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This paper follows the analysis of a survey conducted on a broad sample of French urban residents. The aim of this secondary analysis was to identify the different dimensions of the perceived urban annoyances. The objective of this secondary analysies is to compare the perception of urban nuisances by city size and their geographical location within the metropolitan area: downtown Paris/provincial France, inner Paris/Parisian suburbs. Responses from 986 urban residents highlight (1) an effect related to the size of the urban unit since in provincial France, the six larger cities stand out against the others in terms of the greatest intensity of discomfort perceived by the residents; (2) a “capital” effect, since in Paris, in spite of the gigantic scale of the space and the very strong density of population involving hard environmental nuisances, the residents have a positive perception of their city compared to the residents of the other big French cities; (3) a heterogeneity of the responses from the residents of the Parisian suburbs according to their department. The results are discussed on the one hand in the light of the logic of sociospatial segregation of the urban territories, and on the other hand by suggesting that affective-cognitive processes could be mediators between the objective characteristics of the urban nuisances and their subjective perception by the residents.  相似文献   

Few studies have focused on PhD students in France despite the fact that this population appears to be particularly vulnerable to stress and often faces precariousness. This research investigated associations between socio-demographic factors, health behaviours, perceived stress and physical health in a wide sample of PhD students (n = 1923) in order to have a better understanding of this population's specificities. Our results indicated that stress is a critical issue among PhD candidates. Predictors of perceived stress were: gender, age, satisfaction with supervision, sleep quality and sports practice. Findings from this study confirm the relevance of the transactional model to investigate students’ health issues and suggest that physical activity and stress management should be encouraged through health promotion programs.  相似文献   

IntroductionThis study sought to validate a French version of the Test of self-conscious affect-3 (TOSCA-3) (Tangney et al., 2000), which is a self-reporting measure of self-conscious emotions such as shame and guilt.MethodA sample of 431 undergraduates completed the French TOSCA-3 and other related psychological constructs.ResultsThe TOSCA-3 exhibited satisfactory internal, test-retest, and discriminant validity similar to the original American version. Moreover, the gender difference in shame and guilt was replicated.DiscussionThis dispositional measure of shame and guilt was the first made available in French and offers acceptable psychonometric qualities.  相似文献   

The 4th industrial revolution and the omnipresence of technologies have largely modified the work context and more specifically the learning process. We postulate the emergence of a new psycho-technological environment, which is characterized by more opportunities to learn and more accessible technologies. To our knowledge, no measurement can capture the perception of psycho-technological environment (PTE) and learning behaviors with technologies (LBT). The aim of this study is therefore to compensate for this lack of tools with the development of French-language. Two studies that combine 389 students were conducted. In the first study, based on a sample of 151 students, two scales were developed via an explanatory factorial analysis. In the second study, based on a sample of 238 students, a confirmatory factorial analysis confirmed the psychometric qualities of our scales. This first validation study shows good validity and fiability with the good psychometric qualities of our scales.  相似文献   

It has been strongly suggested that one important function related to frontal lobes is inhibition. However, a review of the literature on classical tests of inhibition (Stroop test, WCST, and AB-AC learning) suggests that this hypothesis is not well established. We further examined this hypothesis using short-term and long-term directed forgetting tasks (Reed, 1970, Zacks et al., 1996), the Stroop test and the Hayling test (Burgess and Shallice, 1996) in 13 patients with focal frontal lesions. The results revealed short-term and long-term memory deficits and a slowing down, but no inhibition deficit compared with control subjects. These results question the relevance of the hypothesis of the frontal lobe as the unique substrate of inhibitory mechanisms. More generally, they address the issue of executive functions: are these sustained by the frontal cortex or by a cortical and subcortical diffuse neural network?  相似文献   

Lewin (1951, p. 75) defined time perspective as the “totality of the individual's view of his psychological future and psychological past existing at a given time”. Indeed, time perspective is considered to guide behaviors and participate in the construction of personal identity. The Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZTPI) was constructed by Zimbardo and Boyd (1999) to measure the five dimensions of time perspective (Past-Negative, Past-Positive, Present-Hedonistic, Present-Fatalistic and Future scales) and contained fifty-six items. The ZTPI was validated in more than twenty countries, as well in France (Apostolidis and Fieulaine, 2004) and a short version (15-25 items) was also studied in numerous cultural settings like in USA, Australia and various European countries. Nevertheless, the short version of the ZTPI has never been validated in French. The aim of this study is to validate a brief French measure of the ZTPI (Zimbardo and Boyd, 1999) in order to apply it to adults of all ages. Based on the long ZTPI (fifty-four items) validated by Apostolidis and Fieulaine (2004), we tested a version containing fifteen items, the ZTPI-15, among 466 adults (18-98 years). The exploratory analysis revealed a factorial structure representing five factors comprising three items for each scale. The model was tested through a confirmatory factorial analysis, showing that the ZTPI-15 fit indices were satisfactory (χ2/dl = 2.58, RMSEA =.066, CFI = .90, AGFI =.90, RMSR = .067). Internal consistency and test-retest reliability was verified. Correlations between mean scores of the five factors showed relationships. Present-Fatalistic was related to Past-Negative (r =.23) and to Future (r = −.20), whereas a correlation between Past-Negative and Future (r = −.22) was demonstrated. Moreover, Future related to Past-Positive (r =.12). Age was associated to all scales of the ZTPI-15 and the strongest correlation was to Present-Hedonistic (r = −.31). The comparison between 253 young adults (M = 22.5 years) and 160 older adults (M = 73.3 years) showed that the older were less oriented to Past-Negative and Present-Hedonistic but more to Past-Positive, Present-Fatalistic and Future. Furthermore, educational level was correlated to Fatalistic-Present (r = −.28). The validity of the ZTPI-15 was also confirmed with the scores of anxiety and depression and with the Self-Esteem Scale: individuals with high score of anxiety were oriented to Past-Negative (r = .34) and those with high score of depression were oriented to past-Negative (r = .27) and Fatalistic-Present (r = .27). Finally, individuals with low self-esteem were strongly oriented to Past-Negative (r = −.45) and Present-Fatalistic (r = −.27), and individuals with high self-esteem to Future (r = .28).  相似文献   

《Médecine & Droit》2022,2022(176):83-87
The law of February 25, 2008 introduced security detention. This is a post-sentence measure intended for offenders who have served their sentence. This may apply to people with personality disorders. Because of these disorders, they are considered too dangerous to be left in society but the importance of the disorders was not sufficient to benefit from the mechanism of criminal irresponsibility. Is the real objective of preventive detention, as indicated in the law, to treat disorders or, more pernicious, to eliminate ex-convicts from society?  相似文献   

IntroductionExacerbated rejection sensitivity is a psychological process strongly present in certain personality disorders. Berenson et al. (2013) developed the Adult Rejection Sensitivity Questionnaire (A-RSQ), which evaluates the anxious expectation of perceived rejection by people close to them.ObjectiveThe purpose of our study was to investigate the psychometric qualities of a French version of the A-RSQ.MethodThis study was conducted with 140 French participants. The participants completed online our French translation of the A-RSQ and the Borderline Symptoms List (BSL-23), the Experiences in Close Relationships-Revised Questionnaire (ECR-R) and the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale Self-reported (LSAS-SR).ResultsThe internal validity of the A-RSQ is acceptable. The A-RSQ is positively and significantly correlated with the three reference scales: BSL-23, LSAS-SR and ECR-R. Factor analysis suggests a three-factor structure.ConclusionThis French version of the A-RSQ presents psychometric qualities comparable to its original version. This tool may be useful to researchers and clinicians interested in relationship problems, particularly in the context of borderline personality disorder where rejection sensitivity is a central process.  相似文献   

Improve the quality of working conditions is a major issue for healthcare workers who have to deal with productivity obligations and multiple procedures. Based on the magnet hospital concept, the ORSOSA study (prospective cohort study of 4000 helthcare workers) helped develop and validate a methodolody that allows to quickly diagnose the levels of psychological and organizational constraints (CPO) from the staff’s point of view / of the staff. The ORSOSA method relies on an organisational psychologist who launches a dynamic during the diagnostic feedback phase. He gets the team to appropriate the strengths and weaknesses and to rank their recommendations. This article presents an overview of the method and it the first stages of its evaluations.  相似文献   

《Psychologie Fran?aise》2021,66(3):289-301
This article focuses on the validation of the French adaptation of the Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction and Frustration Scale (BPNSFS). According to the self-determination theory (SDT), this scale aims to assess satisfaction and frustration of the three basic psychological needs: competence, affiliation and autonomy. The objective of this research was to translate and validate the French version of the BPNSFS general context. The BPNSFS was completed by 1031 French students (Mage = 18.73; SDage = 0.71; 66.89% of women). The psychometric properties were assessed through reliability, validity of construct based on internal structure, validity based on response processes and validity of prediction based on relations to other variables (i.e., self-worth and depression). The results confirmed the good reliability and validity of the scale. Therefore, the French version of the BPNSFS can be used to evaluate the satisfaction and frustration of basic psychological needs.  相似文献   

《Psychologie Fran?aise》2021,66(4):315-331
Studies on attitudes towards refugees in France have only focused on “native” French people. Extending the study beyond the majority group is important, given the multicultural composition of contemporary Western societies. To this end, 144 “native” French and 109 Maghrebi-French were surveyed. We first tested the model whereby the link between national identification and prosocial intentions towards refugees is mediated by the threat perception, with the group of origin as a moderating variable. This model only applies to “native” French. We then took a closer look at the precursors of prosocial intentions among Maghrebi-French (national identity misrecognition , individualistic/collectivistic orientation). Identity misrecognition correlates positively with prosocial intentions. When controlling for other variables, collectivism is the factor that best predicts the expression of these intentions. Overall, our study showed that depending on the group of origin (“natives” vs. Maghrebi-French), we react differently to refugees. However, even if the feeling of identity misrecognition among Maghrebi-French seems to be associated with the expression of prosocial intentions, the extent of its negative consequences should not be overlooked.  相似文献   

Where as the predictive validity of the interview can be improved by structuring it, several authors indicate that its acceptability can be diminished by this structure (Campion, Palmer et Campion, 1997; Gilliland et Steiner, 1999). Two experiments using interview scenarios allowed us to evaluate the justice perceptions of different types of interviews. Overall, our results show that interviews which give the applicant the chance to participate and in which the interviewer is considerate are perceived positively. In contrast, when questions and the evaluation are more structured, interviews are viewed less positively. Results also show that the decision (hire or rejection) plays an important role in justice perceptions.  相似文献   

ObjectiveThe purpose of this study was to build a tool of evaluation of the strategies the children use during a dental care.MethodThirty children (from six to 15 years old), 15 parents and 10 dentists participated in semidirective conversations and in observations.ResultsAn analysis of thematic contents of the conversations and the observations allowed to kick away five categories of strategies and to classify them according to the moment of the meeting.Conclusion and perspectivesQuestionnaires (behaviour, relation, cognition, emotion and somatic) were built. Once validated, these tools should allow to assess the strategies used by the child during a dental care.  相似文献   

IntroductionFatalistic beliefs have a deleterious effect on the adoption of healthy behaviours and well-being of individuals. In health domain, there are tools in the literature to measure those beliefs in several cultures, but none are suitable for an African context, precisely in Cameroon.ObjectiveThis study aimed to validate the French-cultural version of the 20-item health fatalism scale of Shen et al. in a Cameroonian population.MethodIn a sample of 652 participants (331 women and 321 men) aged from 15 to 61 years, this scale was translated, adapted and its psychometric qualities assessed.ResultsExploratory and confirmatory factor analyses showed that in the Cameroonian context, a four-dimensional model with 18 items was more adjusted. The extracted factors were: luck, ineluctability of disease, pessimism and pre-determination.ConclusionThe health fatalism scale French version can be used effectively to evaluate fatalistic beliefs in the African context precisely in Cameroon, in order to adapt community health interventions aimed at eradicating risky behaviours.  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2007,13(4):425-441
The research purpose is to examine the internal consistency, test–retest reliability and factorial validity of the Exercise Dependence Scale-Revised (EDS-R), translate into French language. Three studies, containing 965 persons, are undertaken to accomplish these purpose. Participants have completed the EDS-R. Adequate internal consistency and test–retest reliability for the scale are evidenced in the two first studies. Confirmatory analysis (Lisrel) in study 3 supported a correlated seven-factor model, the model fit are acceptable (TLI = 0,93; CFI = 0,94; RMSEA = 0,062; SRMR = 0,06). These studies provide evidence for the reliability and validity of the EDS-R into French. Language. This instrument can be thus used in the clinical and studies framework on the exercise dependence.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to define the vocabulary used about interactions between people's work and their private lives. Several terms exist and are used as synonyms despite of their slightly different meanings are different: balance, conflict, interaction, enrichment; personal life, family life… Based on an analysis of 45 French articles in psychology, management and human resources, we notice that the terms used are rarely defined. In a thematic analysis of these articles, we suggest a model which defines all words usually used.  相似文献   

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