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The effect on the number of letters S can report of the duration of each sequentially presented letter was compared with that of processing time, defined as the time from the onset of a letter to the onset of the next letter. Four Ss were each shown 1250 common English words, from four to eight letters long, one letter at a time. Each letter acted as a visual noise field for the preceding letter. The duration of each letter and the interval between letters was varied independently. The S reported the letters he saw after each word was displayed. It was found that the processing time (onset to onset) predicted the number of letters correctly reported, regardless of the partition between on time and off time. A calculation was made of the number of milliseconds of on plus off time that are needed to ensure correct report of each letter. This time was independent of the duration of the processing time, but was positively correlated with the number of letters in the word. This correlation is probably in part artifactual, so that no claim can be made that it takes longer to process a letter of a long as compared to a short word.  相似文献   

Either two or three brief (10 msec) airjet stimuli were sequentially presented to any of the 24 interjoint regions of the fingers (thumbs excluded). The stimulus onset interval (SOI) ranged from zero (simultaneous presentation) through 200 msec. The S’s task in one part of the experiment was to report the positions stimulated in the order that the stimuli were presented; in a second part it was to rate the apparent motion produced by the stimulus sequence. While the ability of Ss to spatially localize the stimuli was a constant independent of SOI, their ability to temporally order the stimuli depended strongly on SOI. With two stimuli, these sequential errors decayed exponentially with SOI with a time constant of 26 msec. With three stimuli, however, both the sequential errors and equivalent temporal Urnen were more than twice as large as with two stimuli, indicating that the three-stimulus task is considerably more difficult than the two, and that the same simple temporal resolution model does not explain both cases. A model with a constant rate of information uptake, however, can explain both of these cases.  相似文献   

The thermal diffusivity of an object is a parameter that controls the rate at which heat is extracted from the hand when it touches that object. It is an important feature for distinguishing materials by means of touch. In order to quantitatively describe the ability of human observers to discriminate between materials on the basis of heat extraction rate, we conducted an experiment in which this heat extraction was performed in a controlled way. In different conditions, subjects were repeatedly asked to select from two stimuli the one that cooled faster. The discrimination threshold was around 43% of the extraction rate. A rate that was twice as slow also yielded twice the absolute threshold. When we halved the temperature difference between the beginning and end of the stimulus, the threshold did not change as much. In separate experiments, we investigated the different cues that were available in the stimulus: initial cooling rate and end temperature. Both cues were used for discrimination, but cooling rate seemed to be the most important.  相似文献   

Several paradoxes in the visual information processing literature are reviewed. Two experiments utilizing a sequential presentation technique suggested a two-stage model of visual search in which a parallel initial stage guides the operation of a slower serial discrimination stage. A computer simulation provided a good quantitative fit to the results of both experiments. The two-stage model shows how the paradoxes may be resolved as well as providing a framework for integrating results from visual search and spatial selective attention research.  相似文献   

In seven experiments, participants experienced rapid, serially presented streams of vibrations and responded to specific targets in the streams. In visual (and sometimes auditory) streams presented in this manner, it is typical to find a deficit in reporting the second of two targets when both must be reported and the second appears within a short temporal interval of the first, but not when identical displays are presented but only the second target must be reported (e.g., the attentional blink, or AB). This conventional AB pattern was found in the last experiment, in which judgments were about target location. However in the first six experiments reported here, in which judgments were about frequency, intensity, duration, or location of targets, accuracy was dependent on target separation regardless of whether or not the first target was reported. This unconventional pattern could represent an AB if the first target was attended even when it was not reported. The evidence for this claim and an alternative possibility that location judgments are especially sensitive to attention manipulations are discussed.  相似文献   

Two letters varying in level of confusability were presented either simultaneously for 75 msec or sequentially for 75 msec each in adjacent retinal locations. The retinal locus of presentation varied from trial to trial, and subjects both identified and located the presented letters. Identification accuracy was higher on nonconfusable than on confusable letter pairs in the simultaneous condition, but not in the sequential condition. This result is interpreted as support for the notion that inhibition between similar or identical features shared by confusable letters occurs only when letters are presented simultaneously. A relative position effect, with performance on the peripheral letter higher than on the central letter, was found for simultaneously and second sequentially presented letters, but not for first sequentially presented letters. This result is interpreted in terms of the assumption that feature perturbations, with foveal perturbations more likely than peripheral perturbations, affect simultaneously and secondpresented letters, but not first-presented letters. The pattern of results for relative location accuracy showed many of the same effects as identification performance. A model assuming location errors reflect feature transpositions is outlined and is able to account for the absolute and relative location results and the correlation between relative location and identification accuracy.  相似文献   

A gap detection task was examined for its usefulness as a measure of tactile spatial sensitivity and as a measure of anisotropy. In Experiment 1, sensitivity was measured with a gap detection task both with and without a latex glove at three locations on the hand: the fingerpad, fingerbase, and palm. Results showed that sensitivity varied as a function of location and was correlated with changes in the density of innervation of the primary afferent fibers. In accord with other measures of spatial sensitivity, the glove had a moderate effect on sensitivity in the gap detection task. The results both with and without the glove were more similar to those obtained using another measure of spatial sensitivity, the grating orientation task, than to those obtained using the smooth-grooved task, which is considered an intensive measure. In Experiments 2-4, anisotropy was examined using the gap detection and grating orientation tasks, as well as the smooth-grooved task. Locations on the index finger, palm, and arm were tested. Results indicated that anisotropy was revealed only by tasks that relied on spatial cues. The differences between spatial sensitivity measured in the proximal-distal orientation as compared with the lateral-medial orientation varied by location and were as much as 2.35/1. The results are discussed in terms of what they may reveal about the underlying mechanisms responsible for tactile anisotropy.  相似文献   

A consistent phonology between sequentially presented pseudoword quadrigrams was found to improve performance in a letter-detection task. Each of 8 subjects was required to judge whether an M appeared in either the initial or terminal position of letter strings. The letter N was used as a foil. For each presentation, two quadrigrams appeared sequentially, the first for 20 ms and the second for a duration that allowed approximately 75% overall accuracy. The strings differed only by the letter next to the one on the opposite end of the string from the M or N. Subjects were not told that two strings were exposed on each presentation, and when asked, none reported having been aware of this. Nevertheless, detection was significantly better when the two strings were homophones (e.g., SERM, SIRM) than when they were not (e.g., SARM, SORM). Results are discussed in terms of phonological access to the mental lexicon.  相似文献   

Pairs of vibrotactile patterns were presented to subjects’ left middle and index fingerpads (unilateral presentation) or left and right index fingerpads (bilateral presentation), using two Optacon arrays. A set of simple (one-line) patterns and a set of complex (two-line) patterns were constructed sothat they were equally identifiable when presented individually. In Experiment 1, discrimination performance was lower for two-line patterns than it was for one-line patterns, and it was lower for unilateral presentation than it was for bilateral presentation. Communality, the number of lines that two patterns share in common, was a major factor in reducing discrimination performance for two-line patterns. Subjects’ abilities to identify one member of the pair of patterns were measured in Experiment 2. There were no significant differences in performance between pattern sets or type of presentation when subjects attended to a single pattern. However, when subjects were required to attend to both patterns, identification performance was lower for two-line patterns than it was for one-line patterns, and it was lower for unilateral presentation than it was for bilateral presentation. The results suggest that there are limited attentional resources for processing vibrotactile patterns and that more resources are available bilaterally than are available unilaterally.  相似文献   

Two experiments tested whether short-term memory accounts for the recency effect observed with rapid sequential presentation of nonverbal stimuli. Four random shapes were presented sequentially (with no interstimulus interval) on each trial at rates of 150 msec, 250 msec, 500 msec, and 1,000 msec per stimulus. Subsequent recognition varied positively with exposure duration, ranging from 57% at 150 msec to 77% at 1,000 msec. Two serial position effects were observed: a slight decrease in recognition accuracy for the first stimulus in each sequence and a large increase in recognition for the last stimulus in each sequence. The recency effect was not altered by an intervening 30-sec delay, an intervening 30-sec copying task, or an intervening 30-sec copying and counting task. Since neither visual nor verbal distractors altered recognition accuracy, it was suggested that all shapes were processed directly into long-term memory storage. It also was hypothesized that long-term storage of a nonverbal stimulus requires identification of a distinctive feature of the stimulus and that this process may continue for a brief period after actual stimulus offset.  相似文献   

The major objective of this experiment was to develop and evaluate a methodology designed to permit more direct assessment of the detailed processes involved in prototype abstraction. Thirty Ss participated in a task having the following characteristics: (1) classifications of Markov-generated stimuli sampled from two different populations, (2) controlled scanning of pattern features, (3) a measure of the degree to which pattern features were correctly identified, and (4) intermittent reproduction of pattern features abstracted from collections of mixed instances. Results showed that a significant number of the Ss learned to classify the stimuli into categories corresponding to generation rules and, at least partially, abstracted the population prototypes from these variable instances. The feature identification data suggested that the Ss who were unsuccessful in classifying the stimuli into the rule-defined categories used an inappropriate strategy for sampling pattern information upon which to base their classifications.  相似文献   

Pairs of vibrotactile patterns were presented to subjects' left middle and index fingerpads (unilateral presentation) or left and right index fingerpads (bilateral presentation), using two Optacon arrays. A set of simple (one-line) patterns and a set of complex (two-line) patterns were constructed so that they were equally identifiable when presented individually. In Experiment 1, discrimination performance was lower for two-line patterns than it was for one-line patterns, and it was lower for unilateral presentation than it was for bilateral presentation. Communality, the number of lines that two patterns share in common, was a major factor in reducing discrimination performance for two-line patterns. Subjects' abilities to identify one member of the pair of patterns were measured in Experiment 2. There were no significant differences in performance between pattern sets or type of presentation when subjects attended to a single pattern. However, when subjects were required to attend to both patterns, identification performance was lower for two-line patterns than it was for one-line patterns, and it was lower for unilateral presentation than it was for bilateral presentation. The results suggest that there are limited attentional resources for processing vibrotactile patterns and that more resources are available bilaterally than are available unilaterally.  相似文献   

Camos V  Tillmann B 《Cognition》2008,107(3):1135-1143
The seeking of discontinuity in enumeration was recently renewed because Cowan [Cowan, N. (2001). The magical number 4 in short-term memory: A reconsideration of mental storage capacity. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 24, 87–185; Cowan, N. (2005). Working memory capacity. Hove: Psychology Press] suggested that it allows evaluating the limit of the focus of attention, currently estimated at four items. A strong argument in favour of a general constraint of the cognitive system is that similar discontinuities should be observed in modalities different from the classic simultaneous presentation of visual objects. Recently, data were provided on tactile stimuli, but the authors diverged in their conclusion about the existence of such discontinuity [Gallace, A., Tan, H. Z., & Spence, C. (2006). Numerosity judgments for tactile stimuli distributed over the body surface. Perception, 35(2), 247–266; Riggs, K. J., Ferrand, L., Lancelin, D., Fryziel, L., Dumur, G., & Simpson, A. (2006). Subitizing in tactile perception. Psychological Science, 17(4), 271–272]. Following a similar rationale, our study aimed at evaluating discontinuity in the enumeration of auditory and visual stimuli presented sequentially. The clear and similar discontinuity observed in error rates, response times and given responses for both modalities favours the general capacity limit view, but also questions the size of this capacity, because the discontinuity occurred here at size 2. However, the masking of stimuli in sensory memory could not be entirely discarded.  相似文献   

The effect of spatial position on visual short-term memory (VSTM) for sequentially presented objects has been investigated relatively little, despite the fact that vision in natural environments is characterised by frequent changes in object position and gaze location. We investigated the effect of reusing previously examined spatial positions on VSTM for object appearance. Observers performed a yes-no recognition task following a memory display comprising briefly presented 1/f noise discs (ie possessing spectral properties akin to natural images) shown sequentially at random coordinates. At test, single stimuli were presented either at original spatial positions, new positions, or at a fixed central position. Results, interpreted in terms of appearance and position preview effects, indicate that, where original spatial positions were reused at test, memory performance was elevated by more than 25%, despite that spatial position was task-irrelevant (in the sense that it could not be used to facilitate a correct response per se). This study generalises object-spatial-position binding theory to a sequential display scenario in which the influences of extrafoveal processing, spatial context cues, and long-term memory support were minimised, thereby eliminating the hypothesis that object priming is the principal cause of the 'same-position advantage' in VSTM.  相似文献   

In a series of experiments, Kusev et al. (Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 37:1874–1886, 2011) studied relative-frequency judgments of items drawn from two distinct categories. The experiments showed that the judged frequencies of categories of sequentially encountered stimuli are affected by the properties of the experienced sequences. Specifically, a first-run effect was observed, whereby people overestimated the frequency of a given category when that category was the first repeated category to occur in the sequence. Here, we (1) interpret these findings as reflecting the operation of a judgment heuristic sensitive to sequential patterns, (2) present mathematical definitions of the sequences used in Kusev et al. (Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 37:1874–1886, 2011), and (3) present a mathematical formalization of the first-run effect—the judgments-relative-to-patterns model—to account for the judged frequencies of sequentially encountered stimuli. The model parameter w accounts for the effect of the length of the first run on frequency estimates, given the total sequence length. We fitted data from Kusev et al. (Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 37:1874–1886, 2011) to the model parameters, so that with increasing values of w, subsequent items in the first run have less influence on judgments. We see the role of the model as essential for advancing knowledge in the psychology of judgments, as well as in other disciplines, such as computer science, cognitive neuroscience, artificial intelligence, and human–computer interaction.  相似文献   

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