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Hypotheses derived from the Harvey, Hunt and Schroder personality organization system were tested in an attitude change situation. Female subjects selected for extremeness of conceptual structure and negative attitude toward women's equality were subjected to a sensory deprivation, a normal control or an overstimulation environment in which a high salience (HS) or a low salience (LS) communication was presented. The main prediction of a three-way interaction among conceptual structure, communication salience and environmental complexity received some support. Concrete individuals who received the HS communication showed significantly more change than those who received the LS communication. The expected reversal of this effect for abstract individuals was not found. The HS communication produced significantly greater change than the LS communication, and this difference was significantly related to environmental complexity. These findings were discussed in terms of McGuire's and Berlyne's respective proposals concerning comprehension-yielding, and arousal reduction.  相似文献   

It was hypothesized that thought would result in greater attitude polarization than distraction and that this effect would be more pronounced with better developed schemas (naive theories) for thinking about the attitude object. In Study 1, it was reasoned that persons have better developed schemas (e.g., implicit personality theories) for thinking about individuals than for thinking about groups. In Study 2, it was reasoned that men have better developed schemas for thinking about football and women have better developed schemas for thinking about women's fashions. In both studies, the hypothesis was significantly confirmed.  相似文献   

《Cognitive development》2002,17(2):1203-1217
The quality of thinking that underlies and supports an attitude is integral to it and deserves greater attention. The present study examines this aspect of attitudes by investigating the effects of different forms of cognitive engagement on the thinking underlying attitudes toward capital punishment. Urban community college students in three interactive conditions engaged in dyadic discussion of the topic with a series of peers over six sessions. The conditions differed as to whether the dyads were composed largely of peers who (a) shared the participant’s pro or con opinion, (b) opposed the participant’s opinion, or (c) were equally divided between both types. In a non-interactive condition, students listened to audiotapes of other students’ dialogues. In an assessment 6 weeks later, participants in the agreement and mixed condition, but not the disagreement or non-interactive condition, showed improvements in quality of thinking about the topic. The results are consistent with the view that more active forms of engaging a topic are conducive to cognitive growth but that there is a limit to the degree of exposure to opposing views that is beneficial.  相似文献   

The relationship between cognitive differentiation and vocational interest crystallization was investigated. Ninety-six career counselees filled in the RAMAK vocational interest inventory. Then, each subject's occupational constructs were elicited by comparing triads of occupations. Finally each subject rated 24 occupations on his/her elicited constructs. Interest crystallization was defined on the basis of the salient scales in the interest inventory, taking into account the structure of interests. Cognitive differentiation was measured by between- and within-constructs differentiation, ordination, intensity, and conflict and by the difference between the perception of an ideal and a rejected occupation. The relationships between the various measures of cognitive differentiation were generally low, suggesting that they capture different aspects of cognitive complexity. The results indicate that interest crystallization is related to the between-construct differentiation, but not to the other measures of cognitive complexity. The implications for research and counseling are discussed.  相似文献   

What influences perceptions of political polarization? The authors examine the polarization of people's own political attitudes as a source of perceived polarization: Individuals with more extreme partisan attitudes perceive greater polarization than individuals with less extreme partisan attitudes. This "polarization projection" was demonstrated in 3 studies in which people estimated the distribution of others' political attitudes: one study with a nationally representative sample concerning the 2008 presidential election, and 2 studies concerning university students evaluating a policy regarding scarce resource allocation. These studies demonstrate that polarization projection occurs simultaneously with and independently of simple projection, the tendency to assume that others share one's partisan political attitudes. Polarization projection may occur partly because people assume that others engage in similar attitudinal processes as the self, such as extensive thought and emotional arousal. The projection of various attitudinal processes was demonstrated in a study concerning health care reform policies. Further supporting this explanation, polarization projection increased when people introspected about their own attitudinal processes, which increased the accessibility of those processes. Implications for perceptions of partisanship, social judgment, and civic behavior are discussed.  相似文献   

Two experiments were carried out investigating the effect of categorization on attitude change. It was predicted that the division of a number of individuals into two subgroups (categorization), in such a way that initial attitudes correlate with subgroup membership, would lead to accentuation of attitudinal differences between subgroups. It was further predicted that an identical distribution of initial attitudes without superimposed categorization would lead to convergence of attitude positions. In experiment 1, the effect of a male-female classification on attitude change was studied. It was indeed found that subjects changed their attitudes in the direction opposite to the position of the outgroup (intergroup attitude differentiation), but only for groups who were initially more extreme than the comparison group. In the control condition (no categorization), conformity effects were observed. In experiment 2, an antagonistic intergroup setting was induced. In this situation, strong intergroup attitude differentiation effects were observed, which were not affected by the magnitude of the initial intergroup discrepancy. In the control condition, subjects did not show conformity to the overall group mean, but maintained their initial noncentral attitude position.  相似文献   

Aging and attitude change.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Social psychologists have proposed a variety of different models to account for people's relative openness to attitude change through the life cycle. Two of the most important models are the impressionable years model, which suggests an especially great openness to change among the young, and the lifelong openness model, which suggests that age is unrelated to openness to attitude change. Two studies were conducted to examine the openness of people of varying ages to attitude change. In both studies, the influence of personal experiences with government agencies on attitudes toward government was examined. The attitudes of older people changed as much or more in response to their personal experiences as did those of younger people. These results support the lifelong openness model of attitude change.  相似文献   

The study investigated the role of cognitive complexity as a moderator of the similarity-attraction relationship described by Byrne (1971). Subjects conducted face-to-face interviews with confederates who played roles as job applicants. Similarity-dissimilarity was manipulated by the confederate roles, as well as by the information given the subjects in accordance with the procedures described by Byrne (1971). The situation was viewed as one in which judgments were made about a complex, multidimensional stimulus. Information received about another person in an interview setting was viewed as consisting of different dimensions to be assessed by the perceiver. The hypothesis was tested and confirmed that cognitively complex judges were more likely than simple judges to perceive and evaluate similarity/dissimilarity in others. Thus, complex judges evaluated similar applicants more positively than dissimilar applicants, while no differences were found for simple judges. Cognitive complexity thus appears to moderate the “Law of Attraction” described by Byrne (1971).  相似文献   

To ascertain the amount of association between cognitive complexity and cerebral sensory interaction, visual, auditory and bimodal event-related potentials were recorded from 50 right-handed Caucasian males. Sensory interaction indices were derived for these Ss who had taken the Role Construct Repertory Test of cognitive complexity. Product-moment correlations were computed between sensory interaction indices for eight cerebral and cognitive complexity test scores. Sensory interaction for one left and all right hemisphere regions was significantly related to cognitive complexity. As sensory suppression lessened, cognitive complexity decreased. The results substantiated the theory that the visual-imaginal and the auditory-verbal representational systems are implicated in cognitive complexity. The extent to which the cortex can inhibit or attenuate the interaction between these dual symbol systems is associated with intricate cognitive processing.  相似文献   

The effects of debates on influencing potential voters' attitudes were assessed in a group of 45 undergraduates who watched the third presidential debate of election year 2000 between candidates Bush and Gore. A repeated measures t test indicated a significant change in immediate ratings of attitude from pretest to posttest, with Gore being rated higher at posttest.  相似文献   

Two studies examined how personality motives influence the perception of traumatic events in memory and how such perception may be linked to psychological distress. Participants completed implicit and explicit measures of agentic and communal motives. In Study 1, participants living in New York City at the time of the terrorist attacks wrote their thoughts and feelings about the events of September 11th. In Study 2, participants wrote about a personally traumatic experience. In both studies, they also completed questionnaires on psychological symptoms and stress-related growth. The memories were then scored for differentiation and integration. Agentic motives correlated with differentiated perceptions and differentiation was linked to dissociative symptoms in Study 2. Communal motives related to integrated perceptions, and integration related to stress-related growth in both studies. Findings suggest that motives play a significant role in the perception of traumatic and difficult experiences and that these perceptions may be differentially linked to psychological impact.  相似文献   

The current work explored the properties of groups that lead them to be persuasive and the processes through which such persuasion occurs. Because more entitative groups induce greater levels of information processing, their arguments should receive greater elaboration, leading to persuasion when members of groups present strong (vs. weak) counter attitudinal arguments. Experiment 1 explored these hypotheses by examining if idiosyncratic perceptions of group entitativity and manipulations of argument strength affect attitude change and argument elaboration. Experiment 2 experimentally manipulated group entitativity and argument strength independently to examine the causal relationship between entitativity, attitude change, and argument elaboration. In both experiments, it was found that groups greater in entitativity were more persuasive when presenting strong (vs. weak) arguments and induced greater argument elaboration. Implications for our understanding of entitativity, persuasion, and information processing about social groups are discussed.  相似文献   

In a 2 × 2 × 2 design, eighty smokers were exposed to an anti-smoking appeal attributed either to an expert source (superior status) or a minority source (inferior status). Subjects were either allowed or not to smoke during the experiment. In addition subjects had to memorize part of the appeal and a recall task either followed after reading the appeal (completed task) or not (uncompleted task). The results show that the expert source produces more attitude change than the minority when the tension induced by the source is weakened (either by the opportunity to smoke or task completion). In contrast the minority has more impact when subjects are not able to smoke or when the task is not completed, which is to say when the conflict has been internalized. An explanation of these effects is offered in terms of the more defensive forms of resistance involved with respect to sources of superior status compared to more assertive forms with respect to minorities.  相似文献   

Aging and susceptibility to attitude change   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Two hypotheses about the relation between age and susceptibility to attitude change were tested. The impressionable years hypothesis proposes that individuals are highly susceptible to attitude change during late adolescence and early adulthood and that susceptibility drops precipitously immediately thereafter and remains low throughout the rest of the life cycle. The increasing persistence hypothesis proposes that people become gradually more resistant to change throughout their lives. Structural equation models were applied to data from the 1956-1960, 1972-1976, and 1980 National Election Panel Studies in order to estimate the stability of political attitudes and unreliability in measures of them. The results support the impressionable years hypothesis and disconfirm the increasing persistence hypothesis. A decrease in the over-time consistency of attitude reports among 66- to 83-year-olds was found to be due to increased random measurement error in their reports, not to increased attitude change.  相似文献   

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