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郑剑虹  黄希庭 《心理科学》2013,36(6):1491-1497
心理传记学是采用心理学的理论和方法来研究非凡人物生命故事的一门学问。文章对百余年来国际心理传记学的发展状况进行了回顾,将其发展分为三个阶段:案例研究阶段、理论探索阶段和学科发展阶段。该学科在传主资料的筛选与处理方法、解释模型等理论研究方面已获得了较丰富的成果,并已形成三个稳定的研究领域。在我国开展心理传记学研究,要避免人物研究的病理化倾向和艺术式的纯质化道路,并加强应用探讨以及着手进行中国杰出心理学家的心理传记研究。  相似文献   

无论何种传记 ,究其实际不过是一种叙事或一种解释。对传记文献的比较研究 ,其任务不只是进行历史的复原 ,同时还包括叙事学研究。有关传记的叙事学研究 ,将突破个案研究的区域限制而获得对某一时期文化社会心理形势的广泛了解。本文即从叙事学纬度研究吴澄的传记。首先是发现问题 :从校勘入手 ,展示传记被加工的痕迹 ;其次是解释疑问 ,追溯新叙事所以生成的语境 ,考量其得以实现的修辞策略。通过对吴澄传记的叙事学分析 ,揭示 :即使在以真实为生命线的历史传记类著作中 ,修辞策略也屡见不鲜。  相似文献   

如何对艺术家进行心理传记分析,是心理传记学研究的一个关键问题。Schultz在总结前人研究的基础上,提出了几种研究的基本范式,这对当前对艺术家的心理传记研究,具有重要的实践意义。  相似文献   

马皑  宋业臻 《心理科学》2019,(2):506-511
摘 要 当代心理学由于“本体与方法”的割裂形成科学心理学与人文心理学双峰对峙的局面,科学心理学受自然科学方法的影响而难以直面人性关怀问题;以人文心理学为研究传统的心理传记学,通过对悬疑性问题的逐层解读,直面人类心理动力系统,从而能够直面人性关怀问题。为进一步促进心理传记学的发展,对当前心理传记研究的资料筛选、研究模式、理论运用改进,以期研究者能够更好地通过史料分析进入传主生命事件的历史现场,对传主生命历程进行恰当的理论解释,从而进一步激发中国本土心理传记学发展的动力。  相似文献   

作为宗教的道教和作为文学的神仙传记的起源都与中国古代的神话传:既关系密切。本文借用西方神话研究的一些方法,来探讨道教和道教神仙传记在思维方式上对中国古代神话传说的继承和发展,并在此基础上研究道教传记的文学和宗教特征。  相似文献   

人之心灵微隐而难摹,而人之存在的心结则会间或影响生命之路向。现实常人如此,历史名人亦然。心理传记作为理解个体内心生活的一扇新窗,不仅标示了心理学研究的别样路径,而且亦对历史名人的存在心结进行了细至的深描。在这个意义上,《历史名人的心理传记》透过心理学视角剖析历史悬疑事件,对林徽因、项羽、武则天等八位历史名人的心理情结及...  相似文献   

舒跃育  王栋 《心理科学》2012,35(2):462-466
如何从大量的传记资料中提炼出有用的资料是心理传记学研究的一个关键问题。为了有效解决这个问题,Alexander提出,如果传记中涉及到如下内容,这些资料将可以作为重点分析的对象,这些内容包括:任何反复出现的谈话、主题、情景、重大事件或偶然事件、手段-目序列、关系模式、内心冲突、强迫观念;在文中最先出现的内容;传主试图通过某种方式特意粉饰或强调其独特性的内容;脱离实际语境的内容;缺乏完整性的内容;传主描述错误的记忆或者对真实事件的歪曲或者忽略了事件中的关键细节;以及在缺乏明确理由情况下的断然回绝。  相似文献   

回溯式时距估计是以记忆为主要成分, 且事后才知要对两个相继事件之间的间隔时间或某一事件持续时间的长短进行估计。可分为近时和远时的回溯式时距估计, 两者的计时机制与记忆有关, 但各有侧重:前者侧重短时或长时记忆, 直接证据来源于即时回忆单一或多个认知任务以估计时间, 间接证据则聚焦于物理、生理、心理因素的影响; 后者侧重自传体记忆, 可从问卷或访谈的测量方式以及主客体特征的影响两个方面来寻找证据。今后需以整合的观点深入探究回溯式时距估计的计时机制, 拓展回溯式时距估计行为测量的研究, 并开展对回溯式时距估计神经生物学基础的探讨。  相似文献   

最近,我俩有幸读到日本华严学文学博士小岛岱山《李通玄传记研究》一书。该书用近8万字的篇幅,对与李通玄传略有关的32篇资料逐一进行深入而周密的考证和研究。将所有资料分为复杂的传记资料和断片的传记资料两类,又分为第一手的根本资料与第二、三手含有捏造、杜撰成份的参考资料,这两类资料对于深入研究李通玄都很有价值。  相似文献   

<正>1.《艾森克人格问卷》的简介在心理学界,不同流派的心理学者由于研究取向的不同,在对人格进行界定时,强调的侧重点也有所不同。下面将以《艾森克人格问卷》为例,介绍心理测量原理与技术在人格研究中的运用。《艾森克人格问卷》(Eysenck Personality Q uestionnai,EPQ)由艾森克夫妇编制,制订于1975年。该问  相似文献   

严进  吴英杰  姜琦 《心理科学》2015,(2):457-462
行为事件的履历资料评估能有效克服传统履历数据构思效度弱、情景限制多等问题。本研究结合某通信企业招聘工作,选取250名应聘者数据,结合关键事件法,通过对履历事件的行为锚定来评估应聘者的胜任特征。研究在多重比较行为履历资料、履历表数据、认知能力等多个指标组合对录用结果预测的回归模型基础上,检验新增指标的预测效度。结果表明,行为事件的履历资料评估具有效标关联效度,与其他工具组合使用时具有增量效度。  相似文献   

Two studies examined McCrae and Costa’s system model of personality. Their model suggests the Big Five should have relatively strong associations with life history (measured in Study 1 by Biodata) and with Self-Concept (measured in Study 2 by various Self questionnaires). Study 1—210 participants (143 females) completed Bipolar Big Five Markers and a Biodata inventory. Factor Analyses confirmed the Big Five and revealed seven viable Biodata factors. Multiple regression revealed that most Biodata factors were predicted well by 2 or more Big Five traits. Study 2—199 participants (125 females) completed Bipolar Big Five Markers and an omnibus Self inventory consisting of six previously developed scales. Factor Analyses confirmed the Big Five and revealed eight viable Self factors. Multiple regression revealed that the Self factors were also predicted fairly well by two or more Big Five traits.Both studies found relatively strong associations between the Big Five and the Biodata and Self factors, which lends support to McCrae and Costa’s system model of personality. A consistent pattern of both a primary and secondary trait as joint predictors of Biodata and Self factors suggests that these areas are systematically influenced by multiple traits rather than only single traits.  相似文献   

Biodata is a selection device that is often cited for high criterion validity and low adverse impact, yet little research examines the latter point. Further, little is known about whether differential biodata item responding by ethnic group occurs, and if so, whether this impacts ethnic group differences, predictive bias, adverse impact, and criterion validity. Data from 5,242 applicants for a government agency position indicated that elimination of biodata item response options with differential ethnic group selection rates from scoring consideration resulted in a large decrease in ethnic group differences, no predictive bias, less potential adverse impact, and a nonsignificant decrease in criterion validity. Results are compared to a general mental ability measure. Implications and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

Rating scales were developed to assess the biodata dimensions offered by Mael (1991). Biodata items assessing conscientiousness were administered under honest-responding and faking-good conditions. Item attributes were examined to determine their value in predicting item validity for honest respondents and item validity for faking respondents. Analyses were also conducted to determine whether the degree of item faking was related to item attributes. Item attributes associated with item validity for honest respondents are not the same as the item attributes indicative of item validity for the faking respondents. We suggest that this makes it very difficult to develop a biodata questionnaire which will be equally valid for both honest and faking respondents.  相似文献   

In all 255 adult professionals concerned with selection, assessment and training completed a questionnaire which asked their beliefs about the validity, cost, practicality and legality of different assessment techniques (i.e., Assessment Centres, Biodata, Interviews) and their knowledge and use of both personality and ability tests. Participants tended to be positive about the tests themselves, how they were used and about test publishers. They rated Assessment Centres, Cognitive ability tests and Work Samples as the most valid, while Interviews were rated as most practical. Results from knowledge of personality and intelligence tests indicated that only a few tests were widely known, more so in personality/motivation than intelligence. Implications of these results for educating and informing practitioners are considered.  相似文献   

Faking on a biographical inventory compared to a traditional personality inventory was assessed in measuring the Five Factor Model of Personality. 705 subjects were randomly assigned to either an Answer Honestly or Faking condition. All subjects were recruited from psychology classes at two New Jersey State colleges. Women comprised 68.6% of the participants. The average age of the subjects was 24 yr. 383 subjects took part in the Answer Honestly condition. 322 participated in the Faking condition. In the Faking condition, subjects responded as if applying for the position of librarian. All subjects completed a biodata inventory, the NEO-Five Factor Inventory, a social desirability scale, a letter-cancellation task, and self-reported their grade point average. Criterion-related validity was assessed for both test scores across samples. Comparisons between samples indicated that subjects inflated scores on both inventories in socially desirable directions. Biodata Inventory scores were less elevated under the Faking conditions than the NEO-Five Factor Inventory scores.  相似文献   

Biodata as a selection technique is gaining greater acceptance in Australia and interest in the technique appears to be growing. There are a number of reasons for its rise in popularity, including particular advantages afforded by the technique such as enhanced validity and decreased adverse impact. This paper presents an overview of the development of a biodata instrument for large-scale recruitment and focuses specifically on how clients' needs were met by incorporating biodata in a revised recruitment system. The reader is also referred to another article in this issue by Karas and West that reports on this project, but covers technical aspects of the rational-empirical approach taken to instrument development. The biodata technique was chosen to meet specific requirements of a new selection system for entry level clerical and graduate staff of the Australian Public Service. Broadly, the system sought to assess a range of job-related skills encompassing both cognitive and noncognitive abilities and to maximize the validity and fairness of the recruitment process. The addition of a biodata questionnaire, as an integral part of the selection system, assisted in meeting these aims and providing clients with a more comprehensive process which offered greater flexibility and the reliable assessment of noncognitive attributes that are critical to success in today’s workplace.  相似文献   


Biodata instruments can be used in selection for several purposes (including screening, prediction, analysis of decision strategies). This article is concerned with the construction and validation of a biodata instrument for the selection of intermediaries by a profit-making employment agency in the Netherlands. The instrument was constructed according to the sample approach and measures work experiences with regard to relevant tasks and job dimensions. A field study gathered biodata scores from applicants (n £ 300) and present employees (n £ 70), interview ratings from the applicants, and ratings of job performance for the employees. The results obtained indicated that the instrument was a potentially useful selection device. The homogeneity of scale scores was sufficient and the scores show little overlap with other selection devices (interview ratings). In addition, particular scores correlate at a statistically significant level (P < 0.01) with ratings of job performance of present employees (r £ 0.30 to 0.40). Estimates of the utility (financial gains) of using the instrument in selection revealed that the instrument may yield considerable pay-offs. It is concluded that the construction and validation of the instrument yielded several positive results, and that the sample approach in constructing biodata selection instruments is an option worth considering.  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》1994,47(4):877-877
Book review in this Article:
MITROFF, IAN I., MASON, RICHARD O., and PEARSON, CHRISTINE M. Framebreak The Radical Redesign of American Business.
MINER, JOHN B. Role Motivation Theories.
DUNNETTE, MARVIN D. and HOUGH, LEATTA M. (Eds.). Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Vol. 2 (2nd ed.).
MUCHINSKY, PAUL M. Psychology Applied to Work: An Introduction to Industrial and Organizational Psychology (4th ed.).
BEREMAN, NANCY A. and LENGNICK-HALL, MARK L. Compensation Decision Making:
BARRETT, DERM. Fast Focus on TQM: A Concise Guide to Company-wide Learning.
POWELL, GARY N. Women and Men in Management (2nd ed.).
BAILYN, LOTTE. Breaking the Mold: Women, Men, and Time in the New Corporate World.
HERMAN, STANLEY M. A Force of Ones: Reclaiming Individual Power in a Time of Teams, Work Groups, and Other Crowds.
HENEMAN, HERBERT G., III and HENEMAN, ROBERT L. Staffing Organizations.
PRUNT, DEAN G. and CARNEVALE, PETER J. Negotiation in Social Conflict.
NORTHEY, PATRICIA and SOUTHWAY, NIGEL. Cycle Time Management: The Fast Track to Time-Based Productivity Improvement.
SNYDER, NEIL H., DOWD, JAMES J., JR., and HOUGHTON, DIANNE MORSE. Visions, Values and Courage: Leadership for Quality Management.
KLOSE, ALLEN J. Breaking the Chains: The Empowerment of Employees: How to Evaluate, Monitor and Improve Employee Empowerment Levels.
ROMEYN, JANE. Flexible Working Time: Part-Time and Casual Employment.
PORTER, LYMAN W. and ROSENZWEIG, MARK R. (Eds.).  相似文献   

《Personnel Psychology》2003,56(2):493-566
Book reviewed in this article: Corynne McSherry. Who Owns Academic Work? Battling for Control of Intellectual Property. Dick Grote. The Performance Appraisal Question and Answer Book: A Survival Guide for Managers. DeAnne Rosenberg. Hiring the Best Person for Every Job: Facilitator's Guide, and Hiring the Best Person for Every Job: Participant Workbook. Barrie Gunter and Adrian Furnham. Assessing Business Potential: A Biodata Approach. Robert Hogan and Robert Smither. Personality: Theories and Applications. J.R. Hackman. Leading Teams: Setting the Stage for Great Performances. Frank LaFasto and Carl Larson. When Teams Work Best: 6,000 Team Members and Leaders Tell What it Takes to Succeed. P. Christopher Earley and Cristina B. Gibson. Multinational Work Teams. Mark Allen (Editor). The Corporate University Handbook: Designing, Managing, and Growing a Successful Program. William J. Rothwell. The Workplace Learner: How to Align Training Initiatives with Individual Learning Competencies. W. Warner Burke. Organization Change: Theory and Practice. Peter Reason and Hilary Bradbury (Editors). Handbook of Action Research: Participative Inquiry and Practice. Charles Ransom Schwenk. Identity, Learning, and Decision Making in Changing Organizations. A. Bar‐Haim. Participation Programs in Work Organizations: Past, Present, and Scenarios for the Future. Peter Herriot. The Employment Relationship: A Psychological Perspective. A.D. Amar. Managing Knowledge Workers: Unleashing Innovation and Productivity. Kenneth Cloke and Joan Goldsmith. The End of Management and the Rise of Organizational Democracy. Rob Lebow and Randy Spitzer. Accountability: Freedom and Responsibility Without Control. E. Appelbaum, T. Bailey, P. Berg, A. L. Kalleberg. Manufacturing Advantage: Why High‐Performance Work Systems Pay Off. The Emirates Center for Strategic Studies and Research. Leadership and Management in the Information Age. Theresa K. Lant and Zur Shapira (Editors). Organizational Cognition: Computation and Interpretation. Stephen G. Post, Lynn G. Underwood, Jeffrey P. Schloss, and William B. Hurlbut (Editors). Neal M. Ashkanasy, Wilfred J. Zerbe, and Charmine E.J. Hartel (Editors). Managing Emotions in the Workplace.  相似文献   

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