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At West Virginia University, microcomputers are used in the laboratory sections of a conventional undergraduate course on research methods in psychology. IBM-compatible computers and QuickBasic programs are used to duplicate the functions of equipment that is less reliable and, taken collectively, more expensive—equipment such as stimulus projectors, pursuit rotors, timers, and mirror tracing stands. The computer systems increase the speed and efficiency of data collection, reduce errors of procedure and measurement, and implement numerous steps to standardize procedures and limit extraneous influences. As a consequence, uncontrolled variability is minimized, and the opportunity for meaningful research outcomes is maximized. The laboratory can be expanded with software alone, without the expense of additional hardware.  相似文献   

Microcomputers can serve many functions in undergraduate education, including control of laboratory experiments, presentation of classroom demonstrations, generation of handouts, and monitoring student performance. Panel members of a symposium presented several general guidelines for the use of microcomputers, and specific guidelines for selecting and purchasing equipment and for daily operation of a microcomputer facility.  相似文献   

The increasing sophistication of laboratory microcomputers has brought an attendant need for efficient programming systems. One such system, UCSD PASCAL, has been made commercially available as an adaptable package for many popular microcomputers. This paper addresses the implementation of UCSD PASCAL and describes a powerful extension of the package to use a host timesharing system as a virtual floppy-disk facility.  相似文献   

Characteristics of microcomputers are described affecting suitability for low-cost laboratory network use. Assuming a network of small microcomputers with interfaces for applications and a larger one for program development, 6502-based hobbyist computers appear cheapest at this time, while microcomputers imitating minicomputers have the best hardware and software support.  相似文献   

The availability of low-cost microcomputers has been accompanied by the development of many inexpensive peripheral devices. The recent introduction of digitizers and plotters for use with microcomputers makes new research designs and instructional applications possible. This paper reports the characteristics and applications of one plotter and three digitizers of reasonably low cost. The application of digitizers in obtaining individual responses, quantifying data, preparing stimuli, and translating stimuli into machine-readable form is discussed. The application of plotters to hands-on instruction in data analysis and stimulus preparation is presented.  相似文献   

A .75-ton van was modified to make a mobile research laboratory suitable for visual psychophysical testing under well controlled conditions. The laboratory can be adapted easily to other types of psychological research in which environmental control and/or special-purpose equipment is required.  相似文献   

Microcomputers have great applicability for psychological laboratories. While it is usual to limit discussions of microcomputers to 8-bit equipment, 16-bit machines have several advantages. In many situations, these systems prove to be more efficient and cost effective.  相似文献   

Over 25% of the 80 British psychology departments use microcomputers. This paper summarizes the types of processor, level of system integration, applications, and problems of these users. The Motorola 6800 is by far the most popular processor, but there is a growing number of Z-80 users. Useful microcomputers have been developed from chips, single-board evaluation kits, hobby products, and manufacturers’ development systems. Applications include front-end processing, networking, and stand-alone uses for data logging, process control, and the development of intelligent laboratory tasks. Emphasis is placed on the need to match system packaging and support facilities to the application.  相似文献   

The popularization of microcomputers makes available computer control of experiments at a price under $1,000. The Commodore PET is used as an illustration of the capabilities and problems an experimenter faces in instrumenting simple experiments with this equipment. Hardware interfacing is simple and the programming is done in BASIC. A sample experiment on instrumental conditioning is used as an example.  相似文献   

Real-time clock strategies are described for microcomputers in behavioral research. Software-oriented and hardware-oriented counters are described in both free-running and strobed modes. An example of a clock using the Intel 8253 is given, along with driving software in 8080 assembly code and hardware for the S-100 bus.  相似文献   

This report compares currently available. Inexpensive (minimum stand-alone disk-based con-figuration under $2,000), mass-produced microcomputers from the viewpoint of their applicability as experiment control, stimulus generation, and data collection devices for the experimental psychology laboratory.  相似文献   

The effect of the widespread availability of microcomputers on research is discussed. Student projects in a course in computer applications in psychology improved markedly, and faculty who had previously not believed that there was great value in using computers discovered innovative ways of facilitating their research.  相似文献   

Twenty-three BASIC language programs have been written to allow the TRS-80 and other microcomputers to perform most of the classical experiments normally used in teaching a laboratory course in experimental psychology. Most programs allow experiments to be run as though the computer was the specialized apparatus normally used. This facilitates a realistic and interactive learning experience for the students.  相似文献   

The microcomputer seems destined to play an ever increasing role in today’s operational Navy. It promises solutions to problems ranging from inventory control to tactical decision making. With that promise, however, comes an inevitable array of new problems and questions to be solved. The Navy constantly must evaluate systems on the basis of the systems’ ability to produce immediate gains. Design characteristics most important in the choice of systems include application software, equipment reliability and availability, software maintainability, ease of use, and integrated approach. The Navy’s demand for more properly human-engineered systems far exceeds that of industry in general. Until designers can deliver such systems, the influx of microcomputers into the operational Navy will continue to be thought of as an unnecessary proliferation.  相似文献   

Ongoing development of a series of laboratory modules for experimental psychology courses is described. The modules are designed to be implemented on a network of TRS-80 microcomputers, which are linked by a Network 3 controller. Within each module, the computer controls stimulus events, records individual data, probes the student for understanding of experimental concepts, and tabulates the class data. In addition to a discussion of the modules and their software implementation, the required hardware is described.  相似文献   

Advantages and disadvantages of programmable calculator control of research laboratories are discussed. Comparisons are drawn with microcomputers such as the Imsai 8080. While microcomputers have greater flexibility in sampling multiple measures at multiple rates and combining timing tasks with data acquisition, calculators are easier to program for applications combining data acquisition with mathematical processing. Calculators also offer advantages to laboratories that do not have access to programming or maintenance services.  相似文献   

This paper describes a psychology laboratory based on a CORVUS-networked system of Apple IIe microcomputers. It also describes the specific software applications used in each of a range of psychology courses, and the skills developed through each of the specific applications. While no empirical data is yet available to support formal evaluation of this type of instruction, initial student and faculty responses to its implementation have been very favorable. The model described here may be useful to other psychologists who are interested in providing microcomputer experiences for their students.  相似文献   

In the introductory psychology laboratory at Drexel University, we employ courseware modules that transform the computer into various pieces of psychological research equipment. Students enrolled in this course use the courseware modules in a series of experiments that investigate motor learning, perception, memory, and other psychological phenomena. In choosing this form of computerization, we have encountered challenges to our methods of instruction, both in the laboratory and in the lecture hall. Opportunities, in the form of financial and programming assistance, have also resulted from our computerization efforts.  相似文献   

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