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社交焦虑障碍:自我认知偏倚与疾病的发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
社交焦虑障碍患者具有特征性的自我认知模式。消极自我评价、以自我为焦点的注意是使疾病持久难以自愈的重要因素,妨碍了人格的健康发展。探索社交焦虑障碍患者的自我认知特点、寻找规律创建符合本土文化背景的认知模型,将有利于深入了解疾病形成与发展的易患性因素和病理心理学机制。  相似文献   

研究探讨自我损耗后女性对高热量食物的偏好,更重要是,还将检验自我抽离能否有效帮助女性降低高热量食物的选择偏好。实验1研究发现,高损耗组女性对高热量食物的反应时要短于低热量食物,而低损耗组在这两个水平上不存显著差异;实验2进一步研究发现,自我损耗后,控制组女性对高热量食物的产品支付意愿要高于低热量食物,但经过自我抽离的女性对高热量食物的产品支付意愿则低于低热量食物。因此,自我损耗后女性对高热量食物的偏好会增强,但自我抽离则能有效降低女性对高热量食物的选择偏好。  相似文献   

赵鑫  张鹏  陈玲 《心理科学进展》2014,22(8):1246-1257
社交焦虑障碍是最普遍且难于治疗的精神障碍之一。大量研究发现, 注意偏向训练可以有效缓解社交焦虑。研究者从自我报告、结构化评估、生理记录等方面考察发现, 接受了注意偏向训练的社交焦虑个体其注意偏向、生理唤醒和脑神经活动发生变化并且社交焦虑症状有所缓解。注意偏向训练对社交焦虑的干预机制可能是因为训练提升了个体对威胁性刺激的注意解除能力。今后的研究可以进一步明确注意偏向训练干预社交焦虑的效果与机制, 拓宽评估注意偏向训练效果的手段, 并探索其对社交焦虑干预的长期效果和对其它心理疾病的作用。  相似文献   

尽管被动性社交网站使用已经被证实为增强社交焦虑的重要风险因子,然而对其中介和调节机制依然知之甚少。当前研究旨在探索被动性社交网站使用、反刍思维、社交焦虑和自我建构的关系。614名大学生自愿参与了当前研究,并完成了一份包含被动性社交网站使用、反刍思维、社交焦虑和自我建构问卷的测验。结果表明被动性社交网站使用正向预测社交焦虑,而反刍思维完全中介了两者间的联系。调节分析表明自我建构调节了被动性社交网站使用对反刍思维的影响。条件间接效应分析进一步表明反刍思维的完全中介作用仅存在于依存型个体中。当前研究有助于加深对被动性社交网站使用如何影响个体社交焦虑的理解。  相似文献   

李昳  陆桂芝  李勇 《心理科学》2018,(5):1261-1267
为明确自我关注对社交焦虑的影响机制,建构了一个有调节的中介模型,考察负面评价恐惧、关系型自我构念的作用以及性别差异。选取446名大学生进行问卷调查。结果表明:(1)自我关注部分通过负面评价恐惧的中介作用间接预测社交焦虑;(2)关系型自我构念调节中介模型的前半路径:在高关系型自我构念下,自我关注可以显著预测负面评价恐惧;在低关系型自我构念下,该预测作用不显著;(3)有调节的中介模型存在性别差异:在女生群体中,负面评价恐惧的中介效应大于男生群体,且关系型自我构念的调节作用显著;而在男生群体中,该调节效应不显著。  相似文献   

选取68名初一学生并以班级为单位分为四周正念减压(mindfulness-based stress reduction,MBSR)训练组和对照组,探讨四周MBSR对初中生焦虑和正念水平的影响,以及训练效果是否存在基线效应与性别差异。结果发现:(1)四周MBSR可以提高初中生的正念水平,缓解其焦虑情况;(2)“不判断”和“特质焦虑”基线水平影响正念训练的效果;(3)四周MBSR对初中生的训练效果不存在性别差异。  相似文献   

一系列研究结果被认为反映了积极情绪促进投入注意至积极刺激的偏向。然而,由于所使用的范式不能分离对积极刺激的注意投入偏向和抽离偏向,这些研究结果也可能反映了积极情绪促进从积极刺激抽离注意更少的偏向。本研究采用音乐聆听和事件回忆唤起被试的积极或中性情绪,随后要求被试完成点探测范式的变式任务,通过中性-中性条件与一致条件的反应时之差测量投入偏向,以及不一致条件与中性-中性条件的反应时之差测量抽离偏向,探讨积极情绪究竟促进投入偏向,还是促进抽离偏向。结果表明:(1)相比中性组,积极情绪组并没有表现出更大的中性-中性条件和一致条件的反应时之差。这说明,积极情绪没有促进投入注意至积极刺激的偏向;(2)相比中性情绪组,积极情绪组的不一致条件与中性-中性条件的反应时之差更大。这说明,积极情绪促进从积极刺激抽离注意更少的偏向。由此,积极情绪并不促进投入注意至积极刺激的偏向,而是促进对积极刺激的抽离偏向。  相似文献   

大学生社交焦虑成因的研究   总被引:46,自引:0,他引:46  
探讨大学生社交焦虑的形成原因 ,为临床治疗提供理论基础。方法 :采用社交焦虑量表(IAS) ,个人评价问卷 (PEI) ,自编社交技能和他信问卷对 194名大学生被试进行测试。用SPSS7.0作回归、相关等统计分析。结果 :以自我评价、他信、社交技能为自变量 ,社交焦虑为因变量进行逐步回归分析 ,进入方程的变量为自我评价和社交技能。贡献量分别为 0 .32 7和 0 .0 4 0。以自我评价的 5个子维度 (学业、外貌、爱情、社会交往、与人们谈话 )、社交技能为自变量 ,社交焦虑为因变量进行逐步回归 ,进入回归方程的变量为“与人们交谈”因子、“社会交往”因子和社交技能 ,贡献量分别为 0 .2 96 ,0 .0 71和 0 .0 30。结论 :自我评价和社交技能是造成社交焦虑的重要原因 ,自我评价中的“与人们交谈”和“社会交往”方面是成因中的重要一环  相似文献   

注意偏向是社交焦虑障碍(Social Anxiety Disorder, SAD)个体症状维持的重要因素, 其中注意警觉、注意回避、注意脱离困难三种注意模式得到了研究者最广泛的研究与讨论。随着研究深入, 有研究者提出SAD个体的注意模式不是单一、静态模式, 更有可能在不同注意模式间切换, 表现为动态的过程。目前, 依据相关研究结果和理论假设, 证据均指向SAD个体的注意偏向具有随着焦虑水平提高和注意控制能力受损而动态变化的倾向, 从注意警觉过渡到注意回避与注意脱离困难均如此。此观点还需研究进一步证实, 并且基于研究结果提出更具有针对性的干预方式。  相似文献   

为探讨正念对网络欺负的影响及其作用机制,本研究基于有限自制力理论和个体-环境交互作用模型构建了一个有调节的中介模型,重点考察自我控制的中介作用及网络社交拒斥的调节作用。以629名高中生为被试,采用儿童青少年正念量表、自我控制量表、网络社交拒斥量表和网络欺负量表进行调查,结果发现:(1)正念和自我控制呈显著正相关,与网络欺负呈显著负相关;自我控制与网络欺负呈显著负相关;(2)正念不仅能够直接负向预测网络欺负,还能够通过自我控制的中介作用对网络欺负产生影响;(3)“正念→自我控制→网络欺负”这一中介效应的前半段会受到网络社交拒斥的调节,与网络社交拒斥程度较高的个体相比,正念对自我控制的影响在网络社交拒斥程度较低的个体中作用更强。研究结果表明正念会通过增强自我控制来减少网络欺负的发生,但是网络社交拒斥会削弱正念对自我控制的促进作用,进而影响网络欺负。  相似文献   

Postevent processing (PEP), the engagement in detailed and repetitive self-focused review of one’s performance in social situations, is theorized to maintain pathological social anxiety. However, little is known about interventions that may impact this maintenance factor. The current study examined the impact of brief mindfulness training (BMT) on PEP among socially anxious individuals. There were 77 participants (75.32% female, 63.64% non-Hispanic/Latinx White) with clinically elevated social anxiety who attended one appointment in the laboratory during which they were randomized to receive a brief mindfulness-based training (n = 37) or no training (i.e., thinking as usual control group; n = 40). After the training period, participants underwent a 3-minute social anxiety induction task, after which they were instructed to apply their thinking strategy. Participants were then asked to complete 2 weeks of daily online surveys that included a PEP induction task, instructions to use their thinking strategy following PEP induction, and a measure of state PEP. Individuals in the BMT condition reported a significant reduction in state anxiety posttraining compared to individuals in the control condition. Conditions did not differ on state PEP after the social anxiety induction task. However, compared to those in the control condition, participants in the BMT condition reported significantly greater decreases in state PEP over the 14-day follow-up period. Thus, this brief mindfulness-based strategy may be useful for individuals with clinically elevated social anxiety who engage in PEP, a cognitive vulnerability factor implicated in the maintenance of social anxiety.  相似文献   

从信任修复的时间阶段模型来看,以往研究主要探讨了信任违背发生后的修复策略及效果,而鲜有研究从违背前的视角对此展开探索。为检验社会善念能否作为信任修复的‘事前’策略及其修复效果的边界条件,本研究采用Somi范式操纵违背方的社会善念,通过让信任方完成信任博弈游戏来考察其感知到的社会善念对信任修复的效果及社会距离与时间距离在其中发挥的调节作用。实验1结果表明,感知社会善念有助于促进受损信任的修复,感知高(vs.低)社会善念的被试修复效果更好;实验2发现社会距离调节了感知社会善念对信任修复的影响,面对社会距离远(vs.近)者的信任违背,感知到高社会善念的被试有更好的修复效果;实验3不仅再次验证了前两个实验的发现,还进一步发现时间距离调节了社会距离与感知社会善念对信任修复的影响,即当社会距离远的违背方回应时间距离短时,感知高社会善念的被试修复效果更好,当社会距离近的违背方回应时间距离长时,感知高社会善念的被试修复效果更好。由此可见,违背发生前信任方感知到违背方的社会善念能在一定程度上修复受损信任,但其效果受到社会距离与时间距离的制约。这些发现对未来探讨信任修复的事前策略及社会善念理论的应用均有一定启示意义。  相似文献   

两个实验考察催产素对社会善念的作用以及面孔吸引力对二者关系的影响。实验1采用双盲实验,使用安慰剂作对照,发现催产素可以促进社会善念,不受面孔性别的影响。实验2依然采用双盲实验,进一步考察面孔吸引力与面孔性别对催产素与社会善念关系的作用,发现催产素对社会善念的作用不受面孔吸引力的影响;女性面孔(与男性面孔相比)吸引力对男性的社会善念影响更大。研究表明,催产素可以稳定地提高社会善念水平。  相似文献   

Mindfulness has been associated with anxiety and depression, but the ways in which specific facets of mindfulness relate to symptoms of anxiety and depression remains unclear. The purpose of the current study was to investigate associations between specific facets of mindfulness (e.g., observing, describing, nonjudging, acting with awareness, and nonreactivity) and dimensions of anxiety and depression symptoms (e.g., anxious arousal, general distress-anxiety, general distress-depression, and anhedonic depression) while controlling for shared variance among variables. Participants were 187 treatment-seeking adults. Mindfulness was measured using the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire and symptoms of depression and anxiety were measured using the Mood and Anxiety Symptom Questionnaire. Bivariate correlations showed that all facets of mindfulness were significantly related to all dimensions of anxiety and depression, with two exceptions: describing was unrelated to general distress-anxiety, and observing was unrelated to all symptom clusters. Path analysis was used to simultaneously examine associations between mindfulness facets and depression and anxiety symptoms. Significant and marginally significant pathways were retained to construct a more parsimonious model and model fit indices were examined. The parsimonious model indicated that nonreactivity was significantly inversely associated with general distress anxiety symptoms. Describing was significantly inversely associated with anxious arousal, while observing was significantly positively associated with it. Nonjudging and nonreactivity were significantly inversely related to general distress-depression and anhedonic depression symptomatology. Acting with awareness was not significantly associated with any dimensions of anxiety or depression. Findings support associations between specific facets of mindfulness and dimensions of anxiety and depression and highlight the potential utility of targeting these specific aspects of mindfulness in interventions for anxiety and mood disorders.  相似文献   

According to cognitive models, negative post-event processing rumination is a key maintaining factor in social anxiety disorder (SAD). Analogue research has supported the differentiation of self-focus into different modes of self-focused attention with distinct effects on rumination in depression and social anxiety. The purpose of this study was to replicate these effects with a sample of clients with SAD (N = 12) using (a) an experimental, cross-over design and (b) an evaluation situation (impromptu speech) prior to manipulation. Processing an identical list of symptoms, half of a sample was asked to successively adopt an analytic (abstract, evaluative) and an experiential (concrete, process-focused) self-focus; the other half employed the modes in the reversed order. Effects were assessed with a thought-listing (TL) procedure. As predicted, the two modes of self-focused attention affected cognitions differently; participants in the experiential condition showed a tendency for a decreased proportion of negative thoughts, whereas those in the analytical condition reported a decreased proportion of neutral thoughts. No difference was shown on positive cognitions. Furthermore, the participants' self-evaluation following the speech predicted their degree of subsequent negative thinking. After self-focus inductions, however, this effect was only seen in those participants who started by receiving the analytical self-focus induction. The results support previous findings that the analytical and the experiential self-focus modes affect cognitions differently, and that experiential processing may have beneficial effects on rumination in SAD. However, results need to be replicated in a larger sample.  相似文献   

焦虑是在人类日常生活中常见的一种负性情绪。探讨焦虑情绪在个人生活和工作中扮演的角色, 是生理学界和心理学界的一项重要课题。过往研究显示焦虑水平的提高会对社会能力和社交技巧造成显著的影响。在社会决策领域中, 这种影响的具体表现是高焦虑者比低焦虑者更倾向于采取回避风险的策略。但是, 过往研究主要关心包含经济因素的社会决策, 而对其他类型的社会行为的探索存在不足。以下问题值得未来研究者们关注:在个体层面上, 高焦虑者是否会更容易受到外界信息的影响, 表现出更强的从众行为和权威依从倾向, 与他人进行社会比较或社会竞争的动机是否会被削弱?在群体层面上, 高焦虑者是否更容易表现出人际信任, 以及是否会表现出更强的服从集体倾向?考察这些问题将会为针对焦虑情绪的认知研究和临床研究起到促进作用。  相似文献   

宋颖  张守臣 《心理科学》2016,39(1):172-177
本研究旨在探索领悟社会支持对社交焦虑的影响,深入探讨社会阻抑和反刍思维对该影响的作用。方法:采用问卷法,以471名职员为被试进行调查,数据结果分析采用Bootstrap分析方法。结果显示:(1)反刍思维在领悟社会支持和社交焦虑之间起中介作用。领悟社会支持通过降低反刍思维的水平,减轻社交焦虑。(2)社会阻抑调节领悟社会支持→反刍思维→社交焦虑中介模型的前半路径,社会阻抑改变了领悟社会支持对反刍思维作用的大小。  相似文献   

Most research on the link between social anxiety and alcohol consumption has examined problematic outcomes without consideration of potential adaptive functions. Alcohol is an anxiolytic that has the short-term benefit of reducing anxiety; consumption may act as a social lubricant that facilitates higher quality social interactions. Using experience-sampling methodology, we examined how consuming alcohol attenuates the adverse effects of social anxiety in naturally occurring social interactions. Participants (N = 160) completed demographic and trait measures, then completed daily assessments for 14 consecutive days. Results from multilevel model analyses revealed that during face-to-face social interactions, state social anxiety was inversely related to 10 indicators of healthy social interactions (e.g., enjoyment, laughter, feelings of acceptance). Alcohol consumption moderated seven of these associations, such that when participants consumed alcohol in social situations, state social anxiety was no longer associated with social interaction quality. The quantity of alcoholic drinks consumed moderated two of these associations. Furthermore, we found evidence for directionality, such that social anxiety in a given social interaction predicted alcohol consumption in a subsequent social interaction, but not the reverse (i.e., alcohol consumption did not prospectively predict state social anxiety). In social situations that involved alcohol, experiences of social anxiety no longer thwarted one’s ability to derive social benefits. These results should be interpreted in the context of a participant sample with relatively low levels of trait social anxiety and frequency of alcohol use. Nonetheless, obtaining social rewards may be a reinforcement mechanism that maintains the link between social anxiety and alcohol consumption.  相似文献   

Self-focused attention has been found to facilitate task performance in some instances and inhibit it in others. Among chronically anxious individuals it appears to consistently hinder performance. Less is known about the impact of self-focus on the performance of normal individuals. The present study examines the role of task difficulty, task self-relevance, and presence of evaluation anxiety in the performance effects of self-focus among normal individuals. Participants performed a simple reaction time (RT) and a lexical decision task, in Experiments 1 and 2, respectively, with or without self-focus. Self-focus and evaluation anxiety resulted in faster responding in simple RT, but there was no significant effect of self-focus on performance in the more difficult lexical decision task. Participants' heart rate (HR) was monitored and indicated that orienting was associated with slower RT in both experiments, and less orienting was found during self-focus and evaluation conditions. Results are interpreted in light of several self-focus theories.  相似文献   

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