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医学文化是希伯来文明的重要组成部分,是世界非物质文化遗产。在圣经时代,希伯来人的医学与宗教紧密结合。一些宗教戒律逐渐演变成希伯来的民俗和传统文化。希伯来人治疗心理疾病主要通过宗教仪式和祈祷求得上帝的拯救;在保健和预防疾病方面是保持圣洁。犹太教的一些戒律具有养生保健作用。犹太教在希伯来医学的发展中打下了深刻的烙印。  相似文献   

20世纪下半叶以来,马克思主义指导下的希伯来圣经研究在国外呈现出相当强劲的发展势头。研究者深入探讨希伯来圣经文本与其周边语境的关系、与意识形态的关系、与阶级的关系,亦对圣经文本予以多方面的文学剖析和审美考察。哥特瓦尔德在其《亚卫的众支派》中运用唯物史观对希伯来圣经做出独到而精辟的论析,罗兰·博尔被公认为该领域年富力强的后起之秀。这批学者擅长运用生产方式、经济基础、上层建筑、阶级斗争、意识形态、异化、劳动价值等马克思主义的关键性术语,重构以亚卫宗教为核心的古代以色列社会历史,促成了希伯来圣经研究的范式转型。他们必将取得更辉煌的成就,对当代学术发生更深广的影响力。  相似文献   

李哲 《宗教学研究》2012,(3):183-190
"X-■"结构,是希伯来圣经中的一个固定短语结构,它由■,即"女儿"(daugh-ter)一词与其它名词(多为专有名词)或复合名词叠加而构成。对于这一希伯文短语的语法分析,学界的观点从最初的"从属关系",到"同位结构关系",再到"性质描述关系",前后历经了三个主要阶段。从而,不同时期、不同版本的《圣经》对该结构的翻译也存在很大差别。本文将从该希伯来文短语的语法结构着手,详细分析该短语在整个语句中的含义,试阐发其语法关系背后所体现出的文学特征及其神学内涵。  相似文献   

饶本忠 《学海》2011,(3):80-84
犹太律法是犹太民族的法律制度,它对犹太民族产生深远影响,犹太民族曾有律法民族之称,它的发展深受犹太民族的宗教、历史等的影响。在这些因素的影响下,犹太律法呈现出发展上的连续性、内容上的宗教性、信守上的民族性以及属人法性等特征。其中,连续性特征常常被人所误读,属人性特征是犹太律法中最为人所知的特征,而宗教性是犹太律法的显著特征,民族性特征使犹太律法呈现民族特色。正因如此,犹太律法不仅成为犹太文化重要内容,而且也是世界法系的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

现存最早最完整的《圣经》汉译本是贺清泰《古新圣经》,而且它也是最早的汉语官话《圣经》译本.这部几近完整的《圣经》对今天的《思高圣经》产生了不可忽略的影响.笔者对该文本做一初步探究,从藏本以及文本内容方面入手,日后有待更深层的研究.  相似文献   

斯坦顿为早期女权运动的先驱者之一。她不仅领导了19世纪末的妇女解放运动,而且,其著《妇女圣经》,从根源上抨击了犹太教与基督宗教传统中的父权制。她指出圣经是造成妇女从属的根本原因,同时,质疑圣经为上帝之"神圣启示与话语"。她激进的个人主义传统与女性主义理论,力透纸背,对后来的宗教、性别与妇女研究,意义深远。  相似文献   

李向平 《天风》2004,(10):38-39
《圣经》是一个意义充满的文学宝库。《圣经》是一个思想反省的神圣资源。《圣经》是一部基督教在中国的发展史。《圣经》是全球化与本土文明的双向沟通的中介。  相似文献   

天地广袤,岁月悠长,人生苦短。任何人既不能历经世间一切,也难以穷尽人生所有。可是,我们并不因此而悲观、失望,因为我们拥有人类的伟大杰作,人生指路的明灯,灵魂得救的良言,滋养生命的精神食粮——《圣经》,所以,我们是幸运而又幸福的。  相似文献   

《圣经》是基督教的正式经典。《圣经》内有不少梦,总体可分为两类,一类是上帝直述圣言圣喻的梦,另一类是象征表述的梦。所有的梦,其目的在于昭示上帝的神圣、全知、全能和对信徒的眷顾。《圣经》内对梦也有不同认识,有经文指出,“不要相信自己所作的梦”,“信梦的人必误入迷途”。显而易见,《圣经》不是上帝的圣言圣喻或启示,《圣经》是来自人间许多一作者涉及面广阔的不同著述汇集而成的一部书。  相似文献   

The current paper examines the question of why Freud employed Greek rather than Hebrew foundation legends, specifically the story of Oedipus, as a basis for psychoanalysis, Freud's choice of Oedipus emanates from his deterministic view of the universe, paralleling the Greek rather that the Biblical story of creation. In the Biblical account God precedes and creates nature with no sign of an Oedipal conflict. In the Greek account, nature precedes the gods and the Oedipal conflict is inherent. Freud's choice has implications for his view of human psychology.  相似文献   

An analysis of Bible stories about the patriarchs' treatment of their children reveals pathological family patterns, which reoccur in subsequent generations. The outcome of parental favoritism and of unhealthy coalitions is sibling rivalry, leading to hatred and to violence among the children. The transgenerational chain of pathologies is traced back to God's differential treatment of Cain and Abel and to the resultant murder. The legitimization of family pathologies by the biblical stories is discussed.  相似文献   

Michael Fagenblat 《Sophia》2015,54(4):497-511
I offer a phenomenological analysis of the syntagm ‘glory of Yhwh’ which appears in relatively few but significant places in the Hebrew Bible. I discuss the biblical sense of this syntagm and make the argument for understanding it as a ‘formally indicative’ concept, in Heidegger’s sense of ‘formale Anzeige’. I thereby make the case for understanding the anthropomorphic, amoral and numinous qualities of the biblical syntagm in a way that illuminates contemporary phenomenological senses of being, including contingency, unforeseeability, respect, dignity, sublimity and saturation. The biblical syntagm is thus shown to contravene and outstrip metaphysical theology while illuminating contemporary experience, both sacred and secular.  相似文献   

《Theology & Sexuality》2013,19(3):209-227

This article explores ideas concerning human conception as reflected in the Hebrew Bible in particular. After reviewing above all biological texts from ancient Indian, Greek and Roman sources, the various clues as to how human conception may have been understood in the ancient Hebrew context are thoroughly investigated. The notion that Aristotelian ideas of preformationism and pneuma inform the Hebrew Bible is refuted. Instead, both divine and female contributions to conception appear to be more prominent.  相似文献   

This paper describes a Jewish healing group, referred to as ‘Yehi Ohr’, and discusses strategies for constructing religious authenticity employed by Yehi Ohr's leader and the rabbis who have assisted in leading Yehi Ohr's service. A discussion of the participants in the healing service follows, with an outline of their criteria for authenticity and a focus on the range of their healing experiences. By demonstrating the centrality of these strategies for achieving authenticity in the work of Yehi Ohr, the paper points to the importance of issues of authenticity to the success of this religious healing group and proposes that authenticity may well be central to the work of other healing groups in pluralistic, postmodern settings.  相似文献   

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