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从医学人类学的视角对《中国人群死亡及其危险因素流行、趋势和分布》一书进行了评述,认为本书以大量的数据重新论证了医学人类学和社会医学的基本命题,也给读者带来了一些关于"人类发展与疾病流行"关系的思考。  相似文献   

杨功焕教授的著作《中国人群死亡及其危险因素流行水平、趋势和分布》,调查20世纪80年代~90年代非人口因素对死亡的影响占81%,人口因素占19%。说明20世纪90年代是人群死亡模式发生巨大转变的10年。吸烟和饮食为主要行为因素。必须进行行为干预,靠非卫生部门的努力,包括医疗保险、实行健康促进战略、进行行为革命、对全部医务人员再教育,以适应后医学时代。  相似文献   

杨功焕教授的著作《中国人群死亡及其危险因素流行水平、趋势和分布》,调查20世纪80年代~90年代非人口因素对死亡的影响占81%,人口因素占19%.说明20世纪90年代是人群死亡模式发生巨大转变的10年.吸烟和饮食为主要行为因素.必须进行行为干预,靠非卫生部门的努力,包括医疗保险、实行健康促进战略、进行行为革命、对全部医务人员再教育,以适应后医学时代.  相似文献   

简要描述了中国人群的死亡变化趋势,主要死因构成,在不同地区和人群中的分布。结果表明结核等传染病、母婴疾病死亡率下降,冠心病、脑卒中、糖尿病、肺癌、肝癌等疾病死亡率上升明显。吸烟与被动吸烟、不良膳食习惯、静坐生活方式,是慢性病上升的重要因素;酒后驾驶等交通违章行为与每年上升10%的交通伤害死亡率密切相关。  相似文献   

简要描述了中国人群的死亡变化趋势,主要死因构成,在不同地区和人群中的分布.结果表明结核等传染病、母婴疾病死亡率下降,冠心病、脑卒中、糖尿病、肺癌、肝癌等疾病死亡率上升明显.吸烟与被动吸烟、不良膳食习惯、静坐生活方式,是慢性病上升的重要因素;酒后驾驶等交通违章行为与每年上升10%的交通伤害死亡率密切相关.  相似文献   

回顾了该研究的思路,指出进行这样的研究,关键是建立一个有代表性的监测系统,针对同一监测人群,开展综合监测,发展规范的现场工作程序,确保获得高质量数据。建立标准的、动态的人口库、出生、死亡和危险因素个案库,是完成这项研究的前提,世界卫生组织专家称这是中国人在流行病学监测中的天才创新。  相似文献   

回顾了该研究的思路,指出进行这样的研究,关键是建立一个有代表性的监测系统,针对同一监测人群,开展综合监测,发展规范的现场工作程序,确保获得高质量数据.建立标准的、动态的人口库、出生、死亡和危险因素个案库,是完成这项研究的前提,世界卫生组织专家称这是中国人在流行病学监测中的天才创新.  相似文献   

回顾了该研究的思路,指出进行这样的研究,关键是建立一个有代表性的监测系统,针对同一监测人群,开展综合监测,发展规范的现场工作程序,确保获得高质量数据。建立标准的、动态的人口库、出生、死亡和危险因素个案库,是完成这项研究的前提,世界卫生组织专家称这是中国人在流行病学监测中的天才创新。  相似文献   

根据《中国人群死亡及其危险因素流行水平、趋势和发布》的报告和相关研究表明,全世界约有1亿人患有抑郁症,且数量有增无减,抑郁症将成为本世纪一种相当流行的病症.由于抑郁症是一种患病率高,严重危害人类身心健康,具有高自杀风险的精神疾病,更需要我们采取措施积极预防.目前采用的主要预防方法有:积极的心理健康教育、处理好家庭与社会的关系、社会支持、心理调适和体育锻炼等.  相似文献   

对许多有幸上过大学的人们而言 ,大学时代常常最令人缅怀追忆。曾记得当年在长沙的湖南中医学院医疗系念书 ,正式课业虽然繁重却无法满足求知的渴望 ,于是几位同窗一起搞了一个称为“庶几学社”的自学小组 ,涉猎各种课外知识以开阔视野、启迪思维。刚刚创刊的《医学与哲学》自然成了我们的必读材料。她以其思想的活跃深刻、内容的贴近现实、文风的清新明朗 ,像及时雨一样滋润着我们年轻的心灵。人生匆匆、岁月如水。大学后考研留校 ,又辗转北美求学 ,现今则执教远在天边的新西兰 ,不觉人已匆匆进入中年 ,但大学时代与“庶几”成员读《医学与…  相似文献   

社会学视角下的“医学迈向社会”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会是指由各种社会地位相互关联形成的相对稳定的关系网络。社会人或人的社会性则是指个人所占据的社会地位以及在这些地位上的角色行为方式的总和。诱发疾病的社会原因既可能是包括个人角色行为在内的社会构成要素,也可能是社会结构。医学迈向社会的实质是对那些不利于健康的社会原因实施社会干预。  相似文献   

This study aims to investigate the mediating role of meaning making in the relationship between intimacy and complicated grief among bereaved elders. A sample of 352 bereaved elders in rural China participated in the study. Both the linear and quadratic effects of meaning making illustrated a model that mediated the effect of intimacy on complicated grief. Essentially, findings revealed that only high levels of meaning making predicted low levels of complicated grief. This study thereby supplements existing research about meaning-making theory.  相似文献   

People who have meaningful lives generally experience less anxiety and depression. Meaning salience, or the awareness of the meaning in one's life, is believed to partially explain this relationship. However, in times of isolation, what might be most salient to people are the meaningful aspects of their lives that have disappeared. This study seeks to understand how making gained versus lost meaning salient affects anxiety and depression. Participants either wrote for 5 minutes about how their life gained meaning (n = 29) or lost meaning (n = 30) due to the coronavirus restrictions, or about music (i.e., the control condition; n = 32). Those who wrote about gained meaning experienced less momentary anxiety than those who wrote about lost meaning. In addition, meaning salience moderated the relationship between meaning and both anxiety and depression. Those who wrote about gained meaning appeared to exhibit a positive relationship between meaning in life (MIL) and both anxiety and depression, while those who wrote about lost meaning exhibited negative relationships. In all, this suggests that meaning salience is not always positive and that researchers and practitioners should consider how making positive meaning salient may be more beneficial than a general focus on MIL.  相似文献   


Background and Objectives: Research demonstrates that the experience of cancer invariably violates patients’ meaning structures, prompting them to use coping strategies to alleviate stress and enhance well-being. The current study aimed to examine the mediating effects of coping strategies in the relationship between global and situational meaning and psychological well-being in gastric cancer patients.

Design and Method: One hundred eighty-seven patients (96 women and 91 men) with gastric cancer completed questionnaires measuring meaning in life, changes of beliefs and goals, coping, and psychological well-being. Participants were between 27 and 82 years of age. They were diagnosed with gastric cancer from 1 to 3.2 years ago. Using Structural Equation Modeling, both the direct and indirect associations between meaning structures, coping, and psychological well-being were examined.

Results: Meaning in life exerted significant indirect effects on psychological well-being through three coping strategies: problem-, emotion-, and meaning-focused. The relationship between changes of beliefs and goals and psychological well-being was also mediated by coping.

Conclusions: Findings suggest that coping strategies are mediators in the relationship between global and situational meaning and psychological well-being. They also provide empirical evidence that in severe cancer-related stress conditions both meaning structures and coping strategies influence patients’ psychological well-being.  相似文献   

We assessed the presence of emotional disorders (obsessive-compulsive, anxiety and depressive) in 1,514 Spanish non-referred children (8–12 years old) to investigate the predictive ability of psychopathological and socio-demographic characteristics, and identify which of these were possible correlates for clinical obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and subclinical OCD. At one year later, 562 subjects (risk group and without risk group) were re-assessed and we established the OCD diagnoses or the subclinical OCD diagnoses. We found that 20 participants presented clinical OCD and 46 participants presented subclinical OCD. Somatic and separation anxiety symptomatology were good predictors for clinical OCD, and obsessive concern was a predictor for subclinical OCD. Clinical OCD was associated with order/checking/pollution symptoms and with a lower socioeconomic status (SES). Subclinical OCD was associated with hyperactive and impulsive manifestations, obsessive concern, and superstition/mental compulsion. An early detection and the follow-up of anxiety or obsessive symptoms in children may be important for preventing the course of OCD.  相似文献   

Despite convergent evidence for a role of genetic risk factors for suicide stemming from quantitative genetic (family, twin, and adoption designs), molecular genetic, and geographical studies, professionals, likely to be exposed to suicide, appear to disbelieve strongly in the inheritance of risk factors for suicide. In a sample of 1,093 Austrian medical and psychology students, about 80% of respondents did not endorse genetic risk factors for suicide, regardless of their sex, age bracket, field and year of study, and overall knowledge on suicide facts. This may reflect educational gaps, cognitive biases against genetic bases and explanations, or both. One single implication is that this information needs to be incorporated and covered more visibly in medical and psychology textbooks and curricula.  相似文献   

Optimism bias is a crucial feature of risk perception that leads to increased risk‐taking behaviour, which is a particularly salient issue among pilots in aviation settings due to the high‐stakes nature of flight. The current study sought to address the roles of narcissism and promotion focus on optimism bias in risk perception in aviation context. Participants were 239 male flight cadets from the Civil Aviation Flight University of China who completed the Narcissistic Personality Inventory‐13, the Work Regulatory Focus Scale, and an indirect measure of unrealistic optimism in risk perception, which measured risk perception for the individual and the risk assumed by other individuals performing the same task. Higher narcissism increased the likelihood of underestimating personal risks, an effect that was mediated by high promotion focus motivation, such that high narcissism led to high promotion focus motivation. The findings have important implications for improving the accuracy of risk perception in aviation risks among aviators.  相似文献   

Across two countries and two languages, this research examined the multidimensional associations between suicidality (e.g., past ideation/attempts, communication of intent) and empirically important psychological risk factors (e.g., mental pain, perceived burdensomeness, thwarted belongingness). For samples of 228 Canadian and 331 Portuguese university undergraduates, four dimensions emerged in each sample with two of these, intrapersonal and interpersonal, demonstrating strong replicability across countries and languages. It was concluded that suicidality is a phenomenon that demonstrates some multidimensional similarities across cultures.  相似文献   

语音在汉字语义通达中的作用是二十多年来心理语言学研究的热点之一。直通假设和形音交互假设是学者们主张的理论观点,它们在语音和语义的相互关系上存在分歧,并分别有各自的实验证据。从比较语音语义激活时间进程、同音字效应、神经心理学与脑成像、语音作用的发展转换这四个方面对过去的研究进行回顾,指出了实验范式和实验材料中存在的问题,并提出结合汉字特点进行研究的思路。  相似文献   

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