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Three studies tested and confirmed the hypothesis that secure attachment relationships lead to feelings of security and energy, as well as willingness to explore. In Study 1, priming a secure attachment relationship increased felt security and energy. In Studies 2 and 3, felt energy mediated the effect of (primed) secure attachment relationships on willingness to explore. In Study 3, the effect of (primed) secure attachment relationships on felt energy and willingness to explore was independent of general positive affect. Secure attachments energize partners, thus enabling exploration.  相似文献   

Exposure to mating cues activates the goal to signal one's mate value to members of the opposite sex. This mate attraction goal may render men perceptually ready for products that signal their mate value to women. As men's mate value is partly determined by their financial prospects, men may be more likely to notice products that would signal their financial resources to women. The current study demonstrates that exposure to a sexily dressed woman increases single men's likelihood of noticing status products in a visual display. Not only do these findings further support the link between conspicuous consumption and male mating strategies, they are the first to demonstrate perceptual readiness for indirect (i.e., products) rather than direct (i.e., opposite sex individuals) means for reproduction.  相似文献   

We propose an integrative theory of love and hate intended to help resolve problems and inconsistencies that have emerged from previous conceptualizations. We suggest that love is a motive based on the valuing of the other and is associated with the goal of preserving or promoting the other's well‐being. Likewise, hate is a motive based on devaluing the other and is associated with the goal of diminishing or destroying the other's well‐being. We further suggest that intense, powerful emotions may serve as eliciting experiences for different types of love and hate, and we discuss how benefiting or harming the other can be either an instrumental or an ultimate goal for the various forms of love and hate. Finally, we discuss some ways in which our theory can promote new directions in the future study of love and hate.  相似文献   

Subjects rated all pairs of eight TAT cards and ten Rorschach cards for similarity. They were also scored for n-Ach using imagery scoring on stories to TAT cards. Two similarity dimensions were found for the TAT stimuli, identified as number of persons and degree of strong affect. Those high and low on need for achievement for both sexes differed significantly on degree of salience afforded to each dimension, those high weighting the affect dimension more, and those low the person dimension more. Dimensions of the Rorschach found by Wainer et al. (1976) were replicated, but did not discriminate individuals on need for achievement. The results are discussed in terms of the interpretation of the dimensions, the possible relationship of affect to achievement motivation, and the possible practical implications for the use and measurement properties of projective tests.  相似文献   

As Mogenson and Cioé (1977) have assumed that our electrodes aimed at the ectostriatum (Hollard and Davison, 1971) were actually located there, we feel that a presentation of the histological data is necessary. Following termination of further experiments (Hollard, 1974) the pigeons, numbered 93, 95, and 119, were sacrificed and perfused with saline followed by 10% formalin. Sections, 50 microns thick, were cut on a freezing microtome. Prints were made by mounting each unstained section of a microscope slide and placing them in a standard photographic enlarger. The electrode tips of Pigeons 93 and 119 were located in the paleostriatal complex. The sections of Pigeon 95 were damaged and precise localization was not possible. Further work in this laboratory has also found that, using the same coordinates, electrode tips tend to fall in the paleostriatum, rather than in the more dorsal ectostriatum at which they are aimed. The paleostriatal placements tended to sustain self-stimulation, whereas others located in the ectostriatum sustained relatively low or unstable rates.  相似文献   


This paper presents a point of view about how Mexican women who have achieved economical and professional freedom see their process of liberation through several unconscious social, cultural, and family filters. Would it be a form of social perversion not to analyse the delay in their emotional maturity related to cultural patterns, unresolved psychic conflicts, and the social unconscious?

Gila Jiménez Rosas. Die emotionale Entwicklung von Frauen: Eine Form von sozialer Perversion.

Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit dem Selbstverständnis mexikanischer Frauen, die ökonomische und soziale Befreiung verwirklicht haben. Diese Frauen sehen aber ihren Befreiungsprozess nicht klar, sondern verschleiert durch verschiedene unbewusste soziale, kulturelle und familiäre Gegebenheiten. Es scheint eine Art sozialer Perversion in ihren verspäteten emotionalen Reifeprozessen vorzuliegen, dies auf Grund von kulturellen Mustern und ungelösten unbewussten Konflikten.

Gila Jiménez Rosas. El desarrollo emocional de la mujer: Una forma de perversión social.

Este trabajo presenta un punto de vista acerca de cómo la mujer mexicana, que consigue libertad económica y profesional, ve su proceso de liberación a través de varios filtros sociales,culturales y familiares. Sería una forma de perversión el no analizar el retraso en su madurez emocional relacionada a patrones culturales, conflictos psíquicos no resueltos y al inconsciente social?  相似文献   

A type of wilful blindness can pervert an individual's perception of truth or reality, not because that reality is too much to hold, but because it is distasteful. Undesired. The case of Adam will be used to explore perversion as it twists an analytic process, affecting the transference and countertransference in ways that are difficult to see. Theorists of Freudian, Kleinian, Lacanian, and Jungian traditions are drawn from to explore potential roots to this perverted turn, and the way it can rigidify an individuation process. The anxiety that haunts this case echoes Jung's anxiety as he wondered if the stone saw him or he saw the stone. Object and observer blend when both analyst and patient hide from themselves and one another, knowing the truth of what is being discussed but blind to it.  相似文献   

Perversion had been viewed as oedipally determined and in a reciprocal relationship with neurosis. In our widening scope, however, pre-oedipal and traumatic contributions have been increasingly emphasized. While both perspectives represent aspects of clinical reality, the tendency has been to overlook sexual and aggressive drive derivatives, with their related conflicts, object representations, and symbolic enactments, even though they may make significant contributions to the analytic situation. These latter, 'classical' patients have what I consider 'organized' perversions: complex, evolved, neurotic-level, stable psychopathological formations that may be distinguished from borderline or near psychotic syndromes enlisting perverse mechanisms to ward off disorganization. This paper will review Freud's work, briefly consider some recent trends in conceptualizing perversion and perverse mechanisms, characterize organized perversion, and present clinical material to illustrate its evolution, clinical manifestations, and analysis. Transsexualism, overtly similar to transvestism but not functioning as an organized perversion, will serve as a point of contrast.  相似文献   

Directed by his own determination of the concept's scientific school', the author has studied the creation and the achievements of one of the scientific schools in the Bulgarian neurology and psychiatry. The preconditions for creating the school, the development of its leader, the characteristics of the personality G. Uzunov's style of work and his view of life, the main directions of his scientific works, the members and the problems of the scientific team, the national and international significance of the school are examined. The importance of succesion is underlined, the influence of the German and the Russian psychiatric schools is investigated.  相似文献   

Through a joint research committee sponsored by the Association for Play Therapy (APT) and the American Counseling Association (ACA), The National Play Therapy in Counseling Practices Project conducted the first phase of investigation. Findings offered a snapshot of mental health providers of play therapy, regarding the nature of who they are and what they do. In terms of training, play modalities, theoretical orientation, and employment setting, comparisons were made based on membership of participants in ACA or APT. Further research was suggested to examine the effectiveness of play therapy with specific therapeutic issues.  相似文献   

The goal of the present study was to examine the tempo of triadic play in Swedish and American families through a comparison of 20 families from each culture. When infants were approximately 3 months old, families in both cultures participated in the Lausanne Triadic Play (LTP), a paradigm that facilitates the examination of the triad as a whole and an organization of its parts. All family play sessions were coded separately in Sweden and America using coding systems that had been developed in each country. Dynamics within the triadic play were compared across cultures, and also across coding systems. Results indicated that both coding systems described a distinct difference in the tempo of play between American and Swedish Families. Overall, although there were many similarities between countries, American families were found to have a faster pace in triadic play than Swedish families. This difference in tempo is explored in the data analyses and the discussion of this article.  相似文献   

Rational-emotive therapy (RET) can be particularly applied to individuals with serious love problems, such as people possessed by super-romantic love, limerents who are mired in obsessive-compulsive feelings, insensately jealous and possessive lovers, people who needlessly interfere with their encountering suitable partners, and those who suffer anguish and depression when they lose love. It also has important things to teach about keeping alive and enhancing normal love feelings. This paper outlines the RET theory of love and applies it to various amative difficulties.This article is to appear as a chapter inClinical applications of Rational-Emotive Therapy, edited by Albert Ellis and Michael Bernard, New York: Plenum, 1985.  相似文献   

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