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从前,一位哲学家带着一帮弟子来到郊外,在一块草地上席地而谈.哲学家问:“我们现在坐的草地,到处杂草丛生,那么,如何才能除掉这些杂草呢?“弟子们都不以为然,心想这位探讨人生奥妙的哲学家,竟问这么一个简单的问题.……  相似文献   

The justificatory force of empirical reasoning always depends upon the existence of some synthetic, a priori justification. The reasoner must begin with justified, substantive constraints on both the prior probability of the conclusion and certain conditional probabilities; otherwise, all possible degrees of belief in the conclusion are left open given the premises. Such constraints cannot in general be empirically justified, on pain of infinite regress. Nor does subjective Bayesianism offer a way out for the empiricist. Despite often‐cited convergence theorems, subjective Bayesians cannot hold that any empirical hypothesis is ever objectively justified in the relevant sense. Rationalism is thus the only alternative to an implausible skepticism.  相似文献   

净土的有与无(存在与不存在)是与人们对它的信与不信相联系的。因为人们以信乐为基,而行愿到一定程度之后才能感受到净土的存在。否则,人们自始至终都没有相信过,更没有修行过,人们当然就领略不到净土的庄严和净土的存在。因为,即使它存在,那也只是诸佛的存在,同人们自己是没有必然联系的,因为那毕竟不是人们自己的净土。  相似文献   


The spiritual void of our culture, the dependency that maintains the isolation, and gives rise to the violence that permeates from individual to personal relationships to national policy, is examined. As an antidote, the article explores development of inner lives of awareness and connectedness with all that exists that begins with each person, leads to the qualities that are the groundwork for peaceful relationships. Special emphasis is given to the moral responsibility of clinicians who hope to be serving others.  相似文献   

风水,顾名思义,就是说某地做某事位置的好坏。无非有物质的、精神的两方面内容。风水实际上是古代的勘测、设计学问。其中包括利用自然地形、人工设计,再加上一个心理上的良性意识作用,使人感到意识上的好坏。当然,良性意识总是带给人希望的。古代的科技不发达,风水先生就是利用这一点来赚钱甚至行骗的。  相似文献   

Three experiments investigated cross-form transfer in the invariance learning paradigm introduced by McGeorge and Burton (1990). The results suggest that the transfer observed by McGeorge and Burton depended on subjects' ability to use a response strategy discovered by Wright and Burton (1995). When that strategy was denied to subjects (Experiments 1 and 2), no cross-form transfer was observed; when the strategy was made available (Experiment 3), cross-form transfer re-emerged. These results suggest that this form of learning, like many other forms of implicit learning and memory, is hyperspecific.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: There is a need for additional instruments to alert the clinician more effectively to the high self-destructive potential of some of his suicide-risk patients. In this study it was found that suicides-to-be tended to have higher plasma cortisols than suicidal patients who did not subsequently commit suicide within two years of the test. The article discusses the possible mechanisms involved and reviews some of the literature indicating that there may be a biochemical substratum that may play a significant role in some suicides.  相似文献   


Recently a powerful new technique for teaching salespeople how to establish rapport has emerged from the behavioral sciences. The technique is called Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). One observes body cues such as eye movements, voice tones, and body posture to learn the thought processes behind them. Word selection used by customers reinforces the information provided by body cues. A salesperson can establish rapport by pacing or matching body and word patterns. Such rapport building facilitates the creation of mutually beneficial exchanges. The process for acquiring and teaching such skills is discussed.  相似文献   


The present investigation examines subtypes of bullies, distinguished on the basis of social power, some of whom fit the traditional characterization of bullies as poorly accepted, psychologically troubled, marginal members of the peer group and others who exhibit a much more positive set of social characteristics and who are afforded high status within the peer group. In a sample of 555 grade 6 to 10 Canadian students, the associations between bullying, power, and social status were examined, as well as variability in bullies across behavioral and non-behavioral characteristics, self-perceptions, and mental health functioning. Peer nominations were used to assess bullying, social status, aggressive behavior, competencies and assets, and self-reports were used to assess social self-perceptions and internalizing difficulties. Results indicated that, although generally viewed by peers as disliked and aggressive, a substantial number of bullies were also seen as both popular and powerful with leadership qualities, competencies and assets. In terms of their own social self-perceptions, bullies reported feeling good about themselves and their peer interactions. When subgroups of bullies were distinguished in terms of varying levels of perceived social power, powerful bullies were perceived by peers to be more popular, better liked and more physically and relationally aggressive than low power bullies. Additionally, powerful bullies were viewed as exhibiting more competencies and assets such as being physically attractive, wearing stylish clothing, and being good athletes. Findings are discussed in terms of the perpetuation of bullying behavior and the implications of the present findings for anti-bullying interventions.  相似文献   

In this article, I argue that many U.S. citizens are held captive by expansionist narratives and ideologies. Our enthrallment is explained, in part, by shared weak dissociation, rationalization, moralization, and denial. Theologically, I understand the ongoing presence of these narratives and ideologies in U.S. society as a manifestation of idolatry and a refusal to mourn. Furthermore, I argue that expansionist narratives signify the presence of fate and the distortion of hope, in particular, Christian hope.  相似文献   

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