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初级卫生保健一词在国内文献中涵义不同,研究发现《阿拉木图宣言》中的初级卫生保健更多的具有卫生体系变革的涵义,强调公平性、多部门合作、社区参与、适宜技术和适宜人力的原则;选择性初级卫生保健则以推广具有成本效益的卫生干预措施为重点;国内政策语境下的初级卫生保健则更多的是具体的卫生服务内容。  相似文献   


Transgender medical care involves addressing general medical conditions and those related specifically to transgender issues. This article summarizes existing research in transgender medicine and provides guidance for family physicians and nurses in adapting standard primary care protocols relating to health maintenance, acute illness, and chronic disease management to address trans-specific clinical oncerns. Trans-specific issues in physical examination, health history, interpretation of laboratory tests, vaccination, screening, and treatment are explored, and the role of the primary care provider in caring for patients undergoing hormonal or surgical change is discussed.  相似文献   

Psychologists frequently collaborate in the care of patients managed in primary care. Communication with a patient’s primary care team is important to ensure coordination and continuity of care. The communication is far from seamless. Although The Health Information Privacy and Portability Act (HIPPA) is designed to promote sharing of clinical information while protecting patient confidentiality, unique problems arise when mental health records are included. Mental health records are subject to different regulations to protect the patient’s confidentiality. Thus, what is communicated and how it will be accomplished are challenges. Further, psychologists and primary care providers often view documentation differently, resulting in different styles of documenting that may also impede coordinated care. Increasingly, health care systems are moving toward electronic medical records, creating greater opportunities for an integrated record. Improved communication through the record can keep other providers abreast of the mental health care being provided as well as suggestions they can use to reinforce the mental health care treatment plan.  相似文献   

This study examined a model for brief psychological assessment for providing primary psychological care to patients within a surgical, specialty outpatient clinic to provide early and accurate detection of psychological distress in patients to increase compassionate care. Questionnaires were completed by 351 outpatients and 227 of these outpatients were provided a model of primary care (brief psychological intervention). Patients were assessed and provided coping strategies, patient education, and a brief evaluation of anxiety and depressive symptoms. Psychologists, in a brief interview (mean = 12 min) identified individuals experiencing significant psychological distress. The ratings of emotional status also predicted health quality of life and anxiety. Younger individuals presenting for medical care appear to be more vulnerable to psychological distress. Brief psychological interventions provide accurate, efficient assessment of psychological distress and can be an effective way of increasing compassionate care. The results support the use of primary care psychology and brief psychological interventions in the management of medical patient care.  相似文献   

Trauma exposure predicts mental disorders and health outcomes; yet there is little training of primary care providers about trauma’s effects, and how to better interact with trauma survivors. This study adapted a theory-based approach to working with trauma survivors, Risking Connection, into a 6-hour CME course, Trauma-Informed Medical Care (TI-Med), to evaluate its feasibility and preliminary efficacy. We randomized four primary care sites to training or wait-list conditions; PCPs at wait-list sites were trained after reassessment. Primary care providers (PCPs) were Family Medicine residents (n = 17; 2 sites) or community physicians (n = 13; 2 sites). Outcomes reported here comprised a survey of 400 actual patients seen by the PCPs in the study. Patients, mostly minority, completed surveys before or after their provider received training. Patients rated PCPs significantly higher after training on a scale encompassing partnership issues. Breakdowns showed lower partnership scores for those with trauma or posttraumatic stress symptoms. Future studies will need to include more specific trauma-related outcomes. Nevertheless, this training is a promising initial approach to teaching trauma-informed communication skills to PCPs.  相似文献   

This needs assessment of predoctoral psychology programs in a large southeastern state reveals that although many programs include adolescent health issues and often involve the psychiatry discipline in their curricula, many trainees do not have exposure to medicine, nutrition, or nursing disciplines. Opportunities for greater interdisciplinary adolescent health care training exist in psychology training programs in this southeastern state. Integrating such training into psychology programs may enhance psychology's ability to function as a vital component of adolescent health care teams within academic medical centers across the country.  相似文献   

Multiple chronic diseases are caused or complicated by a sedentary lifestyle. Thus, an important and challenging application of psychology in clinical settings is changing the behavior of sedentary primary care patients. This study focused on exercise stage of change and self-efficacy in a sample of adult family practice patients recruited while waiting for their scheduled physician appointment. Regarding exercise stage of change, 15% of respondents were in the Precontemplation stage, 26% in the Contemplation stage, 50% in the Preparation stage, 7% in the Action stage, and 13% in the Maintenance stage. Mean self-efficacy scores for exercise were significantly higher among respondents in the Action and Maintenance stages of change. These cross-sectional data are consistent with the hypothesis that movement through the exercise stages of change could be encouraged by clinical interventions that increase exercise self-efficacy. The identification of multiple personal opportunities for increasing exercise self-efficacy may be clinically useful in this context. Recommendations for psychologists in primary care settings in their work with physicians are offered.  相似文献   


Chronic stress stemming from trauma exposure and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) leads to many health problems that are typically seen by primary care providers. Unfortunately, providers rarely identify trauma as the root cause of patient difficulties. The present paper provides an evidence-based rationale for implementing trauma-informed care principles and processes into medical primary care systems. Beginning with a review of prevalence of trauma exposure and PTSD in primary care clinics, this article elucidates relationships between trauma exposure and behavioral and medical health problems, as well as clinical and physiological pathways that lead from trauma exposure to illness. The article concludes with exposition of trauma-informed interventions that can be implemented in primary care clinics, and discussion of future directions.  相似文献   

We review factors that influence children's use of primary health care services. Predictors of pediatric health care use include child health status, child mental health, parent and family functioning, demographic characteristics, and access to health care services. Health services research is marked by inconsistencies due to varying approaches to measurement, population sampling, and analysis, and models that do not incorporate situational factors. We present recommendations for practicing clinicians and discuss suggestions for future research to help identify additional factors that may influence a parent's decision to seek help from pediatric physicians. Health care use is determined by multiple factors, and complex models will lead to improved strategies for maximizing health status and establishing optimal pediatric care.  相似文献   

This paper describes the application of family psychology to the primary care setting—in service, education and training, and scholarship. Primary care family psychology integrates family systems with biopsychosocial theory, yielding an approach that is uniquely suited to the generalist demands of primary care. This approach attends especially to the effects of relationships on health and healthcare, using the family as a potential resource to the patient just as the healthcare team is a resource to the clinician. Training opportunities in primary care family psychology are growing. The University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry fellowship is described as an example, with core primary care family psychology training in four different clinical sites: Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, and Obstetrics/Gynecology. Susan H. McDaniel is Professor of Psychiatry & Family Medicine, Director of Family Programs & the Wynne Center for Family Research in Psychiatry, and Associate Chair of Family Medicine, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, Rochester, New York. Dr McDaniel also directs the Primary Care Family Psychology Fellowship. Picter LeRoux is Associate Professor of Psychiatry & Pediatrics, and Director of the Family Therapy Training Program in Psychiatry, University of Rochester School Medicine and Dentistry, Rochester, New York. Dr. LeRoux also heads the Pediatric Track of the Primary Care Family Psychology Fellowship.  相似文献   

There is ample evidence regarding medical-psychological comorbidity to consider clinical psychology as a viable component of health care services in medical settings. Psychologists can become valuable assets to primary care physicians who treat a high number of primary psychiatric cases as well as medical cases with secondary psychological symptoms. Psychologists who function in hospital-based clinics as well as affiliates with primary care (PC) offices can provide empirically supported assessment services that can make treatment more effective and efficient. Multiple studies indicate high prevalence rates of psychiatric patients in PC settings using various instruments. This paper reviews selected assessment tools that have established diagnostic validity and reliability that can be both strategic for patient care and useful to reinforce psychologist collaboration with primary care physicians (PCP).  相似文献   

Job opportunities for psychology for the next decade are being influenced by ongoing shifts in our economic system and resultant general employment practices. As with many burgeoning fields, psychology is experiencing increasing diversification into subspecialities. Professionals in other fields are acquiring supplementary degrees in psychology to heighten their psychological knowledge and professional/organization skills. Thus, psychology is beginning to be viewed, like the MBA, as an important professional degree for many fields, not just mental health or teaching. Training programs are reflecting these diversification trends. Further, as professional applications at the doctoral level expand, there is increasing need for the master's-level technical competence to support the increasing specialities at the doctoral level. These changes represent the creative response of a young and vigorous profession to the challenges of changing market dynamics.  相似文献   

Many health concerns in the United States (e.g., diabetes) are routinely managed in primary care settings. Regardless of the medical condition, patients’ health is directly influenced by factors such as healthcare providers and cultural background. Training related to how behaviors influence health, coupled with training on how cultural diversity intersects with mental health, allows psychologists to have the relevant expertise to assist in the development of primary care behavioral health interventions. However, many psychologists in primary care struggle with how to integrate a culture-centered paradigm into their roles as behavioral health providers. This paper provides an introduction on how three culture-centered concepts (providers’ cultural sensitivity, patient–provider cultural congruency, and patients’ health literacy) can be applied in primary care using the Five A’s Organizational Construct and a model of cultural competence. In addition, the paper includes a section on integration of cultural considerations into consultation and training and concludes with a discussion of how the three culture-centered concepts have implications for health equity.  相似文献   

Data from the 1997 National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS) were accessed to obtain information about naturalistic patterns of recognition, service utilization, and treatment for late-life anxiety in primary care. The NAMCS is a national probability sample survey of office visits to non-Federal, U.S. physicians engaged in patient care. The survey was conducted by the Division of Health Care Statistics, National Center for Health Statistics, and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Data are now in the public domain. For the current report, all cases indicating office visits for patients age 60 and older were selected (n = 7,687). Anxiety disorders were assigned for 1.3% (n = 99) of these visits, with anxiety disorder NOS the most frequent diagnosis. For 20.2% of these visits (n = 20), a coexistent depressive disorder also was diagnosed. Depression without coexistent anxiety was diagnosed for 2.3% of all visits (n = 176). These figures suggest that late-life anxiety may often go unrecognized and may be more difficult to detect than depression. Nevertheless, other data indicate that appropriate pharmacological treatment and mental health services or referrals are often provided when anxiety or depression is recognized. However, visits wherein these disorders are recognized require increased physician time, and significant proportions of patients in some groups may still not receive appropriate mental health care. Results are discussed in terms of the nature of usual care for late-life anxiety and the needs for future research.  相似文献   

The lack of culturally adapted parenting programs for Latinos contributes to low engagement in effective parenting programs. Criando a Nuestros Niños Hacio el Éxito (CANNE), a culturally adapted program, improves family dynamics by decreasing problematic child behavior and helping parents manage stress. CANNE was delivered with 12 Latino parents of children (age 3–7). Increased attendance and participation resulted in less child behavior problems and parenting stress from preintervention to postintervention. A culturally relevant adaptation of an evidence-based parenting program improved engagement, child behavioral outcomes, and parenting stress. Implications of mental health services in primary care facilities for Latino families are addressed.  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of 20 years of professional experiences with developing and implementing a model for integrating behavioral health services into primary care. The Primary Care Behavioral Health (PCBH) model is designed to provide immediate access to behavioral care for a large number of primary care patients by positioning a behavioral health consultant in the exam room area to function as a core member of the primary care team. In an initial era of discovery, the authors were directly involved in developing and testing a variety of new approaches to providing behavioral health services in general medicine. In a second era focused on feasibility, the authors worked with Kaiser Permanente, the United States Air Force and Navy, the Veteran’s Administration, and the Bureau of Primary Care to system test this innovative model of integrated care. Now in an era devoted to dissemination, the authors review the various roles formal research, system level quality improvement initiatives and stakeholder analysis play in promoting integrated care. The authors also describe current efforts to (1) create a tool that helps systems develop integration targets and (2) use the PCBH model as a platform for teaching medical residents and behavioral health providers to work together in a redesigned primary care team model.  相似文献   

Psychologists of a variety of emphases have actively participated in the growth of family medicine as an academic discipline. Rather than simply collaborate, they have shaped the very nature of the field. This paper describes a number of contributions from psychologists in family systems and educational arenas. In particular, physician-psychologist collaborative work is highlighted.  相似文献   

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