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The purpose of this study is to contribute to understanding the role of emotional regulation strategies in the relationship between emotional dissonance and well-being at work. The study was conducted on a sample of 559 nurses from two Algerian hospitals. The results indicate that emotional dissonance has a negative relationship with work engagement and job satisfaction. Attentional deployment and expressive suppression play a mediating role in this relationship. Emotional work can be understood as an important mechanism in the relationship between dissonance/well-being at work.  相似文献   

Declarations of conciliation between private life and professional life based on three factors (sex, gender and positions) are studied in this paper. Our goals were (i) to show that conciliation between the different life spheres need to be considered both in terms of conflict and of life enrichment; (ii) and to demonstrate that the gender variable has combined effects with sex variables, as well as with positions variables, over the perception of work in relation to family interferences in terms of nature (conflict/enrichment), intensity and direction (family over work versus work over family). The study, conducted with 240 employees of low or high professional positions, based on SWING and BSRI scales, shows the moderating effect of gender on the perceptions of conciliation, whether enriching or conflicting. Our results also allow us to conclude that congruent adjustment (masculine domination) of the levels of our three factors constitute a protecting factor for employees, while an incongruent adjustment can constitute a risk factor, this being especially verified for women.  相似文献   

The aim of this article was to measure subjective well-being and burnout for managers. We examined the links between psychological burden, decision latitude, organizational justice, as well as personality factors and self-esteem, and subjective well-being, and burnout. We measured the mediator effect of the basic psychological needs between the organizational factors and personality factors on subjective well-being and burnout. The data derived from a questionnaire submitted to 163 managers, allowed us to establish a correlation matrix, linear regressions on subjective well-being and burnout and mediation analysis. Significant links appeared between organizational inductors and burnout, between self-esteem, neuroticism, agreeableness, related need and burnout.  相似文献   

This study aims to broaden the understanding of mindfulness outcomes in work context, specifically the influence of mindfulness on creativity. This influence can be direct and indirect, when it is shaped by well-being and creative self-efficacy. A cross-sectional study was carried out using a sample of 172 full time Brazilian workers. The research findings suggest that the relationship between mindfulness and creativity is better explained through well-being and creative self-efficacy. The double mediation model was confirmed. The research highlights the understanding of emerging literature on mindfulness at work by establishing personal conditions that promote or inhibit well-being at work, which in turn enhances creativity and contributes to building up the knowledge about this topic.  相似文献   

The objective of our study is to investigate the sources of motivation as well as the resources that help the worker to maintain his or her activity during periods of lockdown. It rests on a qualitative approach based on semi-directive interviews with a sample of self-employed workers. Several studies in social, labour and organisational psychology are of interest in studying intrinsic and extrinsic motivation factors as well as the importance of certain resources, personal, social or professional, in maintaining the worker's activity. Our results show that the most motivated workers are those who combine several intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors. Moreover, it is personal resources, such as adaptability, that mainly help the worker to maintain his or her activity.  相似文献   

The present literature review on authenticity and well-being at work sought to define the concept of authenticity and discuss the influence of authenticity on workers’ well-being. First, two views on authenticity are emerging from the literature review: interpersonal authenticity and intrapersonal authenticity. Second, well-being at work is defined, followed by a definition of well-being according to two philosophical views: hedonism and eudemonia. Goldman and Kernis’ model (2002), comprised of cognitive and behavioural dimensions, is presented. Some results supporting the relationship between authenticity and well-being are described. Limits and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Regarding the relationship between perceived organizational justice and psychological well-being at work, few studies compare the influence of the four organizational justice facets, and even fewer do so longitudinally. The objective of this study is to evaluate the longitudinal relationships between these facets and psychological well-being at work. Social exchange theory suggests that distributive, interpersonal, and informational justices are better predictors of well-being than procedural justice. A sample of 192 Canadian workers from a diversity of occupations completed two self-reported questionnaires at a six-month interval. Results support the importance of rewards allocation (distributive justice) and information given on this allocation (informational justice) to promote workers’ well-being.  相似文献   

Based on broaden-and-build theory, this study proposes to expand the happy-productive worker thesis by exploring an emergent operationalization of happiness. To do so, the mediating effect of the dimensions of psychological well-being at work (i.e., relation to oneself, to others and to work) on the relation between resilience and task performance has been tested. A total of 280 Quebec workers filled out validated measures. Obtained by structural equation modelling analyses, the results indicate that the rapport with oneself of psychological well-being at work acts as the only mediator between resilience and task performance. These findings underscore the importance of encouraging the development of interventions that build on the resilience and positive experience of workers to optimize their work performance.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to explore links between job perceptions (working conditions, intrinsic and relational aspects of job satisfaction) and subjective well-being (life satisfaction, global health, mental health). Two hundred and seventy-three nurses working in a provincial hospital answered to a questionnaire (open and closed questions). Results support globally the hypothesis of mutual influences between job perceptions and subjective well-being. These findings are discussed in relation to differences between participants, depending of workplaces (hospital services) and negative interferences between work and private life.  相似文献   

Parenthood is a process lead by the desire of child and its project. The expectation of a child generates psychological reorganization but its reality will induce modification for the parental couple. We are questioning the process of parenthood amid the encounter of 18 couples divided according to crossed variables: nature of parenthood and its time. Childhood attachment patterns are questioned. The insecure attachment models with more perceived stress are frequent for new parents, the child being biological or adopted. This suggests the necessity to think the welcoming of the child and the couple's preparation to the welcoming together with an accompaniment for at least the first year of the child.  相似文献   

Within the framework of complex links between well-being and performance, this study aimed at examining the relations between objective and subjective career success and psychological well-being at work (PWBW) as well as the mediating effects of psychological needs satisfaction (PNS). French career counselors (n = 138) completed a questionnaire. Results showed that psychological needs satisfaction of autonomy, relatedness and competence had a mediating effect between objective career success (financial and hierarchical) and subjective career success (social and psychological), and the well-being. More exactly, three types of PNS had a mediating effect between the social and psychological career success and the PWBW while autonomy and relatedness PNS mediatized the relation between financial career success and PWBW. Only need satisfaction for relatedness mediatized the link between hierarchical success and PWBW. Occupational success would be a positive health at work resource. Facilitating forms of success and SBP becomes a promising track in health. The investigation can be widened to other jobs linked to counseling and to other different business sectors.  相似文献   

Parents of children with disabilities are faced with daily difficulties leading to organizational complications and time constraints. They are at risk of developing distress that requires support. The objective was to understand the difficulties encountered in daily life and in the moments initially devoted to rest. Information on the organization and daily difficulties and during rest periods, as well as the desired assistance, is collected from parents of children, adolescents or adults with disabilities through a dual quantitative and qualitative approach. Five classes identified daily difficulties and six classes defined difficulties associated with rest time. Requests for assistance (via the Internet, structures, allowances or relatives) have been developed. In addition, a thematic analysis identified three main themes: reasons for lack of support, barriers to access to support and wishes for support. The chronicity of the above-mentioned difficulties and the time-consuming tasks do have consequences on the parents’ personal life, even when the child grows up. They expressed their wish to benefit from home help, which seems to be the most appropriate in relation to the daily workload.  相似文献   

We focused on the direct relationship between job satisfaction experienced during working life and life-satisfaction after retirement. Also we wonder on differences about aspects of the former work evoked as pleasant. These questions are treated by differentiating women and men perceptions, and the perceptions according to age. Data on 396 French subjects, 182 men and 214 women (age range 66 to 98) were used to examine how life-satisfaction in retirement is linked to the perception of former job satisfaction. Other indications of adaptation are retained, as self-esteem or conversely boredom. Results show a) that job satisfaction is a predictable variable for life-satisfaction after retirement, b) that this impact is weaker for youngest, c) a strong similarity between men and women, whatever is their age. We discuss observed links.  相似文献   

This article presents a comparative study between two types of organizations in order to examine the influence of the empowering leadership style on employee's well-being and affective commitment. Based on a questionnaire filled-in by 428 employees, the results highlight the positive effect of empowering leadership on the collaborator's affective commitment, through a partial mediation of the well-being. Contrary to our expectations, this effect is not stronger within the “empowering” organization compared to the “classic” one. The identification of the specific effects of each four dimensions of empowering leadership brings some new theoretical insights and invites organizations to promote managerial practices relying on meaning at work and trust.  相似文献   

Within the context of research evaluating magistrate-training programs, a questionnaire was sent electronically to three generations of French judges each from a different graduating class of the École nationale de magistrature (n = 147). The present study explores relationships between evaluation of initial training, perceived self-efficacy, feeling of relatedness in the workplace and emotional well-being at work. Our results show that feeling of relatedness in the workplace completely mediates the relationship between training evaluation and perceived self-efficacy as well as between training evaluation and well-being at work. In conclusion, practical applications of this study as well as future research in the field are discussed.  相似文献   

The principle underlying positive discrimination – or “affirmative action” as the phrase went in the US, essentially targeting “racial” discrimination – consists in giving more to those who have less, and defines how we understand the ways handicapped persons can get a job. This translates into policies which, despite being updated many times since their first implementation between the two world wars, have remained true to their initial, protective purpose. Over those past decades, their target groups have grown more and more diverse, but identifying them has always been the work of social and medical organisations where the State and local communities are uniting forces. Simultaneously, the professional insertion of the physically or mentally challenged has been made possible through three actions. One was to clearly define the protected segment of the most handicapped to prevent any doubt on status, while allowing the segment to grow. Another was to multiply placement organisations, such as the Cap-Emploi network, dedicated to rationalizing their own procedures for better performance while improving how they can help the handicapped to better access the ordinary job market. Yet another was to implement innovative instruments such as the AGEPFIPH. Finally we will insist on how employers are reluctant to hire individuals with limited employability. In other words this article proposes to evaluate collective objectives, notably public policies as perceived through the threefold aspect of identification-insertion-reception of the handicapped. Exploring the factors of the all-too-frequent low employment rate of handicapped workers, this article demonstrates how the policy instruments, despite their increasing number, fail to address their own negative impacts, such as the segmentation and substitution of targeted groups. It therefore questions the various logical distortions assumed by the instruments available when confronted with population limits and recipients’ demands. It therefore examines the issues regarding the status and collective management of this unskilled labor force in a context of critically changing working conditions in jobs that remain a very remote perspective.  相似文献   

To be in prison consists in enduring the enticements of multiple stressors and constraints leading to an unpredictable and often uncontrollable situation. This generates serious health troubles and distress in the population living in prison. Physical Exercise (PE) is well acquainted for its benefits in terms of health and as such it seems reasonable to suggest its contribution in ameliorating life conditions among detainees, although the literature on the subject is quite scanty. The present report shows that moderate PE may contribute actively in ameliorating the health status. Notably perceived stress and other psychological factors are significantly improved in a small and particular population of detainees, sex offenders.  相似文献   

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