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This is the final part of the work on the psychoanalytic view of phobias. Here we consider general views of phobias, developments and issues in the psychoanalytic theory of anxiety, as it relates to phobias, and take up aspects of some broader theoretical issues, including nosology.  相似文献   

This paper initiates a series of communications on psychoanalytic and current psychiatric approaches to the understanding and treatment of phobic syndromes with a review and discussion of Freud's evolving ideas on phobias and anxiety. A list of issues that any theory of phobic syndromes must address is compiled on the basis of Freud's work.  相似文献   

Sanctioned social violence: A psychoanalytic view. Part II   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper is the second in a series of two papers. In Part I, the first paper, the author reviewed the influence on the development of socially sanctioned violence of psychodynamics of group psychology and mass psychology, the regressive pull of ideologies, personality features of social and political leadership, and historical trauma and social crises. In this Part II, the author explores, from a psychoanalytic perspective, the dehumanization processes related to fundamentalist ideologies and terrorism.  相似文献   

This paper will investigate the central aspects of the psychoanalytic treatment of couples. The concept of analytic contact is introduced and the importance of each party of the couple being witness to the other party's response to analytic contact is discussed. Emphasis will be placed on issues of thinking, projective identification and the concept of container‐contained. Part 1 of the paper will focus mainly on theoretical issues but will then utilize one clinical case to illustrate some of the theoretical points. Using extensive case reports, Part 2 will continue to provide the reader with an in‐depth view of the important process of a couple's therapy within a psychoanalytic framework.  相似文献   

With extensive case material, Part 2 continues to explore the psychoanalytic treatment of couples. Since most couples enter treatment operating in a more primitive paranoid‐schizoid stance, the author contends that it is best to initially focus on each partner's pathological projections and have the other partner witness their struggle to overcome personal issues that contaminate the couple's unified psychology. With continuous working through, the couple can gradually find a more depressive, integrative footing within themselves and as a couple. Again, the value of ‘witnessing’ and working through individual defensive reactions against thinking, pathological projective identifications and the breakdown of the container‐contained function are all examined in the clinical presentations. All these clinical elements are part of the establishment of analytic contact first with each party as individuals and later as a unified couple.  相似文献   

This paper is the first of a series of two that present an effort to systematize the application of psychoanalytic theory of group processes to the outbreak of massive violence. It explores the origins and social amplification of primitive aggression by means of group psychology and mass psychology, and the combined influences of the regressive pull of ideologies, the personality features of social and political leadership, and the triggering impact of historical trauma and social crises. The paper describes a spectrum of narcissistic-paranoid mechanisms that provide a common matrix for the analysis of those aspects of social psychology that co-determine socially sanctioned violence.  相似文献   

The field of nonlinear dynamics (or chaos theory) provides ways to expand concepts of psychoanalytic process that have implications for the technique of psychoanalysis. This paper describes how concepts of “the edge of chaos,” emergence, attractors, and coupled oscillators can help shape analytic technique resulting in an approach to doing analysis which is at the same time freer and more firmly based in an enlarged understanding of the ways in which psychoanalysis works than some current recommendation about technique. Illustrations from a lengthy analysis of an analysand with obsessive‐compulsive disorder show this approach in action.  相似文献   

The author presents a critical overview of the literature on psychoanalytic education, focusing on criticism regarding structural aspects of our educational institutions. He then presents arguments for the need of radical changes in the organizational structure of institutes, and focuses on the problems of the training analysis system. He proposes concrete solutions for these problems, in the form of changes both in the assignment of responsibilities for the personal analysis of candidates and in the selection and function of supervisors.  相似文献   

This paper is the second part of a general analysis of problems in contemporary psychoanalytic education. Having proposed changes in the training analysis and supervisory systems in Part I, here the author focuses on concrete proposals regarding changes in the curriculum, seminars and classroom teaching; the governance of psychoanalytic institutes, relationship of institutes with their respective psychoanalytic society and the role of the university in the development of science and research; the admission, progression, and graduating processes; certifi cation and accreditation.  相似文献   

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