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大卫·弗里德兰德作为门德尔松之后德国犹太启蒙运动的代言人,只是在一定程度上继承了门德尔松的启蒙思想;在争取柏林犹太社区解放的背景下,弗里德兰德批判了传统犹太教的形式主义,提出了按照理性宗教和自然宗教的要求,对犹太教律法和仪式进行彻底变革的主张,从而将犹太启蒙运动引向激进化的道路。在当时条件下,弗里德兰德的犹太教改革思想因带有强烈的政治动机而不为基督教社会所接受,又因过于激进也没有得到犹太社区的普遍认同。  相似文献   

论犹太教的契约观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文为一篇探讨犹太教的契约观由来及影响的学术论文。首先阐明了犹太教的契约观的定义;随后,介绍、评论了犹太教的契约观的由来,包括3部分:上帝与挪亚订立的契约、上帝与亚伯拉罕订立的契约、上帝与以色列人订立的契约;接着,介绍了犹太教的契约观的两个重要影响:形成了犹太人的天赋使命感,规定了犹太人特有的生活方式;最后,以简短的结语总结了犹太教的契约观在犹太教历史上的积极作用。  相似文献   

马克思首先是一个对资本主义传统社会毫不妥协的革命者、批判者,同时也是一个吸取了多种文化滋养的文化巨匠,正因如此,犹太教对马克思的影响不应被忽略.本文将犹太教对马克思的影响主要概括为:一是作为一种文化精神的犹太教对马克思的精神气质的影响;二是犹太教对现实的、社会的"人"的重视与马克思思想的主旨具有一定的暗合性;三是与基督教的"博爱""来世精神"相比,犹太教更突出了"平等"、"公义"和现实生活,这与马克思对资本主义的无情批判有一定联系;四是马克思将作为一种生活方式的犹太教与对资本主义金钱崇拜的批判直接对应起来;五是马克思的著名格言"宗教是人民的鸦片"等蕴含着明显的犹太情怀.  相似文献   

梁丽萍 《宗教学研究》2005,8(1):118-125
本文借助于问卷调查与深度访谈两种方法,对130名宗教徒的宗教皈依过程进行研究.研究发现,宗教徒的宗教皈依是一个渐进、单一的过程,并且更具有"内生型皈依"的特征,生活的压力、挫折或生命的危机状态不是促使宗教徒皈依的普遍因素,但功利性的欲求、心灵的空乏以及精神世界的不满足感是潜在涌动的促使教徒皈依宗教的内在张力.不同宗教信仰类别宗教徒的皈依历程具有一定的差异,而不同文化程度宗教徒的皈依历程则具有显著的差异.  相似文献   

古代埃及阿玛纳宗教中的王权具有极高的神圣性.正是基于王权的神圣本质,阿玛纳时代的埃及国王是审判者、财富的创造者、世界的统治者、最高祭司、教谕者,以及阿玛纳时代的埃及国王有一座象征着他们的统治的圣城.无论是与埃及其他历史时期的王权相比较,还是与以以色列早期王权为代表的古代近东其他文明的王权相比较,阿玛纳宗教所揭示的王权思想是独树一帜的,也是空前绝后的.  相似文献   

早期的犹太教改革运动对犹太传统宗教文化和犹太复国运动持激烈反叛态度,此立场至1885年的《匹兹堡纲领》达到顶峰;然而1937年的《哥伦布纲领》对犹太传统宗教文化和犹太复国运动的立场却戏剧性地由排斥转为支持,如此根本变化使之成为犹太教改革运动由激进转向保守的分水岭.本文引进了约翰·贝瑞(John Berry)的文化适应双向模型(Two-Dimensional Models of Acculturation)理论,以论证犹太教改革派从激进转向保守的根本动因,在于反犹主义造成的心灵震撼,重新唤醒了改革派集体无意识中的民族情感.  相似文献   

党的二十大是党团结带领全国各族人民全面建成社会主义现代化强国、实现第二个百年奋斗目标,以中国式现代化全面推进中华民族伟大复兴关键时刻召开的一次大会。宗教学研究要深入贯彻和不断融入党的二十大精神,坚持马克思主义为指导,加强习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,特别是习近平总书记关于宗教工作重要论述研究,在新时代伟大实践中不断开辟马克思主义宗教观中国化时代化新境界;坚持守正创新,加强新时代十年党的宗教工作成就和经验研究,从宗教工作创新推进的实践中挖掘新材料、发现新问题、提出新观点、构建新理论;坚持问题导向,加强对宗教问题的研究,从宗教问题的处理实践中不断提出新理念新思路新办法;坚持胸怀天下,加强面向现代化的宗教学研究,构建中国特色的宗教学体系。  相似文献   

面对“世界怎么了、我们怎么办”这个“世界之问”,以习近平同志为核心的党中央提出了人类命运共同体理念,及时回答了“建设一个什么样的世界、如何建设这个世界”的重大问题。  相似文献   

元晓是韩国新罗时期著名高僧,撰有多种佛典"宗要"。本文以《法华宗要》为例,分析元晓"宗要"的解经体例,揭示其与天台宗智顗、三论宗吉藏《法华》解经体例的关系;元晓以"一乘实相"诠释《法华》宗要,并以一乘理、一乘教、一乘因、一乘果说明"一乘法",体现了他与智顗《法华玄义》的联系;元晓引用并超越吉藏《法华游意》的"三种法轮",认为《法华经》是了义教但有不了义语,其"别通分满"四教与智顗"藏通别圆"的判教思想相通。尽管难以判断智顗与吉藏对元晓的影响孰轻孰重,但由此说明所谓天台宗第一个黑暗时期的说法并不恰当,智顗著述在湛然中兴之前已广泛传播。  相似文献   


This study investigated helping behavior on Election Day, 1972, at 20 polling places in southeastern Michigan. One experimenter, posing as a “campaign worker,” dropped his political literature as he attempted to give some to a subject approaching or exiting from the polls, while a second experimenter recorded the subject's behavior and then ascertained the subject's presidential preference and/or party affiliation. It was found that (a) subjects were more likely to help the “campaign worker” if he had the same political preference; (b) McGovern supporters were more likely to help than were Nixon supporters; and (c) neither sex of subject or campaign worker, nor whether the interaction took place before or after voting, was significantly related to the likelihood of helping behavior occurring.  相似文献   

This paper enumerates and discusses some halachic principles and values which are exerting increasing influence on the practice of psychotherapy. This trend is linked to the resurgence of spiritual values and content in mainstream psychology and therapy, and to the changing concepts of the philosophy of science. The cultural roots of psychotherapy, specifically the contrast between the Greek and Jewish approaches to freedom are also briefly analyzed. The Jewish stand is viewed as imposing a set of values which has as its core enormous respect for the person and his/her ability to choose. Another factor regarded as pivotal is that Jewish teachings foster esteem for objectivity as opposed to the rampant subjectivity seen in some contemporary psychotherapeutic methods. An additional factor discussed is the relation of character traits to therapy. Finally, some facets of the unconscious are analyzed as to their relation to psychotherapy and Judaism.  相似文献   

关于中国青少年对神秘现象态度的分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
据专家的调查显示,中国青少年目前对神秘现象的热衷有增无减,尤其是对诸如特异功能、天外来客、星座、电脑预测等问题认识模糊,由此对超自然力的信奉而相信鬼神的存在,使得其身心、学习和生活受到影响.本文对此问题做一客观阐述,并简要分析其产生的原因.  相似文献   

A Pearson correlation of .55 was found for a sample of 243 female undergraduates in Wales (M age=20.9 yr., SD=4.6) between high scores on the Francis Scale of Attitude toward Christianity and rejection of premarital sex.  相似文献   

我国是个有五千年历史的文明古国,先人为我们留下了丰富的文化遗产.如何正确对待这些源远流长的传统文化,是个重要的问题.   1.两种完全错误的对待传统文化的态度和做法   一种是,采取虚无主义或取消主义的态度,不问青红皂白,全盘否定中国的传统文化,把它们统统归之为“封建、迷信、落后“,乃至“反动“的范畴,甚至把近代中国的贫弱、目前中国存在的困难统统归咎于传统文化.……  相似文献   


If we confine ourselves to the groups studied we may summarize as follows:

1. There are significant and true differences in the attitude toward the Negro of the three groups, students from Northern homes studying in the North being most favorable, students from Northern homes studying in the South being not so favorable, and students from Southern homes studying in the South being least favorable.

2. There is a slight positive relation between intelligence and attitude in all three groups, this relationship seemingly being highest for the Northern students studying in the North.

3. There is a consistent sex difference in the three groups, the women being slightly more favorable than men.

4. In the Northern group and in the Southern group upper-classmen are equally favorable or slightly more favorable in attitude than are freshmen, but among the Northern students studying in the South the upperclassmen are definitely less favorable than are the freshmen who have just recently come South.

5. No relation between size of community and attitude was found in any geographical group.

6. But slight if any relationship was found between occupation of the father and attitude.

Recognizing the limited nature of the study the writers hesitate to draw any general conclusions concerning the nature of differences in the attitude of college students toward the Negro. However, the study does suggest that Northern college students are on the average definitely more favorable toward the Negro than are Southern college students; but there are great individual differences within the groups and consequently overlapping between them. As to the causes of these differences our conclusions are only negative. They do not seem to be satisfactorily accounted for by intelligence, sex, degree of maturity, size of home community, or occupational level. Finally, when Northern students are transplanted into the Southern environment their attitude seems to change, gradually becoming more nearly that of the Southern students. Whether this change is the result of contact with the Negro or with the general Southern atmosphere cannot be said.  相似文献   


The Porteus Maze has been used as a cross-cultural test for more than 50 years. The Maze may be of use to the cross-cultural researcher or cross-cultural practitioner because it is a performance test, has high intrinsic interest for most persons from various cultural groups, has simple instructions, is easy to administer, and has ease and objectivity of scoring. Variables that may have confounded the results of the cross-cultural studies of the Maze consist of background factors, prior learning, inherited factors, physiological factors, and sampling problems. Other difficulties of equating cultural groups were discussed. It was suggested that the future use of the Maze be in conjunction with various environmental variables and measures of performance.  相似文献   

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