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<正>1807年9月,英国伦敦会传教士马礼逊抵达广州,开启了新教在华传播的大幕。然而,初入中国,传教之艰辛,实难尽述。传教士来华,首要任务是传教,而接受信徒,施行洗礼,则是具体表现。马礼逊入华后,经过7年的努力,方有第一位信徒接受洗礼,足见福音事业开创的艰难。1814年7月16日,马礼  相似文献   

严锡禹 《天风》2018,(3):27-27
马礼逊(RobertMorrison)是基督教(新教)来华的第一位传教士,于i807年9月6日抵达广州,开启了基督教近代在华传播的历史。  相似文献   

唐晓峰  茹雪 《天风》2015,(4):26-27
历史经验说明,基督教在中国化过程中存在诸多问题。自1807年马礼逊入华算起,基督教传入中国已逾200年。如果单从今天基督教信徒数量的增长看,似乎基督教在华200年的传教历程还是"辉煌"的。但若从其在中国社会政治、经济、文化等方面的融入、融合,乃至认同、参与程度来考量,其离"成功"还有一定距离,即基督教的中国化问题尚未得到有效解决。  相似文献   

严锡禹 《天风》2018,(5):28-28
米怜(William Milne,1785-1822),伦敦会派来中国的第二位传教士,主要任务是协助马礼逊工作。1813年,米怜夫妇到达澳门,开始了在华传教的工作。可惜米怜于1822年就去世了,仅仅在华工作了9年。米怜来到中国的首要任务是学习汉语。1817年,他便开始参与马礼逊的圣经翻译工作,首先修订已经翻译完成的新约。  相似文献   

基督教在近代第一位来到中国的传道者乃是马礼逊牧师(Robert Morrison),他属英国伦敦传道会(LondonMissionary Society),1807年9月4日抵澳门,开始他在华的传教生涯。1813年7月4日其助手米怜(Willam Milne)抵澳。马礼逊于1814年7月16日在澳门为第一位中国新教基督徒蔡高施洗(蔡高乃是马礼逊牧师的华人助手  相似文献   

严锡禹 《天风》2018,(11):21-21
<正>在介绍马礼逊的圣经翻译和中国牧师何进善时,我们都提到过英华书院。今天我们就专门介绍一下这所学校。早在1812年,马礼逊就希望创建一所传教学校,他说:"要在马六甲建立一所学校,来培养海外传教士。"通过米怜的辛勤工作,马礼逊的这个愿望终于实现了。1815年10月,马礼逊和米怜着手为英华书院筹款,他们向英国教会写了一封公开信,介绍在马六甲建立英华书院的计划。  相似文献   

本文以马礼逊和东印度公司的关系及其参与英国对华政治外交为例,分析了早期来华传教士活动特点及其影响。文章指出,在当时的历史背景下,传教士和殖民扩张势力的合流,是历史的必然,这也使当时的传教活动在中国并不成功。文章也肯定了马礼逊等在传教事业上所做的基础工作及其在中西文化交流方面的贡献。  相似文献   

基督教在华传教与中西文化的交流和对话,是中国学术界在思想认知上分歧较大的问题。人们通常较为强调在政治领域的社会及文明冲突,以及基督教由此而有的负面影响。但从人类文化交流的角度来看,也必须注意基督教对中西文化交流的历史推动和在中西文化对话中的积极参与。本文以《马礼逊文集》的出版为契机,从马礼逊在近代中西文化交流与对话中的作用及意义来思考基督教在华存在和在中国文化中如何定位等问题,以便能为正确处理今天基督教与中国社会文化的关系提供思路和启迪。  相似文献   

<正>"人之初,性本善,性相近,习相远。"这些出自《三字经》的句子,几乎每一个中国人都耳熟能详,是中国人喜闻乐见的儿童启蒙教材。马礼逊早已意识到它的重要性,早在1812年他就向英国读者介绍和翻译了《三字经》。尽管如此,马礼逊并没有意识到用"三字经"的形式来宣传基督教教义,他在广州用中文  相似文献   

1、以杂华装饰的无限大的佛华严——持杂华庄严佛《法华经》是讲述妙法的经。而《华严经》是《大方广佛华严经》,它以“佛”为重点。《法华经》是说法的经,而《华严经》是说佛的经。作为大乘佛教具有代表性的经典就是《法华经》和《华严经》。《华严经》全称《大方广佛华严经》,《法华经》全称《妙法莲华经》,通常略称为《法华经》,竺法护(约230—308)  相似文献   

Missionaries from Europe came to India starting in the 15th century to preach the gospel. Their mission works have both intended and unintended consequences that affect people even today. Missionaries brought modern education to India and gave Western education to Dalits, leading to the social uplifting of Dalits, who were denied education by the oppressive caste system. Some missionaries also spoke against the social evils during their time. On the other hand, some missionaries’ work at times highlighted the Brahmanic religion as a pan-India religion which placed popular religions in a disadvantaged position. Furthermore, their work also helped the British colonial government to maintain control and become powerful. The translation work of the missionaries and the educational institutions helped the colonial government to strengthen its control over the local population. This article discusses the mission work of Robert de Nobili, Bartholomew Ziegenbalg, and William Carey and evaluates their mission works from Dalit and decolonial perspectives.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Restructuring the Baccalaureate: A Focus on Time-Shortened Degree Programs in the United States by Robert M. Bersi. The Group as Agent of Change edited by Alfred Jacobs and Wilford Spradlin. Group Counseling and Therapy Techniques in Special Settings edited by Richard E. Hardy and John G. Cull. Correctional Psychology by Robert J. Wicks. Elements of Encounter: A Bodymind Approach by William C. Schutz. Exercises in Personal and Career Development by Barrie Hopson and Patricia Hough. The Communication Contract by Susan B. Goldstein and Luther F. Sies. Schools without Counselors: Guidance Practices for Teachers by William B. Stafford. An Introduction to Community Psychology by Melvin Zax and Gerald A. Specter. Breaking the Bonds of Racism by Paul and Ouida Lindsey. The Human Constraint: The Coming Shortage of Managerial Talent by John B. Miner.  相似文献   

Video reviews     
Breaking the Silence . Joyce Morrison and David Will
Challenging Myths. Joyce Morrison, Jacquie Roberts and David Will
Goodbye Baby Jane . Family observation training videotape produced by Rudi Dallos and Harry Proctor
Systemic Family Therapy . Philippa Seligman and Elsa Jones  相似文献   

Book Notes     

Identification of Book Reviewers for this Number. William H. Cole is Professor and Chairman of the Department of Biology in Clark Chris.

Anfänge der Reifezeit. By William Stern. Leipzig, Quelle & Meyer. 1925, pp. 125.

Mental Hygiene as Taught by Jesus. By Alexander B. MacLeod. New York, The Macmillan Company. 1925, pp. 138.

The Nature of Intelligence and the Principles of Cognition. By Charles E. Spearman. London, Macmillan and Co., Ltd. 1923, pp. viii+358.

Genetic Studies of Genius. By Lewis M. Terman et Al. California, Stanford University Press. 1925, pp. xv+648.

Principles of Psychotherapy. By Dr. Pierre Janet. New York, The Macmillan Company. 1924, pp. viii+322.

Chimpanzee Intelligence and its Vocal Expressions. by Robert M. Yerkes and Blanche W. Learned. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins Company. 1925, pp. 157.

Neurological Foundations of Animal Behavior. By C. Judson Herrick. New York, Henry Holt and Company. 1924, pp. xii+334.

Physiological Foundations of Behavior. By Charles M. Child. New York, Henry Holt and Company. 1924, pp. v+330.

The Field of Psychology. By Madison Bentley. New York, D. Appleton and Company, 1925. pp. xvi+545.

Experience and Nature. By John Dewey. Chicago, Open Court Publishing Company. 1925, pp. xi+443.

Abnormal Psychology and Education. By Frank Watts. New York, D. Appleton and Company. 1924, pp. xiv+220.

Psychology for Child Training. By Arland D. Weeks. New York, D. Appleton and Company. 1925, pp. xi+312.

Animals Looking Into the Future. By William A. Kepner. New York, The Macmillan Company. 1925, 197 pp.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the British attempt to enter China, the role of the East India Company, the opium trade and the ensuing war (1839–1842). It examines the missionaries’ ambivalent attitudes towards the opium trade and wars, which vacillated between silence, conniving and condemnation. From the missionaries’ point of view, everything was calculated towards furthering the Great Commission (Matt. 28.18–20), and so most Christians at that time did not think it was odd that opium trading and gospel preaching could be endorsed in the same treaty. Opium traffickers and Christian preachers may make strange bedfellows but, in this case, they supported the unequal treaties that Britain imposed on China for different reasons.  相似文献   

《Journal of personality》1942,11(2):173-179
Book reviewed in this article:
T he P sychology of H uman L earning . By John A. McGeoch.
S ex F ulfillment in M arriage . By Ernest R. Groves, Gladys H. Groves, and Catherine Groves.
A vocational I nterests P atterns . By Donald E. Super.
W isdom in C onduct. By Christopher Browne Garnett, Jr.
T he P roblem of C hoice. By William Henry Roberts.
T he H appy L ife. By Aurelius Augustine. Translated and annotated by Ludwig Schopp.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《The Philosophical quarterly》1997,47(188):382-422
Robinson, Howard Perception
Macnamara, John and Reyes, Gonzalo E. (eds) The Logical Foundations of Cognition
Michael, M. and O'Leary-Hawthorne, J. (eds) Philosophy in Mind
McCulloch, Gregory The Mind and its World
Wilson, Robert A. Cartesian Psychology and Physical Minds
Harris, Henry (ed.), Identity
Landman, Janet Regret: the Persistence of the Possible
Miller, David Critical Rationalism: a Restatement and Defence
Stevenson, Leslie and Byerly, Henry The Many Faces of Science
Fogelin, Robert J. Pyrrhonian Reflections on Knowledge and Justification
Sessions, William Lad The Concept of Faith: a Philosophical Investigation
Copp, David Morality, Normativity and Society
Kane, Robert Through the Moral Maze: Searching for Absolute Values in a Pluralistic World
Gellner, Ernest Encounters with Nationalism
Hadot, Pierre Philosophy as a Way of Life; Spiritual Exercises from Socrates to Foucault
Grayling, A.C. (ed.), Philosophy: a Guide Through the Subject
Bunning, Nicholas and Tsui-James, E.P. (eds) The Blackwell Companion to Philosophy  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Personnel Psychology》1966,19(4):455-457
Book review in this article. Katz , Daniel, and Kahn , Robert L. The Social Psychology of Organizations. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1966. Pp. ix + 498. $8.50 Katz , Daniel, and Kahn , Robert L. The Social Psychology of Organizations. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1966. Pp. ix + 498. $8.50 Herzberg , Frederick . Work and the Nature of Man. Cleveland: The World Publishing Company, 1966. Pp. xx + 203. $6.00 Kellogg , Marion S. What to do about Performance Appraisal. New York: American Management Association, Inc., 1965. Pp. 223. $7.50; $5.00 to AMA members Barrett , Richard S. Performance Rating. Chicago: Science Research Associates, Inc., 1966. Pp. ix + 166. $4.50 Research Conference on the Use of Autobiographical Data as Psychological Predictors. Greensboro, N.C.: The Creativity Research Institute of The Richardson Foundation, 1966. Pp. 235 + 12 (bibliography). Free. Owens , William A., and Henry , Edwin R. Biographical Data in Industrial Psychology: A Review and Evaluation. Greensboro, N.C.: The Creativity Research Institute of The Richardson Foundation, 1966. Pp. 20. Free. Gilmer , B. von Haller . Industrial Psychology. (Second Edition) New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1966. Pp. xv + 617. $8.95 Bbrgen , Garret L., and Haney , William V. Organizational Relations and Management Action: Cases and Issues. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1966. Pp. xi + 756. $9.75 Calhoon , Richard P. Cases in Personnel Management and Supervision. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1966. Pp. ix + 229. $2.95 Stogdill , Ralph M. Managers, Employees, Organizations. Columbus: Bureau of Business Research, The Ohio State University, 1965. Pp. xiii + 315. $6.00 Helfrich , Margaret L. The Social Role of the Executive's Wife. Columbus: Bureau of Business Research, Ohio State University, 1965. Pp. xi + 95. $3.00 Gellerman , Saul W. The Management of Human Relations. New York : Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., 1966. Pp. xiii + 143. $2.50  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Bureaucracy vs. Creativity by Fredrich C. Dyer and John M. Dyer. Coral Gables, Florida: University of Miami Press, 1965 Invitations to Speaking and Writing Creativity (and Teachers' Guide) by R. E. Myers and E. Paul Torrance. Boston: Ginn and Company, 1965 Group Problem-Solving Through Discussion by William S. Smith. Indianapolis: The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc., 1965  相似文献   

Gorbachev, Glasnost and The Gospel by Michael Bourdeaux. Hodder and Stoughton, 1990. 226 pp. Hardback, £13.95. Paperback, £8.99.

The Lutheran Church and the East German State: Political Conflict and Change under Ulbricht andHonecker by Robert F. Goeckel. Cornell University Press, 1990. 328 pp.

With God, For the People by Laszlo Tokes with David Porter. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1990. Paperback, 226 pp., £3.50.

In the Eye of the Romanian Storm by Felix Corley and John Eibner. Old Tappan, New Jersey: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1990. Paperback, 272 pp., $6.95.  相似文献   

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