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The appearance of heroic motives in interpersonal relations is examined. Three experiments were conducted to test the general hypothesis that witnessing the victimization of a partner would impel young men to incur costs in order to confront the transgressor. In each experiment, either the individual, his partner, or an anonymous other was insulted. Experiments 1 and 2 revealed that individuals were most willing to confront the insulter when their female partners (Experiment 1) or their male teammates (Experiment 2) were victimized. That pattern occurred despite evidence indicating that the most negative affective reactions were experienced by individuals who had been directly insulted. Experiment 3 revealed that individuals were also more willing to perform a subsequent altruistic act in response to the victimization of their partners than when they or an anonymous other person had been victimized. Taken together, the results indicated that heroic motivations in response to the victimization of a partner were distinguishable from other more negatively oriented processes that were aroused in response to self-victimization by the insulter.  相似文献   

The developmental consequences of homelessness have only recently begun to be investigated. This study examined the effects of homelessness on the self-concept, behavioral symptoms, and emotional development of preschoolers. Self-concept was examined using the Pictorial Scale of Perceived Competence and Acceptance for Young Children and teachers rated behavioral symptoms using the Child Behavior Checklist. Emotional development was also examined. Results showed that homeless preschoolers have lower self-concepts and display more deviant behaviors on the Child Behavior Checklist than housed preschoolers of the same socioeconomic status. Recognition and understanding of emotion, however, were similar in both groups.Research was supported by a grant from the Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families. The authors would like to express great appreciation to teachers Michaelene Blazak and Mary Ellen Ranta, to homeless case aide Elizabeth Davico, and to research assistant Carolyn Boumilla-Agostini for their assistance and dedication.  相似文献   

Some aspects of the cultural context within which counselling has to operate in Nigeria are discussed. The discussion reveals some cultural assumptions that often go unquestioned in Western counselling practice. For counsellors in Western cultures, these and related issues may be particularly relevant when counselling members of ethnic minorities.  相似文献   

"Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion," Parkinson's law, is an explanation classic that has survived without an artifact-free demonstration at the individual level. To evaluate Parkinson's law, undergraduate subjects expected to judge four sets of photos of faces with reference to a subjective criterion. The experimental subjects, who were told that the fourth set was canceled before they began work on the third set, dallied on the third set; that is, as compared with controls, they prolonged work. The cancellation-dalliance effect was reobtained in two exact replications. It was obtained again in a fourth study, a conceptual replication wherein subjects processed negatively toned phrases against an objective criterion. The generalizability of the effect and explanations for it are discussed.  相似文献   

80 adults (40 men and 40 women) aged 18 to 25 yr. and 80 boys aged 14 to 15 yr. observed a throwing action presented in point-light form at a frontoparallel viewpoint either as a video film or computer simulation of the actor. The display consisted of the relative motion of the wrist, elbow, and shoulder joints of the throwing arm. Subjects were asked to report what they observed. The action was recognised immediately by 68% of all subjects, and this value increased to 90% with one more viewing of the demonstration. Response was virtually the same for both types of display, and there were no differences between adults and children. The results were similar to those from other studies from which researchers have concluded that kinematic information alone is sufficient to permit perception of fundamental patterns of movement.  相似文献   

This paper describes a small apparatus for demonstrating the phi phenomenon and the autokinetic effect and provides circuit diagrams whereby the apparatus may be constructed.  相似文献   

In a series of four studies, subjects who were naive as to the true purpose of the research were asked if they had said aloud things that, at most, they had only intended to say. Often, subjects reported (incorrectly) that they had said them. Specifically, the procedures involved: showing a series of phrases, each being followed by a command to say it aloud or not (Study 1); asking a series of questions, each being followed by a request to answer it aloud or not (Study 2); asking a series of questions in a public polling situation and interrupting the subject before one of the questions was answered (Study 3); and having each subject participate in a debate, during the course of which the participant was induced to plan to use a particular point, but was prevented from doing so (Study 4). Subjects were confident of such erroneous reports; they had a lower tendency to make such errors for material that had not actually been presented, and such errors depended upon certain details of the manner in which such ‘source-monitoring’ searches were initiated. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Across four experiments, we test the idea that power decreases metastereotyping, and that this effect is mediated by reduced perspective taking. Metastereotypes refer to the beliefs that members of group A share about the stereotypes that members of specific outgroup B typically have about ingroup A. We propose that the dominant psychological orientation of the powerless is aimed at seeing how others see them. In an intergroup situation they are therefore inclined to activate and apply metastereotypes. In the first three experiments we consistently find that low power leads to more metastereotyping than high power and control (in Experiment 3). Specifically, we show this effect with three different manipulations of power, namely a role manipulation (Experiment 1), experiential priming (Experiment 2), and parafoveal priming (Experiment 3). In the fourth experiment we uncover the mediating role of perspective taking. Together these findings provide strong evidence that powerlessness leads to metastereotyping.  相似文献   

The authors address whether a hindsight bias exists for visual perception tasks. In 3 experiments, participants identified degraded celebrity faces as they resolved to full clarity (Phase 1). Following Phase 1, participants either recalled the level of blur present at the time of Phase 1 identification or predicted the level of blur at which a peer would make an accurate identification. In all experiments, participants overestimated identification performance of naive observers. Visual hindsight bias was greater for more familiar faces--those shown in both phases of the experiment--and was not reduced following instructions to participants to avoid the bias. The authors propose a fluency-misattribution theory to account for the bias and discuss implications for medical malpractice litigation and eyewitness testimony.  相似文献   

Efficient processing of complex social and biological stimuli associated with threat is crucial for survival. Previous studies have suggested that threatening stimuli such as angry faces not only capture visual attention, but also delay the disengagement of attention from their location. However, in the previous studies disengagement of attention was measured indirectly and was inferred on the basis of delayed manual responses. The present study employed a novel paradigm that allows direct examination of the delayed disengagement hypothesis by measuring the time it takes to disengage the eyes from threatening stimuli. The results showed that participants were indeed slower to make an eye movement away from an angry face presented at fixation than from either a neutral or a happy face. This finding provides converging support that the delay in disengagement of attention is an important component of processing threatening information.  相似文献   

Key pecking of pigeons was reinforced on a variable-interval schedule when ambient illumination came from a green light, but not when it came from a red, yellow, or white light. The different hues were randomly presented for periods of 30 sec each, with the restriction that white never followed red. After discriminative control was established, the pigeons were tested with the same procedure used during training, except that white sometimes followed red. Significantly more responses were made during white-following-red than during white following either green or yellow. These findings indicate that, in changing from red to white, complementary afterimages can be induced in pigeons for a brief period of time. By providing behavioral evidence for afterimages in the pigeon, this technique may be useful to research in comparative neurophysiology, animal discrimination learning, and theories of color vision.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1a, rats trained to escape shock by performing a 2-s inactive response were less impaired on a subsequent 2-way shuttle response than their yoked counterparts that received inescapable shock. In contrast, in Experiment 1b, rats trained to escape shock by performing a longer duration inactive response were more impaired on the subsequent escape task than their inescapably shocked counterparts. In Experiment 2, the results of Experiments 1a and 1b were replicated, and the inactive responses performed during pretreatment by both the escapable and inescapable shock groups were assessed and correlated with test stage 2-way shuttle escape performance. These activity data indicate that inactivity during pretreatment shock in both escapable and inescapable shock groups was a highly reliable predictor of subsequent 2-way shuttle performance, irrespective of the pretreatment shock contingency to which these Ss were exposed.  相似文献   

What the eyes say about speaking   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  

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