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A 3-year follow-up of a family therapy focusing on adolescents was done. Twenty-four of 28 families were contacted by telephone interviews with the mothers. Nine variables were assessed with a trend shown toward the deterioration of previously superior effects of short-term family therapy with 57% of the family therapy group identified patients versus 20% of the individual therapy group identified patients having been rehospitalized by the end of the 3 years since the original (3 month) follow-up. Thus, the longer-term finding suggests a superior effect of individual therapy over family therapy, although this conclusion must be provisional in the light of limitations in the research method used and/or chance factors.Our interest in this brief report is to call attention to the critical nature of the time factor in follow-up studies, as most of those currently available have been limited to follow-up periods of one year or less.  相似文献   

22 subjects seeking psychological help for problems of insomnia were trained to use a self-administered treatment package which contained a booklet explaining the problem and outlining the training program in detail and a tape with three versions of progressive relaxation training. A follow-up study one year later indicated that 90% of the subjects had trained according to the instructions and that 82% experienced a positive effect on sleep both with respect to falling asleep, staying asleep, and consumption of sleeping pills. It was concluded that self-administered relaxation training seems a cheap, convenient, and effective means of treating insomnia.  相似文献   

Anxiety may be more transient in children and adolescents than in adults. The present study involves a longitudinal design enabling the investigation of the continuity/discontinuity of self-reported anxiety in children and adolescents. A sample of 68 children was followed over 3 years. Results indicate that, on the whole, self-reported anxiety decreased over time. This was true for overall anxiety and its sub-types, with the exception of social concerns/concentration, which did not decrease over time. Consistent with past research involving normal fear, girls and younger children were found to score higher on anxiety than boys and older children did. However, those groups scoring higher at inception also demonstrated the most marked decreases over the 3-year period. In addition to the changes found over time, the data indicated continuity in anxiety such that levels of anxiety at inception were significant predictors of follow-up anxiety, although only a small amount of variance was shared. The authors concluded that adult models of anxiety cannot be applied to youth and that future research should investigate the contribution of contextual factors to the development of anxiety in children.  相似文献   

Described an examination of data collected 2 years following the onset of a media-based, worksite smoking cessation intervention. Thirty-eight companies in Chicago were randomly assigned to one of two experimental conditions. In the inital 3-week phase, all participants in both conditions received self-help manuals and were instructed to watch a 20-day televised series designed to accompany the manual. In addition, participants in the group (G) condition received six sessions emphasizing quitting techniques and social support. In the second phase, which continued for 12 months, employees in G participated in monthly peer-led support groups and received incentives, while participants in the nongroup (NG) condition received no further treatment. Twenty-four months after pretest, 30% of employees in G were abstinent compared to only 19.5% in NG. This study is one of the few experimentally controlled worksite smoking cessation interventions to demonstrate significant program differences 2 years following the initial intervention. Our thanks to Lori Klett and Libby Yeager-Turner for their help in data collection. Work on the project was supported in part by National Institute on Drug Abuse grant DA-04406-01 and a grant from the Chicago Lung Association to the second author.  相似文献   

While the incidence of memory complaint has always been high among the elderly, recent research has demonstrated that there is often a discrepancy between subjective memory complaint and actual memory performance in this population. Four experimental groups were established to examine the relationship and the factors that may affect changes in memory complaint and memory performance. The groups consisted of a memory training condition, an expectancy change condition, an art discussion control condition, and an evaluation control condition. It was hypothesized that memory training sessions would be the most effective in increasing memory performance scores, and that the expectancy change sessions would significantly reduce the incidence of memory complaint. The findings provide support for these predictions and indicate that memory training programmes should teach strategies to facilitate memory while addressing older adults' expectations about memory performance.  相似文献   

Retention of a skill was estimated after using a training device to assist in correcting the use of chopsticks. Simulated food-serving tasks (pulling, pinching, and moving tasks) were administered twice with a 1-mo. interval. The current work was based on 22 of 30 persons who had practiced the use of the scissor-pinching technique with chopsticks. A control group of 22 who typically used the pincers-pinching technique was also recruited for comparison. Analysis showed 1-mo. retention of skill at the pincers-pinching technique using three measures, since no difference in performance between the groups was noted.  相似文献   

It is remarkably difficult for people with obesity to maintain a new lower weight following weight loss. The aim of the present study was to examine the immediate and longer-term effects of a new cognitive behavioural treatment that was explicitly designed to minimise this post-treatment weight regain. One hundred and fifty female participants with obesity were randomized to the new treatment, behaviour therapy (the leading alternative psychological treatment) or guided self-help (a minimal intervention). Both of the main treatments resulted in an average weight loss of about ten percent of initial weight whereas weight loss was more modest with guided self-help. The participants were subsequently followed-up for three years post-treatment. The great majority regained almost all the weight that they had lost with the new treatment being no better than the behavioural treatment in preventing weight regain. These findings lend further support to the notion that obesity is resistant to psychological methods of treatment, if anything other than a short-term perspective is taken. It is suggested that it is ethically questionable to claim that psychological treatments for obesity “work” in the absence of data on their longer-term effects.  相似文献   

The present study's objective was to track long term (three years intervention and six months “detraining”) the influence of an exercise program with or without diet on the motivation of sedentary obese children. The participants were 27 children (8-11 years), divided into two groups according to the program they followed. The G1 group followed a physical exercise program (three 90-minute sessions per week), and the G2 group this physical exercise program plus a low calorie diet. The participants’ motivation to engage in exercise was measured using the Behavioural Regulation in Exercise Questionnaire-2. Both groups showed improvements in amotivation in the 3rd year and in the detraining period (in the G1 and G2, respectively) and in intrinsic regulation of exercise behaviour (in the G1 and G2, respectively). There were also differences between the two groups in external regulation in the intervention and detraining periods. This appears to be indicative of the appropriateness of long-term physical exercise to generate greater autonomous motivation, and hence changes towards healthy living habits that are stable in time.  相似文献   

The long-term effects of a preschool intervention program for high-risk experimental children were assessed and compared to a high-risk placebo control group and low-risk normal controls. Seventy first-grade children were involved in this 2-year follow-up. The experimental treatment group was superior to that of the placebo control group at follow-up on the criteria measures of behavioral adjustment and achievement. The low-risk normal control group was significantly different from that of the placebo control groups, but generally not significantly different from that of the experimental groups, suggesting that the intervention had boosted the high-risk experimental treatment children to the point where their performance was comparable to that of children who had not experienced behavioral or learning difficulties.The study was supported by grants from the McGregor Fund and the Eloise and Richard Webber Foundation, and by the Detroit Public Schools, for which the authors express grateful appreciation. A version of this paper was presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, New York, September 1979.  相似文献   

The authors sought to determine the characteristics of individuals enrolled in adult day care who are most likely to enter a nursing home. The status of 201 adult day care participants was assessed at baseline and at least 3 years after baseline evaluation. Risk factors for nursing home entry were identified on the basis of staff and family caregiver reports, participant testing, chart review, and physician evaluations. Cox regression analyses of baseline data such as medical diagnoses, affect, and demographic information were used to identify risk factors for institutionalization. Multivariate Cox regression analysis identified depressed affect of the care recipient as an important predictor of institutionalization; other predictors were low frequency of socializing with relatives and friends, higher number of psychiatric diagnoses, and increased age. The findings highlight the importance of socialization and suggest that a focus on successful and reinforcing socialization should be an important component of adult day care programming. The results also suggest that addressing patient mental health variables may be important in delaying institutionalization in this population.  相似文献   

Stability and interactions between children's behavioural styles (i.e. the temperament dimensions sociability, negative emotionality, and activity) and maternal child-rearing attitudes were studied in a random sample of 507 three-year-old children over a three-year interval. Structural equation modelling indicated low to moderate stability for children's temperament dimensions and mothers’ child-rearing attitudes. In addition, gender-specific interactions were found. In boys, negative emotionality and low sociability potentiated a strict disciplinary style of the mother, whereas activity was more likely to be stimulated by a mother's low tolerance towards the child. By contrast, in girls a mother's strict disciplinary style predicted negative emotionality and low sociability, whereas the girl's activity predicted a strict disciplinary style of the mother. These findings underline the close interaction between temperament and mothering during childhood. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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