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《Médecine du Sommeil》2021,18(4):173-178
The COVID-19 pandemic significantly impacted the sleep quality of healthcare workers.With differences depending on the questionnaire used, the professional's specialty, and the country studied, about half of caregivers developed sleep disorders during this health crisis.Sleep disorders were associated primarily by symptoms of insomnia, poor sleep quality, reduced total sleep time, and frequent nightmares.Sleep alterations affected both frontline and backline caregivers during the COVID pandemic.Healthcare workers’ sleep studies confirm the importance of spreading the recommendations published by sleep experts.  相似文献   

The anxiety engendered by the sanitary crisis of the COVID-19 is a novel emotional phenomenon. Due to its recency and novelty, this form of anxiety and its effects are largely unknown. To explore this issue, we conducted a study among 650 civil agents of the Quebec government during the first wave of the pandemic that examined the effects of COVID-19-triggered anxiety on four indicators of work adjustment: job engagement, organizational commitment, psychological empowerment, and ego depletion. While controlling for the effect of relevant contextual factors, our analyses indicate that COVID-19-triggered anxiety is positively related to organizational commitment and ego depletion and negatively related to psychological empowerment. In contrast, COVID-19-triggered anxiety was not significantly related to job engagement.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine how the widespread use of telework during the COVID-19 pandemic may have created a specific work context influencing employees’ psychological health and performance. Results of analyses conducted on a sample of 3771 Canadian teleworkers revealed that telework created additional demands such as task interdependence and professional isolation. These demands had negative effects on telework performance by increasing the frequency of perceived stress. However, the presence of resources such as organizational support appeared to play a buffering role in moderating the direct effect of professional isolation on telecommuting performance.  相似文献   

The new needs as regards care taking charge of patients have contributed to the creation of health networks. As they are growing fast, they are an integral part of the French sanitation system. The impact, on the health professionals, of networking is, today, the object of contrasted research and results, but has little been studied as far as Social Psychology, Work and Organizations are concerned. This article follows a research project which had the objective, on the one hand, to describe the effects of the participation to a health network mental health at work and, on the other hand, to examine the variables and process accounting for the variability of these effects. This research privileges an approach to the health network as a place of socialization and personalization (Malrieu, 1979). The research on the ground is carried out in collaboration with the health network town-hospital Prevention and Taking charge of Pediatric Obesity Network (RéPPOP) Midi-Pyrénées. We have carried out semi-guided interviews with 20 private professionals (8 doctors, 8 dieticians, 3 psychologists, 1 physiotherapist) members of the RePPOP Midi-Pyrénées network. The main results show that the perception of positive and/or negative effects of networking on mental health varies according to the age of membership of the network and the processes of transfer of experience (from professional practice within the network to professional practice off-network and vice versa). Proposals are deduced in terms of continuing education within the network.  相似文献   

This study is about psychological distress lived by Canadian workers. Only a few studies considered personal traits in the comprehension of this phenomenon. This study aims to determine the moderator role of self-esteem, the sense of control and the sense of cohesion on the relation between the work organization conditions and psychological distress. Some longitudinal data (n=7338 workers) coming from five cycles (1994-2003) of the National Population Health Survey (NPHS) have been used to complete some multilevel analysis (n1=time and n2=individual). The results indicate that the sense of control and the sense of cohesion play a moderator role on the relation between some of the work organization conditions and the level of psychological distress.  相似文献   

La signification quantitative de la sous-utilisation des qualifications immigrées peut être évaluée, quoique sans précision, dans l'analyse humain-capitale de revenus. Les déficits de revenus des immigrés peuvent surgir de: (a) la qualité immigrée inférieure de compétence, (b) sous-utilisation des qualifications immigrées, et (c) injustices de salaire pour des immigrés faisant la même chose fonctionnent les Canadiens indigènesoutenus. Conformé aux nombreuses études, données des micro-données 1996 de recensement prouvent que la sous-utilisation des qualifications immigrées est significative, cependant moins ainsi que le salaire inégal dans des métiers. En 1996 dollars, tout le déficit immigré annuel de revenus de chacune des trois sources était 15,0 milliards, dont15,0 milliards, dont 2,4 milliards ont été liés à la sous-utilisation de compétence, et 12,6 milliards ont été liés à linjustice de salaire. La discussion considère des ajustements à ces évaluations, tenant compte des difficultés mesurant les niveaux de compétence des métiers et de la qualité immigrée de compétence. < /div > < div classbstract» < a namebs2» < /a > The quantitative significance of the underutilization of immigrant skills may be assessed, albeit imprecisely, in human-capital earnings analysis. Earnings deficits of immigrants may arise from: (a) lower immigrant skill quality, (b) underutilization of immigrant skills, and (c) pay inequities for immigrants doing the same work native-born Canadians. Consistent with numerous studies, data from the 1996 census micro-data show that underutilization of immigrant skills is significant, though less so than unequal pay within occupations. In 1996 dollars, the total annual immigrant earnings deficit from all three sources was12,6 milliards ont été liés à l'injustice de salaire. La discussion considère des ajustements à ces évaluations, tenant compte des difficultés mesurant les niveaux de compétence des métiers et de la qualité immigrée de compétence.  相似文献   

This article presents an ongoing research regarding work-related health issues as they are perceived and identified by professionals practicing in occupational health services. The study is based on interviews with occupational doctors, nurses, technicians in prevention of occupational hazards and assistants, employed in two general services. The article starts with an overview of the recent changes in the workplace and in the practicing conditions of the professionals in the services. It then analyses the types of issues they identify among the employees they have in charge. Finally, the article examines the actions that can be done by the services, and the limitations of these actions. The professionals appear to be negotiating with various strains.  相似文献   

Based on a significant experience of interventions and research interventions in the field of occupational health, the authors wished, based on the assessment of several psychosocial risk prevention action plans, provide several reflections to build a risk-based alternative approach. This approach promoted “a work on a work” by the actors. This work becomes a source of knowledge and transformation. Here, the professionals in the field are not only informants on the work and adresses of recommendations, but also producers of knowledge, understood for them. The program presented involves the actors of work to overcome the obstacle of the transition from diagnosis to action.  相似文献   

《Psychologie Fran?aise》2021,66(4):413-428
The improvement in medical techniques has drastically modified the practice of care in oncology. Supportive care, geared towards supporting patients with chronic illnesses, now occupies a greater place alongside treatments aimed at survival. These changes have conducted some health care professionals to be more interested in patients’ quality of life and, in particular, to the impact of cancer on sexuality. Repercussions on sexuality are actually one of the most problematic aspects of patients’ quality of life post cancer. The aim of this paper is to draw up a review of the English and French literature on this “new” concern which still seems to raise many challenges in practice. Our review emphasizes that despite the recognition of the importance of addressing sexuality issues post cancer in oncology, in their practices, physicians as the nurses alike find it difficult to address. In addition, it underlines that the dominant social representations of sexuality – in terms of gender, sexual orientation and age – have permeated health care professionals’ subjectivities and, at the same time, influence how sexuality is address and interfere with a systematic discussion of these issues throughout the care process. Our discussion tackles the lack of psychologists, both in research and clinic, regarding these issues. Finally, our conclusion highlights the contributions of psychology facing issue posed by sexuality in oncology.  相似文献   

Conducted within the Canadian Forces (N=652), this study explores the role of self-determined motivation and affective commitment in relation to personnel retention within the military. Three groupings of variables are used in order to shed light on the mechanisms underlying personnel retention: a) distal antecedents (i.e. leadership styles), b) proximal antecedents (i.e. group cohesion and work climate) and c) mediators (i.e. self-determined motivation and affective commitment). Illustrated through a structural model, results demonstrate the existence of a partial mediator effect from affective commitment in the relationship between self-determined motivation and intention to stay. These findings are discussed in regards of their implications from theoretical and practical perspectives.  相似文献   

During the last 20 years, the psychiatric care organisation has undergone important shifts by transfer of devices and professionals from hospital to the city. At the same time, the position/status of people living with mental health problems changed from the patients alienated by their pathology to the position of citizens actors of their health. The daily practice of mental health professionals has to adapt to these evolutions, shifting from a relatively institutional role to a community role. In order to illustrate this evolution, this article presents the daily practice of clinical psychologists working in a mental health service completely integrated in the city, founding member of a European network of good practices in community mental health. Their activity is divided between clinical work, research-action, mental health promotion and networking. These examples are used to question the emergence of a new profession: Community psychologist.  相似文献   

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