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Two experiments were conducted to assess the relative effects of signal density and regularity on watchkeeping performance. In Experiment I, three levels of density (6, 24, and 96 signals/hr.) were combined factorially with three levels of variability (coefficients of variation of 0.01, 0.10, and 1.00), and 10 Ss were assigned at random to each of the nine conditions. In Experiment II, five levels of density (6, 12, 24, 48, and 96 signals/hr.) were combined with the same three levels of variability, and 13 Ss were assigned to each condition. Each 5 monitored a visual “blinking-lights” display for an hour under instructions to detect and report the occurrence of certain “critical signals,” i.e., arrests of alternation of the lights. Response times (RT’s) to correctly detected signals in both experiments decreased as a linear function of logarithmic increases in signal density. An uncertainty metric, the signal surprisal due to density, was derived, and the watchkeeper’sRT was expressed as an increasing linear function of this measure of temporal uncertainty. Interpretation of these and other data support a functional, psychophysical approach to the study of watchkeeping behavior.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to assess the effects of S-R uncertainty on performance in watchkeeping and typical type-b choice-reaction situations. The assessment was based in part on measurements of S-R compatibility effects in the two performance conditions. Four levels of S-R uncertainty (1, 2, 3 and 4 bits/S-R event) were combined factorially with two levels of S-R compatibility (high and low) and the two kinds of tasks (watchkeeping and choice-reaction); 12 Ss were assigned at random to each of the 16 conditions. A matrix of lights was used as stimuli in the choice-reaction condition; Ss monitored the matrix for a I-h duration in the watchkeeping condition. In both tasks, Ss responded by pressing a corresponding key after the presentation of a stimulus or “critical signal.” Reaction time (RT) was found to be an increas ing linear function of S-R uncertainty in both tasks. and the effects of S-R compatibility were essentially identical in the two. However, choice reactions were significantly faster than watchkeeping responses, and the rate of gain of information in watchkeeping was greater than in the comparable choice-reaction situations. The results are interpreted as supporting the hypothesis that watchkeeping differs from the simpler choice-reaction task principally in presenting an additional source of (temporal) uncertainty for information processing.  相似文献   

In three experiments, musically trained and untrained adults listened to three repetitions of a 5-note melodic sequence followed by a final melody with either the same tune as those preceding it or differing in one position by one semitone. In Experiment 1, ability to recognize the final sequence was examined as a function of redundancy at the levels of musical structurein a sequence, contour complexity of transpositions in a trial, and trial context in a session. Within a sequence, tones were related as the major or augmented triad; within a trial, the four sequences began on successively higher notes (simple macrocontour) or on randomly selected notes (complex macrocontour); and within a session, trials were either blocked (all major or all augmented) or mixed (major and augmented randomly selected). Performance was superior for major melodies, for systematic transpositions within a trial (simple macrocontours), for blocked trials, and for musically trained listeners. In Experiment 2, we examined further the effect of macrocontour. Performance on simple macrocontours exceeded that on complex, and excluded the possibility that repetition of the 20-note sequences provided the entire benefit of systematic transposition in Experiment 1. The effect of musical structure (major/augmented) was also replicated. In Experiment 3, listeners provided structure ratings of ascending 20-note sequences fromExperiment 2. Ratings onsame trials were higher than those on correspondingdifferent trials, in contrast to performance scores for augmentedsame anddifferent trials in previous experiments. The concept of functional uncertainty was proposed to account for recognition difficulties on augmented same trials. The significant effects of redundancy on all the levels examined confirm the utility of the information-processing framework for thestudy of melodic sequence perception.  相似文献   

Pigeons were exposed to variable-interval and fixed-interval schedules and schedules approximating variable-interval and fixed-interval schedules. The probabilities of the variable-interval and fixed-interval components in a mixed fixed-interval variable-interval schedule in Experiment I and the minimum and maximum interreinforcement intervals in Experiment II in a variable-interval schedule were manipulated to create intermediate schedule contingencies and contingencies approximating simple variable-interval or fixed-interval contingencies. Maximal control by time as defined by quantitative indices of the temporal pattern of response occurred as fixed-interval contingencies were approximated and minimal control occurred as variable-interval contingencies were approximated. Changes in the temporal pattern of response were systematically related to changes in the temporal distribution of reinforcements with both procedural definitions for manipulating the temporal distribution of reinforcements.  相似文献   

Two qualitatively different sounds were used to generate256 different sequences of length8, and these sequences were presented to Ss at a rate of two stimuli per second. These sequences, when repeatedcontinuously,canbe grouped into20 fundame ntally different patterns, each having either2, 4, or8 distinguishably different starting points. Ss were required to listen and to be gin responding (with telegraph keys) in synchrony to the patterns when they were able. The point at which they began responding, the delay before responding, and errors after beginning responding were measured. The response uncertainty (variability of point of response for a given pattern), average delay, and average errors are all highly correlated, indicating that patterns which are easily organized are those which have few alternative modes of organization, and thus can be considered as simple, or good in the Gestalt sense.  相似文献   

The perception and processing of temporal information are tasks the brain must continuously perform. These include measuring the duration of stimuli, storing duration information in memory, recalling such memories, and comparing two durations. How the brain accomplishes these tasks, however, is still open for debate. The temporal bisection task, which requires subjects to compare temporal stimuli to durations held in memory, is perfectly suited to address these questions. Here we perform a meta-analysis of human performance on the temporal bisection task collected from 148 experiments spread across 18 independent studies. With this expanded data set we are able to show that human performance on this task contains a number of significant peculiarities, which in total no single model yet proposed has been able to explain. Here we present a simple 2-step decision model that is capable of explaining all the idiosyncrasies seen in the data.  相似文献   

In three experiments, musically trained and untrained adults listened to three repetitions of a 5-note melodic sequence followed by a final melody with either the same tune as those preceding it or differing in one position by one semitone. In Experiment 1, ability to recognize the final sequence was examined as a function of redundancy at the levels of musical structure in a sequence, contour complexity of transpositions in a trial, and trial context in a session. Within a sequence, tones were related as the major or augmented triad; within a trial, the four sequences began on successively higher notes (simple macrocontour) or on randomly selected notes (complex macrocontour); and within a session, trials were either blocked (all major or all augmented) or mixed (major and augmented randomly selected). Performance was superior for major melodies, for systematic transpositions within a trial (simple macrocontours), for blocked trials, and for musically trained listeners. In Experiment 2, we examined further the effect of macrocontour. Performance on simple macrocontours exceeded that on complex, and excluded the possibility that repetition of the 20-note sequences provided the entire benefit of systematic transposition in Experiment 1. The effect of musical structure (major/augmented) was also replicated. In Experiment 3, listeners provided structure ratings of ascending 20-note sequences from Experiment 2. Ratings on same trials were higher than those on corresponding different trials, in contrast to performance scores for augmented same and different trials in previous experiments. The concept of functional uncertainty was proposed to account for recognition difficulties on augmented same trials. The significant effects of redundancy on all the levels examined confirm the utility of the information-processing framework for the study of melodic sequence perception.  相似文献   

The experimental task involved statistical judgements about parameters of a random sample of dots displayed sequentially from a ‘signal’ or ‘noise’ distribution. Signal uncertainty was introduced by presenting small signal subsets of dots within larger observation sequences. Observer detection performance was adversely affected by this kind of signal uncertainty, but in the same way and to similar extent as that expected on the basis of ‘ideal’ and ‘independent’ statistical decision strategies.  相似文献   

Ten hooded rats were trained to perform a two-turn task in a temporal circular maze. The effects of levels of food deprivation (2, 26, 50, 74, 98, 122 hr.) on performance were evaluated. It was found that the correct responses were not affected, but both running time and competing behaviour decreased significantly with increase in hours of food deprivation. In a second experiment 8 rats were trained in a similar way and after attaining a stable performance, were run for a further 4 sessions at 24 hr. deprivation, and then at 72 hr. deprivation. The results precluded the possibility that the results obtained in Experiment I were due to practice effects, and support the findings on the effects of deprivation.  相似文献   

Control or control-belief is often viewed as being directly instrumental in facilitating coping mechanisms in aversive situations, and yet the empirical evidence for the beneficial effects of control is inconclusive. In this study we investigated the role of predictability in determining the effects of perceived control during an aversive reaction time task. Fifty-six subjects were allocated to one of four groups; predictable-control, predictable-no control, unpredictable-control, unpredictable-no control. In the predictable conditions, subjects could temporally predict the occurrence of an aversive noise. In the perceived control conditions, duration of the aversive tone was contingent on subject’s performance. All subjects were matched in terms of the nature of the task and in the number and time of receipt of both the warning signal and noise. Heart rate reactivity and two performance parameters were measured, reaction time and performance increase. Both predictability and control-belief led to a reduction in heart rate reactivity, although they appeared to function independently and at different points in the sequence of events. That is, predictability or perceived control was sufficient to mitigate the effects, of an aversive situation. Neither perception of control or predictability led to better task performance. These results are discussed in terms of behavioural uncertainty explanations.  相似文献   

Reaction times generally follow the predictions of Hick's law as stimulus-response uncertainty increases, although notable exceptions include the oculomotor system. Saccadic and smooth pursuit eye movement reaction times are independent of stimulus-response uncertainty. Previous research showed that joystick pointing to targets, a motor analog of saccadic eye movements, is only modestly affected by increased stimulus-response uncertainty; however, a no-uncertainty condition (simple reaction time to 1 possible target) was not included. Here, we re-evaluate manual joystick pointing including a no-uncertainty condition. Analysis indicated simple joystick pointing reaction times were significantly faster than choice reaction times. Choice reaction times (2, 4, or 8 possible target locations) only slightly increased as the number of possible targets increased. These data suggest that, as with joystick tracking (a motor analog of smooth pursuit eye movements), joystick pointing is more closely approximated by a simple/choice step function than the log function predicted by Hick's law.  相似文献   

Recently several authors have suggested that coding of serial position in a word list is an automatic process. This contention is questioned in the present paper: two experiments explore the concrete-abstract distinction and show that temporal order retention is higher with concrete than with abstract lists. An alternative view that temporal coding is influenced by either selective attention and/or the selective strategies used by the subjects to meet the requirements set by the memory task is put forward.  相似文献   

Three experiments examined whether temporal uncertainty about the delivery of a response stimulus affects response force in a simple reaction time (RT) situation. All experiments manipulated the foreperiod; that is, the interval between a warning signal and the response stimulus. In the constant condition, foreperiod length was kept constant over a block of trials but changed from block to block. In the variable condition, foreperiod length varied randomly from trial to trial. A visual warning and response stimulus were used in Experiment 1; response force decreased with foreperiod length in the variable condition, but increased in the constant condition. This result is consistent with the hypothesis that responses are less forceful when the temporal occurrence of the response stimulus is predictable. In a second experiment with an auditory warning signal and a response stimulus, response force was less sensitive to foreperiod manipulations. The third experiment manipulated both the modality and the intensity of the response signal and employed a tactile warning signal. This experiment indicated that neither the modality nor the intensity of the response signal affects the relation between response force and foreperiod length. An extension of Näätänen’s (1971) motor-readiness model accounts for the main results.  相似文献   

Despite a clear ability to detect temporal modulations of visual stimuli in excess of 50 Hz, temporal individuation and serial order judgment tasks can be performed only when stimuli alternate at much slower rates, and the nature of such sluggishness remains unclear. One example of a task with a slow temporal limit is the individuation of a cued letter in a rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) stream. The present study investigates the nature of the code used to perform such a slow temporal individuation task and the sources of uncertainty involved. The results demonstrate that temporal, rather than ordinal, position in the RSVP stream is critical in serial order estimation, suggesting the involvement of a noisy temporal code. In addition to variability in temporal coding, observers’ choices are also limited by a number of other factors, such as categorical errors and biases related to the position of the cue in the letters’ stream. Attentional filtering improves categorization, but crucially, it does not seem to increase the temporal precision of judgment. Generalizing the present results, I suggest that perception of order is limited by an internal temporal sampling instability that is distinct and independent from attention and that, similarly to temporal jitter in a clock, acts as a low-pass filter that hinders the judgment of the order of events that unfold too quickly.  相似文献   

Brown SW 《Perception》1998,27(5):609-625
This research was designed to examine the consistency of individual differences in timing. Subjects were tested initially on a temporal-signal-detection task. In a series of trials, subjects judged whether a stimulus figure was displayed for either 12 s or greater than 12 s. Task performance was used to classify the subjects into groups with high or low temporal sensitivity (d'). Later, the subjects were tested on two classic time-judgment tasks. In a temporal-interference task, subjects reproduced intervals of 8-16 s during which they had rehearsed 0, 3, or 7 digits. Absolute error in time judgments increased linearly as a function of task demands. However, subjects with low temporal sensitivity made more error under all conditions compared with those with high sensitivity. In an isochronous-tapping task, subjects produced a series of 2-s and 5-s intervals. The low-temporal-sensitivity group produced more variable and inaccurate responses than the high-sensitivity group. The results demonstrate cross-situational consistency in timing performance across different tasks, time-judgment methods, and stimulus durations.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of uncertainty and inconsistency on the judgment of human performance. The results indicate that the effect of inconsistency on judgment is not mediated by subjective uncertainty. We find that both the level and the extremity of judgment decrease with uncertainty. These effects are explained, respectively, by uncertainty aversion and by regressiveness. We also find that both the level and the extremity of judgment of human performance increase with inconsistency. These effects are explained by reliance on integration rules in which judgment is based primarily on some aspects of the information, while other aspects are, to some extent, ignored.  相似文献   

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