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Sex differences in time perception   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In an experiment on discrimination of duration of auditory stimuli in the range of milliseconds 16 men and 16 women were tested. Men scored better than women in discrimination of duration as well as in required session time. These results were discussed in terms of the assumption of a neurotransmitter-related internal clock and with respect to sex differences in reaction time.  相似文献   

The present experiment assessed intersensory differences in temporal judgments, that is, auditory stimuli are perceived as longer than physically equivalent visual stimuli. The results confirmed the intersensory difference. Auditorially defined intervals were experienced as longer than visually defined intervals. Auditory boundaries were perceived as longer than visual ones. An interaction of boundary modality and interval modality was obtained which suggested that auditorially defined intervals provided more temporal information about events occurring in close temporal proximity than visually defined intervals. It was hypothesized that cognitive factors, specifically stimulus complexity, would affect the auditory and visual systems differentially. This hypothesis was not substantiated, although highly complex stimuli were experienced as longer than those of low complexity.  相似文献   

This study investigated attitudes about body weight and appearance in a group of young adults. Undergraduate psychology students at the Flinders University of South Australia and at the University of Vermont were asked about their weight and dieting, consciousness about their body, the degree to which their weight had interfered with social activities, their perceptions about the causes of obseity, and their stereotypes about fat and thin men and women. Although 20% of the sample was overweight, 50% of subjects perceived themselves to be overweight to some degree. As expected, weight was a much greater issue for women, who felt more overweight, dieted more, expressed more body consciousness, and reported that weight had interfered more with social activities than did men. Also as expected, Vermont students reported greater frequency of dieting, more concern about weight, and more body consciousness than did students in Australia. Finally, men and women in both cultures stereotyped obese targets significantly more negatively than they did nonobese targets. The results indicate excessive and maladaptive concerns with weight in general, and among women and U.S. students in particular.  相似文献   

The amount of food left on trays after a clinner meal in a university cafeteria was measured for 146 persons. Half of the subjects were overweight and half were normal weight. Overweight women left significantly less food on their trays than did women of normal weight. Among men, the overweight also left less food but the difference did not reach significance. These findings suggest that food left over must be measured in estimating food intake from food choice, that behavior therapy injunctions to leave food on the plate are justified, and that obesity may be, at least in part, a result of learned patterns of behavior.  相似文献   

The consequences of body weight were explored in a sample of 44 women and 40 men who were matched for body size on the basis of judges' ratings and height-weight proportions. Results indicated that the condition of being overweight had a more negative effect on women than on men: Average-weight subjects showed a preference for thin women but not for thin men; the condition of being overweight negatively affected the quantity and quality of women's relationships with men, but had little effect on men's relationships with women; overweight negatively affected the self-attitudes of all subjects, but particularly those of women. Furthermore, average-weight and, particularly, overweight women showed more concern regarding their body size than either average or overweight men. These findings were interpreted in terms of prevailing sex role pressures and expectations.We gratefully acknowledge the help of Alice Carpenter in planning this study and the help of Peggy Nevils during the data-gathering phase of the study.  相似文献   

To interact functionally with our environment, our perception must locate events in time, including discerning whether sensory events are simultaneous. The Temporal Binding Window (TBW; the time window within which two stimuli tend to be integrated into one event) has been shown to relate to individual differences in perception, including schizotypy, but the relationship with subjective estimates of duration is unclear. We compare individual TBWs with individual differences in the filled duration illusion, exploiting differences in perception between empty and filled durations (the latter typically being perceived as longer). Schizotypy has been related to both these measures and is included to explore a potential link between these tasks and enduring perceptual differences. Results suggest that individuals with a narrower TBW make longer estimates for empty durations and demonstrate less variability in both conditions. Exploratory analysis of schizotypy data suggests a relationship with the TBW but is inconclusive regarding time perception.  相似文献   

The present experiment aimed to investigate the differences in time perception and time perspective between subjects representing two developmental stages, namely adolescence and middle adulthood. Twenty Chinese adolescents aged 15–25 and twenty Chinese adults aged 35–55 participated in the study. A time discrimination task and a time reproduction task were implemented to measure the accuracy of their time perception. The Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (Short-Form) was adopted to assess their time orientation. It was found that adolescents performed better than adults in both the time discrimination task and the time reproduction task. Adolescents were able to differentiate different time intervals with greater accuracy and reproduce the target duration more precisely. For the time reproduction task, it was also found that adults tended to overestimate the duration of the target stimuli while adolescents were more likely to underestimate it. As regards time perspective, adults were more future-oriented than adolescents, whereas adolescents were more present-oriented than adults. No significant relationship was found between time perspective and time perception.  相似文献   

Age differences in perception of risk and the likelihood of disregarding warning signs were examined. A total of 358 adults, between 18 and 85 years old, were asked to rate 12 warning labels with respect to (a) how risky it would be to ignore the warning, (b) how likely it was that they would disregard the warning, and (c) how familiar they were with the labels. The older groups indicated higher risk in ignoring the signs than did the younger group. The older subjects were also less willing to disregard the signs than the younger subjects.  相似文献   

Distance disparity is a strong cue to element correspondence in apparent motion. Using a 2-AFC paradigm we have previously shown that shape similarity also plays a role. We now demonstrate a small gender difference in these effects: women are more sensitive to distance disparity, whereas men are more sensitive to differences in shape. Furthermore, in the competing presence of a shape cue, women's sensitivity to distance decreases while men's sensitivity is unaffected. These observations may be related to putative gender differences in the 'form' and 'motion-spatial relations' cortical pathways.  相似文献   

Recent behavioural and neuroscientific research concerning imitation has revealed evidence of experience-dependent imitation in chimpanzees and birds, wide ranging imitation deficits in autism, and unintentional imitation in adult humans. This review examines these findings and also evaluates evidence of neonatal imitation and intentional imitation in infancy, and evidence suggesting that the left inferior frontal gyrus is specialized for imitation. At the theoretical level, the empirical findings support the view that the perceptual-motor translation that is a unique and defining property of imitation depends primarily on direct links between sensory and motor representations established through correlated experience of observing movements and carrying them out.  相似文献   

This study examined how African Americans and Whites view the justice system in the United States. Three hundred and eighteen research participants were recruited from the campus of a local community college. The research participants viewed one of four different videotaped scenarios depicting an interaction between a police officer and a motorist. The scenes were identical except that the race of the motorist and the officer were varied. After viewing the videotaped scenario, the research participants were asked to rate the interaction. The results indicated that African Americans and Whites view the delivery of justice very differently. African Americans judged the police officers to be less impartial and more prejudiced than Whites. It will be useful to further explore these issues to better understand the potential impact of these negative feelings on important justice matters.  相似文献   

Annis NM  Cash TF  Hrabosky JI 《Body image》2004,1(2):155-167
Substantial research has compared obese and nonobese persons on body image and psychosocial adjustment. While differences in body satisfaction are often observed, the literature is less clear on other dimensions. Extant differences are typically thought to result from the social stigmatization and maltreatment experienced by obese persons, especially females. The present study of 165 women compared three cohorts who were currently overweight, never overweight, or formerly overweight. Relative to never-overweight women, currently overweight women reported more body dissatisfaction/distress, overweight preoccupation, and dysfunctional appearance investment, as well as more binge eating, lower social self-esteem, and less satisfaction with life. Consistent with the “phantom fat” phenomenon, formerly overweight women were comparable to currently overweight women but worse than never-overweight women on overweight preoccupation and dysfunctional appearance investment. Correlations confirmed that, among overweight but not formerly overweight women, more frequent stigmatizing experiences during childhood, adolescence, and adulthood were significantly associated with currently poorer body image and psychosocial functioning. Scientific and clinical implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Objective: The current study aimed to examine the effects of approach bias for unhealthy food and trait eating style on consumption of unhealthy food in overweight and normal weight individuals.

Method: Participants were 245 undergraduate women aged 17 – 26 years. They completed an Approach–Avoidance Task, the Dutch Eating Behaviour Questionnaire (to assess restrained, emotional, and external eating), and a taste test to measure consumption of unhealthy food.

Results: An external eating style predicted increased consumption of unhealthy food. Among overweight participants, external and emotional eating style individually moderated the relationship between approach bias for unhealthy food and subsequent consumption. Specifically, approach bias was positively related to consumption in high external and emotional eaters, but negatively related to consumption in low emotional eaters. These interactions were not observed among normal weight participants.

Conclusion: Practically, the results suggest that overweight individuals who are external or emotional eaters may benefit from interventions that aim to modify approach bias towards unhealthy food cues to reduce problematic eating behaviour.  相似文献   

The relationship between stimuli complexity extraversion-introversion and time perception was tested. It was found that extraverts estimated the exposure duration of simple figures to be longer compared to introverts and that this discrepancy vanished in regard to complex figures. The findings were explained in terms of Hogan's (1978) model and on the basis of differential utilization of cognitive mechanisms for time perception by extraverts and introverts.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Here, we focused on a load-on task to clarify the judgment mechanism for weight perception. We measured hand trajectory and surface electromyography to estimate time-varying stiffness and torque patterns in joints. Our results showed that the goal of learning motor skills under load-on tasks is to maintain the hand position, and that humans produce force with cocontraction and increasing stiffness levels according to the weight of an object. Finally, we examined whether stiffness is an effective parameter as an efferent signal for weight perception and found that stiffness plays an important role in weight perception.  相似文献   

The role of attention in children's time perception.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study tested the role of attention in 7- to 9-year-old children's time estimation. Based on an attentional model of time estimation, it was hypothesized that prospective estimates of short intervals are a function of the degree to which a child is occupied with the passage of time and is focusing his or her attention on estimating the exposure time of a stimulus. Two experiments with two different manipulations on attentional focus were conducted. Eighty children were exposed to two types of light bulbs, one a big bulb kindled with high intensity and the other a small one kindled with low intensity. The light bulbs were kindled for different intervals ranging from 3 to 10 s. In both experiments children estimated the lighting time of the bulbs in each condition by a reproduction method. In the first experiment prospective time estimates were found to be significantly longer than retrospective ones. In the second experiment children gave shorter time estimates when their attention was attracted away from the time estimation task than when it was not. In both experiments the attentional hypothesis was supported. In addition, support for the "more is more" hypothesis was obtained. Implications for understanding children's time perception processes are discussed.  相似文献   

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