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今天的科学心理学执意于自然科学研究品格,试图将心理学创建成为有着与自然科学同样品质的学科门类,从而陷入科学与非科学之争的“康德式难题”尴尬境地。心理学文化兴起为学界提供了研究心理学与文化之间关系的新视角。但是,由于思维方式和方法论二元对立的局限性。使心理学走进了难以超越的困境。心理学文化兴起新路向在于思维方式的转向,从关注外在于人的文化或外在于文化的人转向对人的心理与文化之间的关联和互动层面。  相似文献   

心理学文化转向的魅力在于为学界提供了研究与审视心理学与文化之间关系新视角,但随之而来的难题在于研究思维和方法论现代性二元对立的无法超越性.它所带给心理学界的困惑远大于它自身拥有的魅力.破解这一难题关键在于思维方式的转向,从对心理学向文化寻求外在的支持转向对心理学本身的文化品性的探新,从关注外在于人的文化或外在于文化的人转向对心理学与文化之间的关联和互动层面.这种思维转向就是提出心理学文化品性探新.  相似文献   

西方心理学中两种文化的对立及其思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
方明 《心理学探新》2000,20(2):8-11
西方心理学中科学文化与人文文化的对立由来已久,构成了西方心理学的发展史。两 种文化的冲突表现在心理学科学观、人性观、本体论和方法论四个方面,这种冲突造成了西方心理学目前的困境。作者认为,西方心理学中两种文化冲突的存在揭示了大力发展理论心理学的必要性和紧迫性,也是心理学统一的前提,并对心理学的本土化有可资借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

试论心理学中两种文化的对立与统一   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
方明 《心理科学》2001,24(1):116-116,101
科学文化心理学,拥护心理学的自然科学观和实证主义的研究范式,把心理学的研究对象局限于心理现象的自然特征方面,采用自然科学的研究方法,依赖于实证与数据,试图建立一门像物理学那样具有客观性与精密性的统一的心理学学科;人文文化的心理学,拥护心理学的人文科学观和现象学的研究范式,注重人的整体性、主体性与创造性,突出心理现象的社会特征方面,采用非实证的研究方法。心理学中的两种文化既冲突又对立,贯穿于整个心理学的发展史。  相似文献   

论心理学与文化关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
心理学与文化之间的关系历来是心理学研究中所关注的核心问题,也是根本问题。考察与探究心理学与文化之间关系,可关联和涉及到心理学的新视野、新领域、新理论、新方法。心理学与文化心之间关系走过了一条复杂而又深刻的道路。深入考察与解读心理学与文化之间不同历史阶段的不同关系,其中折射的不仅仅是心理学研究思维和方法论的根本转变,更重要的也是心理学科学观的深刻变革。  相似文献   

李抗  汪凤炎 《心理科学》2018,(6):1524-1529
随着文化心理学的兴起,如何深化中国文化与心理学的联系,促进其对心理学的贡献成为了重要问题。在这方面,以梁漱溟、熊十力和冯友兰为代表的现代新儒家进行了开拓性的研究。他们在批判性接纳科学心理观的基础上,主张心理是多层次的存在,强调了心理的自觉性、能动性、生成性、道德性等内涵。新儒家的心理观既能启发本土学者妥善解决中国文化与心理的关系,又能推动建立一种既关注大脑生理机制与心理机制又蕴含本土内涵的综合心理观。  相似文献   

分裂与整合是当代心理学理论研究的一个热点问题。心理学分裂的根源在于对人的二重性的片面解读,重塑完整的人的形象是心理学摆脱危机的正确出路。现有的整合观基本上属于心理学"西化"传统的延续。结合中国传统文化,重新树立心理学整合观具有"被解放的心理学"的性质。在中国传统文化要义"和而不同"的基础上实现心理学的整合,是统合两种研究范式、摆脱学科分裂危机的有效途径。  相似文献   

中国人格心理学发展路径的哲学思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘同辉 《心理科学》2008,31(2):504-506
金文以现实困境为切入点,从科学哲学的角度,对中国人格心理学的发展路径进行了反思.第一,对中国现代人格心理学的现实状态进行了剖析.第二,以Mind和Mentality的区别破解了西化与本土的争论.第三,分析了中国人格心理学现实困境的两大根源:文化的错位和文化的缺位.第四,以文化排异性困境和文化缺位性困境为标准,从科学哲学层面反思、区隔和辨析了中国人格心理学的两种独立路径,即知识论层面的表层反思和方法论层面的深层反思,前者以本土化与方法论的拿来主义为主要特征,后者以本土与方法论的独立为主要特征.通过分析两种独立路径对文化排异性困境和文化缺位性困境破解程度的优劣而得出结论:只有探索和建立坚实而有效的本土方法论,才会有中国本土人格心理学构建和发展的康庄之路.  相似文献   

心理学自冯特始便存在两种类型,自然科学的心理学和人文的心理学.本土心理学依据“一种心智,多种心态”的原则,建构了儒家关系主义理论和自我曼陀罗模型,这种含摄文化的理论解决了冯特以科学方法研究文化的难题.批判实在论和多重哲学典范的结合,奠定了华人本土心理学科学哲学基础,在此基础上,华人本土心理学将迎来心理学发展的第三波.  相似文献   

秦晓利 《心理学探新》2003,23(1):9-11,15
主流心理学僵化的科学观日益受到批判,但在其科学观的来源与结构问题上心理学家并未达到一致。本文通过比较经典物理学与主流心理学的科学观后认为,主流心理学的科学观来自于对经典物理学的模仿,且这一科学观有其内的复杂结构。而目前对于主流心理学科学观的批判往往忽视或低估了这一结构的复杂性。  相似文献   

Notwithstanding the fact that stereotypes and ethnocentrism constitute central topics of social psychology a cultural psychological question has almost been completely neglected in the discipline’s reflections on its own scientific endeavors: How has Western psychology’s construction of the “Indian“ and the “Eastern psyche“ been influenced by stereotypes that are embedded in culture-specific traditions of European scholarly and non-scholarly thinking? The problems tackled in this article are related to current social and cross-cultural psychological perspectives on the Indian context. In addition, they are related to social and cross-cultural psychological contributions to the well-established differentiation between the “West“ and the “East,“ which many psychologists have become used to and which are the foundation of current psychological theories about so-called “West-East differences.“  相似文献   

This special issue presents the theory of sociocultural models (TSCM) and its applications in diverse areas of psychology, including education, health care, clinical practice, gender relations, and general research. As many theories already exist in the social sciences, some readers may ask: “Why do cross‐cultural, cultural, and indigenous psychologists need another theory?” This question is comprised of two aspects: culture/cultural and theory/theoretical. Therefore, to answer it, it is important to clarify both issues. The first relates to cultural and its relation to psychological. The second, theory, considers its relation to cultural and psychological. These issues have long‐range implications for all culture and psychology disciplines as they pose many questions: What role does culture play in the mental functioning of people? How is culture constituted? Is cultural related to social? Does people’s mental functioning exert reciprocal influences on their cultural and social functioning? While working toward answering these questions, researchers quickly determine that more questions arise: What role should theories play in answering these questions? What constitutes theory in culture and psychology disciplines? How should such a theory (or such theories) address the triad of cultural, social, and mental? Consequently, in an effort to provide an overview of the TSCM and to begin to answer these questions, this introduction consists of two parts. The first part addresses the sociocultural turn in modern psychology; this part discusses its implications for research in culture and psychology disciplines. The second segment examines the topic of the theoretical backgrounds of cultural and cross‐cultural research and connects the philosophical paradigms of interpretivism and realism with the theory of sociocultural models. This introduction concludes with a brief overview of the articles included in this issue.  相似文献   

The psychology of practice and the practice of the three psychologies   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The keynote speakers at the 2nd Asian Association for Social Psychology Meetings were asked to clarify the relationship among the three scholarly fields known as cultural psychology, indigenous psychology and cross‐cultural psychology. Are they three names for the same thing? If not are they complementary or antagonistic enterprises? Does one approach subsume the other(s) or make the other(s) possible? What follows is my own general view of the “three psychologies” issue. I suggest that cultural psychology and indigenous psychology are kindred approaches, which differ in significant ways from cross‐cultural psychology. A distinction is drawn between the study of “mentalities” (the proper unit of analysis for cultural and indigenous psychology) and the study of “mind” (a non‐cultural phenomenon). Cultural psychology is a type of interpretive analysis of social practice which asks, “what are the `goals, values and pictures of the world' with reference to which this behavior might be seen as rational?” The essay describes the assumption of rationality and the place of cultural critique in interpretive analysis. Is there any significant difference at all between cultural psychology and indigenous psychology? One aim of cultural psychology (“globalizing the local”) is premised on the view that “indigenous psychologies” may have relevance outside their points of origin. How open is the indigenous psychology movement to the idea that (e.g.) a psychology with a “Chinese soul” might illuminate the psychological functioning of members of non‐Chinese populations?  相似文献   

在社会心理服务体系建设中, 心理学到底起着什么样的作用?怎样才能更好地构建全面系统的多主体社会心理服务体系?在社会心理服务体系建设中如何推动心理学自身的发展?这些问题一直受到广大心理学者的关注。以复原力为例, 通过对个体、团队以及社区心理复原力建设路径的理论总结, 加上实践案例, 以期为社会心理服务体系建设提供知识借鉴与参考, 并反思心理学在此过程中的作用与角色。心理学专业研究团队可以通过整合其在社会支持体系中的应用, 推动心理学在社会服务体系中的应用。  相似文献   

值得运动心理学家探索的6个问题   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
张力为 《心理学报》2004,36(1):116-126
长期以来,运动心理学在竞技运动领域面对的6个问题包括:1)哪些心理学指标可以标志和预测训练型和比赛型运动员?2)如何界定、监测和控制长时期大运动量训练和比赛中的心理疲劳?3)达到最佳竞技状态的必要心理条件是什么?4)运动员最佳竞技状态时大脑的工作情况有哪些特征? 5)运动员精英与其他领域精英的自我发展有何异同?6)有运动智力吗?从理论和实践两个方面对这6个问题进行了分析,提出了解决这些问题的思路。同时指出,对这些问题的探索将有助于运动心理学为母科学心理学的发展做出贡献。  相似文献   

Human Nature and Culture: An Evolutionary Psychological Perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Personality psychology is the broadest of all psychological subdisciplines in that it seeks a conceptually integrated understanding of both human nature and important individual differences. Cultural differences pose a unique set of problems for any comprehensive theory of personality—how can they be reconciled with universals of human nature on the one hand and within‐cultural variation on the other? Evolutionary psychology provides one set of conceptual tools by which this conceptual integration can be made. It requires jettisoning the false but still‐pervasive dichotomy of culture versus biology, acknowledging a universal human nature, and recognizing that the human mind contains many complex psychological mechanisms that are selectively activated, depending on cultural contexts. Culture rests on a foundation of evolved psychological mechanisms and cannot be understood without those mechanisms.  相似文献   

How should historians employ psychological insight when seeking to understand and analyze their historical subjects? That is the essential question explored in this methodological reflection on the relationship between psychology and biography. To answer it, this paper offers a historical, historiographical, and theoretical analysis of life writing in the history of psychology. It touches down in the genres of autobiography, psychobiography, and cultural history to assess how other historians and psychologists have answered this question. And it offers a more detailed analysis of one particularly useful text, Kerry Buckley's (1989) Mechanical Man, to illuminate specific ways in which historians can simultaneously employ, historicize, and critically analyze the theories of the psychologists they study. Although ostensibly about writing biographies of eminent psychologists, this article speaks to a methodological issue facing any historian contemplating the role psychological theories should play in their historical narratives.  相似文献   

What roles have instruments played in psychology and related disciplines? How have instruments affected the dynamics of psychological research, with what possibilities and limits? What is the psychological instrument? This article provides a conceptual foundation for specific case studies concerning such questions. The discussion begins by challenging widely accepted assumptions about the subject and analyzing the general relations between scientific experimentation and the uses of instruments in psychology. Building on this analysis, a deliberately inclusive definition of what constitutes a psychological instrument is proposed. The discussion then takes up the relation between instrumentation and theories and differentiates in greater detail the roles instruments have had over the course of psychology's history. Finally, the authors offer an approach to evaluating the possibilities and limitations of instruments in psychology.  相似文献   

脑成像在心理学研究领域的价值   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现在普遍使用的脑成像技术给心理学研究增加了新的数据和资料。和任何新的方法一样,我们需要决定如何以适当的方式应用这项技术。这项技术如何以现有的方法所不能的方式帮助回答理论问题?这项技术最好是作为因变量还是作为预测变量来使用?它如何与其它感兴趣的心理变量相关?这种新的成像技术有助于我们了解大脑的运作及其与心理学的关系。研究人员需要弄清楚如何利用这项技术提供的信息加深对心理现象的理解。  相似文献   

How do counselors reach out to individuals who are reluctant to seek counseling services? To answer this question, the authors examined the research on the psychological help‐seeking barriers from counseling, clinical and social psychology, as well as social work and psychiatry. Specific avoidance factors that have been identified in the mental health literature; important variations in the setting, problem type, demographics, and cultural characteristics that can influence the degree to which avoidance factors affect professional help‐seeking decisions; and suggestions for overcoming these avoidance factors are discussed.  相似文献   

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