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Left and right halves of a visual display were covered with inducing fields (IFs) of different lightnesses. S’s monocular gaze moved over an irreversible route from a neutral Munsell target to a CO series through either the left- or right-side IFs. For the 16 Ss there were 8 different IFs, varying from light to dark. For each of three different gray targets Munsell CO choices varied directly with the lightness of the IFs through which the gaze was routed rather than with the lightness of the total presented display. A replication with modifications is also reported.  相似文献   

Observers were asked to select samples from a Munsell chart to match the lightness of seven identified surfaces in an outdoor scene they were shown. A separate group that was given the same task but viewed the same scene covered with a veiling luminance equal in intensity to the highest luminance in the scene selected almost the same matches. The same lightness constancy results were obtained using an abstract laboratory display to rule out memory color. These results challenge ratio and contrast theories because a veiling luminance, by adding a constant luminance to every poing in the image, dramatically alters luminance ratios. Lightness constancy was not obtained, however, when these three-dimensional real-world-type displays were replaced by a flat, Mondrian-type display consisting of surface grays from white to black, whether or not colored regions were present in the display; lightness matches were consistent with ratio predictions both with and without the veil.  相似文献   

In 3 experiments the author investigated the relationship between the online visual representation of natural scenes and long-term visual memory. In a change detection task, a target object either changed or remained the same from an initial image of a natural scene to a test image. Two types of changes were possible: rotation in depth, or replacement by another object from the same basic-level category. Change detection during online scene viewing was compared with change detection after delay of 1 trial (Experiments 2A and 2B) until the end of the study session (Experiment 1) or 24 hr (Experiment 3). There was little or no decline in change detection performance from online viewing to a delay of 1 trial or delay until the end of the session, and change detection remained well above chance after 24 hr. These results demonstrate that long-term memory for visual detail in a scene is robust.  相似文献   

J Vanrie  B Willems  J Wagemans 《Perception》2001,30(9):1047-1056
Previous research has shown that object recognition from different viewpoints often yields strong effects of viewpoint. However, for some objects and experimental paradigms almost complete viewpoint invariance is obtained. This suggests the existence of multiple routes to object recognition. In this study we further strengthen this notion by designing two different conditions using the same experimental paradigm (simultaneous matching) and highly similar objects (multiblock figures). In the first condition (involving a handedness violation), strong effects of viewpoint were obtained. In the second condition (involving an invariance violation), the effects of viewpoint were negligible. This result illustrates that asking under what circumstances object recognition is viewpoint dependent or independent is more fruitful than attempting to show that object recognition is either viewpoint dependent or independent.  相似文献   

Predictions from a model of visual matching were tested in two experiments. The model consists of a wholistic comparison process followed by an element-by-element comparison process. All stimuli are processed by the first stage but only those that permit a decision based on a wholistic comparison produce responses. When discrimination is difficult and a decision cannot be reached by a wholistic comparison, the second stage of processing is initiated. Degree of discriminability and stimulus duration (100 and 1000 msec.) were varied in both experiments. In Exp. 1, the stimulus elements were arranged in a square configuration to facilitate a wholistic comparison. As predicted, the hard-different stimuli took longer to match than the same or easy-different stimuli. The hard-different stimuli presented for 1000 msec. took longer to match than those presented for 100 msec. There was no difference in accuracy between responses to hard-different pairs at the two durations. In Exp. 2, the stimulus elements were arranged in a horizontal row and placed one above the other to facilitate element-by-element comparison. As predicted, these stimuli produced slower and more accurate responses for same and hard-different stimulus pairs only when they were exposed for 1000 msec. Responses to easy-different stimulus pairs were made quickly and accurately.  相似文献   

In a series of five experiments, we investigated how amodal completion affects pattern recognition, and tested possible models of processes underlying completion of simple shapes. Inferences about processing models were based mainly upon the comparison of ‘same’ latencies in a simultaneous matching task. The major result of experiments 1–4 regards two conditions where a complete target had to be matched with a given stimulus region, belonging to a composite comparison pattern. Matching is faster when this stimulus region is amodally completed than when it looks like an incomplete shape. In experiment 5 we compared complete vs incomplete targets, that were either phenomenally or topographically identical to a given region of the comparison pattern. The failure to show any effect of target completeness suggests that phenomenal identity may be as effective as topographical identity.  相似文献   

B Pavard  A Berthoz 《Perception》1977,6(5):529-540
In the present work, we have shown the effect of a vestibular stimulation on the velocity perception of a moving scene. The intensity of this effect is related to the amplitude of the cart acceleration, image velocity, spatial frequency of the visual stimulus, and the angle between the directions of cart and image movement. A simple model has been developed to determine whether the perception of visual movement is due to the geometric projection of the vestibular evaluation on the visual vector, or the inverse.  相似文献   

Gozli DG  West GL  Pratt J 《Cognition》2012,124(2):244-250
The present study investigated the mechanisms responsible for the difference between visual processing of stimuli near and far from the observer's hands. The idea that objects near the hands are immediate candidates for action led us to hypothesize that vision near the hands would be biased toward the action-oriented magnocellular visual pathway that supports processing with high temporal resolution but low spatial resolution. Conversely, objects away from the hands are not immediate candidates for action and, therefore, would benefit from a bias toward the perception-oriented parvocellular visual pathway that supports processing with high spatial resolution but low temporal resolution. We tested this hypothesis based on the psychophysical characteristics of the two pathways. Namely, we presented subjects with two tasks: a temporal-gap detection task which required the high temporal acuity of the magnocellular pathway and a spatial-gap detection task that required the spatial acuity of the parvocellular pathway. Consistent with our prediction, we found better performance on the temporal-gap detection task and worse performance on the spatial-gap detection task when stimuli were presented near the hands compared to when they were far from the hands. These findings suggest that altered visual processing near the hands may be due to changes in the contribution of the two visual pathways.  相似文献   

Several paradoxes in the visual information processing literature are reviewed. Two experiments utilizing a sequential presentation technique suggested a two-stage model of visual search in which a parallel initial stage guides the operation of a slower serial discrimination stage. A computer simulation provided a good quantitative fit to the results of both experiments. The two-stage model shows how the paradoxes may be resolved as well as providing a framework for integrating results from visual search and spatial selective attention research.  相似文献   

Unfamiliar face matching is a surprisingly difficult task, yet we often rely on people's matching decisions in applied settings (e.g., border control). Most attempts to improve accuracy (including training and image manipulation) have had very limited success. In a series of studies, we demonstrate that using smiling rather than neutral pairs of images brings about significant improvements in face matching accuracy. This is true for both match and mismatch trials, implying that the information provided through a smile helps us detect images of the same identity as well as distinguishing between images of different identities. Study 1 compares matching performance when images in the face pair display either an open-mouth smile or a neutral expression. In Study 2, we add an intermediate level, closed-mouth smile, to identify the effect of teeth being exposed, and Study 3 explores face matching accuracy when only information about the lower part of the face is available. Results demonstrate that an open-mouth smile changes the face in an idiosyncratic way which aids face matching decisions. Such findings have practical implications for matching in the applied context where we typically use neutral images to represent ourselves in official documents.  相似文献   

Three experiments are reported where a cue that was varied in time indicated a letter pair (or pairs) in a circular display with six pairs. The S had either to report letters from a pair (Exp. 1) or to decide about the equality of the letter pair (Exp. 2) or to decide about the presence of a target letter given with various delays (Exp. 3). Exp. 1 shows a short-lived partial report superiority, the loss being primarily due to adjacency errors. In Exp. 2 a short loss in the correct same decisions, but almost no loss in the correct "differents" was observed. In spite of its search task character, Exp. 3 showed the same loss as Exp. 1, 2. In all experiments performance recovered with the latest ISI (1 sec). The results of Exp. 1 can be explained by post-categorical accounts of the partial report (PR-) effect (loss of positional information), those of Exp. 2 by visual confusion, i. e. a precategorical account, those of Exp. 3 by neither. The results suggest that the PR-effect might be due to non-visible persistence rather but to visible persistence. A theory of early visual processing which would also explain the PR-effect is still lacking.  相似文献   

In a change detection paradigm, the global orientation of a natural scene was incrementally changed in 1 degree intervals. In Experiments 1 and 2, participants demonstrated sustained change blindness to incremental rotation, often coming to consider a significantly different scene viewpoint as an unchanged continuation of the original view. Experiment 3 showed that participants who failed to detect the incremental rotation nevertheless reliably detected a single-step rotation back to the initial view. Together, these results demonstrate an important dissociation between explicit change detection and visual memory. Following a change, visual memory is updated to reflect the changed state of the environment, even if the change was not detected.  相似文献   

During navigation, humans combine visual information from their surroundings with body-based information from the translational and rotational components of their movement. Theories of navigation focus on the role of visual and rotational body-based information, even though experimental evidence shows they are not sufficient for complex spatial tasks. To investigate the contribution of all three sources of information, we asked participants to search a computer-generated virtual room for targets. Participants were provided with only visual information or with visual information supplemented with body-based information for all movement (walk group) or rotational movement (rotate group). The walk group performed the task with near-perfect efficiency, irrespective of whether a rich or impoverished visual scene was provided. The visual-only and rotate groups were significantly less efficient and frequently searched parts of the room at least twice. These results suggest that full physical movement plays a critical role in navigational search, but only moderate visual detail is required.  相似文献   

Ss judged the some pairs of words “same” or “different” under semantic, acoustic and visualcriteria. RTs were compared for each criterion, and the effects of different kinds of confusabittty, such as acoustic similarity in the semantic matching task, or semantic similarity in the acoustic matching task, were also studied.  相似文献   

Many models of learning rely on accessing internal knowledge states. Yet, although infants and young children are recognized to be proficient learners, the ability to act on metacognitive information is not thought to develop until early school years. In the experiments reported here, 3.5-year-olds demonstrated memory-monitoring skills by responding on a non-verbal task originally developed for non-human animals, in which they had to access their knowledge states. Children learned a set of paired associates, and were given the option to skip uncertain trials on a recognition memory test. Accuracy for accepted items was significantly higher than for skipped on a subsequent memory task that included all items. Additionally, children whose memory-monitoring assessments more closely matched actual memory performance showed superior overall learning, suggesting a correlation between memory-monitoring and memory itself. The results suggest that children may have implicit access to internal knowledge states at very young ages, providing an explanation for how they are able to guide learning, even as infants.  相似文献   

How do observers search through familiar scenes? A novel panoramic search method is used to study the interaction of memory and vision in natural search behavior. In panoramic search, observers see part of an unchanging scene larger than their current field of view. A target object can be visible, present in the display but hidden from view, or absent. Visual search efficiency does not change after hundreds of trials through an unchanging scene (Experiment 1). Memory search, in contrast, begins inefficiently but becomes efficient with practice. Given a choice between vision and memory, observers choose vision (Experiments 2 and 3). However, if forced to use their memory on some trials, they learn to use memory on all trials, even when reliable visual information remains available (Experiment 4). The results suggest that observers make a pragmatic choice between vision and memory, with a strong bias toward visual search even for memorized stimuli.  相似文献   

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