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Studies 1 and 2 of this paper were designed to reexamine the assumption that women and men are prejudiced against women. Subjects were 50 college women, 40 college men, 40 high-school women and 40 high-school men who were presented with four employment applications for evaluation. The names referring to the gender of the applicants were manipulated so that half of the subjects were shown the two most qualified applicants as female and the two least qualified as male. The other half of the subjects were shown the reverse of this. The results for this factor, with women subjects, revealed that the sex of the applicants did not interfere with or distort the subject's judgments (p>.25). The men subjects did not show a preference for or a prejudice against applicants of either sex (p>.05). The qualifications of the applicants were selected according to each subject's previous ranking of 10 job-related characteristics. The results for this factor, with women subjects, indicated a significant difference between the subjects' ranking of the characteristics and their final selection of the applicants (p<.05). The men subjects showed no significant difference between the subjects' rankings of the job-related characteristics and their rating of the applicants (p>.05). No significant interaction between factors was found for either population of subjects (p>.05). This research reflects changing attitudes of women towards women and provides new insights regarding men's attitudes toward their own sex.The authors of this paper would like to extend our sincere gratitude to Dr. John Schaeuble for his continuous support of this research endeavor.  相似文献   

Hoffmann  Adrian  Musch  Jochen 《Sex roles》2019,80(11-12):681-692
Sex Roles - To avoid social disapproval in studies on prejudice against women leaders, participants might provide socially desirable rather than truthful responses. Using the Crosswise Model, an...  相似文献   

Some authors assert that there is a feminine advantage in leadership, even though female leaders are often targets of prejudice. Our experiment tested how people’s expectations affect this prejudice in different work environments. Participants evaluated a male or a female candidate for a leadership position in an industry that was congruent or incongruent with the candidate’s gender role. Participants showed prejudice against the female candidate, especially when she worked in an industry incongruent with her gender role. Female and older participants showed more prejudice against the female leader than did male and younger participants. These results invoke role congruity theory (Eagly & Karau, Role congruity theory of prejudice toward female leaders. Psychological Review, 109, 573–598, 2002).  相似文献   

Originally it was thought that prejudiced intergroup attitudes were very closely related to negative intergroup behavior. More recently, empirical studies reveal a weak and inconsistent relationship, that discriminatory intergroup behavior is therefore largely determined by situational factors, and that it is relatively independent of an individual’s attitudes. A detailed review of this research, however, suggests that the relationship between prejudice and behavior may be much more consistent than has been thought. Moreover, although the relationship is usually not very powerful, most research has involved methodological inadequacies which would have inappropriately depressed it. Finally, it is noted that, for negative intergroup behavior to be situationally determined, does not exclude a strong relationship between it and prejudiced attitudes.  相似文献   


Prejudicial attitudes toward asylum seekers are prevalent, and an emerging body of literature has revealed that this is partly driven by religious affiliation. The population of Malaysia is multireligious, making it a fruitful location for testing religion-based prejudice hypotheses. Thus, across 2 studies we tested the roles of Christianity and Islam in explicit and implicit prejudices against asylum seekers in the Malaysian context. In Study 1 (n = 97), we present evidence that there are religion-based differences in prejudice against asylum seekers; specifically, Muslims reported higher levels of (classical) explicit prejudice toward asylum seekers than Christians (there were no differences in conditional or implicit prejudices). In Study 2 (n = 117), we tested the hypothesis that these religion-based differences are qualified by the religion of the asylum seeker. In this study, we used a framing paradigm to experimentally manipulate the religion of the asylum-seeking targets. The results revealed an out-group exacerbation effect; that is, participants reported higher levels of prejudice toward asylum seekers who had a different religion from their own. For classical explicit prejudice, the effect was strongest from Muslims toward Christian asylum seekers. Conversely, for implicit prejudice, the reverse was true: The effect was strongest from Christians toward Muslim asylum seekers. These findings are discussed in terms of the political and social circumstances in Malaysia, but we interpret these findings as evidence that explicit and implicit attitudes toward asylum seekers are driven by a complex pattern of religion-based intergroup biases.  相似文献   

Originally it was thought that prejudiced intergroup attitudes were very closely related to negative intergroup behavior. More recently, empirical studies reveal a weak and inconsistent relationship, that discriminatory intergroup behavior is therefore largely determined by situational factors, and that it is relatively independent of an individual’s attitudes. A detailed review of this research, however, suggests that the relationship between prejudice and behavior may be much more consistent than has been thought. Moreover, although the relationship is usually not very powerful, most research has involved methodological inadequacies which would have inappropriately depressed it. Finally, it is noted that, for negative intergroup behavior to be situationally determined, does not exclude a strong relationship between it and prejudiced attitudes.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT A decade of research indicates that individual differences in motivation to respond without prejudice have important implications for the control of prejudice and interracial relations. In reviewing this work, we draw on W. Mischel and Y. Shoda's (1995, 1999) Cognitive–Affective Processing System (CAPS) to demonstrate that people with varying sources of motivation to respond without prejudice respond in distinct ways to situational cues, resulting in differing situation–behavior profiles in interracial contexts. People whose motivation is self-determined (i.e., the internally motivated) effectively control prejudice across situations and strive for positive interracial interactions. In contrast, people who respond without prejudice to avoid social sanction (i.e., the primarily externally motivated) consistently fail at regulating difficult to control prejudice and respond with anxiety and avoidance in interracial interactions. We further consider the nature of the cognitive–affective units of personality associated with motivation to respond without prejudice and their implications for the quality of interracial relations.  相似文献   

Drawing upon theoretical perspectives from applied and social psychology, sociology, and management literatures, we develop a conceptual model in which conscious and subconscious prejudice interact to cause work discrimination. We posit that consciously non-prejudiced employees can face cognitive trade-offs outside of awareness that stem from a contradictory pull of primed subconscious prejudice. This cognitive paradox can lead to unintended, automatic discriminatory behaviour. Understanding the interplay between conscious lack of prejudice and primed subconscious prejudice, ostensibly, has greater organisational implications than studying either one alone. This is because employees cannot effectively grapple with unintended work discrimination without a more complete understanding of mechanisms that trigger these behaviours without awareness. In this article, we fuse new and prior points to offer novel theory insights.  相似文献   


This paper reviews three theoretical models of how prejudice affects the self-esteem of its targets. The stimulus-response model assumes that prejudice has a direct, negative effect on self-esteem. The stimulus-perception-response model recognises that perceptions of prejudice may not directly mirror experiences with prejudice, but predicts that the subjective perception of being a target of prejudice has a direct, negative effect on self-esteem. Both of these models are found to be inadequate. We propose a third, transactional model, which assumes that individuals do not respond in uniform way to being the target of prejudice. Rather, this model contends that self-esteem and emotional responses to prejudice are determined by cognitive appraisals of prejudicial events and coping strategies used in response to these events; these processes, in turn, are shaped by personal, situational, and structural factors. Experiments are presented showing that self-esteem in response to perceived prejudice is moderated by presence or absence of threats to personal identity, clarity of prejudices cues in the situation, ingroup identification, dispositional optimism, endorsement of legitimising ideologies, and group status. We argue that a transactional model of responses to prejudice emphasises sources of resistance as well as vulnerability among targets of prejudice.  相似文献   

A brief survey of the field of aphasia is presented. Many of the facts described in the neurological classics remain valid, but the interpretation of these facts must be altered. The basic principles of aphasia are reassessed in the light of neuropsychology. Neuropsychological analysis shows sensory (acoustico-gnostic) aphasia to be based upon an impairment in phonemic hearing. Motor aphasia breaks down into afferent (kinesthetic) and efferent (kinetic) aphasia. The former is based upon an impaired kinesthetic input into the speech functions, which results in a special type of oral apraxia. Efferent (kinetic) aphasia is based upon a breakdown in the kinetic organization of speech motor acts. Nominative (amnestic) aphasia consists of a number of forms, each based on either a weakness of visual or auditory analysis or difficulty in selection between evoked memory traces. “Transcortical motor aphasia” proves to be either perseverative aphasia, i.e., aphasia in which the dynamics of plasticity are impaired, or the result of the impairment of internal speech. The basic defect underlying “conduction” aphasia is beginning to be understood as a weakened acoustico-gnostic function or difficulties in retarding sideline associations.  相似文献   

In recent decades, social psychologists have suggested that contemporary racism is more subtle in nature than it had been in previous times. However, such theorizing has been from the perspective of the perpetrators. The present study follows a small number of other studies that have focused on the perspective of the victims of racism. It investigated the experiences of racism reported by 34 Aboriginal Australians during semi-structured, open-ended interviews. The data suggest that racism is experienced commonly and frequently by the participants and that much of it is overt or old-fashioned rather than subtle and modern. It is argued that if the data are reflective of what happens in intergroup encounters, social scientists may have embraced the theories of modern racism too readily. This may have contributed to the maintenance of social institutions that impact negatively on the minority populations in the community.  相似文献   

Strategies for reducing prejudice may be directed at the traditional, intentional form of prejudice or at more subtle and perhaps less conscious contemporary forms. Whereas the traditional form of prejudice may be reduced by direct educational and attitude-change techniques, contemporary forms may require alternative strategies oriented toward the individual or involving intergroup contact. Individual-oriented techniques can involve leading people who possess contemporary prejudices to discover inconsistencies among their self-images, values, and behaviors; such inconsistencies can arouse negative emotional states (e.g., guilt), which motivate the development of more favorable attitudes. Intergroup strategies can involve structuring intergroup contact to produce more individualized perceptions of the members of the other group, foster personalized interactions between members of the different groups, or redefine group boundaries to create more inclusive, superordinate representations of the groups. Understanding the nature and bases of prejudice can thus guide, theoretically and pragmatically, interventions that can effectively reduce both traditional and contemporary forms of prejudice.  相似文献   

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