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本文以基督教经典文献《训真辨妄》做个案研究,考查近代西方基督宗教与中国儒家的碰撞与交融。通过《训真辨妄》中基督教附儒和批儒策略,笔者进行深入研究和深刻揭露,揭示基督教徒在华传教过程中对中国传统儒家文化所持态度及其表现特征。  相似文献   

现象学既已对形而上存在进行还原,便不应与唯识学中作为形而上存在的阿赖耶识有可比性,但这是一般观点。实质上,阿赖耶识呈现二维性,既有与意识相关的意向性存在,也有涅槃自在的出世间。前者可与现象学的纯粹意识立场相应,后者可与现象学本质真理的恒常性相应。现象学与唯识学均存在相互抵牾的二维向度,在唯识学中是通过遮诠或默然来消解,而现象学对此的化解似乎伴有体系解构之虞。  相似文献   

何为真心?何谓妄心?二者是何关系?智旭认为众生现前一念,既是虚妄分别之心,亦即妙明真精妙心.众生心性本是妙明真精之心,然由于无始妄想所熏,真心遂成为妄心.究实而论,真心与妄心相依而存,妄心依真心显现,真心依妄心求得,真妄本来一如.修行的关键,在于了达妄心本无自性,即所谓全妄即真,即妄求真.  相似文献   

牛宏 《宗教学研究》2004,(4):148-150
内容提要:<大乘密严经>属于大乘瑜伽系的经典之一,此经尤其对"阿赖耶识"和"如来藏"的关系做出了颇具个性的阐述,提出了阿赖耶识"性恒明洁"的思想和"藏即阿赖耶识"的说法,在唯识学说中别局一格.本文依照<大乘密严经>中各品的论述,对有关"阿赖耶识"的思想观点进行梳理和分析,并总结其思想特性的表现及影响.  相似文献   

《大乘起信论》树立“体用不二”的心体论,统一染与净、觉与不觉、体与用,提出“真如本觉”和“染净互熏”的新思想.真如能随缘而入生灭流转,染而不染,又能以内在的本觉智性和熏习力实现沿流而返的自我救赎.通过真如熏习的内在机制与本觉自证的修行实践,众生可返染成净,实现心灵的净化,共同建设人间净土.  相似文献   

《大乘起信论》树立"体用不二"的心体论,统一染与净、觉与不觉、体与用,提出"真如本觉"和"染净互熏"的新思想。真如能随缘而入生灭流转,染而不染,又能以内在的本觉智性和熏习力实现沿流而返的自我救赎。通过真如熏习的内在机制与本觉自证的修行实践,众生可返染成净,实现心灵的净化,共同建设人间净土。  相似文献   

佛教根本的修行观主要是围绕着一心展开,了达一心,也就是觉悟了本性清净、自性清净心,也就是成佛,所以真心就是自性清净心。由于描述本心的文字有所不同,所以应当按照佛陀所说的理论来阐释真心的修行观,而真心的异名都由真心统一起来。《宗镜录》中的真心修行观强调在以心为真心、清净心的基础上进行阐述,而真心修证观则强调从顿悟渐修到顿渐圆修的自修方法,借用知之一字,众妙之门中的知从自悟的原则来进行描述,可以看到,延寿的修行观也与解脱观紧密联系。  相似文献   

净慧 《法音》2012,(6):14-16
本届世界佛教论坛的主题是:和谐世界,同愿同行;我们这个分论坛的主题是:佛教修学与现代生活的提升。这个主题包含的意义大致上有三个重点:一是佛教修学,二是现代生活,三是怎样通过佛教修学来提升现代生活。我想就沿着这个题目的思路,谈一点个人的体会。  相似文献   

《中庸》是中国文化重要的传世经典之一,对儒家提出的“天道性命”观,以及“慎独”、“诚”、“中和”等修行要点都做了纲领式的阐述,这些凝结着先贤哲思的隽永智慧,与佛教的许多义理具有内在一致性。通过以儒佛两种视角解读《中庸》中的若干名句,试图发掘其中关于进德修道的永恒智慧。  相似文献   

We introduce a subclass of Kripke's fixed points in which falsehood is the preferred truth value. In all of these the truthteller evaluates to false, while the liar evaluates to undefined (or overdefined). The mathematical structure of this family of fixed points is investigated and is shown to have many nice features. It is noted that a similar class of fixed points, preferring truth, can also be studied. The notion of intrinsic is shown to relativize to these two subclasses. The mathematical ideas presented here originated in investigations of so-called stable models in the semantics of logic programming.  相似文献   

Many work on flushing out what our consciousness means in cognitive and phenomenological terms, but no one has yet connected the dots on how consciousness and truth intersect, much less how our phenomenal consciousness can form the ground for most of our models of truth. Here, I connect those dots and argue that the basic structure of our phenomenal consciousness grounds the nature of truth as concordance, to harmonize in agreement, and that most extant theories on truth are well explained in that grounding. Said another way, the unifying and bifurcating intentional structure of phenomenal consciousness is the non-epistemic ground of truth, such that most theories of truth can be explained as particular expressions of concordance based upon the differing aspects of that ground.  相似文献   

Current epistemological dogma has it that the twin goalsof believing truths and avoiding errors exhaust our cognitive aspirations.On such a view, (call it the TG view) the only evaluationsthat count as genuinely epistemological are those that evaluatesomething (a belief, believer, set of beliefs, a cognitivetrait or process, etc.) in terms of its connection to thesetwo goods. In particular, this view implies that all theepistemic value of knowledge must be derived from thevalue of the two goals cited in TG. I argue thatthis implication is false, and thus that the TG view must be abandoned. I propose a candidate to replacethe TG view that makes better sense of the value ofknowledge.  相似文献   

真实性及其伦理边界——对新闻真实性原则的伦理反思   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
真实是新闻的生命 ,追求并维护新闻的真实性是新闻工作者的伦理准则。然而和任何准则都不可能是绝对的一样 ,真实性同样不是一条绝对性原则。在具体的新闻传播活动中 ,由真实性引发的伦理冲突是经常存在的。新闻从业人员的职责之一 ,就是如何运用自己的道德智慧来解决这些伦理冲突。  相似文献   

This paper argues that Descartes conceives of theoretical reason in terms derived from practical reason, particularly in the role he gives to the passions. That the passions serve — under normal circumstances — to preserve the union of mind and body is a well-known feature of Descartes's defense of our native make-up. But they are equally important in our more purely theoretical endeavors. Some passions, most notably wonder, provide a crucial source of motivation in the search after truth, and also serve to reinforce memory. Our cognitive successes and failure scan also be tracked by passions and trains of passions.  相似文献   


In this article, I deal with the concept of truth and lie in Jewish traditional literature, examining its development in the Hebrew Bible and rabbinic literature. An essential aspect in understanding this concept is the dualism of ‘good’ and ‘evil’ impulses and the free will of human beings, who were created in the image of God and have the choice to decide between right and wrong.  相似文献   

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