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In an article in this journal, Nicholas Pastore rejected Ludwig Wittgenstein's critique of Wolfgang K?hler and Gestalt psychology. Pastore appears not to have appreciated Wittgenstein's argument that K?hler mistook conceptual questions for factual ones. A simi-lar confusion seems to underlie at least some aspects of contemporary neuroscience. Be that as it may, Wittgenstein has had minimal influence on the research practices of psychologists while K?hler remains influential. This outcome would not have surprised Wittgenstein, who predicted that scientists would not see his work as relevant to theirs.  相似文献   

Ohne Zusammenfassung  相似文献   

Sometimes group work conditions lead to motivation gains rather than to social loafing. Two theoretical explanations for the K?hler motivation gain effect are identified, one stressing social comparison and a second stressing the indispensability of one's effort to the group. The results of three new experiments are reported. Experiment 1 suggested that both explanations are valid and contribute to the K?hler effect. Prior studies suggested that there might be gender differences in the relative importance of these two explanatory processes. Experiment 2 confirmed this suggestion. In Experiment 3, the gender difference was eliminated by priming women with a goal (viz., competition) presumed to be chronically more important to men. It is argued that the relative importance of these two motivational processes will depend on the immediate and chronic importance attached to more personal (viz., to achieve a favorable social comparison) versus collective (viz., to contribute to one's group) goals.  相似文献   

Wittgenstein's objections to K?hler and gestalt psychology are critically examined. Principal features of K?hler's Gestalt Psychology are discussed that are relevant to Wittgenstein's views. They include K?hler's concepts of "subjective" and "objective" experiences, "sensory organization," and "empiristic theory." Wittgenstein's objections, which focus on the concept of sensory organization, are examined. Wittgenstein employs the term "aspect," which is derived from the findings of gestalt psychology, as a replacement for K?hler's term "sensory organization." After tracing his uses of aspect, it is shown that aspect is a superordinate entity distinct from 'sensory content' (colors and shapes). This dualism of aspect and sensory content is of the same kind that prevailed in the empiristic theory of visual perception. Wittgenstein's adherence to the empiristic theory is discussed. Finally, the difference between Wittgenstein's aspect and K?hler's sensory organization is examined.  相似文献   

This article presents an English translation (from the German) of one of gestalt psychology's most significant documents, first published in 1920 in Wolfgang Kohler's Die physischen Gestalten in Ruhe und im stationdren Zustand (The Physical Gestalten at Rest and in a Stationary State). The book it introduces both embodies Kohler's extension of gestalt theory into new domains and did much to ensure the broad impact of these ideas and approaches. This introduction itself well illustrates Kohler's own thought processes both as his ideas emerged and as he sought to convince his readers of their value. Despite the fact that they are more than 70 years old, Kohler's words have many implications for late 20th century discussions of the relationships among psychology, physiology, and physics.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Formen zeitgenössischen Körperagierens in der Adoleszenz, wie besondere Haartracht (Punkfrisuren), Tätowierungen und Piercings, sowie pathologische Körpermanipulationen, wie Selbstverletzung und Essstörungen, haben eine auffallende Ähnlichkeit bzw. gehen parallel mit den Körperritualen der sog. Naturvölker, teilweise auch mit denen unseres eigenen Kulturkreises. Bei aller Ähnlichkeit sind jedoch drei in ihrem Wesen verschiedene Formen zu unterscheiden: 1. Die gesellschaftskonformen Körperpraktiken, die der Tradition einer sozialen Gruppe entsprechen und öffentlich-rituell Identitätsschritte in der menschlichen Entwicklung markieren (insbesondere Initiation in der Adoleszenz), wie wir es bei den Naturvölkern und in Rudimenten in unserer Kultur finden. 2. Die Benutzung des eigenen Körpers, um sich als Adoleszenter meist in Peer-Groups provozierend und rebellierend gegen überkommene Traditionen abzugrenzen; hier wird am Körper eine passagere Gegenidentifikation markiert, die gerade nicht den überkommenen Traditionen entspricht, jedoch wieder verlassen wird und in eine reife Erwachsenenidentität übergeht. 3. Die pathologischen Formen des Körperagierens dagegen bedeuten Entwicklungsstillstand und Arretierung der Identitätsentwicklung; sie müssen (wie eine Sucht) ständig wiederholt werden, um eine prekäre Ersatzidentität aufrechtzuerhalten, weil die Entwicklung einer autonomen Identität mit psychosenaher Trennungsangst verbunden wäre. Nur Menschen manipulieren derart ihren Körper, und zwar seit Menschengedenken, als ob der Mensch ständig symbolisch die Natur beherrschen müsste, wie auch sonst die natürliche Umwelt, in mehr oder weniger harmloser bzw. destruktiver Form, und der Körper ist der ihm nächste Teil der Natur.
Body enactmentsOn parallels between body acting of primitive cultures, contemporary adolescents and pathologic forms
There are obvious parallels between contemporary body acting of adolescents such as the manner of wearing ones hair, using tattoos and piercings, as well as some kinds of pathologic body manipulation (like self-inflicting or eating disorders), and ritual body performances of the so-called primitive or savage cultures. But in part there are also parallels with ubiquituous body activities in our culture. In this paper three groups of body-acting are distinguished: 1. In conformity to social rules traditional body practices are marking steps of identity development, for example rites of initiation in primitive cultures and rudimentary ceremonies in our culture. 2. Ones own body is used to define oneself in adolescence rebelliously against social traditions. Such unconventional body-acting occurs in peer-groups and is seen as a passagère phenomenon in average identity development. 3. Pathologic forms of self destructive body-acting signify a cessation of development. In an addiction-like repetition they build up a precarious identity surrogate, because arriving at an autonomous identity would be connected with psychotic separation anxiety. Only human beings are able to treat their bodies (in normality and pathology), as if humans are constantly compelled to dominate nature symbolically in every moment, and their bodies are the nearest part of nature to them.

Erweiterte Fassung dreier Vorträge: Psychotherapietage NRW, 1. Nov. 2002, Bad Salzuflen; Symposium der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft Freiberg der Arbeitskreise für Psychoanalyse in Österreich, Salzburg, März 2003; Fachtagung der Vereinigung Ostschweizer Psychotherapeutinnen und Psychotherapeuten, St. Gallen, September 2003.  相似文献   

In contrast to many demonstrations of social loafing, relatively few studies have documented group motivation gains. One such exception was O. K?hler's (1926, 1927) finding that team members working together did better at a taxing persistence task than would be expected from their individual performances, particularly when there was a moderate discrepancy in coworkers' capabilities. In Experiment 1, we developed a paradigm within which K?hler's overall motivation gain effect could be replicated, although the discrepancy in coworkers' capabilities did not moderate these motivation gains (after statistical artifacts were taken into account). Experiment 2 indicated that this motivation gain occurred under conjunctive but not under additive task demands, suggesting that the instrumentality of one's contribution to valued outcomes is a more likely explanation of the K?hler effect than social comparison processes.  相似文献   



Negative comments (teasing) on weight and body image in adolescence might predict body dissatisfaction, overweight and eating disorders in adulthood. This study investigated 134 nursing students for a relationship between a history of teasing, body image and weight.

Materials and methods

Subjects with a body mass index (BMI)>?25 kg/m2 reported more teasing compared with normal subjects whereas those with a BMI<?20 kg/m2 showed lower values compared with normal or overweight subjects. Teasing questionnaire values correlated with aspects of negative body image. The BMI was predicted by factors age (p?=?0.001), sex (p?=?0.016) and teasing subscale weight (p?=?0.001).


It is remarkable that low teasing experience was associated with low weight, which might point to underweight as protective factor against teasing; however, the cross-sectional design of this study precludes direct causal inferences.  相似文献   

Following the “Generic Model of Psychotherapy” differences of treatment models are relevant with respect to optimal matching with patient's illness experience.Therefore it seems necessary to work out differences and similarities of treatment models.The results of 91 therapists, trained in Concentrative Movement Therapy (KBT), in the “Development of Psychotherapist Common Core Questionnaire (DPCCQ)” are compared to the therapists' results in other DPCCQ-studies, to find out,wether there are differences in therapeutic self concepts (theoretical orientation, therapeutic goals and attitudes). A few special features for KBT-therapists can be found which reflect characteristic aspects of the method.Despite some differences concerning socio-demographic characteristics (sex, age and basic professional education) similarities to other therapists predominate.  相似文献   

O. K?hler (1926, 1927) found that less able performers tried harder as team members under conjunctive task demands (Kohler motivation gain effect) and that the greatest gain occurred with moderately discrepant coworker abilities (K?hler discrepancy effect). Recent investigations have reproduced K?hler's overall motivation gain but not the discrepancy effect. The present research examined whether workers' foreknowledge of task abilities--present in Kohler's research, absent in contemporary studies--moderates the discrepancy effect. Participants worked alone or in 2-person teams under conjunctive task demands. Experiment 1 manipulated foreknowledge of ability. Experiment 2 manipulated discrepancy: a (confederate) teammate performed slightly, moderately, or substantially better. Both experiments found (a) overall motivation gains and (b) discrepancy moderation under foreknowledge conditions. Implications for understanding group motivation gains are discussed.  相似文献   

保罗·K.费耶阿本德   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
保罗·费耶阿本德于1924年1月13日生于维也纳。他于1994年2月11日,在他刚过完他的70岁生日不到一个月之后,由于一种不宜动手术的脑肿瘤而在瑞士法语区热诺里尔去逝。 费耶阿本德的生长环境并不富裕。他有着多方面的兴趣,是个非常优秀的、有求知欲的学生。还在他上中学时,他就仔细研读了大学水平的数学、物理和天文学教科书。他终生不渝的对音乐的热爱在年轻时就已完全显露出来:他弹手风琴,上小提琴课,喜爱歌剧,他还在一个混合合唱队中唱歌,后来他在音乐学院上了声乐课。1942年春中学毕业后,费耶阿本德首先被征招进青年义务劳动军(奥地利在1938年被“补充进”德意志帝国),1942年底他又应征入伍。他参加了许多前线作战,在1945年1月的一次作战中被一颗机枪子弹击中脊柱,从此他的髋部以下就瘫痪了。在长期使用轮椅以后,他终于又可以拄着拐杖走路了。他一生都忍受着阶段性出现的巨大疼痛的折磨,在许多公开场合露面时,他都是靠大盒的止疼药熬过去的。他却从来没对此大事声张,他的自传里也很少有这方面的叙述。  相似文献   

The body sculpture technique is a procedure in which patients create a three-dimensional model of their own body with modelling clay. This existing technique has been further developed into the modular body sculpture technique and offers a diagnostic approach to the body image. After an introduction in the conceptual foundations of body self-representation the technique is described. Using a case study, advantages for clinical applications are illustrated. Contributions of this technique to a deeper understanding of the structure of body memory are discussed in the context of current cognitive theories.  相似文献   

Experiences of abuse and neglect in early childhood generate mostly manifold adverse consequences differing from disturbances due to traumatizations in later developmental phases. They justify the diagnosis of developmental trauma disturbance. They lead to traumatization in the attachment with characteristic relationship configurations repeating the “attachment trauma”. For therapeutic work it is important to recognize these reenactments, otherwise it may come to entanglements at the level of the equivalence mode or because of pseudomentalization, thus preventing therapeutic work. In these cases the space for communication, the ability of symbolization in language and play collapses.  相似文献   

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