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Developmental instability characterizes the late teens and twenties in today's late-modern society. The present study (a) focused on the link between instability and both general (i.e., self-esteem and depressive symptoms) and work-related outcomes (i.e., work engagement and burnout) and (b) investigated the possible moderating role of identity capital acquisition (as assessed through sense of adulthood and community integration) in a sample of 202 emerging adult employees. Results indicated that instability was negatively related to self-esteem, positively to depressive symptoms, and unrelated to most components of work engagement and burnout. Several of these main effects, however, were moderated by sense of adulthood. Instability substantially impacted on several components of job burnout and work engagement when sense of adulthood was low. When sense of adulthood was high, these detrimental effects were no longer present. Implications and suggestions for future research are outlined.  相似文献   

Positive close relationships with immediate close network members are associated with healthy adjustment among emerging adults (EA). These influence the initiation and maintenance of romantic relationships. A cross‐sectional study (N = 630) explored the role of perceived parental and friend support for the current romantic relationship in relationship quality among early EA (EEA; 18–21 years) and middle EA (MEA; 22–25 years) heterosexuals. Structural equation modeling results showed that in EEA, greater friend support was associated with greater commitment, satisfaction, and investments, and less quality of alternatives. Greater parental support was associated with greater commitment, satisfaction, and investments in MEA. This research advances literature by showing different associations between sources of social support and relationship quality in two EA age groups.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the relative roles of identity structure (i.e., personal identity) and identity contents (i.e., religious identity and moral identity) in predicting emerging adults’ prosocial and antisocial behaviors. The sample included 9,495 college students. A variable-centered analysis (path analysis) used personal identity, religious identity, and moral identity as predictors of prosocial and antisocial behavior and tested interactions of personal identity with religious identity and moral identity. Moral identity was the strongest predictor of both behaviors, and religious identity and moral identity both interacted with personal identity in predicting antisocial behavior. A person-centered analysis (latent profile analysis) found three classes: integrated, moral identity–focused, and religious identity–focused, with integrated being most adaptive on both outcomes.  相似文献   

The present study examined identity formation in Italian emerging adults using an integrative identity model including commitment making, identification with commitment, exploration in depth, exploration in breadth, and ruminative exploration. Participants were 1,130 university students, aged 18–30 years. In line with previous research, results indicated that, by means of cluster analysis, six identity statuses could be derived: achievement, foreclosure, moratorium, diffused diffusion, carefree diffusion, and undifferentiated. Each of these identity statuses exhibited a distinct profile in terms of self-esteem, anxiety, depression, and need satisfaction. Suggestions for future research and limitations are discussed.  相似文献   

ObjectiveResearch suggests positive relationships between aerobic fitness and cognition in older adults; however, limited research has adequately investigated the relationship between objectively measured aerobic fitness and broad cognitive functioning in healthy adolescents and young adults without psychiatric or physical health disorders. Further, studies to date have disproportionately examined males and failed to examine sex differences. Here we examine the relationship between aerobic fitness and neuropsychological functioning in physically healthy youth and whether sex moderates these findings.DesignSixty-four healthy emerging adults (16-25 years-old; 32 female) underwent measurement of objective aerobic fitness (VO2 max) and neuropsychological assessment. Exclusion criteria included: left-handedness, prenatal medical issues or alcohol/illicit drug exposure, Axis-I psychiatric disorders, major medical disorders including metabolic conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, major neurologic disorders, LOS greater than 2 min, intellectual disability or learning disability, regular substance use (e.g., greater than bi-weekly use of cannabis) or positive drug toxicology testing.MethodMultiple regressions examined VO2 max, sex, sex*VO2interaction in relation to neurocognition, controlling for objectively measured body fat percentage.ResultsPrior to including body fat percentage, higher VO2 max related to improved working memory (Letter-Number Sequencing; p = .03) and selective attention (CPT-II hit response time standard error; p = .03). Aerobic fitness significantly interacted with sex, as higher-fit males had better performance on two sustained attention tasks while females did not demonstrate this pattern (CPT-II variability standard error, p = .047; Ruff 2&7 Total Speed, p = .02). Body fat percentage was positively slower cognitive flexibility (D-KEFS color-word switching/inhibition, p = .046).ConclusionsVO2 independently predicted better working memory and selective attention. Increased aerobic fitness level related to increased performance on sustained attention tasks in males but not females. Therefore, aerobic fitness may be positively related to better cognitive functioning in physically healthy adolescents and emerging adults without metabolic conditions. Further research into factors (e.g., intensity or type of activity) that may relate to beneficial outcomes by sex are needed.  相似文献   

Emerging adults build their personal maturity within the family context; however, few studies focus on the role of emotional autonomy during this stage. The aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between emotional autonomy and adjustment during emerging adulthood, bearing in mind the possible moderating role of parental support in this relationship. Data were collected from 1,502 Spanish undergraduate students (903 women) aged between 18 and 29. Participants completed measures of emotional autonomy (EAS, Steinberg & Silverberg, 1986), family social support (MSPSS; Zimet, Dahlem, Zimet & Farley, 1988), psychological well-being (PWBS; Ryff, Lee, Essex & Schmutte, 1995) and psychological distress (DASS-21; Lovibond & Lovibond, 1995). The results indicate that emotional autonomy correlates negatively with family support and psychological well-being and positively with psychological distress. However, only when young people perceive a family context with low social support is gaining emotional distance from their parents associated with an increase in their psychological well-being. Our findings highlight the crucial role that the family environment plays in well-being during young adulthood, and reveal that the effect of emotional distancing from parents on adjustment depends on the quality of the family climate. Future research should seek to gain greater insight into emotional autonomy during emerging adulthood, taking into account cross-cultural diversity.  相似文献   

Measures of physical attractiveness, romantic love, and dominance were given to a sample of 123 dating couples. Contrary to expectation, attractive subjects were not loved more than those judged as less attractive. As suggested by equity theory, however, subjects who believed that their partners were the more attractive member of the dyad loved their partners more (p < .05) and indicated greater submission in their relationships (p < .01) than those who believed that they were the more attractive member. The results suggest that as the dating relationship progresses, the relative difference in attractiveness between partners may become a more important determinant of attraction than overall level of attractiveness.  相似文献   

Two studies investigated the predictive ability of romantic relationship quality in happiness above and beyond the influence of personality (Big Five) among emerging adults. Study 1 (n = 221) showed that global romantic relationship quality accounted for 3% of the variance in happiness while controlling for personality. Study 2 (n = 187) replicated this finding by assessing happiness and relationship quality with different scales. Second study also extended the first study in two ways. First, emotional security and companionship emerged as the strongest features of romantic relationship quality that predicted happiness. Second, identity formation moderated the relationship between relationship quality and happiness such that emerging adults were happier when they experienced high quality relationships at high levels of identity formation. Findings across the two studies were discussed in the light of the literature and suggestions for future research were made.  相似文献   

Adolescents' relationships with parents are considered to be a major learning source and emotional base for developing expectations and styles of behaviour in close relationships. Using a longitudinal sample of late adolescents from nuclear families drawn from the German Family Panel pairfam (N = 720; mean age: 18.6 years), we investigated how adolescents' relationships with both parents influenced their romantic relationship quality one year later. Bagged (Averaged) Binary Recursive Partitioning was used to compare features of adolescents' relationships with mother and father (relatedness, negative conflict, emotional insecurity, and parental dominance) in respect of their importance in predicting similar aspects of romantic relationship quality. Overall, our findings suggest some degree of domain-specific continuities in adolescents' relationships with parents and partner, particularly for negative conflict, as well as more global effects for most features of the parent–adolescent relationship. Emotional insecurity with mother was most broadly linked to all features of adolescents' romantic relationship. Overall, adolescents' relationship with mother was found to be more influential than their relationship with father. The findings are discussed with reference to a behavioural systems perspective and attachment theory.  相似文献   

Associations between the Big Five personality traits of siblings and the quality of sibling relationships were examined in a sample of 115 college students and one of their older siblings. Big Five traits, as assessed by Goldberg's 100 adjective markers, predicted a large amount of the variability in sibling Warmth and Conflict. Agreeableness was the most consistent predictor of positive sibling outcomes.  相似文献   

Little is known about the beliefs that men and women have about the role of sexual desire in romantic relationships, despite the interpersonal and individual significance of those beliefs. Three experiments conducted with students from a university in the midwestern United States examined both the perceived consequences of sexual desire for romantic relationships and beliefs about the association between sexual desire and romantic love. Men and women believed that dating partners who desire each other sexually are more likely to experience romantic love and other “positive” interpersonal events and less likely to experience “negative” events than partners who do not desire each other sexually, regardless of their level of sexual activity (Experiment 1). Similarly, partners who are romantically in love were viewed as more likely to desire each other than were partners who love or who like one another, and desire was perceived as equally likely to occur in loving and liking relationships; that is, sexual desire did not differentiate these two affective syndromes (Experiment 2). In couples with a mismatched sexual desire pattern, the high-desire partner was perceived as more likely than the sexually uninterested partner to be in love, satisfied, committed, happy, and jealous, whereas the low-desire partner was viewed as more likely to terminate the relationship and to be unfaithful (Experiment 3). These results suggest that sexual desire is viewed as an important feature of romantic love, and that its presence or absence in a dating relationship is believed to have implications for the emotional tenor and interpersonal dynamics of that relationship.  相似文献   

Emerging adulthood is a life stage in which the frequency of religious behaviours often wanes while the risk of mental illness, substance abuse, and risky sexual behaviour increases. The current study explores the role that religious behaviours might play in mitigating these risks among college-attending emerging adults. Survey data were collected on religious service attendance, prayer and meditation, substance use, sexual activity, and life satisfaction. Results revealed a significant effect for religious service attendance on substance use and sexual behaviour and for the frequency of prayer/meditation on life satisfaction, marijuana use, and sexual intercourse. Group comparisons revealed that emerging adults who participated in religious activities reported lower rates of substance use, less sexual behaviour, and greater satisfaction with life. Limitations and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   


The present article introduces the special issue on identity in the former Soviet bloc countries. We begin by discussing identity as a developmental task, as well as the social-contextual forces that direct and constrain the ways in which individual people construct their identities. We then articulate some specific challenges inherent in identity development within contexts characterized by social change – primarily the fact that the available identity alternatives, and the ways in which individuals are expected to go about choosing from among these alternatives, are likely changing rapidly. We frame Erikson’s original work as having been grounded in times of rapid social change in the post-World War II United States, and describe the direct relevance of Erikson’s work for the study of more contemporary instances of sociopolitical change. We then introduce and summarize the articles included in the special issue.  相似文献   

People make and break promises frequently in interpersonal relationships. In this article, we investigate the processes leading up to making promises and the processes involved in keeping them. Across 4 studies, we demonstrate that people who had the most positive relationship feelings and who were most motivated to be responsive to the partner's needs made bigger promises than did other people but were not any better at keeping them. Instead, promisers' self-regulation skills, such as trait conscientiousness, predicted the extent to which promises were kept or broken. In a causal test of our hypotheses, participants who were focused on their feelings for their partner promised more, whereas participants who generated a plan of self-regulation followed through more on their promises. Thus, people were making promises for very different reasons (positive relationship feelings, responsiveness motivation) than what made them keep these promises (self-regulation skills). Ironically, then, those who are most motivated to be responsive may be most likely to break their romantic promises, as they are making ambitious commitments they will later be unable to keep.  相似文献   

Miller and Woehr’s Multidimensional Work Ethic Profile (as described in Miller, Woehr, & Hudspeth, 2002) was used to examine differences in work ethic across career stages. Participants in the trial stage scored significantly higher on the hard work and delay of gratification dimensions, but participants in the stabilization and maintenance stages scored higher on the morality, wasted time, and leisure dimensions. No significant differences were found for centrality or self-reliance. The results provide evidence of the importance of studying work ethic across the lifespan and of the multidimensional nature of the work ethic construct.  相似文献   

The present study examined civic engagement—volunteering and political activism—among 129 African American young adults from an urban community. The proposed model considered factors that motivate young adults to participate in civic activities as well as barriers that might inhibit involvement. Drawing upon social cognitive theory, this study highlighted the role of two related, but independent, types of civic attitudes: community and individual outcome expectations (OEs) as Bandura defines them. Results indicated that perceptions of neighborhood conditions are linked to community OEs, whereas previous involvement in political actions is linked to individual OEs. Analyses also revealed that community and individual OEs are differentially associated with young adults' intentions to engage in future civic activities. Study findings contribute to an area of research that has received limited investigation and are discussed in terms of developing strategies to support civic engagement among African American young adults in urban settings.  相似文献   

This study examined 106 romantically involved young adults to determine the frequency of disclosure of romantic problems to both partners and best friends and links to romantic functioning. Results revealed females and males did not differ in frequency of this “relationship work” (RW) with either partners or friends and both engaged in more frequent RW with partners. Simple slopes analyses indicated that discussing romantic problems often with a friend and rarely with a partner was associated with poorer romantic functioning (e.g., less happiness, commitment, love). Conversely, when engaging in frequent RW with partners, regardless of RW performed with friends, relationships flourished. Findings link the social network to romantic functioning and reinforce the importance of discussing romantic problems with one's partner.  相似文献   


Inspired by the discovery of positive age trends in emotional well-being across adulthood, lifespan researchers have uncovered fascinating age differences in cognition–emotion interactions in healthy adult samples, for example in emotion processing, memory, reactivity, perception, and regulation. Taking stock of this body of research, I identify four trends and five remaining gaps in our understanding of emotional functioning in adulthood. In particular, I suggest that the field should pay stronger attention to the prediction of real-world behaviour. Using the sample case of work functioning, I outline gaps in current knowledge, including the lack of data on middle-aged adults, the neglect of relevant cognitive-emotional mechanisms, and the unclear role of life experience. Filling these gaps will enable progress in research on emotional aging in and beyond the work setting and enhance its practical utility for individuals, organisations, and society.  相似文献   

The previous tests of the Triangular Theory of Love have proven problematic, specifically centered on measurement of the three components of Intimacy, Passion, and Commitment. Factor analysis of a new set of measures for 123 women and 110 men indicated support for three distinct factors. Sex differences indicated that women scored significantly higher on Intimacy and Commitment than men. Components were also significantly related to a measure of Relational Satisfaction. Regression analysis indicated that each component predicted significant variance for scores on Satisfaction.  相似文献   

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