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从2型糖尿病的发病机制谈糖尿病治疗的新策略   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
2型糖尿病的发病机制主要为胰岛素抵抗与胰岛β细胞分泌功能受损,二者相互依存、相互作用。2型糖尿病的治疗应以减轻胰岛素的抵抗和保护胰岛β细胞为主,以生活方式干预加二甲双胍作为基础治疗,根据不同个体在不同阶段所侧重的不同发病机制,采用联合、综合管理。  相似文献   

The objective of this document is to provide recommendations for genetic evaluation and counseling of couples with recurrent miscarriage (RM). The recommendations are the opinions of the multidisciplinary Inherited Pregnancy Loss Working Group (IPLWG), with expertise in genetic counseling, medical genetics, maternal fetal medicine, internal medicine, infectious disease, cytogenetics, and coagulation disorders. The IPLWG defines RM as three or more clinically recognized consecutive or non-consecutive pregnancy losses occurring prior to fetal viability (<24 weeks gestation). These recommendations are provided to assist genetic counselors and other health care providers in clinical decision-making, as well as to promote consistency of patient care, guide the allocation of medical resources, and increase awareness of the psychosocial and cultural issues experienced by couples with RM. The IPLWG was convened with support from the March of Dimes Western Washington State Chapter and the University of Washington Division of Medical Genetics. The recommendations are U.S. Preventive Task Force Class III, and are based on clinical experiences, review of pertinent English-language published articles, and reports of expert committees. This document reviews the suspected causes of RM, provides indications for genetic evaluation and testing, addresses psychosocial and cultural considerations, and provides professional and patient resources. These recommendations should not be construed as dictating an exclusive course of medical management, nor does the use of such recommendations guarantee a particular outcome. The professional judgment of a health care provider, familiar with the circumstances of a specific case, should always supersede these recommendations.  相似文献   

在事物发展的过程中,主要矛盾处于支配地位、对事物发展起决定作用,次要矛盾处于从属地位、对事物发展起次要作用.烧伤后应激性溃疡的发病机制如:神经-内分泌失调、胃黏膜屏障功能减弱、感染和心理应激等,以及防治方法,如:抗休克治疗、积极处理创面,改善胃黏膜缺血,早期肠内营养和防治感染等是这一原理的具体体现.  相似文献   

消化性溃疡发病机理和治疗新理念   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
消化性溃疡的发病机理十分复杂,自从发现幽门螺杆菌(Helicobacterpylori,下称Hp)以来,人们对Hp发病机理的认识和治疗策略上都发生了根本性变化,为了阐明消化性溃疡的发病机理和治疗新理念,本文从以下几个问题进行讨论:(1)"溃疡愈合"和"溃疡治愈"与溃疡愈合质量关系;(2)Hp发现是消化性溃疡病因学和治疗学上的一场革命,根除Hp才能降低或预防溃疡复发;(3)保护胃及十二指肠黏膜屏障是治疗消化性溃疡最基本的手段;(4)消化性溃疡治疗新策略应该是:保护胃黏膜;抑制胃酸;根除Hp。希望对读者在对消化性溃疡发病机理的认识和治疗原则上有所指导。  相似文献   

为了探讨重复异位妊娠适宜的临床治疗方案,对2006年1月至2006年12月我科收治的251例异位妊娠中42例重复异位妊娠患者的资料进行回顾性分析,资料显示:重复异位妊娠的发病率为16.7%(42/251),平均发病年龄30.7岁,42例患者中异位妊娠部位与上次发生在同侧输卵管12例,对侧输卵管30例,两次异位妊娠发生间隔的时间最短为2个月,最长为9年,平均3.2年。其中10例为第3次异位妊娠。此次患病手术治疗25例,包括切除输卵管13例,保守性手术12例。因盆腔炎症和保守性手术是重复异位妊娠的危险因素,预防和彻底治疗盆腔炎症是降低重复异位妊娠发生的重要手段,采取保守性治疗或保守性手术时应慎重考虑其对患者将来生育和心理的影响。  相似文献   

Health-related quality of life (QoL) is reduced in patients with recurrent vasovagal (VVS) or unexplained (US) syncope. Little is known regarding these patients’ QoL as pertains to their capacity to attain their life goals. Factors influencing QoL, such as sex, syncope type and illness representations have not been studied. Our objective is to examine the relationship between illness representations and QoL, as well as possible sex and syncope type differences. One hundred and four patients undergoing tilt-table testing (TTT) for recurrent syncope were interviewed one month before TTT, using questionnaires. Data were analysed using ANCOVAs, a-priori Helmert contrasts for illness representations, and regressions. Patients with US had a poor QoL compared to those with VVS [F(1, 91) = 10.46; p < 0.01], particularly in men (p < 0.01). Patients with higher perceived syncope severity showed an impoverished QoL relative to those with less severe perceptions [F(1, 91) = 5.47; p < 0.05]. A hierarchical regression revealed that illness representations mediate the impact of lifetime number of syncope on QoL. In conclusion, QoL is reduced in these patients, and is influenced by illness representations. Helping patients change their perceptions about their syncope may be an efficient way to promote QoL.  相似文献   

重复异位妊娠的临床处理策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探讨重复异位妊娠适宜的临床治疗方案,对2006年1月至2006年12月我科收治的251例异位妊娠中42例重复异位妊娠患者的资料进行回顾性分析,资料显示:重复异位妊娠的发病率为16.7%(42/251),平均发病年龄30.7岁,42例患者中异位妊娠部位与上次发生在同侧输卵管12例,对侧输卵管30例,两次异位妊娠发生间隔的时间最短为2个月,最长为9年,平均3.2年.其中10例为第3次异位妊娠.此次患病手术治疗25例,包括切除输卵管13例,保守性手术12例.因盆腔炎症和保守性手术是重复异位妊娠的危险因素,预防和彻底治疗盆腔炎症是降低重复异位妊娠发生的重要手段,采取保守性治疗或保守性手术时应慎重考虑其对患者将来生育和心理的影响.  相似文献   

Anxiety disorders in children and adolescents are largely undetected and the majority of youth do not receive services. Given the deleterious consequences of anxiety disorders, early identification and intervention have public health implications. In order to increase identification and treatment of anxious youth, expansion to nonpsychiatric settings (i.e., pediatric medical settings, schools) is necessary. Pediatric medical offices represent ideal settings for detection and intervention for several reasons: (1) access to large numbers of children, (2) high prevalence of unrecognized anxiety disorders in medical settings, and (3) an association between anxiety disorders and medically unexplained somatic symptoms. This paper describes a cognitive-behavioral intervention for youth who present to pediatric medical settings with nonmedical somatic symptoms and undiagnosed anxiety disorders. We explain the rationale for and focus of our treatment approach, present two case studies illustrating the treatment process, and conclude with a discussion of implementation considerations.  相似文献   

消化性溃疡的发病机理十分复杂,自从发现幽门螺杆菌(Helicobacter pylori,下称Hp)以来,人们对Hp发病机理的认识和治疗策略上都发生了根本性变化,为了阐明消化性溃疡的发病机理和治疗新理念,本文从以下几个问题进行讨论:(1)"溃疡愈合"和"溃疡治愈"与溃疡愈合质量关系;(2)Hp发现是消化性溃疡病因学和治疗学上的一场革命,根除Hp才能降低或预防溃疡复发;(3)保护胃及十二指肠黏膜屏障是治疗消化性溃疡最基本的手段;(4)消化性溃疡治疗新策略应该是:保护胃黏膜;抑制胃酸;根除Hp.希望对读者在对消化性渍疡发病机理的认识和治疗原则上有所指导.  相似文献   

肝源性糖尿病为继发性糖尿病,因肝实质损害而导致,患者以餐后高血糖和葡萄糖耐量减低为特征.发病机制与肝病时肝糖原合成能力降低,胰岛素抵抗有关.治疗原则是改善和保护肝功能,降低高血糖,缓解症状.所以该病在诊治方面与2型糖尿病有很大区别,本文在此综述如下.  相似文献   

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