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两汉今文经学强调六经折中于孔子,经学为孔子所立之法。汉末面对《周官》《左传》等典籍的传播与兴盛,郑玄把古文经典纳入经学体系。郑玄的注经目标,是"究先圣之元意",其基本背景,是体现在《汉书·艺文志》中把经学理解为"王官学"的体系。把经学视为王官学,容易导出经学就是历史。而在郑玄的体系中,经书是自伏羲至孔子所遗的文献集合,而历史只是理解经书的一种方式,作为文献的经书本身是独立的。经书的独立性与解经方法的历史化,既维系了经部的独立地位,也塑造了中国的经史传统。  相似文献   

<正>西汉以降,历史上的经学往往带有政治性,这一点毋庸置疑。以往一些经学史研究,倾向于一种"抽离"的方式,或考证著者、版本,或辨析经解异同,都是把经学当作一种纯粹"学术"。此外,还有一些经学史研究,因受到后来某个历史阶段学术趣味或价值取向的影响,得到的对某一时期的经学认识与实际情况差别较  相似文献   

1905至2010年间的郑玄易学研究经历了三个阶段,其中既有对传统经学研究路数的坚守,又有引入西学思想与方法的新实践,而现代学术制度、思想与方法最终成为郑易研究的主导,呈现出新旧学术交替的丰富性与复杂性,是中国传统学术现代化的缩影。西方学术的引入,客观上丰富了郑易研究的视角与途径,揭示、提升了郑易研究的多方面内容,其百年历程及特点也都显示出这一研究的新气象、新变化。然而,脱离传统经学理路的郑易研究,也存在着古今学术的"博通"与"精专"之争、古典与现代的学术理路的差异、经世面向的缺失等问题,无论是指导思想、学术方法与研究旨趣方面,还是在传统四部之学与现代学科理论实践的融合上均有值得反思之处,应予以深切关注和彻底省察。  相似文献   

<正>生活·读书·新知三联书店,2018年,29万字。"礼是郑学"之说出自唐孔颖达纂修《礼记正义》,作者将此作为理解经典、分析经说的基本方法,重新梳理了汉唐经学的发展脉络。针对传统经学史研究如皮锡瑞《经学历史》,过于依赖外源性记载,本书则尝试从具体经说出发,努力推求古人经说背后的思维过程,免去了传统研究中的"隔靴搔痒"之弊,从而对汉唐经学特别是郑玄经学,有了更加真切的认识。本书主体部分共分为四章。第一章"郑玄礼学解析",利用敦煌吐鲁番出土的《论语》郑注写本,通过《论语》来讨论郑玄经学的构成,从中可以看出郑玄以《周礼》为基础,通过三《礼》贯穿群经的庞大体系。第二章"郑玄与他的师友"择取了马融、卢植、  相似文献   

两汉今文经学将经书大义统一于孔子之法,及至郑玄囊括大典,网罗众家,将《周礼》与《左传》纳入经学体系,对经书中的制度差异,郑玄理解为虞夏殷周制度的差别,因此,在郑玄的经学体系中,出现了不同的圣人之法。但是,郑玄的经注之中,并不着意讨论这些圣人之法中是否有共同的道。无论是对"吾道一以贯之",还是对"其或继周者,虽百世可知也"等经文的理解,郑玄都没有去寻求五帝三王之法背后共通之道。郑玄的经学进入中国文明史,这一以礼为本的经典教化体系,熔铸出观念与制度的文明土壤。而在其框架中寻求"多元化的圣人之法"背后共同的"道",成为新思想的基本动力,无论是魏晋玄学还是宋明理学,都是在这一经学背景中展开。  相似文献   

蒙文通(公元1894-1968年),四川盐亭人,中国现代著名学者,先后执教于成都大学、中央大学、北京大学、四川大学等,兼任中国科学院历史研究所一所研究员、学术委员.其学术由经入史,经史贯通.其经学思想承著名经学家廖平而来,又加以发展,在现代经学思想史上应占有重要地位.然以往学术界对蒙文通经学论述较少.本文就蒙文通经学思想的几个方面加以探析,以就正于方家.  相似文献   

儒家经学是围绕着"六经"或"四书五经"展开训释所形成的一整套学问,它的核心内容关乎人与人自身的关系,从国家社会群体到个人身心性命,均离不开人的活动的实践性和日常生活的处境化,这就决定了其本质是人学而非神学。同为解释经典,圣经释义学是以宗教信仰作为其重要基础的,在神圣向世俗过渡的进程中,《圣经》释义所积累的经验和问题线索成为现代诠释学产生的先导。儒家经典的解释史及其现代掘发,虽然与圣经释义学的文化背景和历史境遇很不相同,但同样作为解经学,在其迈向现代学术体系的过程中,一定也面临着相似的问题。通过对比与分析二者的异同,可以帮助我们认识经学的解释学特征,以便更好地理解和促进其当代的转化。  相似文献   

林桂榛 《周易研究》2005,19(2):52-57
近代科学在欧洲的产生,乃得益于"文艺复兴"以来欧洲学术上"形而上"与"形而下"的大规模分离.而汉以来"独尊儒术"的实现,<易>作为儒家主要经籍以其"仰观天文,俯察地理,中知人事"的宏大叙事与终极关怀,影响了经学时代中国学者的学术兴趣,导致他们将绝大多数精力投入到了以史学为主的"人事"中而非自然事物的研究对象与形而下的研究路径.两个相对独立的历史进程与历史体系或无何可比性:近代科学在欧洲产生只有在产生近代科学的欧洲自我历史进程与历史体系中才能得到解释,中国没有产生近代科学亦复如此.至于将中国科学落后的原由单一性地归结于<易>或儒家经学,这未必符合历史的因果真相与思维的有效推理.  相似文献   

传统经学诠释有训诂、义理之分,北宋二程的经学转向进一步揭示出经学诠释中的"德性"内涵。二程经学思想不啻是义理之学,更是德性之学,它包含了德性实践和德性之知两个维度。二程将诠释重点从作者和文本转向读者,将治经问学的目的从知性理解转向德性实践,这就脱离了形式上的训诂之学。同时,又指出以德性之知来接近圣人境界,进而理解圣人所作经典中蕴含的义理,这又超越了普通意义上的义理之学。注重德性实践,从德性出发去理解经典和圣人,最后通达"天理",是二程经学思想的核心,也是两宋"道学"或"宋明理学"不同于传统儒家经学的关键所在,更是中国儒家经典诠释思想与西方诠释学思想的差异所在。  相似文献   

蒙文通先生(1894-1968,字尔达,四川盐亭人)被誉为现代学术史上由经学向史学过渡之典范.根据这种看法,蒙先生以自己先经学而后史学之成学经历,向我们展演了从传统学术向现代学术转变的一个典型过程.不过,用"从经学向史学的过渡"或者"经学到边缘,史学到中心"来界定蒙文通学术之意义,似乎有失笼统.  相似文献   

刘震 《周易研究》2007,(2):19-23
帛书《易传》中的《昭力》篇虽然字效较少,但其结构完备,内涵清晰,属于帛书《易传》中十分具有特色的一篇释文。然而由于其篇末的字数标记,许多学者认为《昭力》与《缪和》属于一篇文章。亦有的学者认为《昭力》中论及“卿大夫”与“国君”,乃以《易》论政,属于政治论的范畴,不属于解《易》范畴。笔者通过研究《昭力》对卦爻辞的解读,认为《昭力》恰恰是一篇独立成章的解《易》文章,而且其所体现的是与帛书《易传》其他篇章不尽相同的解《易》理念,其“六经注我”的解释学理念也是我国典籍中出现较早的。《昭力》篇的研读对于我们认识孔子的政治论点与易学观念都有着十分积极的意义。  相似文献   

A summary of the influence of positivistic philosophy and empiricism on the field of psychology is followed by a critique of the empirical method. The dialectic process is advocated as an alternative method of inquiry. The main advantage of the dialectic method is that it is open to any logical argument, including empirical hypotheses, but unlike empiricism, it does not automatically reject arguments that are not based on observable data. Evolutionary and moral psychology are discussed as examples of important fields of study that could benefit from types of arguments that frequently do not conform to the empirical standards of systematic observation and falsifiability of hypotheses. A dialectic method is shown to be a suitable perspective for those fields of research, because it allows for logical arguments that are not empirical and because it fosters a functionalist perspective, which is indispensable for both evolutionary and moral theories. It is suggested that all psychologists may gain from adopting a dialectic approach, rather than restricting themselves to empirical arguments alone.  相似文献   

Cognitive theories of emotion assert that emotional reactions to events depend on the manner in which events are interpreted and appraised. From this perspective, the same outcome can produce different emotions. For example, a score of 85% on a test can evoke positive feelings if it is considered a success or negative feelings if it is considered a failure. Among the various appraisal dimensions that have been identified, causal attributions are thought to play a particularly influential role in shaping emotional reactions to various events. For example, success can evoke pride if it is attributed to high ability, gratitude if it is attributed to help from others, relief if it is attributed to a stroke of good fortune, or guilt if it is attained fraudulently or at the expense of others. These cognitive-affective linkages are thought to be universal. In this paper, we report two studies that tested the cross-cultural generality of some of these assumptions. In Study 1, participants from the People's Republic of China were led to succeed or fail on an (alleged) test of their intelligence and creativity. Consistent with previous findings with Western samples, attributions to ability predicted participants' emotional reactions to their test performance, with high ability attributions linked to greater pride following success. In Study 2, we extended these findings with American and Chinese participants, using a different experimental manipulation of success and failure, and a measure of attributions to effort. For both cultural groups, attributions to ability (but not attributions to effort) predicted greater emotional reactions to success. We conclude that attribution-emotion linkages have cross-cultural validity, and that pride is maximized when success is attributed to high ability.  相似文献   

Abstract: In his recent Knowledge and its Limits, Timothy Williamson argues that no non‐trivial mental state is such that being in that state suffices for one to be in a position to know that one is in it. In short, there are no “luminous” mental states. His argument depends on a “safety” requirement on knowledge, that one's confident belief could not easily have been wrong if it is to count as knowledge. We argue that the safety requirement is ambiguous; on one interpretation it is obviously true but useless to his argument, and on the other interpretation it is false.  相似文献   

This paper tackles the problem of the nature of the space of perception. Based both on philosophical arguments and on results obtained from original experimental situations, it attempts to show how space is constituted concretely, before any distinction between the “inner” and the “outer” can be made. It thus sheds light on the presuppositions of the well-known debate between internalism and externalism in the philosophy of mind; it argues in favor of the latter position, but with arguments that are foundationally antecedent to this debate. We call the position we defend enactive externalism. It is based on experimental settings which, in virtue of their minimalism, make it possible both to defend a sensori-motor/enactive theory of perception; and, especially, to inquire into the origin of the space of perception, showing how it is concretely enacted before the controversy between internalism and externalism can even take place.  相似文献   

This article offers an exposition of a recent Roman Catholic document on the disputed issue of the Filioque, and of some of the discussion that has followed it. Drawing on the Council of Florence in particular, it is here argued that there is a danger of a watering down of the developed Western trinitarian position encapsulated in the Filioque. A way of holding on to the fullness of that tradition, whilst taking seriously the need for a fuller recognition of the decisive Eastern insight concerning the monarchy of the Father, is offered.  相似文献   

The paradox of persisting opposition raises a puzzle for normative accounts of democratic legitimacy. It involves an outvoted democrat who opposes a given policy (because she takes it to be unjust) while supporting it (because it is the upshot of majority rule). The article makes a threefold contribution to the existing literature. First, it considers pure proceduralist and pure instrumentalist alternatives to solve the paradox and finds them wanting — on normative, conceptual, and empirical grounds. Second, it presents a solution based on a two‐level distinction between substantive and procedural legitimacy that shows that citizens are consistent in endorsing the upshot of democratic procedures while opposing it. Third, it unpacks three reasons to non‐instrumentally endorse such procedures — namely, the presence of reasonable disagreement, non‐paternalism, and the right to democratically do wrong. In so doing, the article shows that those accounts of democratic legitimacy that rely on reasonable disagreement as a necessary condition for democratic procedures being called for are flawed, or at least incomplete, and offers a more complete alternative.  相似文献   

On the autonomy of mental processes: a case study of arithmetic   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We define a process as autonomous if it can begin without intention, and if it can run on to completion without intention. We develop empirical criteria for determining whether a process can begin without intention, for determining whether it begins in the same way without intention as it does with intention, and for determining whether it can run on to completion without intention once it begins. We apply these criteria to assess the autonomy of the processes underlying simple mental arithmetic--the addition and multiplication of single digits--and find evidence that simple arithmetic may be only partially autonomous: It can begin without intention, but does not begin in the same way without intention as with intention and does not run on to completion without intention. This conclusion suggests there may be a continuum of autonomy, ranging from completely autonomous to completely nonautonomous.  相似文献   

We ran two experiments to test whether people value objects more highly when they obtain those objects due to exemplary performance at a task. In the first, subjects who believed they had obtained a prize due to their performance on a classroom exercise valued it more highly than those who believed they had obtained it by chance. In the second, subjects who obtained a prize due to exemplary performance on a task valued it more highly than those who obtained it due to their poor performance. In both experiments, this ‘source dependence’ effect is approximately equal in strength to the endowment effect, which compares the valuation of subjects with and without the prize. We suggest a possible explanation for this source-dependence effect based on associationism, and rule out two alternative explanations.  相似文献   

Mediationism and the obfuscation of memory   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Memory theorizing is going nowhere. The reason is that it is rooted in mediationism, the doctrine that memory is mediated by some sort of memory trace. Mediationism is the basic tenet of those who seek the substrate of memory; for students of memory per se it is merely a metaphor, and moreover an unfruitful one, for it cannot be penetrated by the methods of psychology. The rejection of mediationism would serve both to replace mechanistic theories with laws or other modes of explanation and to focus research on the actual experience of memory and on the context in which it occurs. The ensuing advantages are discussed and illustrated.  相似文献   

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