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The rise of appeals to intuitive theories in many areas of cognitive science must cope with a powerful fact. People understand the workings of the world around them in far less detail than they think. This illusion of knowledge depth has been uncovered in a series of recent studies and is caused by several distinctive properties of explanatory understanding not found in other forms of knowledge. Other experimental work has shown that people do have skeletal frameworks of expectations that constrain richer ad hoc theory construction on the fly. These frameworks are supplemented by an ability to evaluate and rely on the division of cognitive labour in one's culture, an ability shown to be present even in young children.  相似文献   

We have developed a virtual reality (VR) system that integrates a three-dimensional tracking device with a video-capture VR platform to record upper limb movements. The influence of target velocity on planning and execution of reaching movements was studied in five healthy subjects. Our initial results suggest that a target's velocity is considered when planning an interceptive action and that a hand reaching toward a moving virtual target is controlled in a similar way to how it is in the real visual environment.  相似文献   


Ethical realists hold (i) that our ethical concepts, thoughts, and claims are in the business of representing ethical reality, by representing evaluative or normative properties and facts as aspects of reality, and (ii) that such representations are at least sometimes accurate. Non-naturalist realists add the further claim that ethical properties and facts are ultimately non-natural, though they are nonetheless worldly. My aim is threefold: to elucidate the sort of representation involved in ethical evaluation on realist views; to clarify what exactly is represented and how non-naturalism comes into the picture for non-naturalists; and to defend worldly non-naturalism against some objections. The first question addressed is how we should model evaluation on any realist view, which should in turn guide the identification of which properties and facts are credibly regarded as ‘evaluative’ ones. Then the question is: what role might non-natural properties and facts play, and how are they related to what is represented in ethical evaluation? Once that is clear, we will be in a position to answer certain objections to non-naturalist realism from Jackson, Gibbard, Bedke, and Dreier. I argue that the objections all mischaracterize the role played by non-natural properties and facts on plausible versions of non-naturalist realism.  相似文献   

Recently, educators and instructional designers have focused on the development and implementation of virtual learning environments that effectively combine theoretical and applied knowledge to teach university students. One of the trusts of the Psychology Virtual Teaching Laboratory in collaboration with the IXTLI observatory is to develop dissemination programs to promote the insertion of virtual reality (VR) technologies applied to rehabilitation in their clinical practice. This paper describes the development of (1) agoraphobia VR learning objects to be use as a teaching support tools in class and (2) a multimedia teaching program that incorporate digital video and VR scenarios address to students in the field of mental health. Promotion among professors and students about the use of this technology will allow us to initiate research in our country as well as to validate contextualized applications for our culture, therefore contributing with new advances in this field.  相似文献   

A single-case study of retraining both verbal and behavioural orientation in an 84-yr-old patient with senile dementia is described. In contrast to the traditional approach of employing RO sessions in which verbal learning and subsequent free recall is employed, the patient was provided with a watch and a diary containing personalized information and a daily behavioural itinerary. Results suggest that such memory aids can increase orientation and when effective use of these aids becomes the target of a specific behavioural training then purposive behaviour can be engineered.  相似文献   

The authors propose three etiologies responsible for the neardeath experience, which they refer to as an altered state of consciousness: physiologic, pharmacologic, and psychologic. They recommend research to determine what developmental factors influence the emotionality of the experience and how in-depth understanding can be used to provide better patient care.  相似文献   

Although the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Third Edition (WISC-III) is arguably the best instrument currently available for assessing students' intelligence, its use will present practitioners, especially school psychologists, with some unique challenges. Recent research suggests that significant reductions in special education students' WISC-III Verbal, Performance, and Full Scale IQ scores will be found, compared with their previous WISC-R results. This finding will have a profound impact on special education placement decisions. Specifically, students who were previously found eligible for learning disability programs may now no longer evidence the significant discrepancies necessary in order to receive continued services. Conversely, students earlier identified as “slow learners” may now be eligible to receive services for those classified under the category of educably mentally handicapped. In addition, the notion that the WISC-III may underestimate the ability of certain populations of students requires further exploration. This article will address these issues as well as implications for practitioners presently administering the WISC-III.  相似文献   

A magical world view and logic were used in the treatment of a 10-year-old girl who was referred because of suicidal threats due to migrainous pain. The treatment consisted of a one-session intervention with three-week, six-month, and one-year follow-up indicating elimination of migraine. Within a strategic family therapy, a magical ritual was prescribed that derived from the preoperational logic explicated by Piaget and from the healing practices described in anthropological studies. Such a ritual casts the symptom in a different context, alters the meaning of migraine to the family system, and leads to different interactional patterns. Piaget's theory and anthropological data are discussed as sources of a magical world view to help families and children disengage from a symptomatic system of interactions.  相似文献   

During everyday life the brain is continuously integrating multiple perceptual cues in order to allow us to make decisions and to guide our actions. In this study we have used a simulated (virtual reality--VR) visual environment to investigate how cues to speed judgments are integrated. There are two sources that could be used to provide signals for velocity constancy: temporal-frequency or distance cues. However, evidence from most psychophysical studies favours temporal-frequency cues. Here we report that two depth cues that provide a relative object--object distance--disparity and motion parallax--can provide a significant input to velocity-constancy judgments, particularly when combined. This result indicates that the second mechanism can also play a significant role in generating velocity constancy. Furthermore, we show that cognitive factors, such as familiar size, can influence the perception of object speed. The results suggest that both low-level cues to spatiotemporal structure and depth, and high-level cues, such as object familiarity, are integrated by the brain during velocity estimation in real-world viewing.  相似文献   

Hemispatial neglect is a common disorder that can occur after a lesion in the right hemisphere. Its main characterization is the difficulty in processing visual stimuli emanating from the space contralateral to the lesion. Pencil and paper tests (such as target cancellation, line bisection, or drawing copy) are used to diagnose neglect. We propose using virtual reality technology and haptic force feedback to enhance pencil and paper tests. Our system can track the patients' eye-gaze and their hand movements. Also, the efficiency of several techniques used to decrease the neglect in different sensory spaces are investigated.  相似文献   

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