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Subjects were required to describe line drawings of two-dimensional shapes at two levels of verbal codability, with and without using hand gestures. Elimination of gesture affected speech performance by changing the semantic content of utterances and the proportion of speaking time spent pausing; numbers of words, numbers of pauses, mean pause length and semantic content were found to be related to the verbal codability of the stimulus material; and the number of hesitations was related to both gesture and level of codability.  相似文献   

In selecting the canonical colors of color-specific objects, children may use verbal mediation, a cognitive process whereby an object and its color are matched using verbal rather than pictorial representation [British Journal of Developmental Psychology 14 (1996) 339]. To investigate this process, 108 2- to 5-year-old children were asked to identify 11 colors and to choose crayons to color pictures of color-specific objects. Canonical color choice was significantly predicted by color-labeling skill above the variance portion predicted by age alone. Children were also asked to explain their color choices. Children who knew their colors and who colored canonically provided explanations for their color choices consistent with verbal mediation. However, a high proportion of children who did not know a color, and thus could not use verbal mediation, also gave sophisticated explanations for their color choices if they colored the objects canonically. These findings provide modest support for the idea that identification of canonical colors of objects is a verbal process.  相似文献   

The codability of kinesthetic location and distance information   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The reported experiment tested the effect of abrupt and unpredictable viewpoint changes on the attentional tracking of multiple objects in dynamic 3-D scenes. Observers tracked targets that moved independently among identically looking distractors on a rectangular floor plane. The tracking interval was 11 s. Abrupt rotational viewpoint changes of 10°, 20°, or 30° occurred after 8 s. Accuracy of tracking targets across a 10° viewpoint change was comparable to accuracy in a continuous control condition, whereas viewpoint changes of 20° and 30° impaired tracking performance considerably. This result suggests that tracking is mainly dependant on a low-level process whose performance is saved against small disturbances by the visual system's ability to compensate for small changes of retinocentric coordinates. Tracking across large viewpoint changes succeeds only if allocentric coordinates are remembered to relocate targets after displacements.  相似文献   

When multiple objects rotate in depth, they are frequently perceived to rotate in the same direction even when perspective information signals counterrotation. Three experiments are reported on this tendency to recover the rotation directions of multiple objects in a nonindependent fashion (termed rotational linkage). Rotational linkage was strongly affected by slant in depth of the objects, image perspective, and relative starting phase of the objects. Linkage was found not to vary as a function of the relative rotation speed of the objects or the relative alignment of their rotation axes. Rotational linkage is interpreted as a tendency of the visual system to assign signed depths to objects based on a communality of image point direction.  相似文献   

In a multiple-object tracking (MOT) task, young and older adults attentively tracked a subset of 10 identical, randomly moving disks for several seconds, and then tried to identify those disks that had comprised the subset. Young adults who habitually played video games performed significantly better than those who did not. Compared to young subjects (mean age = 20.6 years) with whom they were matched for video game experience, older subjects (mean age = 75.3 years) showed much reduced ability to track multiple moving objects, particularly with faster movement or longer tracking times. Control measurements with stationary disks show that the age-related decline in MOT was not caused by a general change in memory per se. To generate an item-wise performance measure, we examined older subjects' proportion correct according to the serial order in which individual disks were identified. Correct identification of target disks declined with the order in which targets were reported, suggesting that attentional tracking produced graded, rather than all-or-none, outcomes.  相似文献   

Typical word-association procedures result in verbal response hierarchies for a specific stimulus word. The problem of assessing corresponding stimulus hierarchies is discussed Three approaches are entertained: obtaining associations to all of the words in the dictionary, clerical cross-indexing of existing response-hierarchy data, and obtaining backward associations which are then used in forward association. A comparison of data obtainable by the last two methods is presented.  相似文献   

The present study investigated working memory consolidation in focused and distributed attention tasks by examining the time course of the consolidation process (Experiment 1) and its dependence on capacity-limited central resources (Experiment 2) in both tasks. In a match-to-sample design using masks at various intervals to vary consolidation rates, the participants performed either an identification task (focused attention) or a mean estimation task (distributed attention) with (Experiment 1) or without (Experiment 2) prior knowledge of what task they were to perform. We found that consolidation in the distributed attention task was more efficient and was about twice as fast as in the focused attention task. In addition, both tasks suffered interference when they had to be performed together, indicating that both types of attention rely on a common set of control processes. These findings can be attributed to differences in the resolution of object representations and in the scope of attention associated with focused and distributed attention.  相似文献   

The visual system can only accurately represent a handful of objects at once. How do we cope with this severe capacity limitation? One possibility is to use selective attention to process only the most relevant incoming information. A complementary strategy is to represent sets of objects as a group or ensemble (e.g. represent the average size of items). Recent studies have established that the visual system computes accurate ensemble representations across a variety of feature domains and current research aims to determine how these representations are computed, why they are computed and where they are coded in the brain. Ensemble representations enhance visual cognition in many ways, making ensemble coding a crucial mechanism for coping with the limitations on visual processing.  相似文献   

Four experiments investigated the role of verbal processing in the recognition of pictures of faces and objects. We used (a) a stimulus-encoding task where participants learned sequentially presented pictures in control, articulatory suppression, and describe conditions and then engaged in an old-new picture recognition test and (b) a poststimulus-encoding task where participants learned the stimuli without any secondary task and then either described or not a single item from memory before the recognition test. The main findings were as follows: First, verbalization influenced picture recognition. Second, there were contrasting influences of verbalization on the recognition of faces, compared with objects, that were driven by (a) the stage of processing during which verbalization took place (as assessed by the stimulus-encoding and poststimulus-encoding tasks), (b) whether verbalization was subvocal (whereby one goes through the motions of speaking but without making any sound) or overt, and (c) stimulus familiarity. During stimulus encoding there was a double dissociation whereby subvocal verbalization interfered with the recognition of faces but not objects, while overt verbalization benefited the recognition of objects but not faces. In addition, stimulus familiarity provided an independent and beneficial influence on performance. Post stimulus encoding, overt verbalization interfered with the recognition of both faces and objects, and this interference was apparent for unfamiliar but not familiar stimuli. Together these findings extend work on verbalization to picture recognition and place important parameters on stimulus and task constraints that contribute to contrasting beneficial and detrimental effects of verbalization on recognition memory.  相似文献   

One of the tasks that analysts and therapists face at a certain stage in their career is how to develop a way of psychoanalytic thinking and practising of their own. To do this involves modifying or overcoming the transferences established during their training or early career. These transferences are to one's teachers or training analyst, investing them with authority and infallibility, and to received theory, which is treated as though it were dogma. The need to free oneself from such transferences has been discussed in the literature. There is, however, another kind of transference that the developing therapist also needs to resolve, which has received little attention. This is the transference made on to a key figure in the psychoanalytic tradition. Such a psychoanalytic figure will be seen as the originator of or embodiment of those theoretical ideas to which one becomes attached, and/or as standing behind one's training analyst or seminal teachers who become a representative of that figure. The value of an investigation of one's relationship to a psychoanalytic figure is that it is an excellent medium for revealing one's transference, as the figure in question is not a real person but only exists through his/her writings. The body of the paper consists of an extended example of such an analysis, that of my own transference on to the figure of Winnicott. In this example I illustrate how my evaluation of Winnicott's ideas changed from seeing them as providing answers to all my clinical questions to no longer satisfying me in some areas of my work. This change in my relationship to Winnicott's theory went hand in hand with a modification in my transference on to the figure of Winnicott, from seeing him as endowed with authority and goodness to an appreciation of him as a still sustaining figure but now with limits and flaws. In the final part of the paper several questions arising out of my analysis are posed. Can the pull of writing such an account in terms of dramatic rupture rather than gradual and partial change be avoided? Should my account be regarded purely as a form of self‐analysis or does it have anything to say about Winnicott himself and his theory? And do some psychoanalytic figures attract more intense or sticky transferences than others?  相似文献   

The primary purpose of this research was to determine how imaginal and verbal encoding strategies intereact with various stimulus characteristics to either enhance or retard recognition; the secondary purpose of these studies was to test the conceptual coding hypothesis of Ellis, 1972. A between-groups multivariate factorial analysis of covariance experiment and a within-subjects multivariate factorial analysis of variance experiment were conducted. In Experiment 1 it was found that low-codability shapes were better recognized under the verbal encoding set rather than the imaginal encoding verbal encoding sets; and high-codability shapes were not better recognized than low-codability shapes. However, in Experiment 2, where instructional set was a within-subjects factor, it was found that low-codability shapes were not better recognized under the verbal encoding set than the imaginal encoding set.  相似文献   

The accuracy of time-to-contact (TTC) judgments for single approaching objects is well researched, however, close to nothing is known about our ability to make simultaneous TTC judgments for two or more objects. Such complex judgments are required in many everyday situations, for instance when crossing a multi-lane street or when engaged in multi-player ball games. We used a prediction-motion paradigm in which participants simultaneously estimated the absolute TTC of two objects, and compared the performance to a standard single-object condition. Results showed that the order of arrival of the two objects determined the accuracy of the TTC estimates: Estimation of the first-arriving object was unaffected by the added complexity compared to the one-object condition, whereas the TTC of the second-arriving object was systematically overestimated. This result has broad implications for complex everyday situations. We suggest that it is akin to effects observed in experiments on the psychological refractory period (PRP) and that the proactive interference of the first-arriving object indicates a bottleneck or capacity sharing at the central stage.  相似文献   

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