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Rats pressed a lever for a signaled brain stimulation reinforcement on either fixed-interval or fixed-ratio schedules. Both schedules induced polydipsia, with a median water intake of 22.5 ml (about four times the control level) in 3-hr sessions. The stimulation did not directly elicit drinking or other behaviors. In a second experiment, two out of four rats became polydipsic during extinction following a continuous schedule of brain stimulation reinforcement. The results were compared with previous attempts to induce polydipsia with a schedule of brain stimulation reinforcement and were discussed in terms of polydipsia as a model of human “compulsive” behaviors.  相似文献   

A threshold procedure using operant behavioral techniques with positive reinforcement was developed after initial efforts with avoidance behavioral procedures proved unsatisfactory. In the first of three experiments the operant threshold procedure was tested by determining masked auditory thresholds for trains of clicks. In a second experiment, similar techniques were used to measure thresholds for electrical stimulation of the brain. The last experiment, again an auditory problem, involved a determination of the absolute thresholds for trains of short noise bursts as a function of the time between bursts. Middle ear malfunction proved to be a more severe problem than had been anticipated on the basis of reports in the literature. The threshold procedure, however, seems to be adequate for determination of absolute or masked thresholds with auditory or electrical stimuli.  相似文献   

Seven rats were trained to stable performance levels on either Fixed Ratio 47, Variable Ratio 47, Variable Interval 1-min, or Fixed Interval 1-min schedules of food reinforcement. Subjects were then tested for sensitivity to vestibular stimulation from rotation, using an ascending method of limits technique with increments in velocity of one revolution per minute every 5 min. Centrifugal forces were minimized by locating the test chamber over the axis of rotation. Response rates decreased in all subjects as a function of increasing rotation speed. In addition, characteristic differences in the patterns of response decrement were found between subjects on ratio and on interval schedules. Repeated tests indicated high intra-subject reliability in sensitivity to rotation. Similarities of these data to "motion sickness" phenomena in other species were noted. It is suggested that this behavioral approach provides a sensitive and quantifiable technique for assessing the effects of vestibular stimulation in animals.  相似文献   

This program and interface for a small computer (PDP8/e) performs the following operations: generates and delivers constant current stimulation to the brain of an animal, monitors electrical resistance at the stimulating electrode, and calculates the threshold of reinforcement based upon the frequency of characteristic pauses in the animal’s responding.  相似文献   

The effects of extinction and of response-independent (free) reinforcement in decreasing rates of key pecking by pigeons were compared in single schedule (Phase 1) and multiple (Phase 2) conditions. In both phases, response rates decreased more rapidly with extinction than with free reinforcement conditions. Behavioral contrast was obtained from subjects trained in a multiple schedule involving extinction in Phase 2, whereas subjects trained in a multiple schedule involving free reinforcement showed a slight negative induction effect. Whether subjects experienced extinction or free reinforcement under single stimulus conditions did not affect subsequent performance in the discrimination situation of the second phase. Disinhibition testing was carried out at the end of both phases, but there was no evidence for disinhibitory effects under any condition.  相似文献   

Four brain-stimulation phenomena elicited from both dorsal brain stem and hypothalamic sites were investigated with the following results: (a) intracranial self-stimulation rate-intensity functions for dorsal brain stem and hypothalamic sites yielded very high (over 1,000 responses/15 min.) to moderate (201-500 responses/15 min.) response rates; (b) d-amphetamine produced higher response rates than either l-amphetamine or saline at both dorsal brain stem and hypothalamic sites, indicating that noradrenergic dorsal brain stem fibers (or cell bodies) support intracranial self-stimulation; (c) dorsal brain stem and hypothalamic self-stimulation sites reliably produced escape behavior; (d) simultaneous stimulation of dorsal brain stem and hypothalamic sites at subthreshold intensities interacted to produce suprathreshold response rates.  相似文献   

The induction of hippocampal theta rhythm using low-frequency septal stimulation has been shown to proactively (1) facilitate the acquisition and (2) increase resistance to extinction of a food-rewarded fixed-ratio (FR) bar-press response (Holt & Gray, Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 35B, 97-118, 1983). Both (1) and (2) are also seen after septal lesions. This suggests that Holt and Gray's (1983) results may have been due either to stimulation-produced theta waves (the "theta" hypothesis), or a small septal lesion produced by the stimulating current (the "lesion" hypothesis). Both hypotheses were tested in the present experiment using high-frequency septal stimulation. In one of two treatment conditions male Sprague-Dawley rats, chronically implanted with a bilateral septal stimulating electrode and a unilateral bipolar hippocampal recording electrode, received (1) trains of continuous pulses at 77 Hz which blocked the hippocampal theta rhythm, or (2) trains of pulses at 100 Hz interrupted by a 30-msec interval at a frequency of 7.7 Hz. Control animals were implanted but not stimulated. Acquisition of a discrete-trial bar-press response on a fixed ratio 5 reinforcement schedule immediately followed the treatment phase. After 15 days' acquisition all animals were extinguished over the subsequent 12 days. Results indicated that both types of septal stimulation reduced resistance to extinction of barpressing; theta-blocking stimulation produced the greater effect. Theta-blocking stimulation retarded the acquisition of bar-pressing in the early stages of training. These overall results are exactly opposite to those produced by low-frequency (7.7 Hz) theta-driving septal stimulation (Holt & Gray, 1983) and contrary to the predictions of the lesion hypothesis. Furthermore, these findings support the idea that long-term changes in behavior may depend on stimulation-produced changes in the hippocampal theta rhythm.  相似文献   

For this study, it was postulated that hypertension of emotional origin is generated within the limbic system. To validate this thesis, septal induced blood pressure elevations were combined with a stressful experience in adult rats (spontaneously hypertensive and Wistar Kyoto rats). Stress consisted of intermittent confinement in a plexiglass tube. The results revealed that hypertension induced by electric stimulation of the septum during the stressful state could subsequently be elicited by the stressful state alone, without electric stimulation of the septum. It was postulated that the cortically modulated stress circuit converged with the electrically activated limbic pressor circuit at the level of the septum. This convergence resulted in the formation of one cortico-limbic circuitry which could be activated by stress alone. This underlying mechanism may be considered as a model of neural sensitization in the production of stress-induced limbic hypertension.  相似文献   

大脑电刺激是历史悠久但近年来才广泛应用在人类被试上的实验技术。通过对颅内刺激位点进行电刺激, 并分析引发的暂时性行为功能变化和记录位点的电位活动, 大脑电刺激技术可以揭示认知加工过程中脑区内的功能作用与脑区间的有效连接。通过对听觉语言加工过程相关的丘脑、听觉皮层、高级语言皮层进行电刺激, 现有研究发现了各个脑区的不同功能特点以及不同脑区间的信息传递机制, 为进一步探索听觉语言加工的神经机制提供了新的视角。  相似文献   

Concurrent variable-ratio schedules of electrical brain stimulation, food, and water were paired in various combinations as reinforcement of rats' lever presses. Relative prices of the concurrent reinforcers were varied by changing the ratio of the response requirements on the two levers. Economic substitutability, measured by the sensitivity of response ratio to changes in relative price, was highest with brain stimulation reinforcement of presses on both levers and lowest with food reinforcement of presses on one lever and water reinforcement of presses on the other. Substitutability with brain stimulation reinforcement of presses on one lever and either food or water reinforcement for presses on the other was about as high as with brain stimulation for presses on both levers. Electrical brain stimulation for rats may thus serve as an economic substitute for two reinforcers, neither of which is substitutable for the other.  相似文献   

A three‐component multiple‐schedule and brief reversals were used to examine the effects of differential reinforcement of other behavior (DRO) and noncontingent matched stimulation (NMS) on the automatically reinforced mouthing of a child with autism. Both DRO and NMS decreased immediate engagement in mouthing, but NMS produced larger reductions in the behavior. Furthermore, NMS produced subsequent effects (i.e., when the treatment was withdrawn) similar to those of prior access, whereas DRO marginally increased subsequent engagement in mouthing. The results suggest that NMS was a functionally matched intervention for mouthing. Implications for the assessment and treatment of stereotypy and applications for future research are discussed. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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