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Within the visual-spatial and auditory-verbal modalities, reaction times to a stimulus have been shown to be faster if salient features of the stimulus and response sets correspond than if they do not. Accounts that attribute such stimulus-response compatibility effects to general translation processes predict that similar effects should occur for cross-modal stimulus and response sets. To test this prediction, three experiments were conducted examining four-choice reactions with (I) visual spatial-location stimuli assigned to speech responses, (2) speech stimuli assigned to keypress responses, and (3) symbolic visual stimuli assigned to speech responses. In all the experiments, responses were faster when correpondence between salient features of the stimulus and response sets was maintained, demonstrating that similar principles of translation operate both within and across modalities.  相似文献   

Pigeons were trained to perform a visual discrimination between stimulus sets in which the presence of any two of three positive features made a stimulus positive, while any two of three negative features made it negative (there were thus three different positive and three different negative stimuli). After training, the birds were exposed to test stimuli that contained either all three positive or all three negative features. In Experiment I three pigeons were successfully trained by a successive method, and subsequently responded to the test stimuli as though they were positive or negative respectively. In Experiment II four pigeons were trained by a simultaneous method. Three learned the discrimination and generalized appropriately to the test stimuli, but they showed no preference between positive test and positive training stimuli, nor any consistent difference in speed of response to them; and similar results were found for negative stimuli. It is argued from this that the pigeons learned to respond to the stimuli as patterns (configurations of features) rather than to the constituent features, but that they generalized to the test stimuli by using the common features. The experiments show that pigeons could in principle learn to discriminate natural polymorphous classes (such as “pigeon” or “person”) without using any single feature, but neither the present experiments nor earlier ones demonstrating discriminations of such natural classes establish that pigeons make use of polymorphous concepts in the same way as people.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to investigate stimulus relations that might emerge when college students are taught relations between compound sample stimuli and unitary comparison stimuli using match-to-sample procedures. In Experiment 1, subjects were taught nine AB-C stimulus relations, then tested for the emergence of 18 AC-B and BC-A relations. All subjects showed the emergence of all tested relations. Twelve subjects participated in Experiment 2. Six subjects were taught nine AB-C relations and were then tested for symmetrical (C-AB) relations. Six subjects were taught nine AB-C and three C-D relations and were then tested for nine AB-D (transitive) relations. Five of 6 subjects demonstrated the emergence of symmetrical relations, and 6 subjects showed the emergence of transitivity. In Experiment 3, 5 college students were taught nine AB-C and three C-D relations and were then tested for nine equivalence (D-AB) relations and 18 AD-B and BD-A relations. Three subjects demonstrated all tested relations. One subject demonstrated the AD-B and BD-A relations but not the D-AB relations. One subject did not respond systematically during testing. The results of these experiments extend stimulus equivalence research to more complex cases.  相似文献   

Four rats received water on a fixed-ratio schedule for lever pressing in the presence of a tone (or light) stimulus and on a variable-interval schedule in the presence of a light (or tone) stimulus. Following stabilization of a high response rate during the fixed-ratio component and a moderate response rate during the variable-interval component, brief periods with the light and tone presented simultaneously but with no responses reinforced were inserted into the regular training schedule. Response rates during the compound stimuli were intermediate between the response rates controlled by the individual fixed-ratio and variable-interval associated stimuli.  相似文献   

Many of the classical multivariate data analysis and multidimensional scaling techniques call for approximations by lower dimensional configurations. A model is proposed, in which different sets of linear constraints are imposed on different dimensions in component analysis and classical multidimensional scaling frameworks. A simple, efficient, and monotonically convergent algorithm is presented for fitting the model to the data by least squares. The basic algorithm is extended to cover across-dimension constraints imposed in addition to the dimensionwise constraints, and to the case of a symmetric data matrix. Examples are given to demonstrate the use of the method.The work reported in this paper has been supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, grant number A6394, and by the McGill-IBM Cooperative Grant, both granted to the first author. The research of H. A. L. Kiers has been made possible by a fellowship of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences. We thank Michael Hunter for his helpful comments on earlier drafts of this paper.  相似文献   

The stimulus estimation model (Taylor & Rachman, 1994) asserts that fear overprediction stems from: (a) overprediction of the danger elements of a phobic stimulus, and (b) underprediction of existing safety resources. Using a 2x2 factorial design, with danger (high vs low) and safety (high vs low) as between-subjects variables, an experimental test of the model was conducted with 25 snake-fearful participants per condition. The four experimental conditions were matched on initial levels of snake fearfulness, as assessed by the Snake Questionnaire (SNAQ). For the 51 participants who demonstrated overprediction of fear, high danger led to reliably more fear overprediction than low danger; and low safety led to reliably more fear overprediction than high safety. The interaction between danger and safety was not statistically significant. The results offer the first convincing experimental support for the stimulus estimation model of fear overprediction.  相似文献   

Delayed stimulus control: recall for single and relational stimuli.   总被引:9,自引:9,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
In a discrete-trial symbolic matching-to-sample procedure, pigeons' left-key responses were reinforced following presentation of one center-key sample, and right-key responses were reinforced following presentation of another. Recallability was measured by the difference between log ratios of left to right responses following each sample. In Experiment 1, samples were successively presented same or different wavelengths in the relational discrimination, or individual wavelengths in the single discrimination. The rate at which recallability decreased with increasing delay since sample presentation was the same for single and relational discriminations, but the initial level of performance differed, indicating that the relational discrimination was more difficult. In Experiment 2, recall functions for easy and difficult discriminations between individual wavelengths also differed in levels of initial performance but not in rate of decrement of recallability over time. Recall for stimuli differing in complexity may therefore reflect differences in discrimination difficulty.  相似文献   

When observers decide how to classify stimuli, they often employ one of two types of information: identity along one particular dimension or overall similarity. The present studies examined interrelations among the factors which determine the use of these types of information. Participants' classifications of certain types of materials (e.g., size and brightness, length and density) revealed strong individual differences, were related to the individual's response tempo and selective processing ability, and were influenced by task demands. Classifications of other materials (e.g., saturation and brightness) did not reveal individual differences, were not affected by response tempo and selective processing ability, and were unaffected by changes in task demands. The former, but not the latter, types of materials have also been found to be influenced by developmental differences. The results are consistent with the idea that differences in response tempo and selective processing ability underlie observer differences (both individual and developmental) and that certain types of stimuli which are not susceptible to such influences set boundary conditions for observer differences. The results are discussed within an integral-to-separable model of processing.  相似文献   

A long-standing issue in same/different discrimination learning concerns the possible role of individual stimulus memory through repeated presentation. The aim of eliminating any effect of repetition prompted us to devise a new method for generating trial-unique stimuli. These stimuli were arrays of 16 mosaics, each containing 16 cells, which could be filled with 16 possible luminance levels. In Experiment 1, we successfully trained 4 pigeons with these trial-unique stimuli in a two-alternative forced choice same/different discrimination task to 80% correct-choice performance. We later conducted two tests that explored the nature of this discrimination and suggested that pigeons compared the mosaics in the arrays on the basis of their spatial configurations, not on the basis of lower level perceptual properties. In Experiment 2, college students responded similarly to the same sequence of training and testing. Our results suggest that pigeons and people may use similar mechanisms in relational discrimination learning.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of stimulus (reinforcer) variation in several different contexts. In Study 1, we identified high-quality (HQ) and low-quality (LQ) stimuli based on results of a paired-stimulus assessment and examined their effects when available under concurrent-reinforcement schedules for 8 participants. No participants showed preference for the LQ stimuli when compared singly or in a varied arrangement to the HQ stimulus. In Study 2, we identified nonpreferred (NP) stimuli based on results of a single-stimulus assessment and examined their effects when available under single-reinforcement schedules for 3 participants. Results of Study 2 were mixed. One participant's data indicated that the varied presentation of NP stimuli produced a modest improvement in performance over that observed when the stimuli were presented singly. By contrast, a second participant's data showed no facilitative effect for the varied delivery of NP stimuli and that the inclusion of an HQ stimulus in the varied arrangement obscured the reinforcing effects of the HQ stimulus. The 3rd participant's data showed no effect for the varied delivery of NP stimuli but an apparent facilitative effect when an HQ stimulus was included in the varied arrangement, which was attributable solely to the presence of the HQ stimulus.  相似文献   

Recent research findings suggest that low preference stimuli can be effective reinforcers. This study compared responding to high preference and low preference stimuli under continuous reinforcement. Results demonstrated that responding was greater when a high preference stimulus was presented. Other research findings suggest that stimulus variation increases the potency of reinforcers perceived to be of high preference. This study extended this line of research by evaluating whether stimulus variation would increase the potency of low preference stimuli. Results demonstrated that when three low preference stimuli were presented in a varied fashion, responding corresponded with the levels obtained when a high preference stimulus was presented. Furthermore, a varied reinforcer presentation of low preference stimuli was found to increase and maintain high percentages of correct responding and on‐task behavior to levels equal to those obtained with a high preference stimulus during a discrete trial preparation. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

After establishing discrimination between a red positive stimulus and a green negative stimulus, the lowest intensity colors that restricted all responding to the positive stimulus were determined. Then, two new white lines differing in terms of line orientation were each superimposed on one of the colors and were increased in intensity. Thereafter, the intensity of the colors was decreased and eventually eliminated. Probe stimuli consisting of the lines presented against dark backgrounds were presented before each change of stimulus intensity, and probe responding was used to assess the control acquired by various dimension of the new stimuli during the course of fading. The lines acquired control of responding while they were being introduced, and control was strengthened as the colors were attenuated. Such a locus of acquisition was attributed to the starting intensity of the original controlling stimuli and was explained in terms of stimulus blocking. Finally, using probes while introducing the new stimuli enhanced the acquisition of control by the new stimuli.  相似文献   

The possibility that stimulus emotionality might influence recognition bias in a long-term memory task was studied with respect to both the valence and arousal dimensions of emotion. For this purpose, we used 108 International Affective Picture System pictures that were representative of all regions of this two-dimensional space. Signal detection theory analysis was applied using A'and B' D as discrimination and bias measures, respectively. In general, the results showed that greater discrimination was accompanied by a response bias that was more conservative for pleasant and for unarousing pictures than for unpleasant and for arousing ones. These results provide new evidence in connection with the emotion-induced recognition bias in long-term memory performance.  相似文献   

An experiment with rats compared the ability of fixed and variable duration cues to produce blocking. Rats in group B (Blocking) were trained that both fixed- (F) and variable- (V) duration cues would be followed by food delivery. In a subsequent training stage F and V continued to be reinforced, but F was accompanied by X, and V by Y. In the test phase responding to X and Y was examined. Control group O (Overshadowing) received identical treatment, except that F and V were nonreinforced in the first training stage. In group B there was evidence for blocking, but only of X, which had been conditioned in compound with the fixed-duration F; there was no evidence for blocking of Y, which had been conditioned in compound with the variable-duration V. It is suggested that this result may occur because fixed cues reach a higher, more stable asymptote of associative strength than do their variable equivalents.  相似文献   

The transswitching paradigm was used in the present study to investigate the effects of tonic (long duration) environmental stimuli paired with opposing unconditional stimuli on human blood pressure. Sixty volunteers participated for two sessions, one week apart. Subjects were presented with a pseudorandom sequence of four trials of red lights (five minutes each) and four trials of blue lights (five minutes each) within each session. All subjects received the cold pressor test during the red lights. During the blue lights, half the subjects received warm water and the other half received a neutral temperature water. Subjects received the presentations of the water in one of three methods: as determined by the experimenter, preceded by a warning signal, or self-administered. The results indicated that conditional and unconditional responses during the red lights were progressive increases in blood pressure. During the blue lights associated with warm water, conditional and unconditional responses were often progressive decreases in blood pressure. The method of administration of the water affected the magnitude of the unconditional responses. Evidence for phasic stimulus control was not as unequivocal as tonic stimulus control. The present results indicated that it is possible to modify blood pressure in two directions (increases and decreases) when two high contrast, opposing unconditional stimuli are presented.  相似文献   

Twenty-four right-handed subjects received random presentations of the numbers 1-6 in the form of words, digits, and dot patterns, to the left and right visual fields. Accuracy and reaction time were recorded for an odd-even judgment requiring a manual response. A significant stimulus type of visual field interaction was obtained, with words showing a left-hemisphere advantage and digits and dot patterns showing a right-hemisphere advantage. This pattern supports Coltheart's (1980, Deep dyslexia: A right hemisphere hypothesis, In M. Coltheart, K. Patterson, & J.C. Marshall (Eds.), Deep dyslexia, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul) right hemisphere reading hypothesis, which suggests that the left hemisphere's general advantage in processing linguistic material may be specific to stimuli which involve phonological processing. When phonological processing is not possible (e.g., for arabic digits and other ideographic orthographies), the right hemisphere may have an advantage because of its superior visuospatial processing capabilities.  相似文献   

To learn whether prior discrimination training based on one stimulus would block learning about a subsequently added stimulus, rats were first trained to press a bar on a variable-interval schedule of food reinforcement. Occasional stimuli were presented during which no reinforcement was available. Responding became suppressed in the presence of these stimuli. Stimuli could be noise, light, or a compound of noise plus light. A group trained with noise in Phase 1, then trained with the compound in Phase 2, showed less suppression to light in a subsequent test than a group that had the same compound training in Phase 2 but only variable-interval training in Phase 1. This showed that prior training with noise blocked the development of control by light during compound training. Two further groups showed that noise training following compound training did not have the same effect on control by light.  相似文献   

In 1987, Sharps and Gollin reported that the spatial memory of older adults is aided more than that of young adults by visually distinctive cues to location. In 1990, Park, Cherry, Smith, and Lafronza failed to reproduce these results. In the present study, strong category structure yielded results analogous to those of Park et al., and weak category structure similar to that of Sharps and Gollin yielded the same pattern of results as those in their study. The categorical interrelatedness of stimulus items was shown to be of potential importance in the resolution of the discrepancy between the 2 reports.  相似文献   

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