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We are pleased to continue the open discussion in this journal and we hope that it will contribute to the clarification of the main issues. Aggregation by geometric means has been accepted as a technically sound procedure. The critical comments now seem to concentrate on the establishment of the Multiplicative AHP, the publication of a method for weighted voting before empirical verification, and the significance of negotiations in decision making. Several numerical examples illustrate the arithmetic-mean and geometric-mean calculations, and the legitimacy of rank reversal is revisited. We discuss the issues in the same order here. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Multi-Crit. Decis. Anal. 6 : 171–174 (1997) No. of Figures: 0. No. of Tables: 5. No. of References: 9. 相似文献
F. A. Lootsma 《Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis》1993,2(2):87-110
We consider first a variant of the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) with a one-parametric class of geometric scales to quantify human comparative judgement and with a multiplicative structure: logarithmic regression to calculate the impact scores of the alternatives at the first evaluation level and a geometric-mean aggregation rule to calculate the final scores at the second level. We demonstrate that the rank order of the impact scores and final scores is scale-independent. Finally we show that the multiplicative AHP is an exponential version of the simple multi-attribute rating technique (SMART). In fact, the multiplicative AHP is concerned with ratios of intervals on the dimension of desirability, whereas SMART analyses differences in the corresponding orders of magnitude. 相似文献
This paper presents a comparative study of three popular methods for multicriteria decision analysis based on a particular model of human preferential judgement. Since decisions are invariably made within a given context, we model relative preferences as ratios of increments or decrements in an interval on an axis of desirability. Next we sort the ratio magnitudes into a small number of categories, represented by numerical values on a geometric scale. We explain why the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and the French collection of ELECTRE methods, typically based on pairwise comparison methods, are concerned with categories of ratio magnitudes, whereas the simple multiattribute rating technique (SMART) essentially uses orders of magnitude of these ratios. This phenomenon provides a common basis for the analysis of the methods in question and for a cross-validation of their results. We illustrate the approach via a well-known case study, the choice of a location for a nuclear power plant. We conclude by discussing the scope of the comparative study. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
The REMBRANDT system for multicriteria decision analysis consists of both the multiplicative variant of the AHP (which employs a method of pairwise comparative judgements by a decision maker to arrive at final impact scores for the alternatives under consideration) and SMART, the simple multiattribute rating technique (which utilizes direct rating of alternatives to achieve final impact scores). This paper examines the effect of imprecision or uncertainty in the decision maker's pairwise judgements or ratings of alternatives by expressing each pairwise judgement or rating as a probability distribution, and the structure of REMBRANDT's component models is exploited to derive interval judgements or interval ratings of the alternatives’ final impact scores. These interval judgements or interval ratings can be used to determine the probability of rank reversal amongst alternatives, i.e. to assess the stability of the final impact score vector. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Many researchers have long observed some cases in which certain ranking irregularities can occur when the original analytic hierarchy process (AHP), or some of its variants, are used. This paper presents two new categories of ranking irregularities which defy common intuition. These ranking irregularities occur when one decomposes a decision problem into a set of smaller problems each defined on two alternatives and the same criteria as the original problem. These irregularities are possible when the original AHP, or some of its additive variants, are used. Computational experiments on random test problems and an examination of some real‐life case studies suggest that these ranking irregularities are dramatically likely to occur. This paper also proves that these ranking irregularities are not possible when a multiplicative variant of the AHP is used. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Many practical and important decision‐making problems are complicated by at least two factors: (1) the qualitative/subjective nature of some criteria often results in uncertainty in the individual ratings; and (2) group decision‐making is involved and some means of aggregating individual ratings is required. Traditionally, both individual and group priorities have been represented as point estimates, but this approach presents severe limitations for accommodating imprecision in the decision‐making process. This paper examines the group decision‐making problem in the context where priorities are represented as numeric intervals. A set of techniques that could be used at some of the phases of an analytic hierarchy process (AHP)‐based group decision‐making process, which has the objective of generating a ‘consensus’ priority that represents the group's opinion with regards to the relative importance of a set of N objects (e.g. criteria, alternatives), is presented. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
本研究共收集了74个工作团队的数据, 探讨了领导情绪智力对团队层面绩效(任务绩效、利他行为)和态度(满意度、团队承诺)的影响、公平氛围的中介作用以及团队权力距离的调节作用。研究结果表明:领导的情绪智力对团队绩效和态度均有显著的正向影响; 程序公平氛围中介了领导情绪智力对团队任务绩效和利他行为的影响, 交互公平氛围中介了领导情绪智力对团队任务绩效、满意度和团队承诺的影响; 团队权力距离调节了领导情绪智力和交互公平氛围的关系, 该调节关系通过交互公平氛围的中介作用影响团队任务绩效、满意度和团队承诺。 相似文献
Y. Alex Tung 《Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis》1998,7(3):144-154
Two different ways of using the AHP in making group decisions are compared and evaluated. The first method combines different experts’ opinions before applying an eigenvalue method to obtain final weights for decision alternatives. The second, in contrast, derives each expert's rating for the decision alternatives before combining them. Both methods take into account the relative importance of different experts in making decisions. Comparison and evaluation of these two methods are made by using two criteria: time complexity and consistency indices. A numerical example is provided to illustrate the use of these two methods, and results of a mathematical simulation are presented for comparing the time complexity in different-sized problems. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Arnold W. Rachman 《Group》2003,27(2-3):89-105
Examination of the issues of power, control, and status in human interaction is made from the works of Kafka, Ferenczi, and Foucault. Ferenczi's confusion of tongues theory as a model is used to describe the dynamics of charismatic group leadership in training group for analyst group candidates. 相似文献
In this article we explore how the concept of relations of power in different spaces plays out in the lives of school children living in an HIV/AIDS context, and how processes of inclusion and exclusion are associated with particular spaces. The article uses Foucault's (2000) identification of four distinct relations of power to argue that within different school spaces we find economic, political, judicial and epistemological relations of power that are embedded in the way children experience reality. The study was conducted in five primary schools, three secondary schools, one early Childhood Education (ECD) centre, a special school and their communities in the province of KwaZulu Natal. Participants were teachers, learners, out of school youth, and members of community organisations working in the district. Data collection methods included individual and focus group interviews. Within the focus group interviews various participatory research techniques were used, including ranking exercises, projective activities, transect walk, body mapping, photo voice. The findings in the study revealed three complex and contradictory schooling spaces: policy space, curriculum space, and safe spaces in which learners' schooling lives are played out. The study showed that space is fundamental in the exercise of power as revealed in the exclusionary and inclusionary ways in which children experienced their schooling lives. 相似文献
Martin S. Livingston 《Group》2001,25(1-2):15-26
This paper presents one leadership style within a self-psychological approach to working with dreams in group psychotherapy. It stresses an empathic attunement, the creation of safety, and an experience-near playful relationship. Playful is not used lightly here. It is used in the spirit of Winnicott's intermediate space where a mother suspends questions of what is real or not real and what is me and not me. Freud's analogy to a playspace forms a metaphor for the creation of a special atmosphere in a group, or for that matter in individual work as well, that encourages exploration, risk taking, and vulnerability. Working with dreams in this playspace deepens the curative process, not only for the dreamer, but for the entire group. 相似文献
同伴团体对儿童青少年学业成就和社会功能关系的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
运用同伴评价、教师评估和学校记录等多种渠道收集关于同伴团体、社会功能、同伴接纳以及学业成就的资料,旨在考察同伴团体与儿童青少年学业成就和社会功能的关系。研究发现:绝大多数儿童青少年都有自己的同伴团体。这些同伴团体在学业成就上有很高的同质性。学业成就与社会适应无论在团体内的个体水平还是在团体水平上都密切相关。而且,团体的学业表现是个体学业成就和社会适应间的重要调节因素,表明团体学业规范对个体水平上学业成就与社会功能的关系有增强或是减弱的作用。这项研究再一次证明同伴团体在儿童个体发展中的重要意义。 相似文献
Multiculturalism encourages the inclusion of the broad range of cultural differences that exist in society into our therapeutic dialogues. This paper examines multicultural group therapy through the perspective of social constructionism. Emphasis is given to the unacknowledged and unspoken imbalance of power that exists in psychotherapeutic contexts. The concepts of multiple individual identity and cultural representation are discussed and illustrated with case examples. Clinical considerations for the multicultural group therapist are provided. 相似文献
In the postmodern era the entire sphere of employment is undergoing changes that create feelings of ambiguity. These changes are reflected in the use of defense mechanisms such as splits between management and employees, and alienation and dissociation. Occupational social workers are also experiencing insecurity. Although their function is to assist individuals and the organization during crises, they are not able to detach themselves from their experiences. It is more difficult for them resort to bridging and dialogue in order to ameliorate feelings of anxiety. This article will describe how a large group intervention can provide practical experience that raises self-awareness and facilitates coping with organizational ambiguity. 相似文献
When an oppressed majority finally gains political power, what happens to its attitudes to its erstwhile oppressor, and to its perceptions and feelings about its socioeconomic disadvantages that were established during its oppression? Longitudinal data from pre- and post-transition surveys of black South African college and high school students indicate marked reductions in perceptions of and outrage about intergroup socioeconomic inequity and deprivation relative to English-speaking and Afrikaans-speaking whites, but no change in attitudes toward these groups or toward whites in general. The findings are discussed in terms of contemporary theory and research on justice, intergroup relations, and group conflict. Some tentative implications for the prospects for a democratic political culture in South Africa are noted. 相似文献
This article describes the possible impact of emotional intelligence on identity negotiation of a racial minority group in a majority school context. The study investigated the adjustment and functioning of racial minority groups in majority school contexts, as well as the identity negotiation associated with it, and determined whether there is a correlation between the former and the Emotional Intelligence (EI) of the participants. Participants were 16 black and 21 white learners attending two schools where they were in the minority (mean age = 16.23 years; SD = 1.49 years). The learners attended Grades 9–12. Data were first organised, after which themes and patterns were identified, and the data appraised and categorised (Creswell, 2007), after which a comparison was drawn between the identified categories of existing knowledge. Findings suggest that racial integration in both high schools actually occurred in name only; most participants chose to mingle within their own racial groups and the black participants in particular were exposed to racism, discrimination and prejudice on a regular basis. Despite the necessary steps taken and implemented by government in order to oppose racism in the country and promote racial integration in schools, it seems that the consequences of apartheid remain for the foreseeable future. 相似文献
探讨TSGF(tumor supplied group of factors肿瘤相关物质)检测在肿瘤诊断及疗效观察中的意义。用比色法测定恶性肿瘤患者、良性疾病患者及健康查体者血清TSGF含量,用SPSS软件包进行分析。结果是I期肿瘤患者TSGF阳性率66.67%和总阳性率75.67%之间统计学无明显差异;恶性肿瘤组阳性率(75.67%)明显高于良性疾病组(18.76%)和健康查体组(8.27%);特异性达84.57%;6种恶性肿瘤患者TSGF含量及阳性率无显著差异;恶性肿瘤治疗有效组TSGF阳性率(38.24%)明显低于治疗前(94.12%)。结论认为TSGF具有早期性、敏感性、特异性、广谱性。 相似文献
对有较高风险发展为危险行为青少年的高危群体实施有针对性的心理干预是非常有价值的。本研究对青少年危险行为高危人群进行结构化的个体与团体心理干预,评估两种干预的即时效果和六个月的预后情况。采用《青少年健康相关危险行为问卷》等量表对16所中职院校的学生进行筛查,共555名学生参加本研究,被随机分为个体、团体和对照组并分别进行干预。结果发现:干预后,个体心理干预组被试的危险行为水平、心理健康以及抑郁和焦虑情绪均获得显著改善,并且6个月的预后效果依然明显,而接受团体辅导干预组仅在抑郁指标上有所改善,在危险行为评分、焦虑和心理健康水平上均没有明显的改善。研究认为,对危险行为易感青少年的心理干预应以经过良好设计的个体心理干预为主、团体干预为辅的方式进行。 相似文献
To explore the effects of various categorization strategies on intergroup bias within and beyond a contact situation, two experiments were conducted involving groups of different size and/or status that worked together on a cooperative task. Three categorization strategies (decategorization, recategorization, and dual identity) were compared, and bias was measured through symbolic reward allocations to people who were and were not actually encountered. In Experiment 1 (N = 129), we varied group size (minority or majority) and found that it affected bias within the contact situation—minority groups were more biased than majority groups. All of the categorization strategies limited bias and they did so equally well. Outside the contact situation, however, only the recategorization and dual identity strategies limited bias. In Experiment 2 (N = 156), we varied both group status (low or high) and group size. Both of these variables affected bias within the contact situation—high status groups were more biased than low status groups, and minority groups were again more biased than majority groups. Once again, all three categorization strategies limited bias and they did so equally well. Outside the contact situation, however, an interaction among the independent variables was observed. For minority groups, only the dual identity strategy limited bias, but none of the categorization strategies limited bias for majority groups. 相似文献