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It is often desirable for mental health practitioners to combine standard scores from different tests, raters, or times into a single composite standard score. Most often the result is a more reliable and accurate standard score. This paper describes a computer program that uses two standard scores, score reliability and correlation with a third variable, to yield a composite standard score, reliability and correlation. Trends, limitations, optimum benefits, and examples are discussed. References are provided for calculating composites based on more than two scores.  相似文献   

The Rev. is a BASIC computer program for IBM-PC-compatible systems that provides Bayesian estimates of “true” scores from multiple scores measuring the same construct. Psychological reports often include test scores from earlier evaluations without objectively incorporating them into current findings. Using Thorndike’s formulas for objectively combining test scores while providing estimates with reduced standard errors, the Rev. is an interactive program that facilitates test interpretation by combining information from many test administrations. The user provides four easily obtainable pieces of information for each test administration. The output includes an estimated “true” score and the standard error of the estimate.  相似文献   

Bridges and Holler (2007) have provided a useful reminder that normative data are fallible. Unfortunately, however, their paper misleads neuropsychologists as to the nature and extent of the problem. We show that the uncertainty attached to the estimated z score and percentile rank of a given raw score is much larger than they report and that it varies as a function of the extremity of the raw score. Methods for quantifying the uncertainty associated with normative data are described and used to illustrate the issues involved. A computer program is provided that, on entry of a normative sample mean, standard deviation, and sample size, provides point and interval estimates of percentiles and z scores for raw scores referred to these normative data. The methods and program provide neuropsychologists with a means of evaluating the adequacy of existing norms and will be useful for those planning normative studies.  相似文献   

An interactive computer program was developed in the BASIC language to present the performance and inquiry phases of the Rorschach Inkblot Test. As the subjects handled the traditional cards they entered their perceptions into the computer database, guided by instructions presented on the computer display. No assumptions were made about the percepts, but the Klopfer scoring questions were asked directly by the computer during the inquiry. The program scored the test as the subject answered the scoring questions on the keyboard. Thirty subjects were assessed using a test-retest design. One subgroup was tested first by a psychologist, and the other was tested first by the computer. The determinants of the psychologist and computer testing situations were found to be correlated and overall not significantly different except in location and time scores where the media differed.  相似文献   

An interactive computer program was developed in the BASIC language to present the performance and inquiry phases of the Rorschach Inkblot Test. As the subjects handled the traditional cards they entered their perceptions into the computer database, guided by instructions presented on the computer display. No assumptions were made about the percepts, but the Klopfer scoring questions were asked directly by the computer during the inquiry. The program scored the test as the subject answered the scoring questions on the keyboard. Thirty subjects were assessed using a test-retest design. One subgroup was tested first by a psychologist, and the other was tested first by the computer. The determinants of the psychologist and computer testing situations were found to be correlated and overall not significantly different except in location and time scores where the media differed.  相似文献   

A computer program was written in PCPilot to teach a unit in basic concepts in experimental design. The graphics-based program includes both tutorials and simulations. The students who used the program had significantly higher test scores than those in another class who did not; they reported that they enjoyed learning to use the program.  相似文献   

Few general-purpose computer programs are available that analyze sequential categorical data. If there were a sequential data interchange standard—a standard way of representing sequential data—then it would be more attractive to write general-purpose computer programs for such data Moreover, interlaboratory sharing would be facilitated. The present paper defines such a standard, called the sequential data interchange standard, or SDIS. Both the SDIS data language and a parsing program for data that follow SDIS conventions are described. The parsing program will be made available to researchers who wish to develop analysis programs for sequential data  相似文献   

In both clinical and nonclinical samples, the Depressive Experiences Questionnaire is scored with a program that computes factor scores by using means, standard deviations, and item-loadings of a student sample. The underlying assumption of the use of this program in clinical samples is that factor scores computed on the basis of the student factor solution are similar to factor scores computed on the basis of a clinical factor solution. Consequently, both series of scores should lead up to the same conclusions when studying associations with theoretically related variables. This assumption has not been tested although the questionnaire has been used in research for almost 30 years. In the present paper an alternative scoring program was constructed, based on the factor solution of a clinical sample (N = 400) to assess whether scores of this clinical scoring program are associated in the same way with different types of depressive symptoms and interpersonal problems as the scores of the original (student-based) program. Analysis gave results inconsistent with the assumption and did not support the use of the student-based scoring program in the clinical sample. Further, results suggest that standards for assessing factorial similarity used in confirmatory factor analysis might be too lenient.  相似文献   

This paper identifies problems in prevailing terminology and conceptual models that may hinder research on treatment. To avoid the multiple meanings of diagnosis,the term assessmentis used in reference to identifying the distinguishing features of individual cases, while taxonomyis used to designate the grouping of cases according to their distinguishing features. Treatment research requires clear specification of the behavioral/emotional problems and competencies targeted for intervention. Artifactual comorbidity can be avoided by specifying treatment targets at several levels, including competencies, specific problems, syndromes, profiles of syndrome scores, and global problem scores. To select subjects for treatment research and to evaluate outcomes, multisource data can be coordinated by using a cross-informant computer program, taxonomic decision tree, and averaging of multisource standard scores. This work was supported by NIMH grant MH40305 and W. T. Grant Foundation grant 92145892.  相似文献   

Federal and most state guidelines mandate mental retardation identification based on intelligence and adaptive behavior scores. This paper describes Standard Score Analysis: Mental Retardation (SSA: MR), a computer program that interprets IQ and adaptive behavior scores according to cutoff values, measurement error, and IQ-adaptive behavior correlations. SSA: MR yields probabilities that each score is below its respective cutoff, and that IQ and adaptive behavior scores are simultaneously below cutoffs.  相似文献   

In a multiple (or multivariate) regression model where the predictors are subject to errors of measurement with a known variance-covariance structure, two-sample hypotheses are formulated for (i) equality of regressions on true scores and (ii) equality of residual variances (or covariance matrices) after regression on true scores. The hypotheses are tested using a large-sample procedure based on maximum likelihood estimators. Formulas for the test statistic are presented; these may be avoided in practice by using a general purpose computer program. The procedure has been applied to a comparison of learning in high schools using achievement test data.  相似文献   

A data analysis routine was developed for the Apple II series microcomputer that allows school psychologists to quickly calculate WISC-R factor scores and evaluate the significance of differences between the factors and individual subtest deviations within the Verbal Comprehension and Perceptual Organization factors. The source code written in Applesoft BASIC is provided. With minor modifications the program can be adapted to run on other computer systems.  相似文献   

Stutterers and fluent speakers were compared on a simple reastion time task to determine whether participation in a behaviorally based stuttering program had an effect on clients' reaction time scores. A group of fluent speakers was used to control the possibility that any changes in reaction time latency were due to practice or familiarity with the task. All participants responded with a finger-lift as quickly as possible to 25 visual stimuli presented by computer. Response latencies from the stutterers and the fluent speakers were compared. Stutterers' posttherapy reaction time latencies were significantly shorter than their pretherapy latencies. It was also observed that stutterers' reaction time scores prior to therapy did not differ significantly from fluent speakers' scores. However, stutterers' posttherapy reaction time scores did differ significantly from fluent speakers' posttest scores. The results are discussed in terms of arousal, motivation, familiarity with the environment, conditioned inhibition, and two aspects of therapy.  相似文献   

A simple method is presented for examining the hierarchical structure of a set of variables, based on factor scores from rotated solutions involving one to many factors. The correlations among orthogonal factor scores from adjoining levels can be viewed as path coefficients in a hierarchical structure. The method is easily implemented using any of a wide variety of standard computer programs, and it has proved to be extremely useful in a number of diverse applications, some of which are here described.  相似文献   

The present study presents and evaluates the Computer-Administered Rep Test (CART). The CART is a micro computer program that automates both the administration and scoring of a repertory grid based measure of cognitive complexity. Preliminary evaluation of the CART indicates that it provides a useful alternative to traditional paper-and-pencil administered repertory grid measures of cognitive complexity. We also examine the effect of an alternative scoring approach on the reliability of scores derived from role repertory grid measures of cognitive complexity. Results indicate that this scoring approach substantially enhances the reliability of cognitive complexity scores derived from both the paper-and-pencil and computer-administered measures.  相似文献   

In a computer simulation study, random samples from a uniform density were substituted for each of two independent samples from normal and various nonnormal densities. This procedure was compared with conventional ranking and with Bell and Doksum's (1965) procedure, which substituted random normal deviates for initial sample values. After performing the Student t test, the program transformed the initial scores and performed additional t tests on ranks, random uniform scores, and random normal scores. For several distributions, the test on random normal scores was more powerful than the others, consistent with known asymptotic results. The probabilities of Type I and Type II errors of the test on random uniform scores were nearly the same as those of the Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon test, for all distributions examined.  相似文献   

The 3RT Test consists of a simple, a choice, and a conditional reaction time (RT) task. The three tasks involve comparable visual stimuli and require identical manual responses, but they differ in the complexity of cognitive processing required. The nonverbal stimuli convey commonly known meanings. Responses can be made either on the keyboard or on response keys connected to the computer’s serial port. The computer’s internal timer/counter is used for millisecond timing. The test administration program allows flexible setting of the test conditions. The data analysis program provides summary data not only for each RT task as a whole, but also for separate trial types within each task. Summary statistics include measures of variation and central value that are not affected by extreme scores. In addition to laboratory studies with normal adults, the 3RT Test is suitable for life-span developmental studies, cross-cultural comparisons, and other uses in various clinical settings.  相似文献   

A program is described that permits the use of an Imlac PDS-1 display computer, in conjunction with a host timeshare system, as a software-controlled tachistoscope. Alphanumeric and graphic message strings are received from the host computer over a telephone line, and are then displayed for specified periods of time in sequence. The display computer records the S’s responses and reaction time and reports this information back to the host computer for recording and analysis. The system is designed so that the burden of software development for the realization of a specific experimental plan is shifted to the large-capacity host machine, and it can utilize all of the features of standard FORTRAN as implemented on the host computer system.  相似文献   

Accuracy is a measure of the extent of agreement between a rater’s ratings and the ratings of experts or the responses of ratees. Cronbach (1955) argued that accuracy research should focus on components of accuracy rather than on an overall measure. However, complex calculations are required to compute Cronbach’s accuracy components. A program is presented that provides a convenient way of computing all four components of accuracy (elevation, differential elevation, stereotype accuracy, and differential accuracy), as well as the associated correlation components, on an Apple Macintosh computer. The standard Macintosh interface is used to obtain all necessary information. The program will read data in a standard text file and will run faster on computers with math coprocessors.  相似文献   

VIDANN is a computer program that allows participants to watch a video on a standard TV and to write their annotations (thought/feeling entries) on paper attached to a writing tablet. The system is designed as a Microsoft ActiveXmodule. It can be further adapted by the individual researcherthrough the use of a VBScript. All data, including the participant’s handwriting, are stored in an XML database. An accompanying Wizard has been designed that enables researchers to generate VBScripts for standard configurations.  相似文献   

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