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Acrophobic outpatients received therapist- or self-directed (tape-recorded) desensitization in a study of (a) treatment effectiveness with diminished therapist contact ; (b) subject characteristics ‘predicting’ outcome; and (c) generalization of change. At Post-test, treated Ss (N=16) had improved significantly more than Waiting List Ss (N=13) on self-report measures of acrophobia and general anxiety, while the treatment methods were equally effective. An 8-month follow-up found that self-directed Ss had attempted more specific behavioral situations than therapist-directed Ss, and showed additional gains on self-report measures while therapist-directed Ss maintained post-test levels. Results suggested: (a) desensitization provides effective treatment even with reduced therapist contact; (b) some subject characteristics relate to outcome and (c) treatment effects generalize to other anxiety indices.  相似文献   

Fifty-two patients with spider phobia, fulfilling the DSM-III-R criteria for simple phobia, were assessed with behavioral, physiological and self-report measures. They were randomly assigned to five different treatment conditions: (1) one session therapist-directed exposure (maximum 3 hours), (2) specific manual-based treatment in the home, (3) specific manual-based treatment at the clinic, (4) general manual-based treatment in the home and (5) general manual-based treatment at the clinic. The results show that therapist-directed one-session treatment was significantly more effective than three of the manual-based treatments, both at the post-treatment and follow-up stages. Specific manual-based treatment at the clinic was significantly more successful than the other manual-based treatments, but only at follow-up. The proportion of clinically significant improved patients at follow-up was 80% in the therapist-directed group compared to 63% for the specific manual-based treatment at the clinic, 10% for specific manual-based treatment in the home, 9% for general manual-based treatment in the home, and 10% for general manual-based treatment at the clinic. The conclusion that can be drawn is that one-session therapist-directed treatment is the treatment of choice for spider phobia but manual-based treatment is a good alternative in some cases.  相似文献   

As determined by their scores on Rotter's Locus of Control scale (Psychological Monographs, 1966, 80 (1, Whole No. 609)), internal and external subjects were exposed either to a high-, low-, or no-fear message on the dangers of exposure to a sunlamp. It was recommended to half the subjects in each condition that they apply a cream which was described as producing minimal skin irritation (low aversiveness), while half the subjects received recommendations to apply a cream described as producing considerable skin irritation (high aversiveness). It was predicted that (a) a high-fear message would be more effective than a low-fear message in getting subjects to use the cream, especially when the recommended behavior was perceived as low in aversivensss; and (b) a high-fear message would be more effective than a low fear message for subjects classified as internals. The second prediction was confirmed, and the first was tentatively supported. Results were interpreted in terms of the perceptual processes which may mediate the relationship between fear and action. The findings did not support the fear-drive model.  相似文献   

Forty English-French bilinguals divided into equal numbers of nonfluent and fluent subjects took part in a dichotic listening test involving both intralingual and interlingual conditions. No difference in lateralization was found between primary and secondary language in either condition. In the intralingual condition, however, fluent bilinguals showed a significantly lower right ear advantage than did their nonfluent counterparts. In the interlingual condition, French-dominant subjects were found to be more ambilateral than English-dominant subjects, while both groups tended to respond preferentially to French words. These results suggest that growing bilingual proficiency does increase left ear/right hemisphere participation, but in intralingual situations only. Moreover, when both languages are contrasted, French appears to be more salient than English.  相似文献   

Fifty habitually aggressive men were assessed for self-directed aggressive behavior (SDAB) and other-directed aggressive behavior (QDAB). Subjects displaying SDAB were compared with subjects exhibiting exclusively ODAB. The former were found to engage in more frequent acts of verbal aggression, physical aggression against objects, and physical aggression against others, as well as in more severe acts of verbal aggression and physical aggression against others. They were also more likely to receive diagnoses of mental retardation, organic personality disorder, intermittent explosive disorder, or autism. Findings are consistent with the presence of a neurologically based behavioral dyscontrol in the SDAB subjects.  相似文献   

Sixty Japanese female students were asked to exchange shocks in electric roulette games with female opponents. The subjects were assigned to either the 80%, 50%, or 20% win conditions. Half of them were then led to judge that the power unbalance was legitimate by being informed that the assignment was based on a prior performance contest, with the good performer being assigned to the advantageous position. The other subjects were led to perceive the power imbalance as illegitimate by being informed that the assignment was randomly decided. The opponents always severely attacked them. The retaliation by the subjects was analyzed by a two-way ANOVA with Power Imbalance and Legitimacy. It was found that the subjects both in the 20% and 50% win conditions set more intense shocks to their opponents than those in the 80% win condition. This is not consistent with the fear of retaliation hypothesis which had predicted that the subjects would refrain from intensely aggressing against the opponent who had a greater aggressive capacity. It was also found that in the 80% win condition, the subjects set more intense shocks when the unbalance had been determined by their performance than when determined by luck, whereas in the 20% win condition, they set more intense shocks when the imbalance had been determined by luck than when determined by their performance. These suggest that retaliation depended upon perceived justifiability of aggression which was predicated on the legitimacy of the power imbalance. Finding in the 50% win condition that the shock settings were higher when the power imbalance had been determined by their performance than when determined by luck was interpreted in terms of their heightened competitiveness.  相似文献   

Two studies were conducted to study the effect of self-focused attention on behavioral responses to fear. In Experiment 1, phobics and nonphobics were asked to approach and hold a snake either in the presence of a mirror or with no mirror. In Experiment 2, high and low private self-conscious subjects were asked to submit to a series of either mild or strong electric shock for humanitarian reasons. In each case, self-directed attention caused increased responsivity to the fearful affect and made subjects more likely to withdraw from the situation, regardless of the fact that a behavioral standard existed which called for an opposite response. The theoretical and behavioral implications of the findings were discussed.  相似文献   

Twenty-four mentally retarded adults in the mild and moderate range based on American Association on Mental Deficiency criterion were assessed for excessive fear of participating in community based activities. Persons were matched into pairs on degree of fear and sex and then one member of each pair was randomly placed into one of two experimental conditions: no-treatment controls or those who received participant modeling for their fear. The latter condition consisted of having a trainer rehearse going into stores and related activities with the mentally retarded person at a sheltered workshop. In the next step of training, the therapist accompanied the subjects to a community grocery store where they performed the tasks of shopping through successive approximations. Treatment was conducted for a period of three months. Fear level of the mentally retarded persons was assessed on target behaviors prior to and at the conclusion of training. Follow-up assessment of treatment effects and the continued status of the control subjects was assessed four months after the conclusion of treatment. Participant modeling proved to be significantly more effective than no treatment.  相似文献   

Undergraduate students were contacted in classes at Memorial University of Newfoundland during 1975 and asked to complete the FSS-II, on a voluntary basis; 511 students (232 male and 279 female subjects) provided enough data for analyses. In 1990, the same procedure was carried out, resulting in a comparable group of 359 students (161 male and 198 female subjects). Contrary to predictions, the 1990 students were more fearful than the 1975 group and the increase in fearfulness was contributed exclusively by women students. The component of fear contributing most to this increase related to social evaluation and violence.  相似文献   

This study examined the effectiveness of delivering the Prevention and Relationship Enhancement Program (PREP) to volunteer couples in the U.S. Air Force in either a six-week instructional multi-couple group condition or a self-directed book condition. A standardized pre/post protocol was employed and outcomes included relationship satisfaction and anger management skills, two known risk factors for partner maltreatment. Significant improvement was found for the group condition in both relationship satisfaction and anger management skills, but only for anger management skills in the self-directed book condition. Finally, the group condition reported greater program satisfaction. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The relationship between compliance with cognitive-behavioral treatment instructions and outcome was examined for 56 agoraphobic clients treated with in vivo exposure and training in anxiety management strategies. Clients who complied more often with anxiety management instructions during treatment sessions tended to improve more on a behavioral avoidance test than those who were less compliant, but did not differ on three other outcome variables. Compliance with instructions for self-directed exposure between sessions was examined in a subset of 28 of these Ss. Clients who spent more time doing homework reported significantly greater decrements in fear of fear than less compliant clients and also tended to report larger changes on avoidance behavior. However, a quasi-experimental comparison of homework vs no-homework treatment protocols yielded no difference in outcome. Less compliant clients were more symptomatic pretreatment and rated their therapists as less caring and less self-confident.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that disgust plays a prominent role in the fear of spiders. Participants (N=27) displaying marked spider fear were provided 30 min of self-directed in vivo exposure to an actual tarantula, during which time their fear and disgust levels were assessed repeatedly. Growth curve analyses were then conducted to examine the decay slopes in both fear and disgust and their relationship. Consistent with prediction, exposure led to significant declines in both spider fear and spider-specific disgust but not in global disgust sensitivity. However, the decay slope observed for fear was significantly greater than that for disgust. Further analyses revealed that the reduction in disgust during treatment remained significant even after controlling for change in fear; and similarly, change in fear remained significant even after controlling for change in disgust. Contrary to prediction, disgust levels at pretreatment did not moderate the level of fear activation or fear reduction during treatment. Theoretical and clinical implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

We report a study examining interspecies emotion transfer via body odors (chemosignals). Do human body odors (chemosignals) produced under emotional conditions of happiness and fear provide information that is detectable by pet dogs (Labrador and Golden retrievers)? The odor samples were collected from the axilla of male donors not involved in the main experiment. The experimental setup involved the co-presence of the dog’s owner, a stranger and the odor dispenser in a space where the dogs could move freely. There were three odor conditions [fear, happiness, and control (no sweat)] to which the dogs were assigned randomly. The dependent variables were the relevant behaviors of the dogs (e.g., approaching, interacting and gazing) directed to the three targets (owner, stranger, sweat dispenser) aside from the dogs’ stress and heart rate indicators. The results indicated with high accuracy that the dogs manifested the predicted behaviors in the three conditions. There were fewer and shorter owner directed behaviors and more stranger directed behaviors when they were in the “happy odor condition” compared to the fear odor and control conditions. In the fear odor condition, they displayed more stressful behaviors. The heart rate data in the control and happy conditions were significantly lower than in the fear condition. Our findings suggest that interspecies emotional communication is facilitated by chemosignals.  相似文献   

Real-life exposure methods for avoidance difficulties are highly effective (Coleman, 1976), though generalization of therapy gains could improve (Bandura, Blanchard and Ritter, 1969; Bandura, Jeffery and Wright, 1974; Blanchard, 1970). Bandura, Jeffery and Gajdos (1975) recently demonstrated a procedure to enhance generalization of participant modeling effects through the addition of a period of self-directed exposure. While Bandura et al. (1975) emphasized the role of self-directed mastery, and the attributions of self-confidence which accompany, enhanced generalization might well have been due to additional exposure to the former threats. Individuals who received the self-directed practice addendum had an additional hour of exposure, nearly double that of the group which received participant modeling only. It is therefore important to further investigate self-directed practice to determine whether it enhances generalization effects more than additional exposure with the therapist present. Such a design would aid (a) in identification of the best programs for obtaining generalization and (b) in determination of the underlying processes involved in generalization.Bandura et al. (1975) included another group, varied self-directed practice, in which subjects, after participant modeling, practiced independently with the treatment and an additional snake. The rationale was that the more varied the threats mastered independently the more likely would be subsequent positive attributes of success. They found this group to be inferior to the self-directed group on several self-report measures of generalization, however, due to premature confrontation of the additional threat stimulus. We felt this procedure would be enhanced by graduating exposure to the varied threat stimuli during varied practice.In the present experiment adult female rat phobics received participant modeling with (a) an addendum of therapist-present overlearning, (b) an addendum of self-directed practice with the treatment rat, or (c) self-directed practice with varied rats. It was predicted that self-directed practice would result in more generalization than would overlearning and that graduated, varied self-directed practice would result in further improvements.  相似文献   

This study examines predictions derived from Foa and Kozak's theory of emotional processing. We hypothesized that the provision of heart-rate feedback would facilitate emotional processing through a fuller activation of the participant's fear structure, and by focusing participants' attention on information that is incompatible with the fear structure, i.e., the interoceptive pattern of habituation. Nonclinical students (N = 54) showing marked claustrophobic fear received 30 min of self-directed exposure to a claustrophobic chamber. Three exposure conditions (heart-rate feedback, paced-tone control, and exposure only control) were examined across six 5-min exposure trials. Participants receiving heart-rate feedback displayed greater between-trial habituation across treatment trials and lower levels of fear at post-treatment. Treatment process findings failed to support the fear activation hypothesis. Implications of the findings for theories of fear reduction are discussed.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effectiveness and treatment costs associated with a stepped care protocol of exposure and response prevention (EX/RP) for obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). In the current open trial, patients (N = 14) began with self-directed EX/RP and minimal therapist guidance over the course of six weeks (Step 1). During this phase of treatment, no therapist-directed exposures were conducted. Those who did not respond optimally to Step 1 went on to Step 2, which consisted of 15 sessions of twice-weekly therapist-directed exposures. Results of this study show promise for stepped care utilizing EX/RP for some patients with OCD, with a response rate of 88% and a 60% reduction on the Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS) score among treatment completers. Significant improvements were found in Y-BOCS from pre to post-treatment for both Step 1 and Step 2 completers. Forty-five percent of participants (n = 5) responded following completion of Step 1, resulting in reduced cost of treatment among these participants. All participants who responded to Step 1 maintained acute gains during the brief follow-up period. Limitations include a small sample size and high attrition rate.  相似文献   

One-Session Treatment (OST) is a form of massed exposure therapy for the treatment of specific phobias. OST combines exposure, participant modeling, cognitive challenges, and reinforcement in a single session, maximized to three hours. Clients are gradually exposed to steps of their fear hierarchy using therapist-directed behavioral experiments. Although there are several studies in the literature examining the efficacy of OST, little has been done to summarize this research. In the following review, research on and empirical support for OST are reviewed with an emphasis on the types of stimuli, samples, and methodologies utilized. Research generally supports OST's efficacy, although replication by independent examiners using adult and child samples is needed using more rigorous comparisons (e.g., psychological placebo or other treatments). Overall, OST continues to be a promising treatment for specific phobias; however, a great deal more investigation is needed to identify mechanisms of change, mediators, and moderators.  相似文献   

Oftentimes, Whites are unaware that they may have slighted Blacks. Although researchers have spent a considerable amount of attention disentangling this form of implicit (unconscious) racial bias from explicit (conscious) racial bias, we are less clear about the conditions that cause implicit racism to matter in American politics. In this article, we offer a theory of how fear and Whites' unconscious racial bias are tightly linked in memory, and triggering this emotion can make these implicit attitudes more salient in public opinion. To test our theory, we focus on Whites’ opinions toward voter ID laws. Our expectation is that inducing fear should cause implicit racism to play an important role in Whites’ evaluation of the policy. Using an adult national experiment over two waves, we induced several emotions to elicit fear, anger, or relaxation. The findings show that the fear condition causes Whites high in implicit racism to be more supportive of voter ID laws than similar individuals in the anger and control conditions. On the other hand, fear does not cause Whites high in explicit racism to be more supportive of voter ID laws.  相似文献   

Both in constructivist theories of development and in educational applications of such theories, self-directed activity is aleged to play a critical role in the developmental process. The purpose of the present study was to subject this popular assertation to empirical examination. Subjects were fourth- and fifth-graders who showed no formal operational reasoning. Subjects assigned to an experimental condition were matched with yoked-control partners of the same sex and grade. An additional group of subjects was assigned to a simple control condition. Experimental and yoked-control subjects were given opportunities to solve problems requiring formal operational reasoning over a three-month period. The procedure for experimental subjects differed from that for yoked-controls only in that experimental subjects selected the particular information-seeking activities they would engage in. Yoked-control subjects carried out the same activities that had been chosen by their experimental partners. Both groups showed significant progress in the construction of new reasoning strategies, but experimental subjects showed greater progress than yoked-controls. The enhanced progress of the experimental subjects, it is suggested, was due to the increased presence of anticipatory schemes regarding the outcomes of their actions. These anticipatory schemes allowed subjects to better “make use of”, in the cognitive sense—in other words, assimilate into a theoretical framework—the data yielded by the experiments, and thus they gained more from their experience.  相似文献   

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