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Self-concepts of 70 adolescent siblings of children with profound levels of mental retardation were investigated. Their mean self-concept was compared with a matched group of 70 adolescent siblings of children without profound levels of retardation. Using the Tennessee Self-concept Scale, two variables (maternal self-concept and siblings' self-concept) were assessed for differences between siblings and mothers (the target group) of mentally retarded children and siblings and mothers (the comparison group) of children without mental retardation. No significant mean difference between the two groups suggests no special difficulties in psychosocial adjustment for siblings of the mentally retarded.  相似文献   

Three institutionalized adolescents with severe mental retardation were taught the socially valid skill of serving themselves during family-style meals. A nine-step task analysis was used as a guide for teaching the students, combined with verbal prompts, physical guidance, praise and correction. A multiple base-line design across three subjects was used to evaluate training. All three students successfully acquired the skill, which was seen as a step towards normalization and community placement.  相似文献   

Legitimate concerns on the part of parents and guardians may lead to requests for sterilization of a mentally retarded person in their care. At the same time, mentally retarded persons must be protected from actions that do not serve their best interests. This paper will review the history of involuntary sterilization in the United States and evaluate the ethical arguments that are relevant to decisions about involuntary sterilization. While other, less permanent forms of contraception might be acceptable, involuntary sterilization ought not be performed on mentally retarded persons who retain the capacity for reproductive decision-making, the ability to raise a child, or the capacity to provide valid consent to marriage. Mentally retarded persons who lack capacity in those three areas should be considered for involuntary sterilization only when the procedure is necessary, sterilization would serve the best interests of the mentally retarded person, less intrusive and temporary methods of contraception or control of menstruation are not acceptable alternatives, and procedural safeguards have been implemented to assure a fair decision-making process.  相似文献   

Three adults with profound mental retardation and very limited reading skills were transitioned to community living after spending more than 20 years in a residential facility. Community-based instruction was used to teach them to independently prepare meals. Directed rehearsal and prompting procedures were used to teach them those meal preparation skills that they were unable to perform independently. We present assessment, training and followup data on the preparation of a dessert by the three participants. Following an assessment on the steps needed to prepare the dessert, training was introduced in a multiple baseline across subjects design. Results showed that the participants were able to independently prepare the dessert in up to 21 pre-training and training sessions. Monthly followup for six months showed that they were able to independently prepare the dessert in various community settings of their choice.  相似文献   

Behavioral momentum was examined in 2 individuals with severe mental retardation via within-subject manipulations of obtained reinforcer rates. Subjects performed self-paced discrimination problems presented on a touch screen computer monitor. Two different problems, Tasks A and B, alternated in blocks of 15 trials on a multiple schedule. Reinforcers were snack foods. The reinforcement schedule for Task A was continuous (fixed-ratio 1) and the schedule for Task B was continuous in some conditions and variable ratio in other conditions. Behavioral momentum was assessed in test sessions by prefeeding, presenting response-independent food, and making available alternatives to the tasks. When the obtained reinforcer rate for Task A was at least twice that for Task B, resistance to change was greater for Task A. When both reinforcer rates and response rates were a pproximately equal for the two tasks, resistance to change was approximately equal. These results are consistent with behavioral momentum effects. They extend previous findings with humans by examining momentum in self-initiated discrete-trial discrimination tasks with ratio schedules, and by isolating relative reinforcer rates as a controlling variable via within-subject manipulations.  相似文献   

Past research and theory presents an inconsistent picture concerning the relative value of verbal versus visual instructional programs for individuals with mental retardation. From an empirical perspective, there is evidence that this inconsistency may be due to the differences in the type of tasks and the specific abilities of the subjects employed across studies. In this research, the effects of three instructional procedures (verbal, visual, and verbal plus visual) were evaluated with mentally retarded persons who varied in verbal and visual ability. Performance was examined on a visual task which incorporated stimuli of varying degrees of familiarity to the subjects. The results indicated that the use of the combined verbal-visual instruction procedure was more effective than the other two training programs when task stimuli were familiar to the subjects. When task stimuli were unfamiliar, instructional procedures which had a visual component were found to be superior to a procedure which employed only the use of verbal component. The subjects' visual ability was most strongly associated with performance outcome when visual instruction was employed and unfamiliar task stimuli were sorted. In contrast, subjects' verbal ability appeared to be equally important across instructional and task conditions. The implications of the results for the design of instructional programs and for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

We assessed whether three adults with severe mental retardation would acquire a domestic skill (making coffee) with an embedded social skill (serving coffee to and sitting down beside a peer) via video modeling procedures. Training was conducted in a classroom in the participants' day treatment setting. The intervention consisted of (i) watching a video of an adult with a developmental disability making coffee and initiating a social interaction with a peer; and (ii) receiving verbal praise for each step of the task that was performed correctly. All three participants mastered the task and demonstrated generalization across settings, stimuli, and people. Two participants performed with 100% accuracy on maintenance probes conducted 1 month following mastery, and one participant did so following booster training. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An analysis of vocal stereotypy and therapist fading   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A functional analysis for a boy with Down syndrome and autism suggested that vocal stereotypy was maintained by automatic reinforcement. The analysis also showed that instructions and noncontingent attention suppressed vocal stereotypy. A treatment package consisting of noncontingent attention, contingent demands, and response cost effectively reduced vocal stereotypy. The treatment package remained effective even when noncontingent attention was removed, making the procedure easier to implement. Also, the presence of the therapist in the room with the participant was faded systematically. After completion of fading, vocal stereotypy remained low during conditions similar to the no-consequence phase of the functional analysis.  相似文献   

The history of mental retardation previously focused on residential institutions and the ideas of professionals. Given that the vast majority of people with mental retardation lived in their family homes or other locations in their communities, this emphasis has been misleading. Recent historical studies by James W. Trent Jr.; Philip M. Ferguson; Steven Noll; and the British scholars in David Wright and Anne Digby's collection, From Idiocy to Mental Deficiency, have opened up the field by describing the complicated relationships between families and the state, by outlining the development of lay concepts of mental disabilities, and by acknowledging the wide diversity of experiences of people with mental disabilities.  相似文献   

The effects of a common multiple vitamin on the pica of a child with severe mental retardation and anemia were evaluated. A BAB design revealed that pica was decreased by the vitamin. The results suggest that pica can be effectively treated by implementation of a simple nutritional or biological intervention. Further research investigating the generality of this finding and the effects of combining biological and behavioral interventions are discussed.  相似文献   

When we evaluated variables that influence the effectiveness of the high-probability (high-p) instruction sequence, the sequence was associated with a precipitous decrease in compliance with high-p instructions for 1 participant, thereby precluding continued use of the sequence. We investigated the reasons for this decrease. Stimuli associated with the low-p instruction were systematically added and removed in the context of the high-p instructions, and results suggest that the stimuli associated with the low-p instruction influenced compliance with the high-p instructions.  相似文献   

This article assesses the state of the literature on word-attack skills and phonological awareness (PA) in individuals with mental retardation, in light of progress towards the development of effective teaching procedures. The literature contains promising findings. Studies have shown PA to be correlated with word-attack skills in individuals with mental retardation, as has been shown conclusively in typically developing children. This suggests that instruction in PA would facilitate the acquisition of word-attack skills in individuals with mental retardation, as it does with typically developing children. As of yet, however, very few experimental studies designed to demonstrate effective teaching procedures for PA and word-attack skills have been published. This research field might evolve most effectively and efficiently by following a two-step research program. First, test new teaching procedures in a series of small-N studies, each study incorporating modifications of teaching procedures based on the results of the previous study. Once procedures prove effective at this level, the resources necessary to pursue large-scale studies can be used to their best advantage.  相似文献   

This study assessed whether an intervention approach relying on auditory prompting delivered automatically through a portable device was effective to reduce tongue protrusion in a woman with severe to profound mental retardation. The device involved (a) an optic sensor, i.e., a miniphotocell kept under the lower lip with medical tape, (b) a small signal transmission box, and (c) a Walkman for presenting the prompts. Initially, the automatic prompting condition was combined with occasional praise from a research assistant for having the tongue in the mouth. Analysis showed that the occurrence of tongue protrusion dropped from about 65% of the observation time during the initial baseline to less than 5% through the intervention. The study lasted 4.5 mo.  相似文献   

This literature review describes the physical activity behavior of adults with mental retardation consistent with the U.S. Surgeon General's recommendation of 30 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity on 5 or more days per week. The proportion of participants achieving this criterion ranges from 17.5 to 33%. These data are likely to be generous estimates of activity as individuals included in physical activity studies to date have been relatively young and healthy volunteers with mild to moderate limitations. Major sources of physical activity were walking and cycling for transport, chores and work, dancing, and Special Olympics. There is a pressing need to conduct studies using appropriately powered representative samples and to validate measures that assess physical activity less directly; including methodologies in which proxy respondents are used. Accurate information about existing patterns of behavior will enhance the development of effective strategies to promote physical activity among persons with mental retardation.  相似文献   

A procedure for operant analysis of aggressive behavior was derived from multi-element assessment methods that have been previously applied to both self-injurious and stereotypic responding. Analog sessions included No Interaction Baseline, Social Disapproval, Demand, Social Reinforcement, and Discriminated Extinction conditions, repeatedly presented within a multi-element design. Three men with differing severity of mental retardation, communicative deficits and aggressive behavior were exposed to multiple brief analog sessions embedded within their normal meal-time routines in group home settings. Mean frequencies of aggressive behavior and concurrent eating indicate that, while aggressive behavior was negatively reinforced in all three participants, both social and non-social contingencies were also prominent. The same contingencies which have been demonstrated to maintain self-injury and stereotypic behavior can therefore also maintain aggression. Results suggest the feasibility of conducting relatively non-intrusive analog assessments in community residences, and support the-extension of functional analysis across differing classes of aberrant behavior.  相似文献   

We evaluated whether adults with mental retardation in the moderate or severe range would acquire simple meal preparation skills via video modeling. Training was conducted in the kitchen of the participants' day treatment setting. The intervention consisted of (i) watching a video of an adult with a developmental disability making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and (ii) receiving verbal praise for each step of the task that was performed correctly. All three participants mastered the task and demonstrated generalization across settings. All three participants also demonstrated maintenance of the skill one month following mastery. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Systematic investigations indicate that some of the recognized psychiatric disorders can be identified among those with mental retardation due to chromosomal abnormalities. We report a psychotic patient with mild mental retardation (intelligence quotient: 68) and minor anomalies that had a chromosomal aberration not previously described in a psychotic patient. Our patient highlights the importance of the cytogenetic study in psychiatric patients with comorbid mental retardation or minor anomalies. In addition, her psychosis symptoms may be helpful to propose a new candidate gene for psychosis.  相似文献   

The speeded performance on simple mental addition problems of 6- and 7-year-old children with and without mild mental retardation is modeled from a person perspective and an item perspective. On the person side, it was found that a single cognitive dimension spanned the performance differences between the two ability groups. However, a discontinuity, or "jump," was observed in the performance of the normal ability group on the easier items. On the item side, the addition problems were almost perfectly ordered in difficulty according to their problem size. Differences in difficulty were explained by factors related to the difficulty of executing nonretrieval strategies. All findings were interpreted within the framework of Siegler's (e.g., R. S. Siegler & C. Shipley, 1995) model of children's strategy choices in arithmetic. Models from item response theory were used to test the hypotheses.  相似文献   

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