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刘曦  夏冬  李锐 《美与时代》2021,(2):83-84
中国正在处于体验经济的时代,重视消费者获得的体验。现阶段设计原则多从构造、审美、功能、环保等方面考虑,除此之外还应考虑本能反应。文章从具身认知理论着手,论述具身认知理论视角下的环境认知,并从生物学角度概括环境体验设计的要素,为体验设计提出新思考方向。  相似文献   

综合近年对杭州市老年人、老年人照护及照护机构、照护队伍的现状研究,分析老年人长期照护存在的主要问题,提出以社区为基础的老年人长期照护构建的主要内涵,为相关制度建设提供依据。并提出了促进社区日间照料中心、以社区卫生服务中心为依托的社区老年护理院及其他老年护理机构的规范建设;加强服务队伍培训;设立转介制度和转介标准,建立老年人长期照护转介体系;建立评估标准、第三方评估运作方式及公众监督机制,逐步完善评估制度;加强风险管理;规范社区长期照护体系运作。  相似文献   

了解护理本科生在实习过程中与患者存在的沟通障碍以及心理体验。采用目的抽样法,选取某高等院校护理专业10名有临床实习经历的本科生,针对实习中护患沟通的障碍进行半结构式访谈,并采用Colaizzi 7步分析法进行资料分析。整理出2大主题:护生与患者有效沟通的障碍和护生与患者沟通障碍的心理体验。护理本科生与患者沟通时存在困难,且护生因此会产生负性心理体验,护生本人、学校和医院应加强对此问题的重视,提升护理本科生的沟通交往能力。  相似文献   

叶华 《美与时代》2014,(9):38-39
当对室内外环境进行规划和设计的环境艺术被融入社会责任后,环境艺术在两岸乡村,不论是政府主导的送文化下乡活动,还是艺术家自觉的文化帮扶活动,对帮助村民提高文化素养,生态保护,行为规范,以及灾后重建中的精神陪伴起着积极的作用。艺术进农村社区并不是针对乡村进行硬件的改造,而是通过环境的美化和艺术素养的提高,把美的种子播入农村,使乡村生活更美好。  相似文献   

面对日益激增的老年群体,构建适宜老年人生活的物质空间环境,是当前养老形势的切实需要。随着传统养老观念的改变,新的养老模式逐渐发展,但国内对机构养老模式在思想观念上并未完全接受,居家社区养老模式仍是主流选择。通过对义乌市鸡鸣山国际融合社区的实地走访调研,总结出社区绿地存在的问题,并根据老年人对景观的功能性需求和活动特征,以及社区不同民族、不同国家居住人群的特点,运用“五感”体验、园艺疗法,针对社区活动空间、植物配置、环境设施和交互系统提出建议,以提升义乌市社区康养景观设计效果。  相似文献   

冯宁宁  崔丽娟 《心理科学》2017,40(5):1215-1221
探究源自环境的恢复体验(如,放松、平静等)对居住者地方依恋(包括地方依赖和地方认同两个维度)的预测作用,并分析其中的内在过程与情境条件。采用问卷研究法(N=410),结果发现:(1)恢复体验能显著正向预测个体地方依恋;(2)环境偏好在恢复体验与地方依恋之间起完全中介作用;(3)居住时长调节环境偏好与地方依恋(主要是地方认同)之间的关系。研究将有助于探寻环境心理学视角下的压力管理与城市管理协同路径。  相似文献   




随着黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展上升为国家战略,黄河流域沿岸特色村落的发掘和传承,成为该区域空间环境提升需持续深入研究的方向。文章针对商丘坑塘式聚落进行类型分析,以生态修复为指导,探讨空间活化营造路径,并以六个村落为例,对坑塘式聚落传统风貌的保护和生活环境改善等问题进行探索与思考。研究表明,商丘坑塘式聚落在长期的人地关系发展过程中形成了富有地域特色的坑塘式聚落景观,以平线型、交叉型、绕村型坑塘式聚落为主,结合其不同类型聚落进行生态先行、空间营造、空间活化提升,可促进黄泛区众多坑塘式聚落空间环境提升。  相似文献   

人口老龄化带来了一系列亟须解决的社会问题,但在深层次上,则意味着一个新的文明范型的出现。老龄文明要求人们重思伦理实体和道德主体之间的依存与张力,并在此基础上调整自我理解和生存方式。养老实践中护理机器人的应用,形塑了孝伦理在现代社会的新形态,并且为拓展老年人能动性和维护个人尊严提供了新的可能。老龄文明随数字智能时代一同到来,老年人的数字融入决定了数智时代老年人建构自身主体性的条件和限度。老年人有生存意义上的义务参与数字化生活,这在提升老年人主体性的同时,也加强了代际互动和社会联结,是建构老年生活意义空间的重要赋能方式。  相似文献   

随着科技的发展和社会物质财富的丰富,越来越多的高科技产品进入到人们的生活中,改变着人们的生活方式。久居繁华都市,每天面对钢筋水泥,使用着时代的科技产物,人类随之变得盲目,人与人、人与物之间的交流少之又少,加快的生活节奏也造成了越来越大的压力。值得庆幸的是部分人类的觉悟,他们要求水从“物的堆积”中解放出来,他们向往自然,渴望自然惬意的生活状态。而我们的树栖生活正是打造这种自然主义风格,让人们从机械紧凑的科技生活中解脱出来,释放自己,亭受自然惬意的时光。  相似文献   

The Evolutionary Guidance System (EGS) is a holistic and inclusive model for designing self-organizing social systems. Such a model must be driven by evolutionary values articulated by the members of the system. The small community is an ideal context for the "growing" of an Evolutionary Guidance System. This paper describes the creation of an EGS in a community organization. The rational for the activity is to bring harmony and build community among the members of the organization and, at the same time, to reach out and include the larger community. This organization can provide a model for other organizations in the town, and the ultimate goal is to install an EGS as a nongovernmental design system for the town.  相似文献   

This study examined age differences in the perception of problems occurring in a nursing home. A predominantly female sample (N = 120) varying in age and in exposure to nursing homes watched videotaped vignettes depicting a woman experiencing problems in a nursing home. For each vignette, research participants reported how they thought the protagonist felt, how she should respond, and how confident they would feel to respond similarly if faced with the same situation. Age, more than experience, was related to differences in perceptions, with older adults reporting that the protagonist felt sad more often than did younger adults, who perceived the protagonist as feeling angry. Younger age was associated with more action-oriented coping strategies. No age differences emerged for how well the participants felt they could handle the situation. Results suggest that nursing home employees differ from the residents in both their perceptions of the problems and recommended strategies used to deal with the problem.  相似文献   

随着人们对生活质量要求的不断提高,临终护理也日益引起人们的重视.在中国,每年约有700万人进入临终期.护士作为临终关怀的主要实施者之一,在护理临终患者的过程中发挥着不可替代的作用.但是对处于实习阶段的护生来说,初次护理临终患者时往往会出现一些问题,如不解决,会影响到护生的心理健康.本文采用质性研究的方法对14名护生进行访谈,深入分析本科护生在临终护理中的心理体验,为护理管理者和护理教育者探讨有效的干预措施提供理论依据.  相似文献   

通过对739名社区门诊患者进行问卷调查,了解患者对基本药物制度的认知及评价,探讨基本药物制度对患者行为的影响.结果显示,社区门诊患者对基本药物制度的平均知晓率较低,但总体上仍倾向于支持这一制度的实施.基本药物制度实施后,有部分社区门诊患者反映买药比原来变得困难或更愿意选择去大医院就医.  相似文献   

The study examined student teachers' reflections on being involved in a social responsibility project in a community setting. Participants were 71 beginning students in two sequential cohorts (cohort 1 = 34, cohort 2 = 37). Data on their community learning experience were gathered using focus group discussion and reflection journals. The data were thematically analyzed. The teacher education students engaged in focus group discussions junior students who joined the project in the 2007–2008 academic year (Cohort 1) and 37 junior students who joined the project in the 2008–2009 academic year (Cohort 2). Three themes were listed for students' reflections: entry into the teaching profession, constraints and barriers, and the school principal as a community leader. Results of the study revealed that student teachers had the opportunity to have their first-hand experience in a context that they had never encountered in the same way before.  相似文献   

There is no pedagogical philosophy or technique that ensures the emergence of genuine community in the religious studies classroom. But teachers can engage in activities that create the conditions for community and student transformation. Among these is strategic self‐disclosure – the practice of revealing one's own orientation toward a subject matter, a discipline, or the institutional context in which teaching and learning take place. But strategic self‐disclosure is not without risks. It can permanently alter the classroom environment and may tap into the teacher's insecurities. The author explores these matters by analyzing a remarkable teaching experience in which community happened. The editors welcome readers’ comments and responses on this article (e‐mail: wabashcenter@wabash.edu).  相似文献   




In an effort to explore the shortage of female sport officials, the authors examined the experience of eight former female basketball officials from five geographically diverse states in the U.S. who voluntarily left the role. Specifically, the authors asked former female basketball officials to describe their workplace experiences. Utilizing a phenomenological approach and workplace incivility framework, the results indicated that the felt social inequity for female officials detracted from the participants experiencing a sense of community in the workplace, which ultimately led to their discontinuation in the role. Results indicate four key factors that created this uncivil work environment. An examination of the data revealed four major themes. Specifically the female basketball officials reported experiencing a Lack of Mutual Respect from male counterparts; Perceived Inequity of Policies; a Lack of Role Modeling and Mentoring for and from female officials; and experiencing more Gendered Abuse than did their male counterparts. The combination of these four factors exacerbated the female officials’ inability to connect to the officiating community and led to their withdrawal from the role. The results further indicate that women officials likely threatened the hegemonic characteristics of a sport setting. Although females have made great strides in terms of sport participation, the practical implications of this research suggest that understanding females in workplace roles, such as officiating, is vital if social equity is to be achieved in the sporting community.  相似文献   

Community psychology is commented upon from the perspective of a community psychologist who was trained in the Community Psychology Program at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. Her background and training are reviewed. A brief survey of research on homelessness as a frame for community psychology research is presented. Concluding remarks are provided on the future of research in community psychology.  相似文献   

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