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The brightness of white light and the loudness of white noise were measured by magnitude estimation for sets of stimuli that varied in intensity and duration. Brightness and loudness both grow as power functions of duration up to a critical duration, beyond which apparent magnitude is essentially independent of duration. For brightness, the critical duration decreases with increasing intensity, but for loudness the critical duration is nearly constant at about 150 msec. Loudness and brightness also grow as power functions of intensity. The loudness exponent is the same for all durations, but the brightness exponent is about half again as large for short durations as for long. The psychophysical power functions were used to generate equal-loudness and equal-brightness functions, which specify the combinations of intensity E and duration T that produce the same apparent magnitude. Below the critical duration ET equals k for equal brightness, and ETa equa Is k for equal loudness. The value a is about 0.7 for threshold and about 1.25 for supraliminal loudness.  相似文献   

When consciousness is examined using subjective ratings, the extent to which processing is conscious or unconscious is often estimated by calculating task performance at the subjective threshold or by calculating the correlation between accuracy and awareness. However, both these methods have certain limitations. In the present article, we propose describing task accuracy and awareness as functions of stimulus intensity (thus obtaining an accuracy and an awareness curve) as suggested by Koch and Preuschoff (2007). The estimated lag between the curves describes how much stimulus intensity must increase for awareness to change proportionally as much as accuracy and the slopes of the curves are used to assess how fast accuracy and awareness increases and whether awareness is dichotomous. The method is successfully employed to assess consciousness characteristics on data from four different awareness scales.  相似文献   

The effect of flash duration on the exponent of the brightness power function was investigated in the fovea and 20-deg periphery using a method of direct magnitude estimation. The flash duration employed covered a 5-log-unit range between .001 and 100 sec. The results showed that the exponent is clearly time-dependent for both extremes of the duration—that is, very short (.001 to .1 sec) and prolonged (3 to 100 sec) durations—but not for the medium flash durations between .1 and 3 sec. Furthermore, the exponent is a little larger for peripheral viewing than for foveal viewing except for the durations below approximately .03 sec. The systematic change of the exponent as a function of duration is discussed in terms of retinal and postretinal intensity coding functions.  相似文献   

Four pigeons in the line-positive group were trained with a vertical line on a green background that signalled intermittent reinforcement while a plain green field signalled extinction. Four pigeons in the line-negative group were trained with the opposite discrimination. Response to a control key terminated any trial and initiated the next trial. The birds also used the control key during generalization tests to control the durations of trials in which various line orientations were presented. These durations were summed to provide generalization gradients of stimulus duration that were positive or negative in accordance with the trained discriminations. In Experiment 2, birds from the line-positive group were tested with a procedure in which the control key was not available on some trials. This provided an independent assessment of response rates to the test stimuli. These rates were used to predict the stimulus durations obtained when the control key was available. The findings supported a general model for the prediction of response distributions among concurrent stimuli from rates observed with single stimuli.  相似文献   

Two sets of photographic slides, one made up of scenes from the geographic environment, the other of works of non-representational modern art, were scaled for complexity by obtaining judges’ ratings of amount of variation present on several specified stimulus attributes. Fourteen slides defining a sevenpoint scale of complexity were selected from each set and given to college students to obtain measures of (a) amount of exploratory behavior (number of times S chose to expose each slide briefly), and (b) preference (evaluative ratings on a seven-point scale). In accordance with prediction, the former measure emerged as a linearly increasing function of complexity, while the relationship between complexity and preference was curvilinear, reaching a maximum at an intermediate level of complexity. The results are related to Berlyne’s distinction between specific and diversive stimulus exploration, and implications for the study of aesthetics are discussed.  相似文献   

Overshadowing and stimulus duration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In 3 experiments, the authors investigated the effect of stimulus duration on overshadowing. Experiments 1 and 2 examined responding to a target conditioned stimulus (CS1) when it was conditioned in compound with a coterminating overshadowing stimulus (CS2) that was longer, shorter, or of the same duration (the long, short, and matched groups, respectively). Equal overshadowing of conditioning to CS1 was obtained in all 3 conditions relative to a control group conditioned to the light alone. There were, however, differences in responding to CS2 as a function of its absolute duration. Experiment 3 examined the contribution of the food-food interval/CS onset-food interval ratio to these findings. In Experiments 1 and 2, the ratio differed for the overshadowing CS but not for the target CS. In Experiment 3, this arrangement was reversed, but the pattern of results remained the same. The implications of these findings for trial-based and real-time models of conditioning are discussed.  相似文献   

Five subjects were required in each trial to directly compare two pairs of tones and indicate which pair of tones had the greater loudness difference. Ten 1,200-Hz tones differing only in intensity were employed. Subjects made binary comparisons among the 45 tone pairs that can be formed from these 10 tones. The loudness difference comparisons of each subject were found to satisfy two properties (transitivity and monotonicity) that are required for an interval scale representation of loudness. Therefore, individual loudness scales were constructed using a nonmetric scaling technique designed for comparisons of sensory intervals. These loudness scales differed significantly from subject to subject. Since a nonnumerical scaling procedure was employed, these individual differences could not be attributed to biases in the way in which observers use numbers or numerical concepts to describe the loudness of tones. Hence, they suggest strong individual differences in the coding of sound intensity.  相似文献   

Conditioned reinforcement as a function of duration of stimulus   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Pigeons were provided with three keys. Pecking the center key produced grain on a schedule that alternated at unpredictable times between a variable-interval component and extinction. On concurrent variable-interval schedules, pecking either side key produced a stimulus associated with the variable-interval component on the center key provided that said schedule was currently in effect. The independent variable was the length of time this stimulus remained on the keys. Pecking one side key produced the stimulus for 27 seconds, whereas the duration produced by pecking the other key varied for successive blocks of sessions. For the first four birds, the values tested were 3, 9, 27, and 81 seconds. For the second group, numbering three birds, the values tested were 1, 3, 9, and 27 seconds. The dependent variable was the proportion of total side key pecks that occurred on the variable key. For all birds, the function was positive in slope and negative in acceleration. This finding supports a formulation that ascribes the maintenance of observing responses in a normal setting to the fact that the subject exposes itself to the positive discriminative stimulus for a longer mean duration than it does to the negative stimulus.  相似文献   

The stimuli consisted of two complementary dot patterns that formed a bigram when they were flashed simultaneously; impairment of letter recognition developed when one of the patterns was briefly extended beyond the termination of the other (stimulus offset asynchrony). However, if the ratio of stimulus offset asynchrony to bigram duration remained constant, the probability of a correct recognition response also remained constant as duration varied over a 50- to 100-msec interval. When percent stimulus asynchrony increased, the impairment increased. An interaction between bigram letter position and each of bigram duration and percent stimulus asynchrony was observed with recognition accuracy greater in general for the letter in the left half of the field.  相似文献   

A color-naming experiment was performed in which both surround luminance and exposure duration were varied. The data showed substantial effects from these changes; however, none could be interpreted to indicate the presence of a Bezold-Brucke shift or tritanopia.  相似文献   

Movement detection thresholds were measured for varying exposures of a moving spot. A tradeoff was found in which an increase in duration (T) was offset by a decrease in the velocity required for detection (V). In the range of durations studied (about 50–700 msec), V × T was constant. The V × T constancy was interpreted in terms of the direct detection of movement as motion, and a comparison was made with Bloch’s law.  相似文献   

Response-independent pairings of a tone and a brief shock were superimposed on uncued avoidance responding in four groups of rhesus monkeys. For one group, tone presentations were immediately followed by an unavoidable electric shock; for the remaining groups, gaps of 5, 20, and 80 sec intervened between tone termination and shock delivery. These temporal values subsume paradigms usually treated as discrete procedures; the conditioned emotional response procedure (0-sec gap between tone and shock), trace procedure (5-sec gap) and safety-signal training (80-sec gap). Within each group, tone durations of 10, 20, 40, and 80 sec were examined. A response pattern marked by maximum response rate in the initial 5 sec of the tone followed by deceleration before shock was observed when shock immediately followed the tone, but not when gaps were interposed between the tone and shock. Response rates in the first 5 sec of the tone were a function of both tone duration and duration of the gap. When the gap was 0 to 5 sec, initial response rates were highest in longer duration tones; this relationship between tone duration and initial tone response rate was not observed for longer gaps.  相似文献   

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