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This study was designed to examine job satisfaction in a national sample of employee assistance program (EAP) professionals. Data were collected from 210 EAP professionals through mailed surveys consisting of an individual information form and the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ; D. J. Weiss, G. W. England, & L. H. Lofquist, 1967), The average MSQ total score was within the satisfied range. The results indicated that respondents employed by external EAP organizations were more satisfied with their jobs than those who were employed by internal EAPs. Age, gender, race of respondent, rural vs. nonrural work setting, and national certification of respondent had no statistically significant impact on job satisfaction.  相似文献   

In a constructive replication and extension of previous research, the relative importance of individual (personality and professional attitudes) versus organizational (professional reward system and tenure) variables in predicting job satisfaction and turnover was investigated for the case of professionals. Support among a sample of computer specialists was found for the notion that, among professionals, individual variables are more important than organizational factors in predicting satisfaction with the work itself; but individual variables often played a major role in satisfaction with contextual aspects of the job as well. Organizational factors were found to be significantly predictive of satisfaction with all aspects of the job, but were the only significant predictors of turnover. Thus the importance of organizational factors over individual factors for professionals was supported more clearly for the behavioral outcome, turnover, than for attitudinal outcomes.  相似文献   

Most studies of work-related Type A behavior have been conducted with samples of white men. Using a mail questionnaire to assess Type A behavior, job satisfaction, and daily stress and tension among 250 black men and 233 black women public accountants, the prevalence of Type A behavior and its relationship with satisfaction and stress were highly consistent with those reported for other samples of white men and women.  相似文献   

In analyzing the relation between job satisfaction and job security, a sample of 97 Greek fitness instructors, 18 to 42 years of age, showed statistically significant positive correlations between job security and job satisfaction (p<.002). Particularly, job security was correlated with pay .54, promotion .43, job itself .41, and the organization as a whole .43.  相似文献   

Temporary agency workers (TAWs) are an ever-increasing type of employees which establish a double work relationship with both the agency and the client organization. Within this context, the concept of dual commitment has received considerable attention in the last years. The present contribution integrates dual commitment line of research with the one adopting a person-centered approach to the study of commitment configurations, to investigate commitment profiles on a large sample of TAWs. According to Sinclair et al.'s framework, we aimed to identify TAWs' commitment profiles based on their levels of dual affective commitment (to the agency and to the client organization) and on their general continuance commitment and to investigate differences in job satisfaction among profiles. Latent profile analyses on 7225 TAWs revealed 5 distinct profiles, namely Dually Free Agents, Dually Involved, Dually Allied, (Unilaterally) Client Allied and (Unilaterally) Agency Invested. The Dually Involved profile, followed by the Dually Allied profile, had the highest level of job satisfaction, whereas the Dually Free Agent profile and the (Unilaterally) Agency Invested had the lowest. Furthermore, the (Unilaterally) Client Allied group had a higher level of job satisfaction as compared to the (Unilaterally) Agency Invested profile. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Job satisfaction can be conceptualized as a function of situational conditions, personal characteristics, and interactions between both groups of variables. The authors compared the relative predictive power of these determinants in 3 samples of professionals (total N = 1,065). Perceived job characteristics (qualification possibilities, social support, stress, autonomy, participatory leadership) uniquely explained 7-22% of the variance in job satisfaction, and dispositional factors (Big Five, occupational self-efficacy, work centrality, mastery goals) uniquely explained 8-12% of the variance. Dispositional influences were partially mediated by perceived job characteristics. Interactions between situational and dispositional factors were of little significance. The authors concluded that perceived job characteristics (especially autonomy and participatory leadership) are important determinants of job satisfaction, and neuroticism is an important determinant as well. Highly educated professionals' job satisfaction also seems to be driven by qualification possibilities.  相似文献   

This study set out to examine the relationship between the dimensions of sxtraversion, neuroticism and psychoticism, and various dimensions of job satisfaction in a group of computer employees. Whereas Extraversion and Lie scores correlated positively with all aspects of job satisfaction, Neuroticism and Psychoticism scores correlated negatively with a third of the correlations being significant. However, there was little evidence of the hypothesized P-E fit between personality and job type though this may be due to classificatory and methodological problems. Results are discussed in terms of the necessity of considering personality variables in studies of job satisfaction.  相似文献   

The present study surveyed 954 employees and their supervisors to determine the relationship of empowerment with job satisfaction and performance in five different service sectors: hotels, food service, banking, call centers, and airlines. Psychological empowerment was positively correlated with both job satisfaction and performance. Although intrinsic motivation was associated with higher levels of empowerment and job satisfaction, contrary to hypothesis, intrinsic motivation did not moderate the relationship between empowerment and job satisfaction and performance. Men reported greater empowerment than women even when job level and performance were controlled for. Cross-industry analyses indicated differences in empowerment across different types of service sectors with employees in call centers reporting less empowerment compared to employees in hotel, airlines, food establishments, and banks.  相似文献   

心理契约、工作满意度与组织承诺关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
深入研究心理契约、工作满意度与组织承诺关系,将对组织变革中的人力资源管理具有重要理论和实践价值。本文首先回顾心理契约、工作满意度和组织承诺的概念,其次对心理契约、工作满意度和组织承诺之间的关系做一简单总结,最后提出对人力资源管理实践的启示。  相似文献   

Sixty-four counselors and 32 alternative school teachers in 13 grass-roots agencies reported on levels of participation, influence, and competence in making clinical and administrative decisions. The data supported predictions that (a) professionals would report greater decision-making opportunities and abilities than nonprofessionals, and (b) that workers in general would report higher levels of participation, influence, and competence in clinical than in administrative domains, and higher levels of competence than influence in both domains. However, regression analyses testing the effects of the decision-making variables on different aspects of job satisfaction did not support predicted interactions among participation, influence, and competence. Rather, decision-making involvements had positive effects and decision-making abilities had negative effects on worker morale. The discussion high-lights the need for further research to identify the underlying processes involved in the observed relationships.  相似文献   

Several facets of the homemaker job were analyzed in terms of the dynamic relationship between husband and wife. Seventy-one husband and wife pairs completed a questionnaire which assessed satisfaction with the homemaker job, marital satisfaction, distribution of responsibility for homemaker tasks between husband and wife, and other variables. Wives' satisfaction with the homemaker job was found related to the degree to which husbands assumed responsibility for homemaker tasks and to the husbands' attitudes toward women in general. Wives' marital satisfaction was found related to the interaction of wives' employment status (job holder or full-time homemaker) and satisfaction with the homemaker job. Directions for future research in this area were suggested.  相似文献   

The results of this study generally support the premise that job satisfaction is positively related to the congruence between the personality types of individuals and their work environments. Person-environment congruence is positively related to the intrinsic job satisfaction of males and females. However, gender-specific differences are apparent in terms of the relationship between person-environment congruence and extrinsic (males only) and overall (females only) job satisfaction. These relationships are consistent for all personality types included in the study. The implications of these findings for further research and for the selection and placement of individuals in work settings are discussed.  相似文献   

The discriminant validity of measures of job involvement, job satisfaction and organizational commitment was tested with data from 467 army officers in Sweden. Confirmatory-factor analysis showed a close fit between the proposed three-factor model and the data. Further, six of eleven job and health correlates related differently to the three attitude vairables. The results indicate that job involvement, job satisfaction and organizational commitment represent three empirically distinct constructs. Implications for future research discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined the structural relationship between dual-career planning, spouse support, problem-solving effectiveness, interrole conflict, marital satisfaction, and job stress among married female professionals. Dual-career planning and spouse support were found to be negatively associated with interrole conflict and positively associated with problem-solving effectiveness in the marriage. Interrole conflict was found to be positively associated with job stress and negatively asociated with marital satisfaction.  相似文献   

This research was an attempt to find evidence for Scarpello and Campbell's (1983) conclusion that a single-item global measure is more content valid than a composite facet measure for assessing overall job satisfaction. The first study investigated responses from employees in three separate plants who completed a facet measure, a single-item global measure, along with items and facets chosen by an employee committee. Results indicated that the employee-chosen facets accounted for some incremental variance in the prediction of the single-item measure. A second study investigated the relationship between a single-item and a facet measure of benefit package satisfaction when the entire benefit package domain was included in the facet measure. The magnitude of the relationship suggested that the single-item measure of global benefit package satisfaction involved consideration of more than merely satisfaction with each element in the package. Limitations and alternative explanations for the findings are discussed.The helpful comments of Mark E. Tubbs and John W. Jones on an earlier version of this article are greatly appreciated.  相似文献   

Holland's (Making vocational choices: A theory of careers, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1973) congruency, consistency, and differentiation terms were used as independent variables to predict job satisfaction (JS) within the scope of a single occupation, rather than on the comparison between occupations. Based on the responses of 126 registered nurses on the specially designed List of Courses in Nursing (LCN) Inventory the congruence hypothesis was confirmed, while the consistency and differentiation hypotheses were only partially supported. The hypothesis on the additive relationship among congruence, consistency, and differentiation with JS was confirmed. The theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

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