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高兵 《管子学刊》2003,(2):42-45
“足智”、“多匿智”是重要的齐俗内容和齐人的性格思维特征。匿智以足智为前提,是足智的具体表现形式。姜太公开齐人足智、多匿智的一代风尚,《管子》、《孙子兵法》集中反映了齐人足智、多匿智的性格思维特征。产生这一齐俗的原因有三,一是太公作风的影响;二是齐国近千年工商业社会的磨炼和薰染;三是浩瀚无垠、诡谲多变的大海拓展了齐人高度的思维能力和奇特的想象力。  相似文献   

论郭店楚简"情"的内涵   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对郭店楚简《性自命出》等篇中的“情”义内涵的分析,本文认为其中的“情”仍然是“真实”,而不是“情感”之义。“情”在不同语境中虽有多种分析的涵义,但它们之间是统一的,皆根源于性情论之“情”。这为我们重构性情论的真实内容打下了坚实的基础。从“未发”和“已发”而言。“性”与“情”二者在郭店楚简中并不具备相互对应的特性,这与宋儒的性情论并不相同。从先秦到宋明的性情论,朱熹等人利用先秦儒家的相关文献作了创造性的转化;而Chad Hansen和A.C.Graham对中国早期文献中的“情”字义的某些观点,是值得批评的。  相似文献   

“言志”与“缘情”,是中国古代诗学本体论的两大基本观念,多作对立二分。刘勰的《文心雕龙》,从“擘肌分理,唯务折衷”的立论理念出发,通过对主体“情”与“志”在诗发生过程中不同逻辑顺序和质相的体认,作了“情”源、“志”体的置归,并揭示了两者的互为性联系。  相似文献   

"志气如神"与"以神行智"——论《东坡易传》中"神"的观念   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
与传统鬼神观和中古的道教养生术相联系,苏轼坚信“神”的持存性与超越性,认为决定人的生命形态能否为魂为神的标准就在于志气能否战胜精气,“神”能否成为生命的主宰。此种信念塑造了苏轼崇高的志气和品节。在此基础上,苏轼建构了心统神智和“以神行智”的认识论框架,提出以神的直观来驾驭智的认知,使心灵摆脱蒙蔽,澄明自在,无心独运,从而达到与物世界的有效沟通,获得“与天地相似”的生命智慧。东坡易学关于神的论述,对理解和解释苏轼的美学观念与艺术体验有着重要意义。  相似文献   

《论华严三圣的关系》一文,阐明了普贤菩萨与文殊菩萨的“理”和“智”的相契相融,以及普贤、文殊与毗卢舍那佛三圣之间的因果原理,即:佛为“理”和“智”圆融之果。这对于我们明确华严三圣之间的关系以及读《华严经》都有着根本性导向。  相似文献   

试论朱谦之《周易哲学》中的"情"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
方用 《周易研究》2007,(3):77-82
本文以朱谦之《周易哲学》中“情”这一概念为中心,梳理其对《周易》中“情”的本质、特点和方法的考察,阐明“情”的丰富内涵,评析其本于《周易》而建立和倡导的唯情哲学的意义。朱谦之试图以“情”重建儒家的形而上学,并使古老的《周易》不断涌现出现代的意蕴。  相似文献   

本文考证和辨析了《河上公章句》的“五性六情”说。“五性”指“精、神、聪、明、音声”五者,具体指精气、五藏神及人的听、视、言等感官能力。“六情”指构成人身体的“形、骸、骨、肉、血、脉”六种情实,引申指人身的六种情欲。从内容看,《河上公章句》的“五性六情”说与《白虎通·情性》的“五性六情”说不同。在《白虎通》中,“五性”指“仁、义、礼、智、信”,而“六情”指“喜、怒、哀、乐、爱、恶”。《河上公章句》又认为“五性”属阳,是人能够实现“长生久寿”之生命目的的必要条件,“六情”属阴,是人修道养生的消极障碍,并主张“守五性,去六情”。《河上公章句》的性情说在思想上有所创新,它一方面在形式上继承了汉儒“性阳情阴”的说法,另一方面在内容上将“性”与“情”转变到道家的养生说上来。  相似文献   

随着研究的不断深入,对《情采》篇的不同阐释与理解并由此造成的矛盾与问题愈加突出。还原其主要范畴的应有之义、回归刘勰论述的意义原点,成为深化《情采》篇研究的重要任务。我们从文本出发,重新审视范畴之间的联系与区别就可以发现,采非文,文与质是采的两个维度;情非质,情是刘勰情性本体观的体现。刘勰强调的是抒发真性情,以及对文辞进行恰当的修饰,从而形成文章不同的艺术风貌。只有正确理解刘勰所运用的范畴,弄清楚它们之间的真正关系,我们才能正确把握或接近刘勰论述的本义。  相似文献   

“忠恕”是中国文化中的概念,“通情”则多见于西方心理学。“忠恕”实质为“推己及人”,“通情”实际上是“推人及人”。“忠恕”过程是意义认知过程,“通情”则为情感体验过程,在现实生活中同时运用它们才能达到准确、恰当的人际认知和互动。  相似文献   

僧肇的“空”,是“不真空”,即“性空”,具体包括“法空”、“智空”和“智法俱空”三层涵义。僧肇“空”论对我国当前社会转型期的价值冲突在意识层面的消解,具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

乐商(或乐观智力)是指人乐观的能力,它既包括一个人乐观水平的高低,也包括个体从所经历的消极事件中获取积极成分的能力,以及影响或感染他人的能力.“杜乡微笑”是高乐商的一种主要外在表现形式.心理学过去的有关研究证实,高乐商不仅有利于个体的社会性发展、获得稳定的幸福婚姻、提高人的生理健康水平、提高学业成绩和减少坏事情的发生,而且高乐商还有利于促使个体寻求社会支持和社会交往.这些研究结果表明,乐商可能是一个比智商和情商更能决定人未来发展命运的因素.  相似文献   

Protocols from 110 evaluations utilizing the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Third Edition (WISC-III) and the Woodcock/Johnson Tests of Achievement-Revised (W/J-R) were scored by two different raters to determine (a) whether subtests with more difficult levels of scoring yield lower interrater correlation coefficients, (b) whether scoring errors on subtests affect broad score estimates, (c) the effect of expertise of rater on scoring errors, and (d) whether scoring errors affect a learning disability determination based on IQ/achievement discrepancy. Scoring errors were found on almost 25% of Comprehension and Vocabulary subtests; however, the effect of these scoring errors was minimal. About 42% of Writing Samples subtests had scoring errors, resulting in a mean change of 1.75 points on the Broad Written Language Cluster subtest. On the WISC-III, but not the W/J-R, there were significantly more errors made by inexperienced testers. Scoring errors resulted in two cases in which learning disability determination would be changed. Overall, the study corroborates previous findings of strong interrater reliability on most subtests of common IQ and achievement tests and indicates that novice scorers are not likely to make scoring mistakes that will significantly impact an IQ/achievement discrepancy-based documentation of learning disability.  相似文献   

The Flynn Effect (J. Flynn, 1987) refers to the apparent increases in intelligence quotient (IQ) observed over the past few decades. A related phenomenon is that the variance in test scores accounted for by Spearman's g (C. Spearman, 1904) varies according to IQ level. That is, g accounts for less variance in high IQ groups than in low IQ groups. Spearman termed this variant aspect of g the "law of diminishing returns." This study extends prior research on the Flynn Effect and the law of diminishing returns by examining changes in the statistical importance of Spearman's g that may accompany secular increases in IQ. Based on the standardization data from the United States versions of the Wechsler scales (i.e., Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scales of Intelligence, D. Wechsler, 1967; Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, D. Wechsler, 1949; Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, D. Wechsler, 1955), this study indicated that, in most cases, the statistical significance of Spearman's g has indeed declined over the past several years. A. R. Jensen (1998) suggested that the components of the Flynn Effect warrant special investigation. The present study addresses this issue, in part by analyzing the Verbal and Performance subscales of the Wechsler scales. Additionally, this study further confirms the law of diminishing returns as applicable to different ages and time periods.  相似文献   

Factor analysis of trait terms defining Factor V yielded five oblique subcomponents (Creativity, Intellect, Reflectiveness, Conservatism, and Closed Minded), the last of which seems to be an artifact due to social desirability. Factor analysis of Sternberg's laymen's and experts' implicit conceptions of intelligence yielded seven oblique factors. These seven factors (Social Competence, Reading, Planning, Objectivity, Inquiring Intellect, Nonjudgmental, and Problem Solving) describe dimensions of what could be termed Social Intelligence. Hierarchical regression analysis revealed that the Social Intelligence factors were quite predictable from Factor V subcomponents and other Big Five traits. Several Social Intelligence factors were predicted in a large part primarily by other Big Five Traits. Higher order factor analysis followed by regression revealed that a general Social Intelligence factor was predicted primarily by a higher order Factor V. Addition of the other Big Five traits to prediction increased Rmodestly but did not diminish the influence of Factor V. These results suggest that at a low level of the factor hierarchy specific aspects of Social Intelligence are broader than the subcomponents of Factor V and involve other personality traits. However, at the highest level of the factor hierarchy Factor V is the primary predictor of Social Intelligence; while other traits aid in prediction, they do not diminish the relation between the two. The results provide some support for the lexical hypothesis prediction that Factor V trait terms summarize behaviors that shape implicit conceptions of intelligence, which is more social and practical than IQ assessed as g Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

当代医学道德发展的走向理应是健康道德,后医学伦理学时代理应是健康伦理学。建设健康伦理学需要搭成一个基本理论架构。其组成至少应该有“九大理论”,即生命神圣论、生命质量论、生命价值论,医学人本论、医学功利论、医学公正论,医者美德论、医者义务(患者权利)论、医患和谐论。其间,按顺序由每三论构成一个“统一论”,将第一个“统一论”作为立论前提,将第二个“统一论”作为直接依据,将第三个“统一论”作为应用指南,如此,才能由三个“统一论”共同地更好地阐释全部健康伦理学问题。  相似文献   

Collective Intelligence (CI) can be formalized as a specific1 computational process through the use of a molecular model of computations and mathematical logic, in terms of interacting information_molecules, which are chaotically or quasi-chaotically displacing and running natural-based inference processes in their own environment. The formal definition of Collective Intelligence as a property of a social structure of beings of any nature is surprisingly short and abstract (which is astonishing) from definitions of Life. The formal definition of Collective Intelligence proposed by the author in the last few years seems to be valid for the whole spectrum of beings, in human social structures to ants in colonies, and even for bacterial colonies. It has recently been found that the CI definition also has an engineering value. The theory of CI can also be used to better understand Evolution because it allows us to locate and relate Life and Intelligence in Evolution. Moreover, this approach presents Evolution as something more complex than can be concluded from Darwinism. Probably the most surprising fact is that a simple extrapolation of the definition of Collective Intelligence brings us to the conclusion that most probably the first elementary Collective Intelligence emerged on Earth in the "chemical soup of primeval molecules," much before Life emerged. Collective Intelligence can be defined with fewer and weaker conditions than Life requires. Perhaps the emergence of that early elementary Collective Intelligence provided the basic momentum to build Life as we now know it. Thus Evolution caused Intelligence to create Life. Our hypothesis is consistent with biochemistry theories that "primeval biochemical molecules" started to interact, "firing" the Collective Intelligence of their "elementary chemical social structure" for survival. This successful action boosted further growth of complexity in that "elementary social structure," which finally resulted in the emergence of "well-defined Life." Furthermore, it provided a self-propagating cycle of growth of individual and collective Intelligence and individual and collective Life. The Collective Intelligence of ants, wolves, humans, and so forth today is only a higher level of Collective Intelligence development. Thus the present Evolution is a computational process of unidentified complexity where Life, Intelligence, and perhaps other as yet undiscovered components play temporary roles. In this paper we provide formalization and a proposed partial proof for this hypothesis.  相似文献   

The relationships among trait emotional intelligence (EI), personality, IQ and sex were investigated in a sample of 585 employees (478 males, 107 females). Participants completed the Watson–Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal, the Bar‐On Quotient Inventory (EQ‐i) and the Neuroticism–Extraversion–Openness Personality Inventory Revised. Bivariate correlations revealed significant associations between overall EQ‐i and Neuroticism (negative), Agreeableness, Extraversion, Openness and Conscientiousness (all positive). While there were no significant associations between overall EQ‐i and sex or IQ, significant correlations were observed when EI components were considered. Male participants scored significantly higher on Adaptability and females scored significantly higher on the Interpersonal facet. Moreover, IQ correlated with the Interpersonal composite in the male' sample. Results are discussed in the context of trait EI structure and its implications for interpretation of sex and IQ effects.  相似文献   

Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is associated with a moderate degree of underperformance on cognitive tests, including deficient processing speed. However, despite little research focusing on Intelligence Quotient (IQ) in OCD, it has long been speculated that the disorder is associated with elevated intellectual capacity. The present meta-analytic study was, therefore, conducted to quantitatively summarize the literature on IQ in OCD systematically. We identified 98 studies containing IQ data among individuals with OCD and non-psychiatric comparison groups, and computed 108 effect sizes for Verbal IQ (VIQ, n = 55), Performance IQ (PIQ, n = 13), and Full Scale IQ (FSIQ, n = 40). Across studies, small effect sizes were found for FSIQ and VIQ, and a moderate effect size for PIQ, exemplifying reduced IQ in OCD. However, mean IQ scores across OCD samples were in the normative range. Moderator analyses revealed no significant moderating effect across clinical and demographic indices. We conclude that, although lower than controls, OCD is associated with normative FSIQ and VIQ, and relatively lowered PIQ. These results are discussed in light of neuropsychological research in OCD, and particularly the putative impact of reduced processing speed in this population. Recommendations for utilization of IQ tests in OCD, and directions for future studies are offered.  相似文献   

Hopwood CJ  Richard DC 《Assessment》2005,12(4):445-454
Research on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised and Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Third Edition (WAIS-III) suggests that practicing clinical psychologists and graduate students make item-level scoring errors that affect IQ, index, and subtest scores. Studies have been limited in that Full-Scale IQ (FSIQ) and examiner administration, recording, and scoring tasks have not been systematically varied. In this study, graduate student participants score a high (FSIQ = 112) and low (FSIQ = 85) IQ record form in one of two stimulus conditions: digitized film clips (N = 13) or partially completed record forms (N = 11). Results demonstrate that examiners are less accurate in the high IQ condition, and that recording examinee responses from scoring video clips results in more scoring errors. Obtained FSIQs are significantly higher than criterion IQ scores in the high IQ condition (8.46 for video condition, 2.55 for record form condition). Self-reported proficiency in WAIS-III administration and scoring is positively related to number of scoring errors.  相似文献   

The Flynn effect has been widely researched in Western and European nations, while it has been comparatively understudied in Asian countries. This study examines possible Flynn effects in China from 1985 to 86 and to 2011–12. Results are reported for an IQ increase among 12 year olds on the Full Scale IQ WISC-R (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised) of 6.19 IQ points, a gain on the Performance IQ of 6.55 IQ points, and a gain on the Verbal IQ of 1.91 IQ points.  相似文献   

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