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正一在禅宗初步形成的中唐时期,当时的禅宗僧众大多住在律寺。随着禅宗的发展,参学的僧人日渐增多,在律寺中多有不便,因此开始建立禅宗丛林。在起始阶段,禅宗丛林并没有形成固定的制度、仪式,故此,百丈怀海禅师(720-814)"于大小乘中,博约折中,设规务归于善焉,乃创意不循律制,别立禅居"。(宋·赞宁:《宋高僧传·怀海传》)怀海折中大小乘戒律,因地制宜,制定禅院清规,设有法堂、僧堂、方丈等各种丛林制度,又规定僧人分别担任东序、寮元、堂主、化主等各种职务,这就是著名的"百丈清规"。(在宋代道原所撰的《景德传灯录》中题作《禅门规式》,世称"古清规"。)  相似文献   

正唐代百丈山的怀海禅师通常被认为是禅宗丛林清规的创立者。早期禅宗以行脚四方、遍访禅师为务,不注重本宗寺院的建设,通常居于律宗寺院之中。然而,律寺的讲法和制度与禅宗不完全相合,故怀海认为需建立禅宗的寺院及相应的制度。随着宋代禅宗进入全盛期,禅宗丛林遍地开花,逐渐成为汉传佛教的主流,禅门清规也适应时代的变化,经历  相似文献   

宋元时期,丛林清规的儒家化趋势日益增强,突出表现为对儒礼的认同与吸纳。南宋之后,僧人将丛林清规比作儒家之"礼",采用儒家话语为清规重纂提供依据。受家礼影响,位牌开始在丛林丧礼中出现,并最终取代禅宗惯用的"真",进入祖堂享受历代供奉与祭祀。比照儒家丧服,丛林创立、完善了孝服制度,将僧团整合为类似儒家血缘关系的同心圆结构。宋元时期儒佛话语的转换反映了两者在竞争中加深理解、在攻讦中走向融合的历史趋势。  相似文献   

秦萌 《法音》2022,(5):21-28
<正>一、前言清规是寺院的组织、管理章程和僧众修行、生活的轨范,是唐代中期以来禅宗寺院创建和实行的僧制。慧能大师之后,禅宗日益兴盛,独立的、专门的禅宗寺院开始形成。为建立与禅宗修行方式相适应的寺院管理与僧众共住共修制度,营造和合增上、专心办道的修行环境,唐百丈怀海禅师依据戒律精神和禅宗修行宗旨,结合当时中国的自然条件、社会环境、文化传统,首创丛林清规,即《禅门规式》,后世将其称为“百丈清规”。由唐至元,百丈禅师所创“古清规”,  相似文献   

《禅苑清规》是目前所见最早、最完整的禅宗清规,它也是禅宗其他清规的范本,因其独特的地位,在我国佛教史上占有一席之地。它编成于北宋末,正值佛教诸宗派融合之时,本文以佛教宗派学说交融为基础,讨论《禅苑清规》中所体现出来的禅、净与律学思想在此清规中的互动关系。  相似文献   

<正>中国社会科学出版社,2016年,656千字。本书将北宋时期的儒家礼学放在宋代儒学发展和哲学思想演变的脉络当中,将礼学与北宋时期特定的政治背景和历史发展联系起来,采取以哲学思想的分析为主,结合经学文献、社会政治以及礼仪制度而形成的一种较为综合的研究,对礼学与宋代儒学的发展作了综合的考察。书中重点研究了《周礼》  相似文献   

朱子《家礼》是应宋代礼仪的世俗化和士庶礼仪的需要产生的。《书仪》和《五礼新仪》在推行中受到冷遇,亦是朱子编撰《家礼》的重要原因。相对于《书仪》来说,《家礼》的优势在于没有繁文缛节,亦没有连篇累牍的考证,易为普通大众所接受。《家礼》对宋元明清时期士庶家族和个人的行为生活产生了深远影响,其所具有的变通精神,可为今人重塑礼仪文明时参考借鉴。  相似文献   

<正>刘丰著《北宋礼学研究》一书于2016年4月由中国社会科学出版社出版。该著在北宋时期特定的政治背景和历史发展的基础上,以北宋时期的儒家礼学为主要内容,将礼学放在宋代儒学发展和哲学思想演变的脉络当中,以哲学思想分析为主线,并结合经学文献、社会政治以及礼仪制度研究,从而形成一种较为综合的研究。作者重点研究了《周礼》与北宋儒学发展的关系,宋代学者围绕王安石《周官新义》而引发的争论及其思想史意义,宋代新兴的理学与传统礼学  相似文献   

徐琳 《法音》2024,(1):28-33
<正>禅宗发展到宋代仍处于兴盛期,与唐代相比,宋代禅宗的盛况主要表现为语录、灯录的涌现。禅宗语录在唐代已经出现,至宋代数量更多,同时出现了大批灯录。语录、灯录的大量出现,反映了禅宗由“不立文字”转变为“大立文字”。文字禅、看话禅在宋代大为兴盛。“文字禅”即以举古、拈古、颂古的方式,阐发禅门义理。所谓“古”即古德公案,宋代禅录常常将早出禅宗语录、灯录中所记载的能够判定是非、衡量迷悟、具有经典性、  相似文献   

庆道 《中国宗教》2022,(6):44-45
清规是中国禅宗丛林组织的规程和僧众日常行事的规章,是唐代中期以来禅宗丛林创行的僧制。中国佛教从东晋道安首创“僧尼规范”以后,就有在戒律之外别立禁约的措施,例如,支遁创立“众僧集仪度”,慧远创立“法社节度”。唐代中期,禅宗盛行,百丈怀海于唐元和九年(814)创立禅居制度,成为新的丛林规制,世称“百丈清规”.  相似文献   

In reviewing four works from the 1990s—monographs by Christopher Ives and Phillip Olson on Zen Buddhist ethics, Damien Keown's treatment of Indian Buddhist ethics, and an edited collection on Buddhism and human rights—this article examines recent scholarship on Zen Buddhist ethics in light of issues of Buddhist and comparative ethics. Its highlights selected themes in the notional and real encounter of Zen Buddhism with Western thought and culture as presented in the reviewed works and identifies issues and problems for further consideration, in particular, problems of comparative and cross-cultural understanding and the articulation and redefinition of Zen Buddhist tradition.  相似文献   

Lay practitioners of Buddhism, especially lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender/queer persons, are given little guidance by the traditional Dharmology (Buddhist theology) of sex. The most extensive discussions are the detailed prohibitions in the monastic rule, which focus on the mechanics of sex rather than on love and relationships. What advice there is on sex for lay persons is either vague or over‐determined by its cultural context. Christianity, despite being homophobic and mistrustful of sex, has developed a positive attitude towards sex within heterosexual marriage. An investigation of this suggests a Dharmology of sex as relationship, based on central Buddhist doctrines such as interdependent arising. This Dharmology can be strengthened by queering it with reference to Harry Hay's notion that gay subject–subject consciousness is more compatible with Buddhist non‐duality than the hetero subject–object consciousness. It can be claimed, therefore, that Buddha Nature, and Buddhism itself, is queer.  相似文献   

《禅林宝训》反复宣说的道、利之辨以及诚信等道德规范 ,在内容乃至形式上与儒家伦理基本一致。《禅林宝训》充分吸收儒家伦理思想 ,主张儒、佛融合 ,一方面是加强丛林自身道德建设的内在需要 ,另一方面是中国禅宗人间化的客观要求。佛教的五戒十善等伦理与儒家伦理存在相似之处 ,这为《禅林宝训》充分吸收、融合儒家伦理提供了内在理论契机。  相似文献   


The act of giving is among the most fundamental acts within the Buddhist world, particularly in the Theravāda communities of Southeast Asia. In many of these communities, lay followers give food and other dāna (merit-making gifts), providing monastics with the ‘requisites’ that they need to survive. Yet there is relatively little discussion within Buddhist or scholarly communities about what should be given, with formulaic lists representing the majority of discussions about these gifts. However, sometimes, the gifts given to monastics are not always appropriate, even bad. What to do in those cases is not always clear. In this article, I explore the ways in which monks in Thailand and Southwest China think about gifts that are not good. What becomes clear is that, despite the prevailing view that discipline is a universal process based on the vinaya (disciplinary code of Buddhism), monks have different views about what constitutes a ‘bad gift’ and what to do about it. I argue that paying attention to bad gifts allows us to see that lay communities have significant voice—although this is often implicit rather than explicit—about what constitutes ‘proper’ monastic behavior.  相似文献   

It is an old philosophical idea that if the future self is literally different from the current self, one should be less concerned with the death of the future self (Parfit, 1984 ). This paper examines the relation between attitudes about death and the self among Hindus, Westerners, and three Buddhist populations (Lay Tibetan, Lay Bhutanese, and monastic Tibetans). Compared with other groups, monastic Tibetans gave particularly strong denials of the continuity of self, across several measures. We predicted that the denial of self would be associated with a lower fear of death and greater generosity toward others. To our surprise, we found the opposite. Monastic Tibetan Buddhists showed significantly greater fear of death than any other group. The monastics were also less generous than any other group about the prospect of giving up a slightly longer life in order to extend the life of another.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the transformation of monastic education in Thailand through its modernisation from the 1880s to the 1960s. During this period two of the country's most prominent monks rose to power: Wachirayan of the Thammayut (Dhammayutika) branch of the Sangha and Phimonlatham of the Mahanikay (Mahānikāya) branch. The former was at the height of power in the late nineteenth/early twentieth century and the latter in the mid twentieth century. Through my examination of monastic education during these two periods, taking the influence of these two important monks as case studies, I argue that Sangha education is not just the inherited knowledge transmitted down the generations to monastic learners for religious ends and the preservation of Buddhism. Rather I show how political discourse can transform monastic education. Temporal and ecclesiastical politics have shaped, dominated and reformed Thai monastic education. This process has altered expectations—on the part of Thai Sangha as well as the laity at elite and popular levels—of what should be learned by monks. Here we shall see how Pali, vinaya (monastic discipline), abhidhamma (Buddhist philosophy and metaphysics), meditation and modern Western-derived subjects became prominent in Thai monastic education at different periods in the broader national and international contexts. This means that both the scope and arena for critical thinking are heavily determined by factors that are not solely religious by nature. Put another way, critical thinking has not been a priority in an intellectual arena dominated by political agendas and has been strongly curtailed by those agendas.  相似文献   

寺院财产具有公共财产的性质,即具有公共信托财产的特性,僧团组织和不特定的、显在的和潜在的、现在的及未来的善男信女为其受益人。寺院对该财产而言,居于受托管理人的地位,不能任意处分该财产,只能用于与佛教教义相符的宗教活动。对游客而言,寺院仅对该财产所可能造成的物件损害承担安全保障义务,只有在寺院自己举办的有组织性佛事活动中才对活动的参与者承担安全保障义务。而对个别僧人的侵权行为,寺院不应承担安全保障义务所产生的补充责任,而应由实施加害行为的僧人本人承担。  相似文献   

本文认为,老庄道家和魏晋玄学影响了佛教尤其是禅宗的心性论,随后佛教特别是禅宗的思想又反过来影响了道教的心性论。文章着重从轮回果报与形亡性存、万法皆空与忘身无心、心生万法与心为道体、明心见性与修心炼性诸方面分析佛教对道教心性论的影响,强调佛教对道教在转变人的形体、生命、人性、心性修养、人生理想的看法上起了巨大的推动作用,并指出就心性思想影响的深度和广度来说,佛教尤其是禅宗都超过了儒家对道教的影响。  相似文献   

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