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Nazita Lajevardi Kassra A. R. Oskooii Hannah L. Walker Aubrey L. Westfall 《Political psychology》2020,41(3):587-606
Muslim Americans are increasingly integrated into American life, displaying high socioeconomic status, political participation, and adherence to American values. However, they are evaluated more negatively than many other racial, ethnic, and religious minorities and are frequent targets of discrimination. This article examines the mismatch between the integration of Muslims and their poor reception. Drawing on theories of cultural fluency and cognitive dissonance, we argue that cultural integration can exacerbate, rather than mitigate, perceived discrimination because integrated individuals are socialized to expect fair treatment and can recognize and decode even subtle forms of discrimination due to high levels of cultural and language fluency. Using three nationally representative surveys and an opt-in, online study of American Muslims between 2007 and 2017, we find that integrated Muslims are consistently more likely than their counterparts to report individual- and group-level societal and political discrimination. The paradox between adopting the host culture and feeling marginalized poses a challenge to the assumption that integration naturally leads to a sense of belonging among minorities, with important implications for liberal democracies. 相似文献
本研究旨在考察歧视知觉(包括个体和群体歧视知觉)在社会经济地位和留守儿童社会适应之间的中介作用.542名10~18岁留守儿童参加了本次调查,测量工具包括社会经济地位(三个指标:父母职业,父母受教育程度和家庭经济),个体和群体歧视知觉量表,积极和消极情感量表,自尊量表和问题行为量表.结果发现:(1)留守儿童社会经济地位与其社会适应之间有着显著的正相关;(2)相对于个体歧视知觉,留守儿童群体歧视知觉在家庭社会经济地位和社会适应之间的中介作用更为显著;(3)留守儿童群体歧视知觉中介模型不存在显著的性别差异,但高群体歧视知觉的男生比同类别的女生更容易产生社会适应问题. 相似文献
Joseph A. Stewart-Sicking Joseph W. Ciarrocchi Elaine C. Hollensbe Mathew L. Sheep 《Mental health, religion & culture》2013,16(7):715-730
This study considers the association of workplace conditions with the well-being of individuals in a profession that is highly imbued with the sacred – ordained ministry. Data from 1202 Episcopal clergy were collected on measures of workplace conditions (meaningfulness; safety; and cognitive, emotional, and physical availability) along with well-being (career/vocation satisfaction, and spiritual well-being). Hierarchical OLS regression analyses indicated that workplace conditions were strong predictors of well-being. Men reported slightly higher career/vocation satisfaction, and gender also moderated the relationships between workplace conditions and well-being. The results suggest that perceived workplace conditions, such as meaningfulness, safety, and resource availability can have strong links with career satisfaction and existential well-being, especially in those occupations where work and spirit are intertwined. 相似文献
Robert A Thomson Jr. Daniel Bolger Denise Daniels Elaine Howard Ecklund 《Journal for the scientific study of religion》2023,62(1):126-143
A growing body of literature explores religious expression in workplaces, but comparatively little research examines how religious expression might be shaped by inequality in workplace status. We hypothesize that perceived work autonomy and socioeconomic status (SES) both function as mediating links between organizational status and religious expression. Drawing on a sample of employed adults from a nationally-representative survey in the United States (n = 8611), we examine three modes of religious expression at work: displaying faith, feeling comfortable talking about faith, and expressing views when observing unfair work practices that conflict with faith. Results revealed that workers at the bottom of their organizations express their religiosity less than those at the top. Religious expression in the workplace is thus not simply a reflection of individual religiosity or religious identity, but also workplace power. Although perceived work autonomy mediated the relationship, SES buffered the relationship. Findings have important implications for workplace policy. 相似文献
采用追踪研究考察了流动儿童的歧视知觉与学校适应之间的双向关系及其是否存在性别差异。分别在初一和初二上学期,邀请流动儿童(男孩157人,女孩124人;M年龄=13.09岁,SD=1.13)填写歧视知觉问卷,邀请父母及老师评价流动儿童在学校的适应情况。结果表明,男孩知觉到的歧视和学校适应问题显著高于女孩。流动儿童第一年知觉到的歧视正向预测其第二年的学校适应问题,但儿童第一年的学校适应问题不能预测其第二年的歧视知觉,二者之间的关系不存在性别差异。本研究表明,歧视体验和知觉对流动儿童的学校适应具有单向的、消极的影响。 相似文献
Abstract This study examined the moderating role of gender in the relationship between perceived workplace fairness and reported level of emotional exhaustion among a sample of Nigeria police. A total of 214 participants took part in the cross-sectional survey. Results of the moderated hierarchical regression analysis provided support for gender as a moderating variable in the relationship between perceived workplace fairness and emotional exhaustion, such that perceived workplace fairness was a stronger predictor of emotional exhaustion among male police than for female police. The practical implications for the management of emotional exhaustion in general, and for the Nigeria police in particular, were emphasized. 相似文献
Although studies have described work processes among employed African American women, few have examined the influence of these processes on job outcomes. This study examined relationships between African American women's exposure to a range of occupational stressors, including two types of racial bias—institutional discrimination and interpersonal prejudice—and their evaluations of job quality. Findings indicated that institutional discrimination and interpersonal prejudice were more important predictors of job quality among these women than were other occupational stressors such as low task variety and decision authority, heavy workloads, and poor supervision. Racial bias in the workplace was most likely to be reported by workers in predominantly white work settings. In addition, Black women who worked in service, semiskilled, and unskilled occupations reported significantly more institutional discrimination, but not more interpersonal prejudice, than did women in professional, managerial, and technical occupations or those in sales and clerical occupations. 相似文献
采用整班联系、自愿参加的方式,选取北京市海淀、朝阳、昌平三个区的1350名流动儿童为被试,采用歧视知觉问卷、家庭社会经济地位问卷、班级环境气氛量表以及群体态度测验,考察家庭经济环境和学校班级环境对流动儿童歧视知觉的影响,并进一步探讨群体态度对它们关系的影响作用。结果表明:(1)家庭社会经济地位、老师支持和同学支持对于个体和群体歧视知觉具有显著的负向影响,同时,班级内聚力对于个体歧视知觉、满意程度对于群体歧视知觉也存在显著的负向影响。(2)同学支持对于个体歧视知觉的负向预测作用更为重要,老师支持则对群体歧视知觉的负向预测作用更为重要。(3)对于群体态度不同的流动儿童,环境因素对其个体和群体歧视知觉的作用存在一定差异。在个体歧视知觉方面,同学支持是态度中立组和态度偏城市儿童组的最佳预测因素,班级内聚力则是态度偏流动儿童组的最佳预测因素;在群体歧视知觉方面,老师支持对于群体态度不同组均表现出最为重要的预测作用。 相似文献
对703名初中生(平均年龄14.30岁)进行问卷调查, 探讨了青少年歧视知觉、亲子依恋在家庭经济压力与青少年抑郁关系中的中介和调节作用。结果表明:(1)在控制了性别、年级后, 家庭经济压力对青少年抑郁具有显著的正向预测作用;(2)在家庭经济压力对抑郁的正向预测关系中, 歧视知觉起中介作用;(3)家庭经济压力通过歧视知觉对抑郁的中介作用受到亲子依恋的调节, 相对于亲子依恋水平较高的青少年, 中介效应仅在亲子依恋水平较低的青少年中显著。 相似文献
基于Berry等人提出的“移民适应理论”,考察了城市农民(失地农民和农民工)城市适应策略的结构特征及其与歧视知觉的关系.311名失地农民和461名农民工受邀填写城市适应策略问卷和歧视知觉问卷.结果发现:①中国城市农民(失地农民与农民工)对城市生活的适应策略主要由“分离策略”、“同化策略”、“角色认同混乱”和“混合策略”四种形态构成.②歧视知觉对城市农民的城市适应策略具有广泛而普遍的预测效力,歧视知觉水平越高,越倾向于选择分离、同化策略或陷入角色认同混乱;歧视知觉负向预测混合策略.③歧视知觉对城市农民的城市适应策略的预测方向和性质在一定程度上受其性别和受教育程度的调节. 相似文献
歧视知觉对城市流动儿童幸福感的影响:中介机制及归属需要的调节作用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用整群取样法对选自北京市的1551名流动儿童进行测查, 探讨歧视知觉对城市流动儿童的个体和群体幸福感的影响机制, 即内群体认同和群体地位感在其中的中介作用, 以及不同归属需要下内群体认同和群体地位感的中介作用差异。结果表明:(1)公立学校小学流动儿童的个体和群体幸福感相对较高; 流动男生比流动女生具有较高的生活满意度, 流动女生比流动男生具有较高的群体幸福感。(2)歧视知觉对城市流动儿童的个体和群体幸福感存在直接显著的负向预测作用, 并通过内群体情感认同和群体地位感的中介作用负向预测群体幸福感。(3)不同归属需要下歧视知觉对个体和群体幸福感的作用机制存在差异。在高归属需要组, 歧视知觉对个体幸福感存在直接显著的负向预测作用, 并通过群体地位感和群体幸福感的双重中介消极地影响个体幸福感; 歧视知觉完全通过群体地位感的中介消极地影响群体幸福感。在低归属需要组, 歧视知觉对个体幸福感既存在直接的负向预测作用, 也通过内群体情感认同和群体地位感的中介发挥间接性的积极作用; 歧视知觉对群体幸福感只存在间接的消极影响, 内群体情感认同和群体地位感在其中发挥完全中介作用。这表明, 内群体情感认同和群体地位感在流动儿童歧视知觉与幸福感之间的中介效应受到归属需要的调节影响。 相似文献
以378名双亲外出儿童和803名父亲外出儿童为被试,考察了歧视知觉与两类留守儿童积极/消极情绪的关系,并探讨了亲子亲合对二者关系的调节作用及其性别差异。结果表明:(1)歧视知觉水平越高,留守儿童的积极情绪越低,消极情绪越高;(2)父子亲合水平越高,留守儿童的积极情绪越高,消极情绪越低;母子亲合水平越高,留守儿童的积极情绪越高;(3)母子亲合可以调节双亲外出儿童的歧视知觉与其积极/消极情绪之间的关系:高母子亲合可以缓冲歧视知觉对儿童积极情绪的负向预测和对儿童消极情绪的正向预测;(4)母子亲合可以调节父亲外出儿童的歧视知觉与其积极/消极情绪之间的关系,且该调节作用存在性别差异。 相似文献
为了探讨流动儿童孤独感、歧视知觉、社会支持随时间变化的特点,以及社会支持、歧视知觉对孤独感的影响作用及机制,本研究从北京市公立学校和打工子弟学校选取1164名流动儿童,采用问卷调查的形式对流动儿童的孤独感、歧视知觉和社会支持进行了为期一年的追踪测查,回收有效追踪数据680份。对前、后测均参加的680名被试数据进行分析发现:(1)随着进入城市时间的增长,流动儿童的孤独感和歧视知觉显著减少,报告的社会支持显著增加;(2)流动儿童报告的社会支持、歧视知觉与孤独感之间是相互作用的动态过程。前测的歧视知觉和报告的社会支持共同影响前测孤独感;同时,前测孤独感又会影响后测歧视知觉和报告的社会支持,进而影响后测孤独感。并且在这个动态作用过程中,前、后测社会支持既能分别直接影响前、后测孤独感,前测社会支持还能通过后测社会支持和歧视知觉间接影响后测孤独感;而前、后测歧视知觉则只能分别直接影响前、后测孤独感;(3)前测歧视知觉和社会支持都不能直接影响后测的孤独感,而是需要通过影响后测歧视知觉和社会支持才能对后测的孤独感产生作用。 相似文献
Christopher P. Scheitle Jacqui Frost Elaine Howard Ecklund 《Journal for the scientific study of religion》2023,62(4):845-868
Research finds that experiences of religious discrimination are often associated with poorer health outcomes. However, there remain important questions to consider gaps, including whether religious discrimination has similar health impacts on religious minority groups and religious majority groups, whether religious discrimination is equally harmful for both mental and physical health, and whether specific types of discrimination have different impacts on health. Using survey data from a probability sample of U.S. adults and measures representing a variety of discrimination experience types, our analyses suggest that religious discrimination is indeed harmful for health, but that experiences of religious discrimination do not universally affect mental and physical health in the same ways. Rather than significant differences in the health impacts of religious discrimination across different religious groups, we find more variation in the health impacts of different types of experiences with discrimination. Further, we find that mental health is negatively impacted by a wider range of experiences with religious discrimination than physical health. These findings are in line with social psychological research on the differential health impacts of discrimination, and they highlight the importance of context in studies of the health effects of religious discrimination. 相似文献
从资源保存理论出发,分析社会自我效能感与工作幸福感及工作绩效之间的关系,并检验职场排斥的中介作用。对188名员工及其上司进行问卷调查,结果显示员工的社会自我效能感与其感受到的职场排斥有显著负向关系;职场排斥与工作幸福感和工作绩效有显著负向关系;职场排斥在社会自我效能感与工作幸福感和工作绩效之间发挥中介作用。这表明高社会自我效能感的员工能够削弱受到的职场排斥,进而体验到更高的工作幸福感,并获得更好的工作表现。 相似文献
Caldwell CH Kohn-Wood LP Schmeelk-Cone KH Chavous TM Zimmerman MA 《American journal of community psychology》2004,33(1-2):91-105
This study examined the influences of racial discrimination and different racial identity attitudes on engaging in violent behavior among 325 African American young adults. The contributions of racial discrimination and racial identity attitudes in explaining violent behavior during the transition into young adulthood while controlling for the influences of prior risk behaviors at ninth grade were examined separately for males and females. In addition, the buffering effects of racial identity attitudes on the relationship between racial discrimination and violent behavior were tested. Results indicated that experience with racial discrimination was a strong predictor of violent behavior, regardless of gender. The centrality of race for males and the meaning others attribute to being Black for both males and females were moderators of the influence of racial discrimination on violent behavior. 相似文献
流动儿童歧视知觉与社会文化适应:社会支持和社会认同的作用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
采用整群取样方法对选自北京市的1164名流动儿童进行问卷调查, 考察社会支持、社会认同在歧视知觉与社会文化适应关系中的作用。结果表明, 流动儿童的歧视知觉整体上并不明显, 其社会文化适应状况整体良好; 歧视知觉对社会文化适应有显著负向预测性(β=-0.39, p<0.001); 在歧视知觉与社会文化适应的负向预测关系中, 社会支持起部分中介作用, 城市认同有增强作用, 老家认同有缓冲作用; 社会支持的中介作用受到城市认同、老家认同的调节。 相似文献
This study provides unique empirical evidence regarding a growing concern internationally: weight discrimination in the workplace. Using survey data from a national sample of 2838 American adults, it responds to Puhl and Brownell’s [Puhl, R., & Brownell, K. D. (2001). Bias, discrimination, and obesity. Obesity Research, 9, 788-805] call for additional research investigating the prevalence of discriminatory experience among overweight employees, and to their more specific call for research that takes sex and race into account when examining weight discrimination. The results indicate that women are over 16 times more likely than men to perceive employment related discrimination and identify weight as the basis for their discriminatory experience. In addition, overweight respondents were 12 times more likely than normal weight respondents to report weight-related employment discrimination, obese 37 times more likely, and severely obese more than 100 times more likely. The implications of the study’s findings for organizations, policy makers, overweight employees, and career counselors are discussed, and future research directions suggested. 相似文献
The international disability movement has favoured a political strategy which relies on historical materialism, eschewing subjective aspects of disability. From this perspective, rehabilitationist and psychological constructions of the subjectivities of disabled people are rejected as victim‐blaming pathologisation. Recently, feminist work has begun to explore psychological aspects of the lives of disabled people, within various paradigms. Drawing loosely on ideas from psychoanalysis, this paper explores the impressions left on subjectivity by symbolic assaults often associated with the disabled identity, thus connecting intra‐psychic and socio‐political arenas. The conceptual ideas employed emerged from psychoanalytically oriented group psychotherapy with severely physically impaired adults performed by the first author. The authors argue that the ongoing nature of socially engendered trauma suffered by disabled persons perpetuates marginality, through internalization of self‐punitive psychological defences, which corrode the entitlement necessary for an assertive political movement. Surviving in a world which continually questions one's belonging, leaves little personal resources for debunking oppressive social phenomena. Material as well as discursive changes are essential if internal narratives are to be reclaimed, overcoming the subjective imprints of ongoing social trauma. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献