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In the present paper, we describe the software and hardware of an on-line, visual-memory laboratory running under Turbo Pascal on an IBM PC XT-compatible computer. The display system includes one Kodak random access projector and four standard Kodak carousel projectors, all equipped with tachistoscopic shutters and luminance-control devices. The response system consists of eight 16-key response boxes. The laboratory can be used for any experiment in which 35-mm slides are to be used as stimuli, and in which precise display times, stimulus luminances, and reaction times are required. The laboratory is particularly well suited to picture-perception and picture-memory experiments.  相似文献   

A system for on-line control of experiments is described that uses the Apple II microcomputer and requires no knowledge of programming. This system, APT, is used to construct test files, randomize stimulus order, and conduct experiments. Construction of an experiment is very easy through use of an interactive program. APT provides powerful options for controlling stimulus duration, feedback, and response type. Programs are available to conduct either a sequence of tests without any experimenter present or a single experiment. Over 200 subjects, ranging from 18 to 86 years of age, have completed a battery of cognitive and abilities tests using the system.  相似文献   

An apparatus for studying motor control and visual-motor coordination is described. The system consists of an Apple II+ with two expansions boards installed. One board provides advanced graphics capabilities; the other interfaces the Apple with a digitizing tablet and also provides a real-time clock. Target stimulus and visual feedback concerning self-produced movement (i.e., a cursor) are displayed on a standard video monitor, and movement data are sampled by the digitizing tablet. Software consists of about 3K bytes of assembled 6502 code and a 2K byte Applesoft BASIC program. The system is inexpensive, versatile, and particularly well suited for developmental research. It has been used with human subjects as young as 3 years of age.  相似文献   

Several resources are available to the person seeking to develop a laboratory course that utilizes microprocessors. Several roles for such equipment are envisioned, and some of the issues regarding types of equipment and programming languages are addressed.  相似文献   

This report describes the hardware and software developed to implement an Apple II (48 KB) as a real-time control device for operant experiments. The hardware has a straightforward design, so that it is readily understandable and can be built by individuals with only minimal experience in the use of integrated circuits and other electronic components. The software routines listed below represent an approach to controlling and handling the data generated by an operant experiment. Using these routines, we are able to record each response and experimental event, the time of the occurrence, and the conditions at that time.  相似文献   

The use of microcomputers in physiological psychology has allowed many investigators to conduct experiments that previously required more costly devices. We describe some of the research requirements that led to our selection of an Apple II/FIRST microcomputer system (Scandrett & Gormezano, 1980) for investigations of the neurophysiological correlates of classical and instrumental conditioning.  相似文献   

This paper describes an Apple II (an Apple-compatible) microcomputer package for a computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI) system. This system generates random telephone numbers within any number of exchanges that the user supplies, automatically dials the telephone, prompts the interviewer with each question, and records and permanently saves each response. It also provides a printed copy of the collected data by frequency of response in each question category. The Apple II CATI package is readily available, inexpensive, and easy to program in the BASIC language.  相似文献   

A computer system, based on the Radio Shack Color Computer, for running experiments in cognitive psychology is described. The system was designed according to the following principles: first, all of the equipment should consist of inexpensive, off-the-shelf components; second, the language used to implement experiments should have real-time commands embedded within the character strings to be displayed, and these real-time commands should be interpreted at run time; third, the system should serve multiple subjects, yet one host should be able to run display terminals for several subjects on independent experiments; and fourth, the system should be able to interface to other display devices and other response-recording devices. Two examples of other devices are discussed: an oscilloscope for rapid visual display and an Apple Macintosh for display of pictures.  相似文献   

Three components of a teaching laboratory in perception are described that (1) compare several psychophysical methods for measuring visual illusions, (2) simulate experiments on dark adaptation, and (3) allow participation in auditory demonstrations or experiments. Features of special interest include: interactive use of graphics, software for simulating experiments (such as EXPER SIM, University of Michigan), and use of A/D, D/A, and TTL ports to interface special peripherals.  相似文献   

The design of a computer-based laboratory system requires the coordination of pedagogical and technical goals. The development of our on-line laboratory in cognition and perception is described. The laboratory consists of 11 on-line experiments in which the student participates as both experimenter and subject. The software was designed for maximum transportability: Programs were written in a low-level BASIC, with thorough documentation; flexibility is provided both within and across experiments to suit local constraints; and the experiments are supported by a student manual, instructor’s manual, and implementation notes. Criteria for selecting experiments, implementation of the experiments, and preliminary evaluation of the laboratory are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper describes an automated eye movement laboratory that uses electrooculography (EOG) to study people’s eye movements while they read. An on-line minicomputer processes bioelectric potentials that correspond to saccadic eye movements. Horizontal saccades larger than 1.5 deg of visual angle are detected and analyzed in real-time as they occur. The laboratory is designed for prolonged yet unobtrusive observation of human eye movements during sustained reading periods of minutes or hours. All important functions regarding data collection and data reduction are performed automatically, according to simple procedures that can be applied uniformly and without bias to nearly all subjects that we study. Results from three experiments are cited in order to quantify the performance of the laboratory with respect to four criteria: saccade detection accuracy, measurement accuracy, sensitivity, and the uniformity of these measures over different subjects.  相似文献   

This paper describes a PDP-15 timesharing system in which on-line experimentation and an undergraduate laboratory course co-exist with many other users. Design features include precise stimulus and response timing, easy experiment programming, easy system access, and 15 or more simultaneous users. Students can be both experimenters and subjects in realistic, variable course modules.  相似文献   

Psychology users of the Unix operating system responded to questionnaire items concerning the use of Unix, the ease of learning and using Unix, and the value and quality of the system for their research needs. The data suggest that Unix is poor according to human-factors criteria, but good according to programming and systems criteria.  相似文献   

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