and ungrammatical classifier‐noun combinations and made grammaticality judgment while their pupillary responses were measured. It was found that their pupils dilated significantly more to the pinch grip classifier than to the big object classifier, indicating attention simulation in PPS. Pupil dilations were also significantly larger with congruent trials on the whole than in incongruent trials, but crucially, congruency and classifier semantics were independent of each other. No such effects were found in controls.  相似文献   

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